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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Tuesday, Jan 14, 2014    Vol 3181 - Invisible 7-11

ha ha
"If I did it, it's because I loved that bridge too much!"

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Brewer's Abortion Law Reversed
Arrow Can Pot Stop Childhood Leukemia?
Pam Anderson Marries Scumbag
Arrow Who but Christie Beats Hillary
Will Florida be State #4? 
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Going to Heaven, Denise Richards

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"So House and Senate negotiators came up with an omnibus budget that will prevent
  the nation from looking out at a field of land mines and saying, "Hey, that looks like fun,"
  for at least another year or two. House Republicans come away from the deal without any
  of their larger goals of, as they like to put it, "fucking shit up but good." No, they have to
  put the defunding Obamacare boner back in their pants and sit around with blue balls
  until Fantasy President Ted Cruz jacks them off. "
    --  nobody says it like the Rude Pundit,     Link

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Brewer's Abortion Law Reversed
Supreme Court tell Bagger Witch "Get Real"


The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear Arizona's appeal of a lower-court ruling
that declared unconstitutional a state law banning abortions beginning at 20 weeks, meaning
the restrictive measure is struck down and the Teabaggers lose again.

The Arizona law, signed by finger-wagging slut Jan Brewer in 2012, was one of the toughest
anti-women, anti-freedom measures ever passed into law.  A recent ruling by the 9th Circuit
invalidated the awful law, saying it violated "unalterably clear" legal precedents. The high court
justices' decision not to review the state's appeal means the lower-court ruling remains intact.

Brewer's spokesman said the Supreme Court was wrong not to hear the state's appeal, saying
the action was "a clear infringement on the authority of states to implement critical life-affirming laws."

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Subject: Snowden

Bart — You’ve painted yourself into a corner over Snowden;

I am not in a corner - I'm right.

My advice, don’t write anything more about it. 

Thanks for that.

As you get letters regarding the affair don’t reply. 

I'm trying to educate those who are mistaken.

Pretend the issue doesn’t exist.  You can’t, at this point,
gracefully change your mind no matter how much you’d like to.

Why would I want to change from being right to being wrong? 

At this point you are sounding like one of those tools on Fox
Name-calling is generally the best way out of a debate
when you can't answer the four very simple questions.

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 Subject: Snowden

Where's your proof that Snowden is blackmailing the US with the information he took? 

His own words: "Give me asylum and I'll stop leaking."
That's called blackmail - ain't no other word for it.

The reporters that published his story have said that he gave them all the data, and doesn't possess any of it. 
You are entitled to believe they are lying, but without something to back up your claim, its not very compelling.

Why should we believe thieves, blackmailers and traitors?

Perhaps you are also unaware that the reporters he gave the data to (Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian, Der Spiegel)
are the ones sifting through the information, doing additional research, and publishing the stories.  Snowden has little
to no involvement in the release of the information.  No one has released 1,500,000 “secrets” by the way, and I trust
Glenn Greenwald a heck of a lot more than I trust the security state, to decide which secrets we get to hear about.

Funny, I hear that a lot.
"I trust Snowden and Greenwald a LOT more than I trust Obama, Biden and Hillary."

Didn't we all work really hard to get Obama elected?
And now that he's there, we're doing all we can to destroy him - typical Democratic behavior.

Lastly, Snowden didn't go to Hong Kong to give the data to the Chinese government

You have no idea why Snowden did something - why pretend you do?
Can you also tell us what God is thinking?

- and despite your veiled assertions, no one has presented any proof he did so. 

But why run to America's greatest enemies with our stolen national security info?
Why not flee to South America or Sweden or whatever?

He went (to China) so he could get the information to journalists without being subject to the US trying to stop him. 

China was the ONLY place Snowden could flee with those national security secrets?

He also didn't go to Russia to give the data to their government.  He was transferring
planes in Moscow to get to Ecuador, and the US revoked his passport, trapping him in Russia.

Well, who hasn't been there?
I find half my flights go thru Moscow.

For having such a firm position on Snowden, you sound like you've done almost no reading on the matter. 
You are entitled to go with gut feelings on it, but don't be surprised that people that have actually studied
the matter disagree with you.

If only there was a way we could wager on this...

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Subject: Snowden

Sorry Bart, have to agree w/Ray in kamploops.
If not for Snowden,we wouldn’t be hearing anything of the illegal practices of the NSA.

Hard to believe, but there still are those with a conscience who just do the right thing
at a huge cost to themselves. He is one. With you on just about everything else,

I notice (so far) nobody is answering the four EASY questions from yesterday.
How can people feel so strongly about a subject yet be unable to answer simple questions?

Snowden stole 1,500,000 secrets from the NSA, giving him 1,500,000 chances to blackmail America.
His backers choose to focus on ONE or TWO of those stolen secrets - amazing.

If nobody can answer very simple questions, I must assume I'm right.

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Can Pot Stop Childhood Leukemia?
She moved to Colorado to save her son,
but the state wants to take him away


A Colorado Springs mom is catching heat from social services for treating her son's cancer with cannabis instead of chemotherapy.

The thing is, she says, it seems to be working.

Sierra Riddle learned a year ago that her son Landon, 3, had aggressive leukemia. Doctors in Salt Lake City
began the standard treatment of radiation and chemotherapy, which took a heavy toll on his little body.

Landon became violently ill, vomiting multiple times a day, and suffered nerve damage in his legs,
Riddle said at one point, the boy went 25 days without eating.

"Around the clock, he's usually on liquid morphine, Ativan, Promethexane. And it didn't help," Riddle said.

Though she didn't know much about medical marijuana, Riddle decided to try it because "we had nothing to lose."
She and Landon moved to Colorado, where medical marijuana is legal, in order to obtain the drug.

In January Landon began taking liquid THC and CBD (cannabidiol), two compounds found in cannabis.

Miraculously, his cancer began to retreat.

"As soon as we started taking the oil, his platelets have been healthy and they can't understand why," Riddle told CNN.

The reason they don't know why is because America has been so afraid of the evil Devil's weed,
the feds wouldn't let them do any research, so the mysteries remain locked - perhaps until now.

You should've seen Landon on last night's CBS Nightly News.
He was so bald and sick (not eating for 25 days!) but then in the after footage, he has a full head of hair
and his Mom could hardly keep up with him on his tricycle because he had so much energy.

Last week, local news reports showed Landon as a happy, healthy-looking little boy, running and playing
as any three-year-old would.  But doctors are concerned that stopping Landon's chemo treatments may put
his life in danger. After a Colorado doctor threatened to report Riddle for refusing chemotherapy for Landon,
a human services agent showed up on her doorstep last week, CBS Local Denver reported.

Bottom line, the state of Colorado doesn't like the fact that Landon is getting better with pot.
They've threatened to take him from his mother so, to keep him, she had to agree to give Landon
once-a-month chemo that he doesn't need because they're STILL afraid of the evil Devil's weed.

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Subject: Christie

Bart, what will it be called if Chris Christie jumps out the window to the sidewalk below?

The Jersey Bounce.


I don't get it but I'll bet that's funny in New Jersey.

Note: Like Jon Stewart, Bill Maher is from New Jersey.

It's gotta be killing him that he's on hiatus right now.

Bill Maher returns to HBO Friday!

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Christie the Conehead

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Pam Anderson Marries Scumbag


This is Anderson's fourth marriage. She was briefly previously hitched to both Tommy Lee
(with whom she has two teen sons) and Kid Rock.

As for Rick Salomon, he was briefly married to Shannen Doherty.
He also dated Paris Hilton whom he betrayed with that infamous sex tape.

Damn, your life must really be shit when, of the four men you've married,
the most stable gentleman in the bunch is Motley Crue's Tommy Lee.

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Subject: Why I'm no longer a liberal 



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Sirius XM

Hillary had an Enemies List?


According to a new book, the Clintons built a formal enemies list at the end of Hillary’s failed
2008 presidential bid. The enemies on the list were apparently fellow Democrats whom Hillary
believed betrayed her during the primaries.

The book claims that the Clintons’ list, which insiders referred to as the “hit list,” ranked enemies
from 1-7, 7 being the worst traitor. Traitors included John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and John Edwards.

According tot he book, “traitors” were individuals who chose to endorse Obama in 2008.

Good for her.

We could make a long list of Obama's stupidest mistakes, but perhaps Number One is right after
winning the White House, Obama gave his enemies f-ing PERMISSION to defy him at every turn.

He let them know he wouldn't be offended and that they'd still be friends no matter how far
they stuck that knife in his back and no matter how many times they twisted that knife.

In politics, that's not only childish, it's goddamn idiotic.
When did being nice to the sons of bitches ever pay off?

Think Kissyface.

If you slap Hillary, she's NOT going to say, "Thank you, may I have another?" like Obama.

Hillary is more like LBJ.

Good for her.

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Subject: Snowden fans

None of them know what he stole, and what that means to the security
of the USA and those working in the clandestine services.

True, I don't think Obama or the NSA knows what Snowden stole,
yet "good Democrats" will stick with Snowden until the cows come home.

Just like none of them understand that metadata = your phone bill.
And that NO ONE in the GOV can access that info without a warrant - unlike BUSH/CHENEY INC.

Nobody wants to hear talk like that.

Google, Facebook, and Amazon have more personal information about everyone than
the US GOV has, and less restrictions to accessing it, but none of them are angry about that.

VISA and Mastercard know where you eat and when.
VISA and Mastercard know where you buy your liquor, and how much.
VISA and Mastercard know which hotel you brought that hooker to.
VISA and Mastercard know where you went on vacation and what you did.
VISA and Mastercard know which magazines you buy and what you bought from iTunes.
VISA and Mastercard know more than anybody - but Snowden has us focused on the NSA.

They are also ignorant about how the internet works, have never read a single user agreement
that they've AGREED to, and yet most post all their innermost thoughts on Facebook.

Nobody wants to hear talk like that.

The 4th protects your person and your papers, in your HOME. Once you've installed a
phone/internet line, you're voluntarily accessing the PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS GRID,
and PRIVATE CORPORATIONS have more rights than private citizens do in that realm.

This has been true for DECADES, with nary a peep of upset from the Snowdon fanbois.
Tally, why do you hate America?

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  Tonight on ABC

Who But Christie Can Beat Hillary?
Christie Can't Win Race for Dogcatcher Now


As a Republican hoping that my party will retake the White House in 2016, (ha ha  Poor bastard)
I watched as Chris Christie tried and tried to talk his way out of ”Bridgegate.”

The general consensus is that Christie did a decent job bemoaning his circumstances, considering that
the damaging political/ legal issues have only just begun. But it was Christie’s "I am not a bully" persona
that reminded me just how truly weak the entire bench of Republican presidential hopefuls is for 2016.

Wait, why is this Republican telling the truth?   You're supposed to lie and brag about
how many "wonderful" and "winning" candidates the GOP has - did you miss the memo?

Sure, before “Bridgegate” and just after Christie’s victory in New Jersey there were a few national polls
that showed Christie either tied or slightly leading Hillary. Indeed, dealing with Bridgegate could even make
Christie a stronger candidate.

ha ha
There's the lies we've been waiting for.

However, national polls mean nothing three years before a general election.
Just ask Rudy Giuliani how that early front-runner status worked out for him.

Hillary would crush Christie like she crushed Giuliani.

(No kitties were stomped in the making of this graphic.)

They can say anything they want but the GOP can't win in 2016.
Things are so bad for them, Republican women are itching to vote for Hillary.

Plus, between now and election day, the GOP nationally is going to introduce 200 bills
that attack a woman's right to reproductive freedom and they'll lose women by 30 points.

Yes, Christie might've been your best chance:
Except for the fact that Pigboy and FOX News HATE him, so he can't win.
Except for the fact that Christie introduced himself to America as the BIG bully.
Except for the fact that Christie is considered a giant dick in a party of giant dicks.
Except for the fact that Nate Silver proved everybody wrong last time, because women
   and Latinos and young people and pot smokers and gays and the poor HATE Republicans now

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 Subject: "questions" about Mr. Snowden, American Hero, Patriot

You are pathetic.  You have lost your marbles.  Your "numbered" questions prove it.

Why are Snowden fans so rude?
It's good to know we've having an adult conversation about an important topic.

First, #1. That is not a question, Dumbass.  It is your meth-induced projection on to what Mr. Snowden's motives were. 

That's right. I must be a meth addict if I agree with Obama on national security.
Tell me, is Biden smoking the stuff, too?   And Hillary?  And Bill?   And Gene Lyons?

Show me any quote of Mr. Snowden states that "EVERY state secret MUST be revealed". 

Your argument is so weak, I must assume you are a lawyer.
Lawyers always make the most brain-dead arguments.

I never claimed he said that, but it's inherent in your argument.

He stole 1.5M secrets, and you're obviously OK with that - why?
If Snowden stole 1.5M cars from Toyota, you'd be OK with that, too?
One can only assume you're pro-thievery because "all secrets need to be revealed."

Why else would you be OK with massive stealing? 

Can you answer that?

He stated he did what he did because the NSA violates the US Constitution.

That's one uneducated man's (Snowden) OPINION.  If Snowden had the OPINION
that Toyota didn't legally own those 1.5M cars, you're OK with him stealing them?

Can ANYONE steal ANYTHING if they feel they have right to?
If we were in court, I'd make you answer that and you might look stupid.

You may not give a shit about that claim, but when you conflate it to "EVERY state secret
MUST be revealed and that's insanity", you are the one who is insane. 

To state that, you must be able to explain why stealing is OK.
If stealing is wrong, (it is) why is OK for Snowden to have done it IF NOT
for the fact that he stole secrets that YOU think should be revealed?

You're stuck - you have no way to answer that.

Why is Snowden's crime not a crime?

You state you believe that Mr. Snowden stole 1.5M secrets?  How did you arrive at the number?   

Snowden and Greenwald have been bragging about the 1.5M number - haven't you done any reading?

You believe the US Government? Oh, that is right, Barry Elderick is the President. 

If you hate Obama, I can see why you'd side with the thief.

If someone criticizes him, you roll out the knife in the back cartoon. 
It never enters your feeble brain to put him in the pink tutu.

I think I know what you meant to say there, but you failed at it.

Calling someone "weak" is different than calling for their impeachment or claiming
that "we live in Obama's police state" because he's trying to keep us safe.
It's everyone's job to criticize. It's NOT our job to stab Obama in the back.

You also don't know what Snowden is carrying with him. 
Mr. Snowden doesn't need to carry the documents. 
This is the Internet Age.  But if you have special information, prove it!
  Fidel (Swear to God, that's how he signed his name)

Technically you're correct, but it would be a lot easier to fly
four hard drives to China than try to send 1.500,000 emails.

Fidel also had "answers" for questions 2, 3 and 4, but time is limited - maybe tomorrow.

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30 years?
We were fine under Clinton so I believe
eight years is a more accurate number.

Will Florida be State #4?

  with video you should see

With time running out to make this year's fall election ballot, Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan
upped his game last month in a last-ditch effort to gather enough signatures to ask Florida voters
to legalize medical marijuana.

Campaign-finance records show the lawyer and his firm Morgan & Morgan poured $2.8 million
into the effort this fall -- spending $2 million in December on a California-based signature gathering
firm PCI Consultants Inc., which has blanketed airwaves with commercials and shopping malls
and other public spaces with signature-gatherers.

Morgan's total giving includes an $909,000 loan from his law firm to the People United for Medical
Marijuana organization. The new report shows Morgan's family and mega-law firm have now
accounted for 83 percent of the legalization effort's entire budget.

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Subject: Snowden

No, you aren't right about Snowden.
In fact, you're showing your shameless neoliberal asscrack-licking by supporting outrageous
spying you would rightly oppose when an actual registered gooper President does it.

Why are Snowden fans so rude?

Thanks for reminding me why I've never registered for your site, and rarely ever check in.
Keep on licking boots, bartcop!
ifthethunderdontgetya, so, you checked in and wrote to say you're no longer checking in?

You handled that all wrong.  You're supposed to say,

"I was going to send you a donation, but when I saw that
you're against
 giving America's national security secrets to China, I decided against it."

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Marty's Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day

Marty's TV Listings are the best!

Marty always has good stuff.

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Today's OMG!  Don't Look Down Picture


 Real or photoshop?

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 Subject: It was all a misunderstanding

Apparently, somebody told Chris Christie to close the damn FRIDGE!
 - John in WA

  ha ha

That's the best joke I've heard so far this year.

                             "I am not fat!"

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I wonder what Colorado will look like in 2015?
If we could afford it, we'd be there now.
Colorado is among our most beautiful states.

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 Subject: Men on Magazine Covers

Bart, I’ve subscribed off and on to Men’s Health.
It always has a ripped, hairless chested dude on the cover.

Men’s Health tries to be for grown ups — no video game crap or stuff like that.
It’s just the right mix of fitness, fashion, and things to buy. Yeah, maybe that sounds gay. 
I think Men’s Health is for married men, who don’t want their wives to think they are
getting soft porn in the mail.

Excuse me, I have to work on my pecs. Wanna spot? 
 Dave in Scranton

Dave, that's kinda my point.
You'll see men on Men's Health, Gentlemen's Quartely, Rolling Stone (because there
so few women in rock) and TIME (there are so few women in politics.)

In most every other case, women want to see women and men want to see women.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Bart, that is Our Lady of the Thighmaster, psuedo-nutritionist Suzanne Somers.

 Rumor is she became a gazillionaire from Thighmaster.

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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, if you flip the image you have Seattle...
What I think we are looking at is Bizarro Seattle.
  -Houston the movie maker

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Name the Mystery Car


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that's a 1963 Chrysler Imperial Crown convertible.
 Paul in VA

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that is John McCain greeting Lindsey Graham after the Vietnam war,
 George M

 ha ha

Bart, that's the famous V-J Day kiss at Times Square in New York City in August, 1945 just after
the announcement in a bar that Japan had surrendered. George Mendonsa, a Navy sailor, who was
drunk at the time, left his fiance, Rita Petry, ran outside the bar and kissed the first woman who
looked like a nurse (Greta Zimmer) who was actually a dental assistant. His fiance forgave him.
Can you imagine the coast-to-coast, border-to-border national euphoria on that day?

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