Wednesday Sept 11, 2013 Vol 3120 - Keep risping
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 ![]() Advertise with Bartcop.com, Spend Money, Make Money Two days just $35 One week just $70 Don't let Bush's recession kill your business. Fight back! Advertise on bartcop.com Quotes "(Syria proves) you cannot trust Democrats to be commander in chief." -- the Ann Coulter thing Link Why, because nobody died? If Bush was in there he would've "done thing right" and killed 5,000 soldiers. Send e-mail to Bart White House takes Credit for Syria God knows he would've gotten the blame Talking Points Hatchet Job As Syria announced Tuesday morning that it would accept Russia’s offer to hand over its chemical weapons, the White House and other proponents of U.S. strikes rushed to claim credit, arguing that the threat of military intervention brought the Assad regime to the negotiating table. Those are the facts - why should they not list the facts? Who thinks Syria was going to cave in without Obama's threats? And why is TPM attacking the White House for listing the facts? “In our view, the only reason this is now being seriously discussed by the Russians is because of the threat of U.S. military action,” a senior administration official told TPM. “Were chemical weapons to be transferred into international control and ultimately destroyed, that would be a positive outcome. But, if this has any chance of happening, we need to have the threat of military action in our pocket.” Is TPM the latest in a long line of Democrats going all "FOX News" on Obama? Why do Democrats hate their winners so much? Show me a Democrat that's beloved by many and I'll show you a Democrat who never had any real power, and yes, I'm talking about Dennis Kucinich. If you never had any real power, it's EASY to remain pure, in your safe zone, and never have to make a tough decision that'd alienate fickle Democrats who once liked you. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Shop
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![]() All Obama has to do now is chill and he wins. Time is on Obama's side, and that's a great position to be in. Putin has essentially guaranteed that Assad won't be gassing anyone else. That's exactly what Obama wanted to accomplish. Does it matter if it takes a year or ten years to count and move and store all Assad's poison gas stockpiles? If Assad gasses again, Putin looks really stupid and Assad is down to one friend - the Ayatollah, and Obama becomes the guy who was right all along. Now, if Obama could just figure a way to get the Democrats to stop screwing him... Send e-mail to Bart Free Math Tutoring
![]() I currently teach high school math in California of 25 plus years. I have uploaded over 300 of my lessons in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and AP Statistics. I started doing this for my absent students, or any student who needed to hear the lesson(s) again. Just visit www.youtube.com/mrmathblog, scroll down to “Playlist,” to find the subject you need. ![]() Let’s Bomb Syria, Right Now! by (it seems) everyone on the Left who hates Obama Link Forget what Congress says or surveys about what U.S. and global public opinion show: This is the time to rain Tomahawk missiles on poor peasants and villagers in Syria. Yes, because that's who Obama is - someone who targets poor peasants and villagers. I'm so fed up with Democrats doing everything they can to fuck Obama. If your position on Syria is so perfect and sane, why do you have to lie about Obama's position and intentions? Why claim Obama will rain Tomahawk missles down on poor peasants and villagers? Who gains when you tell a stupid lie like that? Is that meant to rile up the Demo-Baggers? I'm OK with everyone who's against Obama taking action in Syria, but why do you have to lie about it? If your position held water, you could tell the truth and persuade people. Sidebar: I didn't want to read the rest of the article because I'd already reached my shit quotient for today, but I read ahead anyway and this asshole starts paragraph SIX with, "Now to get serious:" I have an idea, Asshole, (Jack Lessenberry) since we're talking about going to war, why not dispense with the five Obama-mocking paragraphs of pure horseshit? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: why you lost subscribers Problem: end of Bartcop Radio. Toons and typing snark aren't enough anymore, you gotta talk shit again. Seriously, you are an OG as well as an Okie. Your talent is clear and, Shirley, many beside me miss it. -Wes in Jakarta Wes, that was nice of you to say. The radio show was fun but it was a lot of work. But if things get really slow ...maybe Bartcop radio will return. ![]() Is Sarah Palin Really this Stupid? Or is she just teasing her pitifully-stupid sheep? Send e-mail to Bart Obama didn't create any "death panels," but it's true that EVERY medical system in the world has a "board" or a "director" or someone to make decisons because we can't trust the robots - yet. If it's costing $10,000 a day to articially keep alive a 104-year old man, at some point someone needs to step in and say, "We can't afford to do this much longer." Besides, if someone was making life-and-death medical decisions for me, I'd rather have the faceless federal buraucrarat than some for-profit bastard who gets a week in Hawaii if he can make me disappear. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Zippy's Lawyer "I'm outta here!" Violent felon goes too far, even for this guy ![]() Link Mark O’Mara, the attorney who successfully got George Zimmerman off after he murdered Trayvon Martin, said Tuesday that he would no longer represent the racist scumbag with the vilent streak. The police on Monday released Zippy because that's what cops do to violent non-Black criminals. after oficers responded to a 911 call from his wife, Shellie, who accused her husband of threatening her with a gun and punching her father in the nose. On Tuesday, O’Mara said that he would no longer represent Zimmerman in future cases, including charges resulting from the confrontation on Monday. What could be worse than representing a crazy violent client who's always being arrested but has no money to pay his lawyer? Send e-mail to Bart Yahoo sent me this. Subject: LocalSluts Want to find local Sluts For FREE? There are LOTS of people in your area looking to hook up right now! NO COST EASY ACCESS TO A HUGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO JUST WANT TO FUCK IN YOUR AREA! This message was sent to me because Yahoo sold them my e-mail address. Is that how Yahoo double their stock price? I lost my biggest advertiser because of all the "nudity" on these pages and Yahoo does business with these people and gives them my address? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Check us out on Facebook Security will be handled by my good friend Anthony Burnside One needs security when battling the religiously insane. Bartcop's Computer Repair
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We do the repairs magically, over the Net. Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() ![]() John Kerry Just Mr. Magoo’ed His Way Into Diplomacy Daily Show Video Send e-mail to Bart Subject: re: Zippy Obviously Zimmerman has issues. This goes beyond Zimmerman himself. The question should be, why are cops so desperate NOT to hold him, to let him go, or not arrest him? He plays with a gun in front of a cop who stopped him? Gee, I wonder what would have happened if Trayvon had done that? He is accused of punching someone in the face and threatening his wife, and what about all the crap that went on BEFORE Trayvon? They keep letting him go, or not even detaining him. WHO IS George, George W. the III: never to be held account for ANYTHING like W? Hell, the trial was a joke where, when he lied under oath, the prosecution let the defense judge shop: without comment, for some right wing appointed judge who wouldn't hold him to any damn standard whatsoever. AGAIN: This goes way beyond Zippy. One must also wonder, if George had been black and done ANY of this how long would he have lived? Trayvon not only answers that, but answers the question, "What if someone with issues decided maybe, possibly, a black George might have done any of this because he thinks he fits some profile?" Something really sucks when the kid with Skittles and a drink gets killed is justified: even defended, by society, but the guy who did it, and so much more, keeps getting a break. I fear this will not end well for us, or an out of control George. Ken ![]() ![]() Can be purchased at Barnes and Noble, Amazon and other fine E-book establishments. For Barnes & Noble For Amazon Marty's Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty
always has good stuff. ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Happy Birthday
to Dave in Deer Park
![]() Subject: Zimmerman INNOCENT AGAIN. Deal with it! The police found no gun on Zimmerman's person, and no such injuries as Shellie the convicted perjurer claimed. GZ has nothing but a speeding ticket charged against him. At best, maybe he will get in trouble for breaking a damn iPad. Get over it people!!!!! Hasay Subject: Zimmerman no charges pressed. no evidence. his wife who filed for divorce is trying for a payday and publicity. isn't it enough you anti-white *ssholes have wrecked this guy's marriage? You just wont stop with your lies?!! I think the greatest thing that could happen is if some pavement ape thug like Trayvon's just started beating the f*ck out of you, and you APOLOGIZING TO HIM SO YOU WON'T GET CALLED A RACIST! HAHAHAHAHAHA. YOU PUSSY! STOP SLANDERING THE MAN! Sonja Yes, with Zippy, it's always someone else's fault. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() When in San Francisco, be sure to visit The Beat Museum 540 Broadway San Francisco, CA 94133 And visit Kerouac.com for all your Beat needs! ![]() Subject: Last Issue's Hollywood Gossip answers Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Obama's Brilliant Syria Strategery I’m starting to think that I would dread playing poker with Mr. Obama. keep hammerin, Randall I can't believe he out out of that trap. I've never seena president go from that screwed to that no-longer screwed that fast in my life. BTW, we can't play poker because Obama made it illegal. I wish he'd fix his mistake. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Today's Wildlife Photo Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Perkel has it right Bart... RE: Obama refuses to be bound by Congress on Syria The run-up to this whole thing sounds exactly like Iraq all over again... Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, the DLC got OWNED? Obama spent a Billion Dollars to become pResident, that’s a LOT of favors to be paid back. Don’t you ever wonder why all of Big O’s chief advisors are Goldman-Sachs and old Bush-family DOD types? Can you put two-and-two together Bart? Justin, smart enough to add two and two, That's one way to look at it. IF you begin with "I hate Obama," it's easy to get where you're going. Another way to look at it would be that Assad was afraid that Obama really meant what he said and he asked the Russians, in a panic, to broker a peace deal. Some poeople would call that "a stroke of genius." Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Here's another chance to donate. ![]() You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
you could send a "love" check to
bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping ![]() ![]() Today's Mystery
Celebrity Photo
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, tha's the lovely and talented Isabella Rosselini and.. David Lynch. Lynch's work is OK, I guess, but I really fell for Rosselini when she started doing those bug sex short films. Simply fantastic! Madurobob Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, I believe it's Carcassone, in the South Basque area of France. A pain to get to but a beautiful drive and great food. Foix is nearby, also beautiful, and one hour drive from Andorra. There is a 5 star hotel within the castle walls. First read about this place in Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. A novel, very good read. Gerry F Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Hey Bart, that is a 1956 Pontiac Club De Mer concept reproduction Dave C Send e-mail to Bart ![]() What is today's History Mystery? Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary closed its door on March 21, 1963. In this picture, the last group of prisoners is handcuffed and led out of the prison. Leo in Maryland ![]() Subject: donations Thanks to PM in Mattapan, MA Humor can get us thru the worst of times so we will keep on. As my buddy Ray Coleman used to say, "Never quit!!" Amazon.com seems to be my best bet to stay on the Tubes ...and if you shop with them, you might even save some money. Please remember the Bartcop Portal when you shop online. It never hurts to check http://amzn.to/bartcop prices. ![]() TV Gals w/ Guns - Eva LaRue ![]() ![]() Check out over 500 sexy and tasteful photos of Eva LaRue More hot babes in BC Hotties Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties... Send Your Hottie Suggestions to Bart Use
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