Thurs-Friday June 27-28, 2013 Vol 3085 - Flesh-eaters II
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() Quotes "If there's anyone out there that has never said something that they wish they could take back, if you're out there, please pick up that stone and throw it so hard at my head that it kills me. Please, I want to meet you. I want to meet you. I is what I is and I'm not changing." -- Paula Deen, in the worst apology of all time Link I don't know if Paula Deen is a billionaire or merely a hundred-millionaire, but it seems to me she should hire Jermaine Jacksun to advise her because whoever is "helping" her is the worst I've ever seen - and I'm pretty old. Or maybe Paula is simple uncoachable. Send e-mail to Bart Inspection-A Jury of Pinocchios by Ken Carman Link Large numbers attempting to get on a jury, willing to lie about their agenda: acquit George. People willing to lie about their desire to convict Mr. Zimmerman trying get on the jury... Really? Is this we need in a justice system? Is the justice system to become a contest between which side has better Pinocchios? One might argue it's the next illogical step in an already corrupt system. I've written many times about the injustice that has been built into our justice system, and I have written several times about the Zimmerman case. Never did I imagine this case could become a focal point of all that's wrong with what might more accurately be referred to as an "injustice system" sometimes. The Zimmerman case, viewed properly connects many dots indicating how corrupt the justice system has become. Now citizen advocates are doing all they can to make it worse. The precedent was already there.... Is it legal to lie to get on a jury? Has anyone ever been prosecuted for lying to get on a jury? Why does Zimmerman have an all-white jury? Plus, these SIX jurors are known to be less-than-sane. One lady juror was worried about "more Trayvon riots." Does anyone remember the first "Trayvon riot?" I don't. You figure the defense has to love her. Another juror wondered what Trayvn was doing out "at that time of the night." Hey lady, it was 7:30 PM in the evening. You think a Black teenager should be at home and asleep by then? You figure the defense has to love her, too. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession kill your business. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Subject: About the DOMA ruling While it is a very good thing, it doesn't mean that DOMA is completely dead, nor that gay couples can now get married in every state in the country. I'll try to be brief, but it's complicated. Basically, the court struck down only one section of the law, the part of the law that kept the federal government from recognizing legal same-sex marriages. Until now, even if a same-sex couple lived in a state where same-sex marriage was legal, their marriage was not recognized by the federal government. That caused a lot of problems, as couples missed out on over a thousand different federal benefits and responsibilities (like Social Security, veterans' benefits, and many others.) With Wednesday's decision, now the federal government will recognize same-sex marriages performed in states or countries where such marriages are legal. However, the other part of DOMA, that says that states do not have to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states, was not struck down. Thus, it gets very complicated when it comes to same-sex couples who married in a state where it is legal but live in a state where it isn't. There are open legal questions that will have to be sorted out later, with further lawsuits, some federal regulations, and possible future legislation. It's too bad that it's not all completely settled, but Wednesday's decision will help many couples who have lacked federal rights until now. The main LGBT national legal groups have compiled several fact sheets for those who want to learn more. It's probably more information than you want to digest, but if you want to publish the link for those interested: http://www.glad.org/current/post/after-doma-fact-sheets Rock on, Tina the Pillar Send e-mail to Bart Shop
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![]() Huck, who created gays? Are you saying gays are God's biggest mistake? The Bully at the Trayvon Trial Have you been watching this trial? If you have a TV on you probably are, because CNN and MSNBC are going with it wall-to-wall. Granted, I'm prejudiced because I don't like armed, racist vigilante murderers, but Zimmerman's lawyer is bullying Trayvon's teenage friend and I'm betting the jury isn't liking it - not one f-ing bit. But then, if Floridians are as racist as Oklahomas, they might enjoy the educated white lawyer beating up on the girl with the bad English and disagreeing tenses in her conversation. First, Trayvon's friend makes a terrible witness. She seems to be extremely unedicated and she has no patience with this bald bastard barking question at her and she doesn't even want to be there. The bald bastard (the one who told the stupid knock-knock joke) keeps bullying her and I'm so damn jealous that that's not me on the witness stand because I'd like to spar with the son of a bitch. I've only been a witness one time at a trial and I loved the hell out of it. If you've been reading 15 years, you remember back during impeachment, I kept saying how much I wished I could be a witness taking the stand because the idiot lawyers kept asking questions that were perfect set-ups for MONSTER smart-ass replies that I would use to punish the bastard doing the barking, such as, "What was going thru your mind at the time?" My reply would be, "I was thinking how stupid you'd look in a dress, Baldy." Hey, when they ask what was going on IN MY MIND, I get to answer any goddamn way I want. Plus, this BB keeps asking the same questions, over and over and over and over. I would reply, "Why do you keep asking the same question? Are you stuck? Can't you think of anything else?" Plus, the BB is asking dozens of questions that Rachel (Trayvon's friend) couldn't possibly know, such as "Where was Trayvon when he called?" I wish she would answer, "How the fuck do I know? It was a phone call, dumbass." This trial may go on for many months, at the rate the BB is asking and repeating questions. It's my guess the Zimmerman team nas NOTHING and they're hoping to drag this out for as long as possible, hoping the jurors will miss their families and vote "Not Guilty" so they can go home. But please, Lord, once before I die, put me on the witness stand, televised, of course, and have some piece-of-shit bully lawyer try to get me to say something I don't want to say. Sure, I'd probably end up in jail after repeated comtempt warnings, but before that happened, I'm confident I could teach that lawyer to think hard and fast about how he's going to phrase some question that Mr. Smart Mouth could craft into a funny and snarky reply. Another exanple: This happened hours later: Pushy Bald Bastrad: "You said Trayvon called Zimmerman "a creepy-ass cracker." Did he use that term for all white people?" I wish that poor girl had thought to answer, "No, just for creepy crackers who were stalking him." Please, Lord, make me a witness in a trial where I'm innocent - can you make that happen? You need to hurry, Lord. ![]() But Asshole, if it's in the Constitution why didn't you quote chapter and verse? ![]() "Bafangu, Bartcop!" Christie Hates Gay Marriage He attacked the court for getting it right Link Chris Christie (R-Hater), who has walked a fine line on gay marriage, came out strongly against the Supreme Court’s decision to declare a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. “It’s just another example of judicial supremacy rather than having a government run by the people we actually vote for,” Christie said. “I thought it was a bad decision.” I'll bet Christie had no problem with the court's "judicial supremacy" when they decided that Blacks had no guaranteed right-to-vote in racist, Southern states. He called Justice Anthony Kennedy’s opinion “incredibly insulting” to the members of Congress who voted for DOMA and President Bill Clinton, who signed it. “He basically said that the only reason to pass that bill was to demean people. That’s a heck of a thing to say about Bill Clinton and about the Republican congress back in the 90s,” Christie said. If Kennedy said the haters passed DOMA in the 90's just to be dicks, I agree with him. If two guys in California get married, what, I have to divorce my wife in Oklahoma because marriage no longer has any meaning? This is why you haters can't win elections. I think Christie is like Thurston, middle-of-the-road deep down, but he has to be a dick now because that's the only kind of person the GOP nominates to run for president. And isn't it sweet how Christie doesn't like seeing Bill Clinton "insulted?" ha ha You bastards lost and now you have to live with it. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() A couple of years ago, Kristen Bell and Dax Sheppard started referring to each other as "my husband" and "my wife." When asked if they were actually married they said, "Not legally. We're not going to get married until everyone (presumedly Californians) can get married." Then came yesterday. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden Hi, Bart I think it's incredibly interesting the strange bedfellows this Snowden situation is bringing to light. Snowden, and the issues he's forcing us to look at, are moving targets. The Fat Lady has not yet begun to sing. The whole situation is forcing us to think on our feet and take a look at who is standing with us at any given moment. I actually think this has done more to bridge the gridlock of beliefs in this country than anything in memory. It's forcing us to think and argue in a more nuanced way and that can only make us better as citizens. Keep swinging the hammer. You make me think. That's what it's all about LucyD I'm wondering what's on the four computers Snowden delievered to Putin. I worry about my fellow Democrats who call this guy "a hero." Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Clarence Slappy Thomas, voting to block Blacks at the polls. I wish I could say I was surprised. Quotes "I'm not going to be scrambling jets to get a 29-year-old hacker." -- Obama, talking about the theif who stole NSA computers, via CNN Yes, it would be a bad idea to send jets to Moscow to grab this guy. Smarter move is wait until he lands in Quito (If he's still alive) and then scramble Jeeps loaded with Team Six members and drag his ass back to justice. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden I think the Chinese probably emptied those computers in Hong Kong before Snowden even left for Russia, Bart. That’s why Putin hasn’t “released” him yet – they’re still trying to reconstruct all the deleted data. Greg in NY I think we'll never get the truth. Between Snowden, the Chinese and the Russians, who are we going to assume is being honest with us? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Bartcop's Computer Repair
We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Tally's take on NSA, Snowden Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden Bart, In your last posting you stated as a fact: "Snowden gave four NSA computers to Russia." How do you know that to be true? David G I don't, I'm sitting here in Jokelahoma but I'm going by what Snowdon said. He said he was traveling with four NSA computers (maybe that means hard drives?) and he was either kidnapped to Russia or he chose to fly there of his own free will. Unless he's a complete liar and fraud, he delivered the stolen computers to Putin. Or does someone think he's going to land in Russia, be under Russian control and Putin's NOT going to see what's on those NSA hard drives? The way I understand this, even the NSA doesn't know what Snowden stole, so there's no telling what's on those HDs. Whatever secret NSA info is on them, Putin now has it. And if the info is valuable, Putin can't let him leave and have him tell Glenn Greenwald exactly which American national security secrets Putin now possesses. Send e-mail to Bart Marty's Entertainment Page
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Subject: leaks Dear Bart: I am afraid that neither one of us has any idea of what else is on Snowden’s computers. We don’t know what he took, and we don’t know if he still has everything he took. So far, the leaked information that we have been told of has all been well known by the well informed, including myself. I knew they were doing domestic surveillance and data mining and I knew they were lying about it. Hell, Snowden has not even leaked about the NSA program for flagging and eavesdropping on domestic phone conversations based on key words and phrases and yet I’ve known about that for over 20 years. I think I read about it in The Nation. You want to assume that Snowden is guilty of worse that the evidence so far supports. You may turn out to be right. But so far all he has done that we know for sure is shine a spot light on old news that was universally ignored by the mainstream media. My guess is that the NSA and others are more worried about evidence that proves beyond any doubt that specific individuals have been lying, under oath and otherwise, then they are worried about anything new that Putin might learn. At the same time, I have a hard time working up to Perkel’s level of outrage. I’ve already been fuming about this stuff for going on 35 years. So far, from what has been reported, Snowden stills seems more like Ellsberg than Libby to me. That is, more like a hero than a traitor. That could easily change, but no way he turns out a bigger traitor than Cheney. Warm regards, Jim W Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Michael Jackson's Ghost at Trial AEG turning the trial into worse circus Link SThe Jackson family suit against AEG Live just keeps getting stranger and stranger. Yesterday, testimony from the spirit of Michael Jackson entered into the case, when the attorney for AEG called the company's CEO Randy Philips to the stand to testify that Jackson's ghost admitted he "accidentally killed himself." . During his testimony, Phillips said he talked to his longtime friend Brenda Richie (ex-wife of Lionel Richie), who claimed that she talked to a medium who had channeled the spirit of Jackson after he died in 2009. During the paranormal conversation, Jackson's ghost cleared Dr. Conrad Murray of any responsibility for his death. "Brenda called me to tell me that she was in communications with Michael either through a medium or directly," Phillips said. "She said Michael told her that it wasn't Dr. Murray’s fault." Some in the courtroom laughed during the testimony, reported the Post. Meanwhile, an attorney for the Jackson family objected, calling the testimony triple hearsay: Phillips was discussing a chat he had with Richie, who talked to a medium, who channeled Jackson’s ghost, who exonerated Murray Has the judge gone crazy? How is Brenda Richie's seance relevant to these proceedings? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Bart, you are NOT losing me as a reader! Who are these idiots who threaten to stop visiting because they disagree with something you said? That sounds like a knuckle-dragging republican mindset to me. Good riddance. As for me, I know you are wrong about Snowden. Big deal. ha ha I still enjoy reading your opinion, seeing the mystery cars, etc... We agree on far more than we disagree. And, its in understanding disagreement that people grow - thats where we learn how others think and about different viewpoints. If you only surround yourself with sycophants, you'll live life as an idiot (and probably a republican). Keep doing what you do. Intelligent people appreciate it (and so do I!). One of these days when the kids are out of college and I have a dime or two I'll send in another donation. Until then, keep swingin' that hammer, Bart! Madurobob Bob, thanks for that, but I'm sure I'm right about Snowden. I'm certain he's a publicity-seeking whore, playing the reluctant hero. If only there was a way we could gamble on it - I would give you odds. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Snowden Bart, I agree with you totally. Was on Snowden's side until he went to a foreign country and started boasting about all the NSA info he stole. He's playing with the big boys now and is no longer in the "land of the free". If he were a true patriot he would have stayed in the country and defended himself but now we know this was his plan all along. Our country has to have some intelligence or we are opening up ourselves to many more 9/11's. When you are fighting "terrorism" and not a defined enemy in uniform, our intelligence capabilities are more important than ever. I don't like all the domestic spying on us (didn't like it under Bush either) but until our Congress changes things it is legal. Like you, with my IQ being 64, I don't know what the happy medium is. Regards, Paula in PA Snowden could've leaked this info without putting his face on every TV in the world. Seems like he wanted to be famous reeeeeeeeeeeeealy badly. Send e-mail to Bart . Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Obama offers America a false choice This administration puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide. We can provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom. That means no more wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected o a crime. No more tracking of citizens who do no more that protest a misguided and corrupt government. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. That is not who we are. It is not what is necessary to defeat the terrorists. The Constitution works, the separation of powers works. We must set an example for the world that the law is not subject to the whims of stubborn rulers, and that justice is not arbitrary. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Best toon I've seen this year I could live in a 49-state USA ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, this is the beautiful and talented Erin Gray.... Chuck Hovey, Historian She was in Silver Spoons and Baywatch but old-timers remember her from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden Bart, SCREW YOUR CRITICS! An old friend of mine who led a really great Dixieland Band (Tom Saunders & The Detroit All Stars) used to tell paying customers who wanted him to change his playlist "GET YOUR OWN FUCKING BAND!" I don't think anyone ever walked out on him, the music was just too good. Same goes for your web page. Check your visitor logs, most of them are still reading you. The ones who leave will miss out on some fine politics and humor. Keep it up. Bob : Bob, thanks for that. I enjoy the debate, but I wish my partners could stay on-topic and stop saying that if we disagree on something it's because I'm too stupid to understand politics. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link It’s Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock is on the bottom right part of the photo. I think the wall in the photo is one that was built during the crusades, but I could be wrong on that point. I don’t know if the Wailing Wall is in the photo, but then again, if I visited Jerusalem, I’m not allowed near it anyway, because I’m a woman. I’d be a lot more supportive of Israel if Reform Judaism was the branch in charge there. Sue in Michigan Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that is a 1930 Jordan Model Z Speedway from the collection of Edmund J. Stecker Family Trust. Paul in VA Send e-mail to Bart What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Hey Bart, I'm sure lots of your other readers will get this too, but the Wednesday history mystery is Harvey Milk. As one of your gay readers, thanks for running the pic of one of our heroes on such a perfect day for it. TM Wood ![]() Subject: donations Thanks to Timothy in Omaha. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com seems to be my best bet to stay on the Tubes ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Shameless Star Emmy Rossum ![]() ![]() Check out over 100 sexy and tasteful photos of Emmy Rossum Do me a favor if you peruse the hotties - if you see the slightest hint of nudity - any hint at all - tell me. More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestions to Bart Use
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