Thurs-Friday, May 2-3, 2013 Vol 3055 - The Outskirts of Hope
![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession beat you. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com Quotes "I must thank the GOP for deciding it was their job to destroy Marco Rubio & Chris Christie while leaving their unelectable candidates to me." -- LOLGOP, in a Tweet. Dude, say "us" not "me." We all want to help destroy the party of rich and greedy racists. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Return of the Debtors Prison You thought it couldn't happen in America? Link In the 1990s, Jack Dawley's drug and alcohol addictions led to convictions for domestic violence and driving under the influence, resulting in nearly $1,500 in fines and costs in Norwalk City Court. Jack was also behind on his child support, which led to an out-of-state jail sentence. After serving three years in Wisconsin, Dawley, now sober for 14 years, is still trying to catch up with the fines he owes, and it has continued to wreak havoc on his life. Tricia Metcalf is a mother with sole custody of two teenagers. In 2006, Metcalf "was convicted of passing multiple bad checks. The fines mounted into the thousands. Unable to pay the total amount owed, Tricia entered into a payment plan of $50 per month. Although she's worked temporary jobs, a long-term job has been hard to find. "Whenever Tricia missed a payment, a warrant was issued and she was taken to jail. The stories of Jack Dawley and Tricia Metcalf are only two of several compelling accounts in the ACLU's new report, The Outskirts of Hope: How Ohio's Debtors' Prisons Are Ruining Lives. The jailing of people unable to pay fines and court costs is no longer a relic of the 19th century American judicial system. Debtors' prisons are alive and well in one-third of the states in this country. Federal imprisonment for unpaid debt has been illegal in the U.S. since 1833. It's a practice people associate more with the age of Dickens than modern-day America. But as more Americans struggle to pay their bills in the wake of the recession, collection agencies are using harsher methods to get their money, ushering in the return of debtor's prisons. That is a very ugly America that I don't like living in. Maybe HALF of America is living paycheck-to-paycheck so if anything goes wrong, you could lose what little you have and be breaking the law because you have no money Send e-mail to Bart ![]() "I'm sorry, Senator Vitter, I didn't realize you were meeting with a lobbyist." Shop
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usual. ![]() Someone bought a TransDeco Glass Rack Multimedia Storage for $169 so Amazon donated $6.70 to the Treehouse! Damn, Dax would love climbing that. BTW, Dax, as you know, is a pteradactyle kitty. He's learned to use that extra claw like a thumb so now he goes around opening kitchen cabinets just because he can. ![]() Thanks for using this link Buy
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![]() Boston Bombing Conspiracies by Stephen Pizzo Link The other day I was asked to come out of retirement by an old friend who is still at, what I now call, "Grassy Knolling." This time it's the Boston bombing which, according to him, "smells to high heaven." "Did you know," he asked me, "that the uncle who called the two bombers "losers" used to work for... (wait for it....) ... Halliburton? " Gasp. So it follows, I guess, that the Cheney-gang was behind the Boston bombing. Never mind that Halliburton employs something a bit over 60,000 folks, 59,895 surely never even met Cheney. So, there you have it; Halliburton, the Boston bombing's Grassy Knoll. I politely declined the offer. (Which probably means I was "in on it.") This conspiracy business is neither leftwing nor rightwing in nature. Both sides jerk off to their own versions catastrophe-porn. And, the more they do it, the more it causes them to go blind. Yet they did arrest three Russian "accomplices" who buried important evidence after the fact. I believe those friends are going to do some hard time - 5-8 years, perhaps. What Boston jury is going to say, "Kid, these days..." and let them go? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Amazon Links Bart, the links do work, but Amazon won't let you earn from your own site. I tried that one Christmas - I bought about 75% of my presents through Amazon links on my own site, hoping to get a little money back, but I got nothing. I had the same reaction you did - "no wonder I'm not making any money off these links!" When I dug deeper, I found the clause that states you can't earn from links on your own site. Which is stupid. A link is a link and a sale is a sale - why do they care who is paying for it? Now when I buy from Amazon, I always buy through bartcop.com. Jeff http://jeffcrook.blogspot.com Jeff, thanks for that. I had no idea about that "no use" rule, which doesn't seem to make sense but I'll obey the rules because they're writing the checks. I wonder why - once their software "catches" you doing ordering from your own site, why not send the webmaster an e-mail that says, "That transaction is not allowed?" Send e-mail to Bart ![]() One Nation, Born on Cannibalism Jamestown did what they did to survive Link Experts have provided the grisly goods to back up 17th-century accounts of cannibalism during the Jamestown colony's "starving time." Written accounts described acts of cannibalism during the winter of 1609-1610, when sickness, starvation and attacks from native tribes in the area put the two-year-old Virginia settlement to its sternest test. Scores of the colonists who crowded inside James Fort died that winter. There was no reason to doubt the accounts, but in the course of their decades-long excavation, archaeologists were on the lookout for remains that might tell more of the story behind Jamestown's hardships. They found the evidence in the form of ... Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Ted Cruz for president Bart, my inclination is more power to him. I don't think he'll go any further than Perry did. He's got some charisma, but I think he is too far to the right to win. He'll have the same problem as Romney - conservative enough to win the primary is too far to the right to win the general, imo. peace, Carol B from AUstin Why does Texas keep electing the most unqualified morons? Oklahoma does that too, but ours don't become president and ruin the world. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Bartcop's Computer Repair
We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() ![]() Marty's
Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty
always has good stuff. ![]() Jodi Arias Kicks MSNBC's Ass Ratings down for Lefty Network Link April brought a few dramatic shifts in ratings and rankings for cable news. Due in no small part to the Bostonbombings and week of wall-to-wall coverage that ensued, Nielsen returns give CNN triple-digit growth from its struggling performance just a year ago while the Fox Wjores maintained its top ranking and, perhaps most interesting of all, MSNBC fell below CNN and HLN in the demo for total day. MSNBC fell behind HLN with adults 25-54 for total day rankings. Though winning by barely, HLN owes much of the growth (43 percent) to the Jodi Arias trial. Interest in the murder case has seen key victories for the typically fourth place net since wall-to-wall coverage began in January. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Gun vote Bart, if the democrats had any sense... ha ha Why do we torture ourselves this way? The Democrats are so lame and clueless, they can't win anything, But standing next to the racist Nazis make them allll look like Rushmores. ...they'd hold a vote on background checks every week until midterm 2014 - by the time the votes were counted, the democrats would have 127 seats in the senate. - Jesse in San Diego Good point - it's called "taking action" instead of whining "They won't let us!" Another thing Obama (or Harry Reid) should do is send a jobs bill of some kind, it doesn't matter what kind, to the barking House dogs EVERY F-ing WEEK. ![]() ![]() Then in the summer of 2014, Democrats can run on, "We sent 58 jobs bills to the GOP House and they TURNED DOWN EVERY ONE OF THEM." Send e-mail to Bart ![]() See more
at http://mariopiperni.com
Help Wanted My Google and Amazon checks were down again for April. At this rate, I'm not going to make it till next Christmas. I bought a $9 reading light for my keyboard (On a cloudy day I can't see the keys) but it didn't show up on my Amazon earning report which means I'm losing money. Sometimes the links work, sometimes they don't. That's unacceptable. I wrote to Amazon, they replied with: We don't have any performance coaching programs to assist with your site. Of course you don't - why bother to try to increase sales? I need to hire someone who knows about Amazon, who knows about Google, who knows about search engines, Facebook and whatever else I need to survive. I'm still getting enough hits to make a livng at this but apparently I can't do it with my IQ-of-64 brain. I need help. If I can get my Amazon and Google links working properly, I think I can avoid those diminishing-return fund-raisers that everybody hates. I will pay cash money. I will give you a percentage of the increase in income your knowledge brings. If I have to, I'll fly you here or I'll fly to you, but this has to happen. I have the traffic, I just don't know what to do with it. I need someone who knows what they're doing. If you know someone who knows what to do, I'll pay you a finders fee. Let's team up and make some money. You could be getting money from me in 2017 over some work you did one day back in 2013. *I* can help you, Bart I know all about this stuff I'll read them this weekend. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: President Buzz Kill Barry was quite glib at the White House Correspondents Dinner when he stated that he thought "buzz feed was when you had the munchies at 2am" or some such nonsense, a wink wink, nudge nudge, moment regarding his usage of marijuana in his youth. Fast forward to post Obamacare. I have no proof but I think Obama had to make deals to get Obamacare passed and one of those deals was to assure big pharma that marrywanna wouldn't cut into their profits. Joe in Maui Send e-mail to Bart ![]() I love reading all kinds of books and hopefully this collection will inspire other readers as well. I also have pages dedicated to creative writing tips along with career options for aspiring writers. Basically everything an english major or avid reader could benefit from. mastersinenglish.org/voracious-readers/ Boy, 5, Kills Sister, 2, with 'Rifle for Kids' Maybe that's why you shouldn't buy kids guns? Link Coroner Gary White said the family didn't realize a bullet was left inside it. "It's a Crickett," White said. "It's a little rifle for a kid. The little boy's used to shooting the little gun." So buy the kid a Daisy BB Gun. That way, he'd only put his sister's eye out. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() US Lady Sailor Kicks Rapist's Ass Some days you're the bug, Dude... Link A U.S. navy sailor wrestled a Dubai bus driver to the ground and beat him into submission after he tried to rape her at knifepoint on Jan. 19, a courtroom heard Wednesday. The woman, 28, was on shore leave in Dubai when she was attacked by a bus driver after he picked her up from the Mall of the Emirates shopping center. “I noticed he did not take the main road and when I asked him he told me not to worry,” she said, according to the Daily Mail. He then stopped where several other buses were parked and tried to kiss her. After she refused, he pulled out a knife and tried to rape her. She knocked the knife from his hand, broke it in two, bit him in the hand, forced him to the ground and locked him between her thighs until cops arrived, the Daily Mail reports. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Know Your Classics Link Subject: last issue's Classic Link Bart, that's from Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, L.A.'s official book. Russ the Pillar Send Classic Lines to Bart ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Wouldn't you hate running into him? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Wal Mart People in Tehachapi Bart, I’ve encountered them before, with those same signs. They are LaRouchies. (Followers of cult leader Lyndon LaRouche) Ross Ross, thanks for that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() If you'd like to donate, but are short on cash, clicking on the Mystery Pages really helps. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
you could send a "love" check to
bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, with a smile like that, it's either Jennifer Love Hewitt or Ernest Borgnine. And Borgnine had a bit more cleavage going on. I'm guessing JLH! Mikey in Front Royal, VA Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart; That's Tehran in Iran looking into the 2 mile long Tohid Tunnel Cheers from Down Under Colin Kennedy Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, That's a 1957 Lincoln Premiere four-door Landau. It was photographed at Evelynton Plantation, Virginia. Link Michael in Oregon Bart, Lincoln was the make. Premiere was the model. And, Landau was the style. Landau referencing car style generally means "fake convertible" usually a vinyl roof. Mike95 Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that is a young Jim Ryun. One time world record holder of the mile. This was also before he became a right-wing hand job Congressman from Kansas. I heard that he would only let his daughters date Born Again C’s. Charles in Santa Cruz Ryun was the first high-schooler to break the four minute mile. ![]() Subject: donation Bart, here is a donation. I read you everyday, so I owe you some dough to keep food on your cats. Don't feel bad about asking readers for cash! We need a constant reminder to put some $ in your kettle to keep you going. I recommend changing the way you ask for donations weekly, and place it differently on the page. Dave Dave, thanks for the donation and the suggestions. I've been doing this so long it's a forest/trees thing. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com seems to be my best bet to stay on the Tubes ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Vampire Diaries's - Nina Dobrev ![]() ![]() Check out over 100 sexy and tasteful photos of Nina Dobrev More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestion to Bart Use
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