Tuesday, Jan 7, 2014 Vol 3177 - Bladdernuts
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"The deficit fell last year by $400 billion -- $170+ billion more than expected -- and the GOP can't find $6.4 billion to help the unemployed?" -- LOLGOP in a Tweet Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Snowden is the Left's Benghazi by Gene Lyons Link As always, it's best to read every sentence Gene writes, but here's a few excerpts: I’m not buying Edward Snowden the savior. Whatever the man’s motives, he’s a traitor. The real scandal is how he got a security clearance to start with. He's right. The melodramatic Mr. Snowden said: “Recently we learned that our governments, working in concert, have created a system of worldwide mass surveillance watching everything we do.” This is such sheer, self-dramatizing humbug I can’t think why anybody pretends to believe it. I agree. I'm puzzled that people who usually make sense have fallen for Snowden's bullshit. At worst, your telephone “metadata” and mine are stored in a huge NSA database, where it will be purged after five years unless you start dialing 1-900-HotVirgins in Yemen — at which point the FBI might seek a search warrant to check you out. Amazon and Citicard know a lot more about me personally than the NSA, using information I’ve willingly given them. So do Verizon, Facebook and my bank. But nobody makes me read on a Kindle or pay for things with a credit card. As long as the data exists, it can theoretically be abused. Until I see genuine victims of government abuse, I’ll keep thinking the Snowden affair has become the left’s equivalent of the Benghazi delusion: much ado about terrible crimes that haven’t actually happened. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() This is what killed the middle class. Subject: Duck dick-heads BC, Fuck these millionaire frauds and their idiot supporters. You can’t even call them hillbillies. Not long ago they looked like Willard Romney playing golf. Lying sacks of shit. As for Phil, he’s a racist homophobe who endorses pedophilia. Since when is any of that toxic shit Christian. Excuse me, I have to go puke. Minnesota Steve Send e-mail to Bar ![]() ![]() Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Snowden to Expose Israeli Secrets He's not being spiteful, he wants to help Israel Link Wanted theif Edward Snowden has more secrets to reveal that relate to Israel, claims Glenn Greenwald, his co-conspirator. "I don't want to preview any stories that aren't yet published, but there are a huge number of very significant stories that are left to report," said Greenwald. "There definitely are stories left that involve the Middle East, that involve Israel." Snowden might think twice about fucking with Israel. They sometimes go Entebbe on their enemies. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: of hardcore true believers Bart, you wrote: No, never heard from any of the Clintons. Maybe I'm not big enough or maybe I'm radioactive to them. I'm sure Hillary doesn't need, "Are you friends with that blogger who calls George W. Bush "Der Monkey Fuhrer?" while she's running. Well Bart; Perhaps Hillary (or her handlers, but I repeat myself) mostly see you as the premier Demo-version of a "useful idiot." it seems that -- even with the Clintons -- political loyalty is an ever prevalent one-way street. DanD If that was an attack on me, blow me. If that's an attack on the Clintons, do you really think they owe every supporter a phone call or a thank you e-mail? That would be 100M e-mails for Bill, alone. Shirley, on the other hand, could've taken the time in those ten years but I'm not upset with anyone who doesn't wish to reach out. I'm a private guy, myself. Send e-mail to Bar
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![]() Income Gap Big Issue for 2014 That's bad news for you-know-who Link On Tuesday morning, Senate Republicans are expected to block an emergency measure to extend unemployment insurance. Soon after, President Obama will stand before a handful of the 1.3 million Americans who have begun to lose their benefits and try to shame Republicans for failing to help the nation’s neediest. A similar political dynamic is likely to play out in the weeks and months to come. Just like the shutdown, the Republicans KNOW this vote is killing them, but they're going to do it anyway because Rush and FOX News insist on it. Ahead of the 2014 midterm campaign season, Democrats and Republicans alike are trying to convince voters they are on the side of the middle class and those striving to break into it. Seriously? The Party of "Screw the middle class" and "More tax cuts for the super-rich" is actually going to ask the middle class for their vote? The mid-term elections would be a f-ing joke if it weren't for the fact that Democrats have no idea how to argue, no idea how to frame an argument and no clue as to how to list the facts. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: How to smoke pot sneakily... Hey Bart, I have stealthily smoked God’s Flowers on trips using several clandestine techniques: <snaippage> That little Sneak-A-Toke is the best by far. Easy to load. Easy to hide. Easy to use. Easy to toss if you are challenged by “the man.” One load can give you four or five good hits during the day. Nelson Nelson, thanks for that but the whole point is to buy and smoke it legally. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() ![]() Nancy Grace, Ugly Buzzkill Harping and shreiking at pot smokers Link The shreiking harpy Nancy Grace yelled at Brooke Baldwin about legal pot in Colorado. Grace is not a fan of the law, telling Baldwin she thinks that legal pot is a "horrible idea." Grace said that she wouldn't want anyone on pot to take care of her kids or drive a cab. Why in the world would she go there? By her reasoning, Jack Daniels should be illegal because nobody wants a drunk surgeon operating on their kids. Why are lawyers and former prosecutors always the very very worst at framing an argument? Keep talking, Nancy, and the country will go whichever way is against you, She then went for the jugular, claiming that anyone who disagreed with her was "lethargic, sitting on the sofa, eating chips ... fat and lazy." Whoa. The gauntlet had been thrown down. The only question was whether or not pot enthusiasts would fire back. ![]() Plus, God Tweeted: Nancy Grace just called pot smokers "fat and lazy". Right. Unlike the buff marathon runners home 4 o'clock on a Monday watching your show. — God (@TheTweetOfGod) January 6, 2014 Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The Colorado Crackdown It seems 'free' has two meanings Link Colorado is the first state with legal pot. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a fireable offense. Under U.S. law, private companies can fire employees for almost anything they do at home or at work. And while Colorado has bucked the trend by banning firings for “lawful” outside-work activities, that protection doesn’t extend to pot. “I’m not going to get better any time soon,” paraplegic plaintiff Brandon Coats told reporters after his 2010 firing by Dish Network was upheld in court last April. “I need the marijuana, and I don’t want to go the rest of my life without holding a job.” Coats alleged he was illegally fired by Dish Network for using medical marijuana to mitigate muscle spasms. (Coats was fired three years ago; his case rested on the state’s Medical Marijuana Amendment, which went into effect in 2009.) The bastards at Dish did not have the courage to respond to Salon’s Thursday morning inquiry. “If Mr. Coats can’t win this case, then nobody can,” Coats’ attorney Michael Evans told Salon. “He’s about as bad as you can get in terms of physical disability … He was a great employee, and they admit that he was never impaired [at work] … He was following all of the laws.” They'll probably fix this - as the years go by, but this guy is screwed now. If he drank a quart of vodka every night, Dish would have no problem with that, as long as he wasn't drunk when he arrived at work the next morning. The vengeful Dish bastards fired him because they could. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Michael is reminding the Left how Left he is Bart, Moore is correct in some of what he says about the ACA. But, why the fuck does he feel compelled to say it? We all know we would have preferred single-payer, or, at least, a public option. In just the last week, two of my favorite public “liberals”, Moore and Howard Dean, have felt compelled to badmouth the ACA. Jesus H. Christ! We get it. You’re more liberal than Obama. It’s easy to be out here on the left when you don’t have to govern the country. When you don’t have to accomplish anything. Obama wanted to get something good done. He figured what he could get, and he did it. It’s not perfect, but it’s a step in the right direction, and it’s helping millions of people. You’d think guys as smart as Moore and Dean would understand that the single most important political goal is to defeat Republicans...not give them talking points. Obama ally number two, Dan L That story also said: Citing a personal friend with cancer, Moore conceded that Obamacare is a godsend. So if Moore is working with the GOP and Teabaggers to repeal Obamacare (The only logical extension of "Obamacare is a disaster") what will happen to his old friend with cancer? You'd think with all those millions Mike made from Farenheit 9-11 he could chill a little on his need to be in the headlines at the expense of HIS president. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]()
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Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: The Cadillac of Vaporizers Bart that would be the Air_O_Swiss brand – expensive, but if it’s your health you’re trying to improve... Lamont I failed to be clear about what I needed. I need something so cheap that I can leave it there. I keep seeing these $20 pen-sized units, but because it's illegal, sellers can't come right out and say exactly what you get for your $20. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Oklahoma's Salute to the Devil 7-foot Satan statue made for OKC Capitol ![]() Link The Satanic Temple, a religious group based in New York City, on Monday unveiled their design for a monument they hope to erect at the Oklahoma Statehouse. The 7-foot-tall monument would include a goat-headed Baphomet figure sitting cross-legged on a stone slab, flanked by two smiling children. The monument would also include quotes from poets Lord Byron and William Blake. “The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond. The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures. The statue will also have a functional purpose as a chair where people of all ages may sit on the lap of Satan for inspiration and contemplation,” spokesman Lucien Greaves explained. The group offered to donate a monument last month, after OK State Rep. Mike Ritze (R-Of Course) and handjob Christians were allowed to erect a Ten Commandments monument on the statehouse grounds. Lawmakers in Oklahoma, however, have insisted that the Satanists should not be given the same treatment as Christians. “This is a faith-based nation and a faith-based state,” Rep. Earl Sears (R-Bartlesville) said. “I think it is very offensive they would contemplate or even have this kind of conversation.” After other groups — including PETA and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster — asked for their own displays, the Oklahoma City Capitol Preservation Commission placed a moratorium on new monuments at the statehouse. This is why there must be a wall between religious insanity and government. As soon as one group decides that everyone must worship their God, pretty soon every snake-handler in Oklahoma wants their own statue erected. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Privacy in the 21st Century Great article. http://immasmartypants.blogspot.com/2014/01/trying-to-have-21st-century.html The democratization of public or semi-public exhibitionism has thrown traditional concerns about “personal privacy” out the window. Who needs the CIA anymore when everybody is out there blurting the kinds of secrets it used to take surveillance to discover? Privacy didn’t disappear because Big Brother took it away. We gave it away! Freely! It fell aside to a greater impulse: the need to expose ourselves in public, to have an audience, and to keep it. Tally Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]()
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Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that is a make-up free Mila Kunis. Stefanie ![]() She looks a better with makeup, I agree. Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Hi Bart, That's Amsterdam, the Netherlands, one of my favorite European cities. Also, a lot closer for me to pick up "supplies" than Colorado. Rick in Austria Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that’s a 1969 Pontiac Firebird. michaelgy Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's a picture of the 1964-65 World's Fair in New York City. The picture is the Unisphere. I went to that fair twice when I was a lad; the Ford pavilion started my love of the Mustang. Tom C Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donations Thanks
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