Thurs-Friday, Jan 16-17, 2014 Vol 3183 - Reefer gladness
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 If al Qaeda poisoned the water of 300K Americans we would've invaded some country by now. Since the Koch brothers did it, no harm, no foul. Quotes
"Only cops, cowards, and criminals carry concealed weapons. If you're not a cop (retired doesn't count), you're one of the other two." -- The Rude Pundit, Link Send e-mail to Bart Unemployed?
Or need a different/better job? Maybe you need a resume written by a professional. Contact Dick Blust Jr at rcblust@live.com GOP Goal: Tarnish Democrats Link Hillary Clinton won’t be on the ballot in 2014, but Republicans are wasting no time in laying the groundwork for a prolonged attack on her. With nearly three years before Election Day 2016, the RNC is investing in a campaign to ensure that the reputation of high-profile Democrats are “tarnished,” a party official bluntly told reporters during a briefing on Wednesday. Clinton and Biden will hold the primary focus, but other potential presidential hopefuls won’t escape their radar. “Tearing down those brands is important to us,” the RNC official said. Yes, this is why "Benghazi" is every other word out of theur mouths. Good luck with that, guys. The GOP's vision for America's future is "no health care" and "Benghazi." Send e-mail to Bart Subject: gays and olympics Bart Mario Pescante, a veteran member of the International Olympic Committee, says the US shouldn't be sending gay members to represent the US at the Moscow Olympics. I suppose he would even extend this to the athletes themselves...like deciding not to send Jesse Owens to the Berlin Olympics in 1936, to avoid offending Hitler. (Yes, I just followed Godwin's law.) Russ Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Beiber export We Canadians exported Ted Cruz and Justin Beiber for a reason: they are a huge embarrassment and we do not wish to have them back. M Lamont Send e-mail to Bar Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Question for an NRA Enthusiast Has there ever been an instance where some nut started shooting people and a permit-holding, gun-wearing citizen saved lives by dropping him? Seems like it always a uniformed guard that drops the guy, never an armed citizen. So far, one qualifying submission, thanks to Rick L Send e-mail to Bart Another unanswered question I say if Obama dismantled ALL of the Bush-era spying abuses, and we got hit with another 9-11, voters wouldn't trust Democrats with the White House for the next 20 years and then we'd definitely be living in Ted Cruz's America. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Subject: I agree Straight up, Bart, I do agree w/ that statement. I'll go one further: If Obama dismantled NONE of the abuses, he/democrats would STILL get the blame.... It is tempting to take my statement as proof that, as Obama, you might as well put in ALL liberal reforms, and 'go for broke' so to speak. But liberals alone can't win elections. Therefore, I sympathize with Obama's dilemma. Perhaps he'd like to implement all reforms, but given a goal of electing the maximum number of democrats, he's got to show some restraint and moderation that appeals to centrist voters. Taking reasonable precaution against a possible threat (and yes, we can argue over word definitions) does appeal to middle america. As you often mention, Bart: liberals CAN'T have a Pony, and I think that your specific question today illustrates this. --dave, in Portland OR Why can't I get a Snowden fan to answer this question? Is it because I'm right? Open to all Snowden fans - Send e-mail to Bart
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Benghazi was "preventable" Link A Senate report declared that Benghazi could have been prevented. The report spreads blame among the State Department, the military and U.S. intelligence for missing what now seem like obvious warning signs. For the first time, the report also points at Ambassador Chris Stevens. It says that the State Department ended a deal with the military to have a special operations team provide extra security in Libya, and that Stevens twice refused an offer to reinstate the team in the weeks before the attack. The report does not name Hillary Rodham Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time. I didn't read the report, but what a bunch of pussies. Every bad thing that ever happened was "preventable." Sure, after Kennedy's brains were blasted all over Dealey Plaza, we figured out it's not a good idea for a president to ride in a convertible. Duh! So can we stop talking about it now? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Business TVs on Fox news... Hi Bart, I have noticed for the last 10-12 years that local restaurants, bars, etc. all have Fox news on their TVs. I think it either is the result of a discounted cable bill or Else the owners/managers are republican leaning fools trying to show their “patriotism”. We did see CNN (now Fox lite) on at a new Wendy’s last week. BobbyLee Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Brew and Snowden Kudos to you for finally retracting your complete and utter fabrication: "Give me asylum and I'll stop leaking." Blow me, that's NOT a fabrication. Snowden is currently blackmailing America. Here's hoping you can stick to quotes that you can actually support with stuff like, you now, evidence? But now that I really think about it, your site is about politics and humor, which does not necessarily need to be truthful does it? Scott Blow me a second time. He doesn't need to use words to blackmail us. The fact that he still has 1,499,980 stolen national security secrets is, in itself, blackmail. Subject: your Snowden questions could easily answer ALL of the questions you pose about Snowden, but I know I am WASTING my time trying to make sense to you. Neil That means I'm right. Send e-mail to Bart Christie was a Bully in College, Too Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Of spying and Democrats Bart: Here is a link to an article from 2006, that's right 2006, about the NSA having a massive database of American citizen's data. Republicans were all saying "if you've got nothing to hide....". Back then, Hillary was the front runner for white house in 2008. I would always ask the Republicans "Are you willing to give this sort of power to Hillary Clinton?" Most of them said "Hillary will never be president". Well now it seems that the lack of outrage by republicans in 2006 has handed the power to spy on Americans to a black guy with a funny name. So, to anyone who is all butthurt over the NSA spying thing, you have no one to blame but yourself. Honestly, when the Snowden thing broke, I didn't give it a second glance because, to me anyway, it was old news. We have known about this for 8 GODDAMNED YEARS. Snowden is an opportunistic jack ass, that's for sure. However, he revealed nothing new. I'm a fat, neurotic blow hard with an IQ of 65, living in Wichita Ks. If I can remember what happened in 2006, why can't anyone else? You know I love you, Bart! Keep swinging. Otto Send e-mail to Bart $80 an eighth? After I posted yesterday's issue, I went to lunch. While I was driving, I remembered that "$80 an eighth" phrase. My good Catholic math tells me that's $640 an OUNCE for something that grows wild. We talked about this a couple of weeks ago. Farmers get something like 60 cents per bushel of corn, soybeans etc. That means pot is about 2,000 times more profitable than regular farming crops. If I was a farmer, I think I'd move to Colorado. Around February 3, Colorado will tell us how much tax money they raised from pot. This will be a hueueueueuege figure, and other states will do a Scooby-Doo. This is not sustainable, which means the prive of pot is about to crash. I predict in two years, top-shelf pot will be $100 an ounce, or less. Send e-mail to Bart
Marty's Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E!
Today's OMG! Don't
Look Down Picture
Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: I'm convinced Bart... ...you’re an NSA troll. Either that or you’re so ignorant you wouldn’t know a threat to your personal liberty if you saw one. Spare us the fraidy-cat DNC donors and the BS hypotheticals. Just tell us why you trust our government so much NOW. You’re afraid of handing Ted Cruz the ball? You already did Bart, you’re asking him to run with it... ...every time you approve of our government playing Jack Bauer, whether at home or abroad. Justin Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo
Link It's the luckiest deer in the world. Subject: last issue's Wildlife Hey Bart, that's a Pink Fairy Armadillo. I hear they just got the right to marry in Utah. Good for them. ;) -J in Daytona Beach
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Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link One reader got Harrison Ford but I lost the e-mail. Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, that's Louisville, KY. I grew up there. I have been waiting for that shot for ages. The fountain over on the left has been gone for a while. We used to call it the turd cannon based on the fact that once when I was kid, the sewers backed up into the river. Andy That’s my hometown, Bart, Louisville, Kentucky. You see the Galt House front and center, the Belle of Louisville docked off to the left, and on the right, the building that looks sort of like a giant cash register is the Humana building. Naturally, you get the best views of the skyline from the Indiana side of the Ohio River. David J Send e-mail to Bart Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1936 AUBURN 654 Sedan Yves in SoCal Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that’s British actor Peter Sellers in front of his Ferrari 275 GTB. I guess he must have lived in Switzerland, those are Swiss plates. The picture was apparently taken in 1965, and I know I had chosen some other color than that boring grey that’s kinda hard to detect in front of some Swiss mountain side. Olof in Finland Send e-mail to Bart Subject: donations Thanks
to Michael in Shoreline, WA for
donation. As my buddy
Coleman always used to say, "Never quit!!"
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