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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014    Vol 3182 - Eddie's ukelele

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Cruz, the GOP's Master Troll
Arrow Question for an NRA Enthusiast
Huntsman: Christie Must've Known
Arrow Poll: Christie Still GOP Favorite
Parents come out in Denver
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Harry Potter's  Emma Watson

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"I did not have sex with that bridge."
    --  crooked Chris Christie, according to Marty Kaplan,     Link

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Ted Cruz, the GOP's Master Troll
He's in a class all by himself


On the Internet, a troll purposely inflames anyone he can to attract attention to himself,
in hopes of wasting everyone’s time and energy. In the Republican Party, a troll does the
same thing and he becomes a hero of the far right and a frontrunner for the 2016 GOP nomination.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Cunty) announced that he had hired Paul Teller as his deputy chief of staff.
Teller — a favorite of outside conservative groups like Club for Growth — was swiftly fired from
his position as executive director of the far-right Republican Study Committee in December after
leaking conversations between House members.

Cruz’s new hire immediately won praise from Red State’s Erick Erickson, a leader in the movement
to push the Republican Party further to the right.

Boner joined Mith the Bitch McConnell in speaking out against outside Club for Growth-type groups
in December, after several opposed
Paul Ryan's (R-Kill Medicare) budget deal. By hiring Teller, Cruz
cements his allegiance with the groups who championed his effort to shut down the government.

So, we're rooting for Boner & Bitch, here?

Or do we root for Cruz so he wins the GOP primaries and Hillary wins 65 states

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Subject: VA's TVs

Bart, I notice my VA in Tomah Wis, has the Fox news on in all the waiting rooms,
well this past Friday  I had a Vet sitting next to me as I commented  about thier racists views,
so this guy next to me says "I'm a democrat, and my parents are democrats, and I like Palin
and I hope she runs for president." 

Stunned, I was glad to hear a nurse call my name.
  Ole Vet
ha ha

It takes all kinds...

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Subject: NSA

One argument I'm not seeing you make on the Snowden shit is that the problem with the NSA
and similar organizations is that they can't very well go reporting to the public on their successes.

It's reasonable to conclude that we're probably better protected the more those agencies can sweep
metadata to look for patterns of communications with known radicalizers. Shit, I'm coming to fear
home-grown right-wing terrorism much more than jihadists in this country. There's a lot of wanna-be
Anders Breiviks out there,and they really scare me.

I'm a newbie to your site, and I really enjoy it quite a lot.
 Mike in Rochester, NY

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Question for an NRA Enthusiast

Has there ever been an instance where some nut started shooting people
and a permit-holding, gun-wearing citizen saved lives by dropping him?

Seems like it always a uniformed guard that drops the guy, never an armed citizen.

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 Subject: Another Question for Snowden Disciples

What does revealing secrets about spying on other governments have ANYTHING
to do with your personal privacy that you're suddenly up in arms about?

NOTHING. But they can't answer that at all.

And they have no problem with their messiah offering to work for the Brazilian
and German governments **against their own country.** Yeah, what a patriot.

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Subject: NSA Snowden

Hey Bart,

I think the NSA  revelations are pretty frightening and I'm on the side that thinks we should
make a deal with Snowden that gets him back in the US without any onerous prosecution and
even gives him a bit of hero status, and here's why.

While the data that the NSA says it's using is just what phone number was called and the duration
of the call (and to some that doesn't seem too bad) that's not the only data that they have saved.
I'm pretty sure they have entire phone conversations saved and they have algorithms to search them.

This is a hunch you have?
But even if you're right, we can't make that technology go away.
For decades, it's been a crime to tap someone's phone without a warrant.
Since the technology is here to stay, it should be a crime to abuse that technology.
If you're tapping your ex-wife's phone, let's say, you should do time in prison.

Now that sounds good for identifying terrorists, but it could also be used to search for say "Bartcop"!
Even if you're comfortable with the NSA under the current administration having this information,
how would you feel if this massive data base fell into the hands of another entity such as an eviler
administration, a foreign power, a criminal cartel, an evil corporation.

You're acting as if this is something coming, in the future.  We're already being tracked.
Cameras are everywhere and anything electronic can and will be recorded and stored.
If you drive a car, the camera knows where you went and maybe did facial recog on you.
If you buy a concert ticket or condoms, that info is recorded and stored.
Maybe the question should be, what did Snowden's accusations change?
I think it's dangerous to allow this kind of information to be collected.

See, we're not talking about the same subject.
Whey they invented cameras and computers they put them together and started recording.
If you're under 40 you've always lived in that nightmare you're afraid might be coming.

If the likes of Snowden had access to some of this, the security isn't too great and there have been
revelations that fairly mid-level workers could access some of these conversations.
Just think what Joseph McCarthy could have done with information like this.

Think what McCarthy could've done with an iPhone.
I realize you haven't had a chance to respond, but we're already there.

It would be scary if this was being done only by the government, but contractors are being given access
to personal information and state secrets. A whistle blower like Snowden is the least of our worries.
Imagine if it became known that the NSA had video cameras in all the rooms of our houses but they said
"we only use the data of who was in the room and for how long", would you feel comfortable that no one
would ever access and use against you the actual video of what you were doing?

I would not be a fan of that.

We all have secrets or things we are insecure about, and giving access to our private lives makes us
vulnerable to blackmail and coercion. I wonder how many politicians right now are voting the way
they are because of such coercion?

I can't claim I know much about Snowden's character, although he seems OK.
But even if he is a DB, I think he has done a great service.

That kind of talk drives me crazy.
Snowden stole 1.5 million things.
Do you think he read and understood and investigated and weighed 1,500,000 decisions?

Not possible - he obviously stole bucketfuls of national security secrets.
How can anybody wave those crimes away with a "he has done a great service?"

IF he stole 3-5 BIG secrets, important things that HAD to be exposed and fixed,
you MIGHT have something solid to stand on - but that's not what happened.

Snowden backed up a Mayflower moving van and stole 1.5M things.

And he's going to air our dirty laundry unless we submit to his blackmail.

How can you disagree with me on that?

Since it's not possible that he was familiar with 1.5M blocks of information,
that's proof that Snowden is nothing but a petty thief who hit the motherload.

If someone breaks the law but the truth revealed is more important, I'm for cutting him
some slack and pursuing a policy that doesn't back him into a corner that could cause other
sensitive information from being revealed. Keep in mind that if Snowden can have this
information and make it public, others at his level can have and use it secretly.

So you say America should submit to blackmail.
I disagree and I'm sure Obama does, too.

Suppose that a security contractor came across information that showed for instance that Spiro Agnew
had fired shots from the grassy knoll as part of a huge conspiracy that was about to come to fruition with
further actions against the current administration. I think if the contractor revealed the information even
though it was illegal to do so, it could be forgiven. Obviously this has to be done in an intelligent way
so it's a rare occurrence.

I won't be offended if you vehemently disagree with me!
Your Friend

I vehemently disagree that NSA "spying" is similar to murdering the president.

Are you a lawyer?

Can we add another question to the list of what's still unanswered?

I say if Obama dismantled ALL of the Bush-era spying abuses, and we got hit
with another 9-11, voters wouldn't trust Democrats with the White House for
the next 20 years and then we'd definitely be living in Ted Cruz's America.

  Do you agree or disagree with that statement?

Open to all Snowden fans - Send e-mail to Bart

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Huntsman: Christie Must've Known


Former Utah governor, ambassador to China and GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman
cranked up the heat on crooked Chris Christie over the mess he created called “Bridgegate.”

"Having run a governor’s office, whether your state is large or small, it’s pretty much organized
the same way. Your neighbor is a chief of staff, and your deputy chief of staff is just down the hall.
 And everybody knows, day in and day out, what’s playing out in your state. Down to minuscule details.”

And then this: “So there's something here that just does not connect fully in terms of how communication
was handled and the issues were put forward to (Christie),” Huntsman went on.

“I know how governors’ offices run. I ran one.  I think any governor would probably tell you the same thing
about how tight those internal staffs are and the extent of the detail that flows to the governor’s office.”

Looks like John Huntsman is running again in 2016.

He could be trouble for us - he's not nearly as crazy as some of them.

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Subject: Snowden as a "hero"

PLEASE smack down these people who go on and fucking on that we wouldn't know
about the NSA's stuff without Snowden.  THIS SHIT WAS REPORTED BACK IN 2003!!!!

YOU have been pointing it out since the New York Times reported on it. 
Snowden's ONLY new revelation was a bunch of gossip-y stuff about foreign leaders. 
Anyone who have been paying attention since the "War on terra" started is aware of this stuff,
and the people who claim he brought it to light haven't been reading your page for very long.

Keep swinging the hammer,
Cory!! Strode
The Best Dressed Man In Comics

Cory, thanks for that.
But instead of smacking those who are mistaken, I will educate them.


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Sirius XM

Subject: Snowden idiots

Bart, I am with you on the entire situation.
It seems that most of the people writing you have swallowed the media’s kool-aid.

He is a traitor and NOT a patriot.
Keep hammering the truth,

Snowden and The Brew

Last issue I wrote:

nowden's own words: "Give me asylum and I'll stop leaking."
That's called blackmail - ain't no other word for it.

First of all, one can't get asylum from their home country - I meant amnesty.

Second, I assumed the move to bring Snowden home had his blessing.
Obviously, any amnesty would be based on the leaks stopping.

The Brew sent this Link

He assures me that Snowden does NOT want to return to America and he
has NO intention of stopping the leaking of America's national security secrets.

But of course that's going to be his negotiating posittion.

He's going to be all "I don't want to come home, I'm going to contionue leaking."
while his family, his lawyers, the NY Times and the Onserver are busy negotiating for him.

So I retract the underlined words above but it's still Snowden doing the blackmail. regrets the error.

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Poll: Christie Still GOP Favorite
But the GOP f-ing hates that Obama lover


Despite facing a pair of controversies worthy of having the word "gate" attached to them,
crooked Chris Christie remains one of the odds-on favorites to win the 2016 GOP nomination.

According to, Christie and Marco Rubio (R-Thirsty) are both 5-to-1 favorites.
Rand Paul is at 9 to 1 and Paul Ryan (R-Kill Medicare) at 2 to 1) are less favored, while Bhaabii Jindal
is stuck at 33 to 1, what you might call a long shot.

But some say, the odds of crooked Christie and Jeb Bush (R-Poison) are "drifting."

  ha ha

They got nothing and it's fun to watch them squirm.

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 Subject:  Would you break the law to save a life?

By personal answer is, hell yeah.  But you have to be prepared to face the consequences.

This is why I don't like Snowden.  He got his job without any qualifications, seemingly for the sole
purpose of stealing secrets.  He fled to countries that we need to keep from getting our secrets
(does anyone really think they didn't want anything for asylum?).  He didn't stand and face the music.

As a whistleblower, Snowden's a poser. 
He did not do this out of a love of his country nor a desire to make it better.

You do what needs to be done, and then you face the music. 
Sometimes it's not pleasant - but that baby's life is worth it.
 John in frickin' Omaha

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I did not personally research this accuracy of this graphic.

Cocaine Found at Bieber's House

  KTLA Video

Remember, Beiber's a Canuck - will he be deported?

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Katie Couric, Unprofessional

Katie explored legal pot on her show talk Monday.
In TV whore fashion, the segment was labeled Marijuana Nation?

Katy, America is only a "Marijuana nation" if it's also a liquor nation, beer nation,
football nation, sex nation, Kim Kardashian nation, video game nation - you get my point.

Her guests were my good friend Jeffry Toobin, CNN's Senior Legal Correspondent
and some religiously insane psychologist named Cheryl Ziegler from Denver

I don't expect anyone in TV to tell the absolute truth, but the bullshit Cheryl Ziegler
was spewing was so out-of-bounds, I must call foul on Toobin's and Couric's silence.

The question was "How do we explain legal pot to kids?" and before they had a chance
to say anything, I suggested, "You tell them the damn truth."  That's always a good idea.

Cheryl Ziegler nutjob psychologist said, "Marijuana is addictive," which it's not.
The definition of addiction is open to interpretation. One dictionary defines addiction as
"the continued repetition of a behavior despite adverse consequences," which isn't very
clear, but the definiton of physical addiction is.

Physical addiction means withdrawal symptoms like you get with heroin.
Pot doesn't have that. When you run out of pot, you wish you had more,
but you're not going to have the shakes or fever or sweats, that kind of thing.

But the losing side, I guess, is trying to save face.

Cheryl Ziegler also kept calling pot "a gateway drug" which it's not.
Toobin said, "It's true that most people who are addicted to heroin started with pot,
but it's also true that most people why try pot do NOT become heroin addicts."

Thanks for a little common sense, Jeffery.
You can also say, "Ninety nine percent of heroin addicts tried chocolate first."

Then this Cheryl Ziegler nutjob psychologist said, "We can't minimize the affect that pot has.
Statistically (here comes the biggest lie) by just trying marijuana ONE TIME as a teen
they have a ten percent chance of becoming addicted."

You will not find any non-religiously insane medical doctors who agree with that lie.
Shame on Katie Couric and Jeffrey Toobin for letting that stupid lie go unchallenged.

Overall, I can't complain about the way pot attitudes are changing, and I guess we
have to expect those who lost the debate to be angry about it, but lying isn't the answer.

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Today's OMG!  Don't Look Down Picture


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 Subject: crooked Chris Christie

You know what "gets" me the most about this whole affair?
The sheer pettiness of it. I mean, to try to get back at a politician,
of the other party, no less, by messing up traffic for thousands.

It's just nastiness. There's no political gain involved.
Not the sort of characteristic I'd want to see in a President.

I was confused about the motive, but then I heard crooked Chris Christie's people
were spreading the word that the Fort Lee mayor ordered the four-day shutdown.
That was their motive - that would give the citizens of Fort Lee a reason to dump their mayor.

Looks like
it's crooked Chris Christie that might get dumped.

Also, people wondered about that e-mail one exchange:

"Time for some Fort Lee traffic problems" and the reply was "Got it!"

If someone told you or me, "Time for some traffic problems,"
you or me would say,  "What does that mean? What are you talking about?"

They've done this before. This wasn't the first time.

Someone needs to check for other "lane closings" because I guarantee there were some.

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Parents come out in Denver
“Everyone is so happy”



When Denver marijuana-scene enthusiast “Citizen Jay Daily” picks up the phone, he politely
requests permission to multitask. “Hey, don’t forget your weed! Right on, enjoy,” he shouts.
In the middle of fielding questions from me, the 46-year-old is volunteering at one of Denver’s
biggest pot dispensaries — he’s been given the enviable job of bagging people’s long-awaited pot.

“I wish you could see it in here,” he says with audible excitement. “Everyone is so happy.”

Standing at the end of the line at a dispensary that opened with a five-hour line on January 1,
Daily has gotten the chance to talk to every customer. What he has found may surprise you
—but it doesn’t faze him. “At least 60 percent of our clientele are above 30,” he says.
“People who haven’t used cannabis for years are now happy to give it another—or a first—try.”

The people who waited in line to pay $80 for an eighth aren’t kids. They’re his peers.

“Our customers are grown-ups, adults. They’ll happily spend $80 because it’s not a matter of
money, it’s a matter of access,” he says. Some of the people he meets have traveled across
the world (“Argentina, Russia, Poland!”) to get here. But a large number are simply traveling
back in time. Successful, hardworking parents who—with kids grown and out of the house
—are ready to be themselves once more. Or, as Citizen Jay puts it, “come out of the pot closet.”

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 Subject: Snowden is a republican tool

Hey Bart,
I'm with you on the Snowden thing.
Please post this months old article in case some of his fawning Liberal fans haven't seen it.

Under bush he thought leakers should be shot in the balls. Under Obama, a 180 degree flip.
He's a fucking republican shithead and a self aggrandizing traitor.

All these Liberal snowden worshippers need to find a hero more worthy.
 Steve the flaming Liberal in AZ 

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Today's Wildlife Photo


Can you identify today's wildlife animal?

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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Bart, that is Conway Twitty (Harold Jenkins from OKC) playing guitar for Mamie Van Doren.
  Jim W

Bart, that's Conway Twitty and the smoking hot Mamie Van Doren.

Mamie is my good friend.
When we were selling those Bush WPE shirts,
she sent this graphic to let us kinow how she felt.

I also interviewed Mamie in 2007 - damn, I ask good questions.

Mamie on Facebook

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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, that's Downtown San Diego, with the Maritime Museum's ships to the left
and the white warehouses of Broadway Pier to the right.  Funny, I know the stuff
on the waterfront but not the names of the big buildings behind them.
  Hawker Hurricane

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Name the Mystery Car


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that's a 1936 AUBURN 654 Sedan
Yves in SoCal

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's one of the Mound Builders of Ancient America.

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Harry Potter's  Emma Watson

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