Weekend-Monday, Jan 11-13, 2014 Vol 3180 - Godfrey Daniels
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"Financially, the marijuana pie is only expected to get bigger. Bloomberg estimates that national legalization could open the doors to a $30 to $45 billion a year industry. Jamen Shivley, a founder of Diego Pellicer, puts the market closer to $100 billion." -- Dan Ritter of Wall Street Cheat Cheet, Link Send e-mail to Bart Unemployed?
Or need a different/better job? Maybe you need a resume written by a professional. ![]() Contact Dick Blust Jr at rcblust@live.com More Problems for Gov Krispy Kreme Was There Funny Business with Sandy Relief Funds? ![]() "I am not fat!" Link Chris Christie (R-Bully) is facing a federal investigation into whether he used Hurricane Sandy relief money to produce tourism ads starring himself and his family. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) said the inspector general for H.U.D conducted a preliminary investigation, and concluded that a full investigation is warranted. The investigation comes as Gov. Krispy Kreme is facing Bully-Bridge-gate. Pallone wrote a letter to the inspector general of H.U.D. in August, asking why a firm with a more expensive pitch won the project to make a New Jersey tourism campaign with Sandy relief funds. The winning firm's bid was $4.7 million, while a comparable firm cost $2.5 million. The more expensive idea included the Christies, while the cheaper pitch did not. In a slickly produced ad released in May, Christie appeared towards the end and proclaimed that New Jersey was "stronger than the storm." So, Gov. Krispy Kreme spend $2.2M more in taxpayer money so he could star in the ads? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: McCain censured Bart, The right-wing is really getting crazier. It seems as if they're whipping themselves into a frenzy, perhaps actually hoping for some sociopathic group to resort to "second amendment" solutions. One gets the feeling that there is a actual desire on the part of the racist/religious/secessionist crowd for wilder perhaps more violent behavior. Here in the "State of Maricopa" of Zonerland, the fascist crowd has taken the following bold step. The Maricopa County Republican Party has voted overwhelmingly to censure Senator John McCain (R-AZ). Members of the group feel the senator has failed to stand behind the Republican Party's principles and crossed the aisle and voted with Democrats too many times. Many GOP members are using the term "RINO" to describe McCain, which stands for "Republican in Name Only." The vote was 1,150 for the censure and 351 against. Here is the resolution as drafted by precinct committeeman Tim Schwartz: As leaders in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our party, platform and its candidates. Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders. Today we are faced with both. For too long we have waited, hoping Sen. McCain would return to our party's values on his own. That has not happened. So with sadness and humility we rise and declare: Whereas Sen. McCain has amassed a long and terrible record of drafting, co-sponsoring and voting for legislation best associated with liberal Democrats, such as amnesty, funding for Obamacare, the debt ceiling, assaults on the constitution and second amendment, and has continued to support liberal nominees; Whereas this record has been disastrous and harmful to Arizona and the United States; and, Whereas Sen. McCain has campaigned as a conservative and made promises during his re-election campaigns, such as the needed and welcomed promise to secure our borders and finish the border fence, only to quickly flip-flop on those promises; and whereas McCain has abandoned our core values and has been eerily silent against liberals, yet publicly reprimands conservatives in his own party, therefore Be it hereby resolved that the Maricopa County Republican leadership censures Sen. McCain for his continued disservice to our state and nation, and BE it further resolved that until he consistently champions our party's platform and values, we, the Republican leadership in Arizona will no longer support, campaign for or endorse John McCain as our U.S. senator. Neither phone calls, emails or text messages to McCain's press office were returned. This kind of nonsense will continue (not that I like McCain) until the slaves stop electing their slaveholders to office. Cheers, Jay Jay, that underlined part says it all - thanks. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden Bart, I've been following you off and on since R.L.L.N.W. or whatever that acronym was. What? 15 years? Anyway, you and I agree on almost all of it. But. . . . you were wrong (if I remember correctly) about the former Yugoslavia story . . . . . . and you are absolutely wrong on the Snowden, Manning, Assange issue. …. I think that you are "in a box" about the Snowden story . . . My guess is that almost all of your millions of followers do not agree with your position on it. . . . and I'm afraid that you can't get out of that box… without embarrassing yourself . . . Look around Man, you are in a tiny minority . . . Thanks for the work you do . . . Ray in Kamloops Ray, I'm not in a box - I'm right. If my readers think stealing 1,5000,000 America's national security secrets and running to China with them just because he can is "right" then they are ...mistaken. If only there was some way we could wager on this, we'd soon see how confortable people were with their position. Funny, I can answer ANY Snowden question put to me. Why can't I get ANY Snowden answers from his fans? (Questions below) Send e-mail to Bar ![]() ![]() Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Al Roker to Pigboy: "Stuff it" Pigboy accused Roker of Lying Link Rush Limbaugh was a dick this week when he claimed that the polar vortex that swept the nation with record low temperatures this week was a phrase recently invented by liberals in order to advance a political agenda. The vulgar Pigboy said "Do you know what the polar vortex is? Have you ever heard of it? Well, they just created it for this week... Right on schedule, the media have to come up with a way to make he cold sound like it's completely unprecedented, because they've got to find a way to attach this to the global warming agenda." And what was Roker's reply? "We've never used the phrase 'global warming' or 'climate change' in conjunction with this... Okay?! So for all the doubters out there, STUFF IT." Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Who wants to look at a bunch of men? Dear Bart: Women? Stu the Lawyer Actually, no. Go to any airport and look at the magazines. ALL the mens magazines have women on the cover and all the women's magazines have women on the cover, Click Here If you take away GQ, Rolling Stone and TIME, it's almost all women all the time. People won't buy a magazine with a man on the cover. If they did, magazine publishers would put men on their covers. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Snowden and the Constitution Bart, you wrote: The Catholics used to teach that if you see a "No Swimming" sign and a baby falls in the water, it's OK to break the swimming laws to save the baby. Some people say, "All laws must be obeyed at all times no matter what, no excuses." I would save the baby." I could not help but think your analogy was better served to prove Gary's position, and mine I might add. It is Snowden who is the one breaking the law to save the baby. The baby is people's right to live a private life, at least as much as possible (we can't be naive). Once that baby is swept away, and it becomes the norm for the government or companies they hire, to look through your private correspondence, the battle is lost. It will be impossible to get that baby back. And America will slowly but surely sink into a new East Germany. So yeah, I'd save the baby too Victor I can see why you'd try to make that connection but I can't buy it. If a baby falls in water, it has what, 15-30 seconds to live? You can say someone in Utah recording the time of your phone call is as urgent as the dead-in-30-seconds baby, but they're just not the same. Besides, if Snowden's motives were pure, why did he steal 1.5M national security secrets and then run to China? Why didn't he steal THREE secrets and "save America" that way? No, Snowden is a greedy opportunist. He stumbled onto the equivalent of the Pam Anderson porn tape so he stole it and is now using that to become world-famous. Send e-mail to Bar Shop Online
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![]() NY Daily News: Christie's a Thug Link When you've lost the business wing of the party, where can you go? The editorial page of the New York Daily News, the page that robustly endorsed Romney in 2012 and Bush in 2004, just published a blistering editorial calling this "Christie's Waterloo" and pronouncing him finished as a presidential candidate. In the best possible light, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie built a top staff of lying thugs who threatened lives and safety to serve his political ends. If not, Christie is a lying thug himself. Pooooooooooooooooooow! Christie's presidential ambitions are all but kaput, as he will be lambasted and lampooned as a man of low character and horrible judgment, ” again viewing him in the most favorable way. Oooooooooooooooooof! Take his denials of knowledge with skepticism, and the man is a monster. Damn, they really, really don't like Christie. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Poverty You know what I find amazing about these Repugs that talk about poverty, they have no idea what poverty is. They never suffered a day in their life because they come from fairly well off families. They don’t know what it is to be hungry (unless its their choice), they don’t know what it is to be cold or on the street with no home to go to. They stand at a podium and spout what needs to be done about poverty (mostly cutting people off from the very things that help them get out of poverty) and they don’t have a clue what real poverty is. Are we ever going to have anyone in Washington that really cares about those in need. Diane B Legal Assistant Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Is Bartcop.com Blocked at Your Job? If so, tell me the name of your company - we'll leave your name out. Subject: Bartcop blocked Bartcop.com was blocked by the U.S. Army while I was in Iraq in 2004. They listed as a "sports & gambling site". They also told me my IP address was being logged & reported to my chain of command. Nothing ever came of it & I'm retired now, so they can't tell me who I'm allowed to look at. John S I used to get an e-mail per week saying,'They block you where I work." Maybe those people are no longer reading bartcop.com? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Tuesday night on ABC Goodell: NFL and Pot Might Work American attitudes are changing very quickly Link NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is leaving the door open on pot use for pro football players. Although it’s been legal to buy and use marijuana in Colorado since Jan. 1, smoking marijuana is still illegal under the NFL’s out-dated collective bargaining agreement. When asked if a player might ever be allowed to use medical marijuana in states where it’s legal, Goodell said he could envision a time when players use medical marijuana in states where it’s legal. "I don't know what's going to develop as far as the next opportunity for medicine to evolve and to help either deal with pain or help deal with injuries, but we will continue to support the evolution of medicine," he said. He said he could envision a time when players use pot where it’s legal. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Ariel Sharon's 8-year coma I personally think it's barbaric to keep someone alive in a coma for 8 years as was the case with former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. A person should be allowed to die when they get to a point when it's obvious that forcing them to linger for years is just plain cruel. If we have a beloved cat or dog that has reached a point in their old age where it's clear it's over we do the "humane" think and put the poor critter out of it's misery. Why we can't afford humans the same dignity we give our pets is something I can't understand. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "I spent half my money on liquor, gambling and wild women. I wasted the other half." -- the great W. C. Fields, Send e-mail to Bart Subject: silver pockets full calendar Sorry if you've gotten a lot of mail on this already. I've gotten less than 100 corrections on that. Any August that starts on Friday will have 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I'm not a mathematician, but I'd guess the odds of that are about 1 in 7. ha ha It happened in 2008, and will happen again in 2025 and 2031. Mike You're right - that'll happen every time the First is on a Friday in any month that's not February, September, April, June or Novemder. If I wasn't going 95 MPH last Thursday I might've caught that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Quotes "I think Chris Christie’s the most able politician since Bill Clinton. On the other hand, you look at these other qualities and ask, do you really want that in your president?” -- Christie's political mentor former New Jersey Governor Thomas H. Kean Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: re: Pregnant and on Life Support Hi Bart, Although we disagree on the wisdom of keeping Marlize Munoz's body alive to allow her fetus to come to term, I do believe you're someone who who would read a counter-argument and spend a few minutes mulling it over. Not too many of us left on the net anymore, it seems. Tru dat. Four of my extended family members have had complex end-of-life situations -- probably something that is not all that uncommon. One thing I have learned, is that when the brain is compromised, the body doesn't simply go marching on in an uncomplicated way. All kinds of unfortunate things happen. I think it is quite likely that the doctors attending to Marlise Munoz are struggling on a daily basis to keep her organs functioning and her metabolism stable enough to support the growth of the fetus. I think that if there was truly choice involved, the doctors would probably act on the knowledge that the delivery of a healthy baby is a remote possibility at best and advise Erick Munoz that terminating his wife's life support, as she requested, would be by far the best choice. That's what being pro-choice is all about: letting people assess a messy situation and using their judgement to get the best outcomes they can. Anti-choice is passing a blunt instrument of a law that substitutes rigid words on paper for human judgement and causes unnecessary suffering and heartbreak. I'll let somebody else discuss what the money issues will do to Erick Munoz's life. Keep swinging the hammer, Jerry Having just glanced at that story, I found out later that the doctors are sure the fetus was deprived of oxygen for too long, (mother was dead) so bringing it to term seems like a bad idea. The state forcing this on that family is really bad. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Jon Stewart vs O'Reilly on Pot Video Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Robert Gates Book Robert Gates is also up to his neck in the crazy illiegal Iran/Contra affair, associate of Oliver North, supporting the Contras of Nicauaga and selling arms to Saddam. All horrible foreign policy diasters that came back to bite us, hard! I totally agree, fuck him! Jack Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Will Alaska be State #3? Legal pot is breaking out all over Link Marijuana prohibition laws are slowly going up in smoke. Can you believe how f-ing brain-dead ALL writing on pot is? I'll bet you can't find a single article on legal pot that isn't full of bullshit, unfunny cliches, as tho the writer thinks he's the funniest bastard in the world and he just can't help hissself. An Alaska citizens' group is pushing to legalize recreational marijuana, which would make it the third state to do so after Colorado and Washington. Driven by growing public support, Campaign to Regulate Marijuana submitted more than 45,000 signatures Wednesday to Alaska election officials. It needs about 30,000 to qualify for the August ballot. "The proposed initiative will take marijuana sales out of the underground market and put them in legitimate, taxpaying businesses," said Tim Hinterberger, one of the initiative's sponsors. "Replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of taxation and sensible regulation will bolster Alaska's economy by creating jobs and generating revenue for the state." That's true for every state, except for Oklahoma, of course. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: that guy asked about Social Security Of course you can file at 62. 62=70% of the whole benefit and each month after 62 the benefit % increases. Check out the retirement calculator at www.socialsecurity.gov to find out what your 70% would be. At age 62 until you reach age 66 you are subject to the “annual earnings test” What that means is that if you have earnings over $15480 you will have a 2 for 1 offset on any earnings over $15,480. For example let’s say you are working and will have earning of $30,000 in 2014 and you are between age 62-66 and you would like to start receiving benefits in 01/2014. The math would be $30000-$15480 (what you can earn without penalty)=$14520/2=$7260.00. Now let’s say your benefit rate is $1000 per month, SSA would keep your first 8 pays or Jan-Aug. and you would receive benefits from Sept-Dec + your wages. Now this seems really bad but when you reach age 66 they move you up the scale for each month they had you in suspense to meet your estimate in each year. At the end of the year once your taxes are done and IRS reports your earnings they settle up. If you made less than your estimate or are do part of a check it is paid in a lump sum around the following July. If you made more you owe. Now let’s say you are working any earnings $80000 per year. $80000-15480, /2=$32260/1000=32 month. 32>12 it would not make sense to file because you would lock yourself in at a lower rate and not be due benefits. Check out the website for “Special Monthly rule” if you are planning on retiring in the middle of the year. Someone, someone who knows Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Marty's
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has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E! Today's OMG!
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Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Democracy Needs Whistleblowers Hi Bart While you are basically a good progressive, I think you have some conservative reactions, especially when it comes to Snowden. I have decided to align myself with the likes of Anonymous and WikiLeaks. I send this along, and maybe you’ve already seen it, for your consideration, and maybe a change of heart. Robert I'm not against whistleblowers but many Snowden/Wiki fans are extremists, to say the least. 1. There are people who think EVERY state secret MUST be revealed and that's insanity. Funny how I can't get any Snowden fans to address that particular point. I believe Manning stole/released 700,000 secrets. I believe Snowden stole 1.5M secrets and is currently blackmailing America with them. 2. How can ANY sane person endorse the theft of 1.5M national security secrets while the bastard runs to China and then Russia with them? Funny how I can't get any Snowden fans to address that particular point. 3. If Snowden stole FIVE secrets that we needed to know, I might be on his side. Funny how I can't get any Snowden fans to address that particular point. 4. When did "stealing because I can" become admirable behavior? Can I get Snowden fans to answer the numbered questions? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Christie Lies Christie is not a big deal. Sure, he eats big, he talks big, he kills big, he is big, but unless I miss my guess, he will have a big heart attack fairly soon, and very few will attend his funeral. Ruchard M Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo
Link Did you know if an elephant flaps his ears fast enough - he can fly? I have proof.
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Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that is Haley Joel Osment, the kid from The Sixth Sense who saw dead people. (which is one of the few bruce willis films I actually like) ducks Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, From the number of giant identical apartment buildings and well-lit tree-lined streets, my guess is Seoul, South Korea. Cameron in PDX Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a Lohner-Porsche Electric Voiturette Paul in VA Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's Grand Central Terminal in New York City from the 1930's before taller surrounding buildings blocked the sunlight from the south. You can still get a great picture of the sunlight shining through from the east in the A.M. Tom Send e-mail to Bart ![]() ![]() Subject: donations Thanks
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