Wednesday July 31, 2013 Vol 3101 - Them Changes
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() Quotes "Actually, I didn't say that ...That's how it began to be perceived, and so I had to ultimately respond to the perception, because perception is reality." -- Thurston the Liar, saying he never said that about the 47% Video of him saying that Send e-mail to Bart Rand Paul Slams Chris Christie Don't you love it when Republicans fight? Link The next Republican presidential primary is already heating up. On Friday, Senator Rand Paul (a KY senator) slammed Chris Christie for his recent positions — from the Hurricane Sandy Relief Bill to his views on gun control —saying they would likely alienate GOP primary voters. On Thursday, Christie — a Republican darling who many called on to run in 2012— weighed in on the recent NRA ad against Obama, taking the president's side and calling the ad "reprehensible." Paul, who thinks he's going to be president, said on The Laura Ingraham Show: “I think criticizing the Second Amendment movement and the over-the-top ‘give me my money’ stuff, ‘I want all 60 billion now or I’ll throw a tantrum,’ I don’t think that’s going to play well in the Republican primary.” “You have some Republicans backing down like Christie backing down and criticizing the NRA, and I think that doesn’t do any good,” Paul said, according to a transcript. “I think he may be solidifying his support with Democrats in New Jersey and maybe liberal Republicans,” Paul said of Christie’s recent positions. Christie has received criticism from a number of conservatives recently. Yes, by all means, criticize the most popular Republican in America. Call him "crazy" for being the most popular Republican in America. Tear him down and force him to become just another Teabagger with a 30% approval rating. Being the most popular Republican in America is a bad thing, right Rand? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession kill your business. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Subject: So Monsanto buys it's own army AND intelligence gathering arm? Link Many military and former CIA officers work for Blackwater or related companies created to divert attention from their bad reputation and make more profit selling their nefarious services - ranging from information and intelligence to infiltration, political lobbying and paramilitary training – for other governments, banks and multinational corporations. Chris L I suggest we keep winning presidential elections to deny the crazies access to the levers of power. As time goes by, maybe Democrats can get a handle on all this. Send e-mail to Bart Shop
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![]() Measuring GOP Extremism by Joe Conason Link It is becoming increasingly plain that the most formidable obstacle to national progress and global security is the Republican Party – and specifically the extremist factions that currently dominate the GOP. Now Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg and James Carville have announced what they plan to do about that pressing problem: namely, “The Republican Party Project,” which will provide extensive survey research devoted to “exposing, monitoring, and confronting” the Republicans while helping Democrats and progressives to regain the political offensive. Carville and Greenberg released the first in a series of polls on Wednesday. According to Carville and Greenberg, Republican extremism is leaving the party increasingly isolated, even from many of its own members. At the moment, only 31 percent of voters identify as Republicans. Republicans are regarded with absolute disdain by most of those polled. Only 13 percent believe that the GOP “shares their values” and only 9 percent believe that the GOP has “realistic solutions to the nation’s problems” I was going to say something about Democratic loyalty, but it's Wednesday. On Wednesdays, we fight ONLY with Teabaggers and Republicans. ![]() Not only that, but they'll cheat and break the law and destroy evidence next time, too. There's no reason to obey the law if there's no penalty. I would say something about Obama's negotiating skills but it's Wednesday and I'm trying to play nice. Say I'm selling 8-balls of cocaine for $300. I make $150 profit per 8-ball, and if I somehow get caught, I pay a fine of $25 and go right back to selling more cocaine. There's no reason to obey a law if there's no penalty. Last night, John Oliver had something to say about this. It's Illegal to be Gay in Louisiana Don't they know it's the 21 Century? Link Police face criticism over undercover operations aimed at stopping "crimes against nature" At least a dozen men have been arrested by the East Baton Rouge sheriff's office in Louisiana since 2011 for agreeing to have consensual sex with an undercover male officer, according to The Advocate newspaper. These men weren't handing over money or having sex in a public place. Instead, they were arrested under Louisiana's anti-sodomy law, despite the fact that such laws were deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2003 in Lawrence v. Texas. The most recent case involved a 65-year-old man who was approached by an undercover cop in a park. The police officer, who denied he was a cop, asked if the man wanted to go back to the man's apartment for "some drinks and some fun." After the man agreed and led the officer back to his apartment, he was arrested for an attempted "crime against nature." Similar stings had been conducted by the sheriff's office even after the district attorney refused to prosecute them. So, having "some drinks and some fun" is illegal in Louisiana? Seems like that would kill tourism. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Bart, this is brilliant Roger ![]() I agree. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() 1400 US Cities Underwater But Jungle Jim Inhofe says "Not a problem" ![]() Link A rise in sea levels threatens the viability of more than 1,400 cities and towns, including Miami, Virginia Beach and Jacksonville, unless there are deep cuts in heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, says an analysis out Monday. Prior emissions have already locked in 4 feet of future sea-level rise that will submerge parts of 316 municipalities, but the timing is unclear and could take hundreds of years, according to the paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. If global warming continues at its current rate through the year 2100, at least an additional 1,100 cities and towns will be mostly under water at high tide in the distant future. Send e-mail to Bart Quotes "AI think alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana I've seen a lot of people spiral down with alcohol, but I've never seen that happen with weed. When I smoke, I don’t get that sick feeling I get when I drink, or that anger rising up,” -- Miley Cyrus, Link Send e-mail to Bart Bartcop's Computer Repair
We can fix your computer We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() ![]() Subject: Global Warming? Bart, For the moment, let me pretend to be a global warming ignorer. I can tell there's no global warming, since I was on vacation at the end of June and the high temperatures rarely reached 90°. Yes, I did get a sunburn, but there were also a few days where it didn't get above 70° and there was even rain. Oh, by the way, my summer vacation was in Alaska. Russ Russ, thanks for that. I don't say this often enough, but when it comes to climate change, if THEY are right, and climate change isn't a problem, we've squandered some money. If WE are right, and climate change is a serious problem, we've squandered precious time and now we're all dead. Do they think God is going to send a fleet of arcs? Since it's Wednesday and I'm trying not to say anything negative about any Democrat, let's just say things would be better if this issue WAS NOT treated like "we each have our own opinion." No, that's not true. This isn't "I like Ford, you like Chevy," Earth is burning the f-up before our eyes and nobody is doing anything about it. Did you hear the one about the glacier in the mountains above Bolivia? (whatever) It's melting and when it's gone, tens of millions of people in South America will have no access to fresh water. I suspect they come north when that happens - sound like fun? And I'll be gone in the year 2100 when 1400 American cities are expected to be underwater but what about your grandkids? Are they expecting God to send a fleet of arcs? Is climate change what God meant when he warned about "burning for all eternity? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Marty's Entertainment Page
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Hillary Machine Gearing Up Harold Ickes, James Carville on board Link The Ready for Hillary super PAC has raised $1.25 million over the past three months, an official confirms, adding that $1 million of their haul was raised in June alone. Last month some leading Democratic donors pow-wowed in New York City with top Clinton allies to discuss funding for the PAC. Harold Ickes, who's now advising Ready for Hillary, made a pitch to potential donors. Clinton aides say 535,000 are signed up as supporters. While guarded at first, some top names, such James Carville, have now embraced the PAC. I know you know who James Carville is, but Harold Ickes isn't such a household name. Harold Ickes is a SERIOUS player and he's been under-the-radar for far too long. Ickes is one of my favorite political people of all time and if he's on Hillarty's team, she's certainly a step closer to running. Ickes is like a Bartcop plus 100 IQ points. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Good news, bad news The bad news? I've lost my biggest banner advertiser. Maybe he was a big Snowden fan :) The good news? My biggest advertiser wasn't all that big, so this isn't a crushing blow. But you know how they say when one door closes another one opens? I need a new banner advertiser door to open. Anyone out there know of a banner network that needs more eyeballs? I don't need one of those "hijack your page" advertisers, just a regular banner displayed like you've seen here for years. These guys pay a month or two late so I need to sign someone up - quick! Plus, if you know what you're doing, maybe you could slide in there and grab, say, 10% for yourself. Then you'd get monthly checks for that 15-minute connect job you did for your old buddy Bart waaaaaay back in 2013. I know just the place Bart Get notified when a new issue goes up. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Re: Alex Rodriguez Bart, so much what makes athletes great is TALENT. I could take all the "performing enhancing" drugs there are and I would still be lousy. Of course players want to extend their careers when that much money is at stake. I don't know the answer but colorful, dazzling players, with or without drugs make sports popular. I'm thinking the drugs are not that big a deal. Anymore than the other equipment the players use. Rick from Fullerton. At the very least, can't they distinguish between steroids and pot? The only way pot could make you better is if it helped you relax or whatever. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Last Issue's Hollywood Gossip answers Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Astrocat wrong on Palin and climate change ![]() Bart, Astrocat's claim that Sarah Palin is not a climate change denier is incorrect! Here is a link Roger L It would appear The Quitter wants it both ways. She starts out saying "No state has seen the effect of climate change more than Alaska," but then she says it's all a fake plot by pointy-headed liberal-elites, etc. Maybe her views have "evolved" as her bank account grew fatter. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart Who's Holding the Bartcop Sticker?
Link Subject: Last issue's Bartcop Sticker holder Link Nobody got Connie Brown, but you'll get today's Mystery Sticker Holder Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping ![]() ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that's Laugh-in's "Sock it to me" girl, Judy Carne. Vince Knight Send e-mail to Bart ![]() If you make $175K per week, working with people you love on a job that's fun and glamorous, you're supposed to love your job. Good for you, Pauley. Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Really? Nobody got Phoenix? Phoenix is the largest city in the southwest American state of Arizona. Over three million people live here - but I guess none of them read bartcop.com I almost put up this picture, instead: ![]() Would you have gotten Phoenix with the grainy UFO picture? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that is a 1963 Chrysler Turbine car. michaelgy Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, is that a clean shaven Charles Chaplin? Mick from Darkest Arizona ![]() Subject: donations Bart, a little something to help. Keep up the good work, Man. We need you! Roger the Lawyer Roger, thanks for that. Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com seems to be my best bet to stay on the Tubes ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() Girls Aloud's Cheryl Tweedy Cole ![]() ![]() Check out almost 500 sexy and tasteful photos of Cheryl Tweedy Cole More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestions to Bart Use
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