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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Weekend-Monday, Jan 4-6, 2014    Vol 3176 - Clearly not clicking

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Moore: Obamacare Is ‘Awful’
Arrow Colorado Pot Sales are Huge
Racist Bigot Jumping Ship
Arrow Why is Pot Turning Legal?
Punter Fired over Gay Rights
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow White Collar's Tiffani Theissen

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"REMINDER: The people who think that Climate Change
  doesn't exist think that the War on Christmas does."

LOLGOP in a Tweet  

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Michael Moore: Obamacare Is ‘Awful’
Is Bartcop the only ally Obama has Left?


Michael Moore claims Obamacare is awful because it doesn’t go far enough,
and liberals/Democrats don’t want to admit it.

“Now that the individual mandate is officially here, let me say Obamacare is awful.
That is the dirty little secret many liberals have avoided saying out loud for fear of
aiding the president’s enemies, at a time when the ideal of universal health care
needed all the support it could get…”

Notice Michael has no qualms about aiding Obama's enemies.
Every racist Republican with a computer, camera or microphone is going to say,
"Even Michael Moore admits Obamacare is a disaster."

Maybe Michael likes being in the news as much as Edward Snowden?

"The Affordable Care Act is a pro-insurance-industry plan implemented by a president
who knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go.
For many people, the ‘affordable’ part of the Affordable Care Act risks being a cruel joke.”

Citing a personal friend with cancer, Moore conceded, however, that Obamacare is a godsend.

But why focus on the positive when there's an opportunity to attack your president?

I think Michael is reminding the Left how Left he is.
Why, next to Michael Moore,  President Obama is a Neo-con!

Obama's got three more years of being attacked by the Teabaggers, the Republicans and
the Democrats that are supposed to be his allies. 
I wouldn't blame him if he stepped down.

 Send e-mail to Bart

Subject: it's ok bart

Just wanted to say I don't blame you for not having the courage to respond to my previous email,
either directly, or via your web page. Facts, logic, and personal experience can be hard things to
debate after all.

I hope you are just misguided like I once was, as opposed to one of those drunken liberals who fights
at the drop of a hat, and wants to force everyone in this world to like everyone else (at gunpoint).

Let's say you are right about Phil Robertson, that he hates gays and what?
Why do people care so damned much what other people think, you know Bart, if someone doesn't
like me for any reason, I get over it, I certainly don't go crying to anyone who will listen.

But you are correct about one thing, they need to legalize pot across the board.
I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. Happy new years.
 Mark Johnson

I don't hide from any SOB and that includes you.

I searched for your terribly scary e-mail and found it in the spam folder.
It was on my second monitor while I prepared a sub-page for your terribly
scary e-mail which was so long-winded, I couldn't put it on the main page.

When I finally got the new sup page formatted, I came back and your terribly scary e-mail
was gone.  This happens to me a lot, but this is the first time an e-mail disappeared while it
was still on my monitor.  It's not in the trash, it's not in another spam folder, it's just f-ing gone.

You still have a copy in your sent folder, could you re-send it?
I'll try to have the courage to answer your terribly scary e-mail.
I didn't even have a chance to read it. but I saw it was from you and dated maybe the 28th

And if anyone knows how an e-mail can disappear from my f-ing monitor while I'm looking at it,
please send me whatever I need to make that shit stop happening because it's goddamn infuriating
and I was really in the mood to answer a snarky e-mail..

Send e-mail to Bar


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Colorado Pot Sales are Hueueueuege
Sales went beyond anyone's expectations


Marijuana sales topped $1 million on the first day that pot was legal. The first day of legalized pot
was met with long lines as residents rushed to buy pot legally. Though most said they were already
smokers, buying the drug legally was a big deal for many.

“It’s a huge deal for me,” said Andre Barr, who drove from f-ing Michigan to purchase marijuana.
“This wait is nothing.”

While much of the United States and indeed the entire world is looking to Colorado to see if legal pot works,
experts in the state predict robust sales. In a state that once boasted more marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks,
Colorado is expected to ring up more than $600 million in marijuana sales the first year.

They've done a lot of things wrong, but you know what they got right?
The first $20M OR $40M that pot makes in taxes goes directly to schools, and why is that good?

Besides helping education, one third of property taxes Coloradans pay goes to schools.
So if this works, and it looks like it might, property taxes should go down.

Think what a great selling point that is for every state to legalize God's flowers.
What state doesn't want more money for education AND lower taxes?

Well, besides Oklahoma, I mean.

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Subject: Unfairness tarnishes America's soul

I find it troubling that when the stock market is at record highs and so are corporate profits
that we can't find enough money to help out people who are unemployed in the middle of the winter.

There seems to be enough money for the government to subsidize the rich 75 billion a month,
but when it comes to the poor we kick them to the curb. It's especially unfair because in 2008
when the rich crashed the economy we instantly came up with trillions to hand out to them.
In America only the greedy and corrupt get the handout.
  Marc Perkel

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Racist Bigots Jumping Ship
Duck man leaving A&E for more racist network


Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson may have emerged victorious from his recent spat with A&E,
but the racist-bigot is already plotting revenge on the TV network behind his hit show and reportedly
has a plan in the works to move his family – plus millions of dollars of advertising and merchandise
revenue – to another broadcaster.

Humiliated by A&E’s recent attempt to silence his religious message of hate and fear, Robertson – whose
Duck Commander business is worth an estimated $15 million – is secretly plotting to form his own TV
production company so he can jump ship to a racist-bigot Christian channel more in keeping with his views.

Robertson recently served a short suspension from the hit show (Bot true) after he made hatefull comments, 
But A&E buckled after hysterical rantings by pro-racist-bigots like Sarah Palin convinced A&E to take
Robertson back or risk losing their most important cash cow.

Back in August the racist hillbillies signed a new contract with A&E for $200,000 per episode. That contract
is supposed to keep the family tied to the network for several more seasons, but Robertson is confident that
he can get them out of it on a technicality after the forthcoming fifth season ends.

You know what happens when you break a contract in Hoillywood?
Nobody hires you.

If the racist hillbillies think their lawyers are meaner than those Hollywood lawyers
we won't be seeing any new shows from the racist Hillbillies for a long, long time.

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Cheney Ends Senate Bid
Wait till you hear her lame excuse why


Liz Cheney, the Dr Laura-ish daughter of Satan, is dropping out of the Whyoming Senate race.

“Serious health issues have recently arisen in our family, and under the circumstances,
I have decided to discontinue my campaign,” Cheney lied in a statement this morning.

“As a mother and a patriot, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada," she droned on

The decision to abandon her Senate bid came nearly as abruptly as her decision to initially enter
the contest last July, when she surprised party leaders in Wyoming and Washington by setting up
a contentious primary fight against Sen. Mike Enzi, a well-respected three-term Republican.

She sought to rally the support of her father’s old felons in Wyoming, but struggled to introduce
herself to Wyoming voters and to win over many Republican leaders, who sided with Enzi.
Her candidacy sparked controversy when she attacked her lesbian younger sister.

What a load of crap this is and you know it, I know it,
Bob Dole knows it, and dammit, the American people know it.

This right-wing, harpy nutjob backed out because she was unable to raise enough
money from the usual Republican fat-wallet stalwarts for two simple reasons:
She's considered too harsh and c_nt-y  even for today's completely insane Republican party.
Her last name is "Satan" and America has already been thru too much Hell.

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"Liz — this isn’t just an issue on which we disagree
  you’re just wrong — and on the wrong side of history,"

    - Mary Cheney, to her hate-filled sister    Link

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  Subject: Snowden


Great article - and info on all the shit that he gave the reporters to leak for him.
I mean, he got people to leak his shit for him, because he's too stupid to upload it
to his own version of wikileaks, and probably too stupid to decipher the info himself.

I firmly believe he was a pawn. Someone got him that job at Booz.
There's no way he got it himself, not with barely a HS diploma,
and having never finished a single class in college, let alone a degree in IT.

That's NOT how companies like Booz allow their HR departments to work.

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Why is Pot Turning Legal?


The majority wants it for the first time.

Majority doesn't buy "gateway drug" bullshit.
There's a desperate search for new revenue by cash-strapped state governments.
The total failure of the war on pot.
The race factor - ten times more Blacks get jailed for pot than whites
Opponents are literally dying off
Even Grover Norquist wants it legal so they can tax it
Pot tax might even lower other taxes
Basic fairness - why should alcohol be the only legal fun drug?

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God, how I hate the whores at CNN

I just saw their headline:
Congress Fails to Pass Unemployment Extention, Affecting 1.3M People

If the bastards were even HALF honest (Why do I torture myself this way?) that headline would be,
Republicans Block Democrats' Unemployment Extention for 1.3M people

If they told the damn truth, people might become more educated and progress might happen.
But by using distoryted headlines like that, they empower the lie that "both sides are at fault."

Both sides are NOT ata fault.
One side is squrting water on the fire and one side is turning off the water pump.

America deserves a honest and intelligent news.  Instead, we get money-grubbing,
overpaid, lying whores like the sons of bitches we see every day on CNN  and FOX News.

Extending unemployment benefits is very similar to The Bartcop Tax Plan.

People affected by the GOP's killing the extension are DEAD BROKE.
If they get their hands on $500, they might spend it all that same day.
Each time that money changes hands, wealth is careated and the economy booms.

That's why the GOP wants to kill the unemployment benefits extension,
to hurt the economy and get the stupid people even angrier at Obama.

Democrats won't point that out because listing the facts is a waste of time.

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This is a dog wearing a funny coat.

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 Subject: serious question

You've cheer led, advocated and supported the Clintons for years.
Has either Bill or Hillary ever written to thank you for all that support?

I got (as I told you) a letter from Clinton (thank you for your support,
when I had criticized him) and an email from James Carville.

Anything Bart? Ever?
 Neil in the winter wonderland

No, never heard from any of the Clintons.
Maybe I'm not big enough or maybe I'm radioactive to them.

I'm sure Hillary doesn't need, "Are you friends with that blogger who
calls George W. Bush "Der Monkey Fuhrer?" while she's running.

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Legal Pot by the Rude Pundit


Yes, yes, ha, ha, doofus white fucksack David Brooks of the New York Times
wrote a doofus white fucksack of a column about how he broke the law numerous
times by smoking pot (for which he does not apologize), and now that he's a
grown-up doofus white fucksack, he thinks marijuana is bad, mm-kay.

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 Subject: Colorado good news, bad news (days old)

Bart, I just heard that (the store I go to) has no more for recreational sale.
Thing are really hour to hour - prices tripled at one store yesterday - 500 an ounce,
They sold all their rec, pot.

The stores can buy up to 30 percent of sales from other stores - the transfer
is taxed heavily  - No telling what will be happening when you get here.
 Your Man in Denver

A while back, we applied some FF miles towards a Jan 10 trip to Denver,
but I don't think Denver, or Colorado, is ready for tourists like us.

For one, Colorado tells you where you CAN'T smoke,
but they don't say where you CAN smoke.

Some people say, "Get a smoking room at a hotel and be discreet."
Fine, but that has problems, too.
If we get a room formerly occupied for a week by America's heaviest smoker
we won't be able to breathe and trust me, we've been there before.

Plus, if we get to the already-paid-for room and a sign says,
"BTW, you can't smoke pot here, either," then we're locked in.

Some people say, "Well use a vaporizer, idiot," as if that's an easy one.
Have you ever seen a Volcano Vaporizer?

It looks like a portable nuclear device.
I wouldn't want to try to fly with that monster.

Are there any cheap vaporizers that work?    
Send e-mail to Bart
Is the Volcano considered the "Cadillac" of vapes, or is there something better?   
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Then we have the overwhelming demand added to the confusion.
I don't want to stand in the winter cold for five hours only to be told,
"Sorry, we ran out" when I finally get to the front of the damn line.

Then there's the "Where" problem - if we try to have a fest.
Far as I can tell, the only way that would work is if we all got on the same pot tour bus.
(BTW, they use vaporizers on the pot bus, if you have buds - they can't sell you any.)

If a dozen of us rent a bus, we can say, "Take us to Pike's Peak" and spend the next
three hours sight-seeing and celebrating our new freedoms.  Works for me.
Then they'd return us to the hotel, where our freedoms could once again be curtailed.

What Colorado needs is time to get up their courage and then they'll start saying
"We believe in Green Freedom" on their web pages so people will know.

Jesus, what hotel CEO wants to tell 20% of their customers, "You're not welcome here."

So it seems the smart move would be to let them get the kinks worked out.
If it turns out that we can only be free outside, better April than January, right?

But if anyone has any good Fest ideas, send them in.

We always have 4/20-14 to consider, the High Times Cannibis Cup Convention

That might be a hoot and Shirley this event will be held on "private property."

Legal pot - in my lifetime - go figure.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Memphis is colder than Anchorage
and Atlanta is colder than Moscow.

Punter Fired over Gay Rights
Says Vikings should be on Duck Dynasty


Former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe says he lost his job because of his
outspoken public support of same-sex marriage.

Kluwe, writing for Deadspin in an article titled, "I Was An NFL Player Until I Was
Fired By Two Cowards And A Bigot," blames former coach Leslie Frazier, general
manager Rick Spielman and special teams coach Mike Priefer. Kluwe also writes that
he wants to make sure Priefer never gets another coaching job again.

"I honestly don't know if my activism was the reason I got fired," Kluwe writes.
"However, I'm pretty confident it was."

The Vikings, of course, denied everything.

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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Nobody got actress Odette Annable.
Among other roles, she interned for Dr. House for a year.


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I hear it was unanimous

Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, that's Denver.  Rocky Mountain High !
 Doc Pain
They say Colorado is the only place in the world where you can buy legal pot.

Does that make Colorado the most progressive place in the world?

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Name the Mystery Car


 Maybe one of you had one of these...

 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that’s a French Simca Vedette Cabriolette, probably early 60s
  Ed Michael Roth

My info said 1957, but everybody else said 1960 so who knows?


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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, thhat is 9 year old John Lennon with his Mother Julia in 1949.
 Patrick C

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