Weekend-Monday, Jan 18-20, 2014 Vol 3184 - Catastrophize
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PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 I think we know the answer... The military is defending the super-rich and their right to live in luxury with super-low taxes. Quotes
"Jonah Hill now has more acting Oscar nominations than Robert Redford." -- Kevin Fallon, Link Send e-mail to Bart Unemployed?
Or need a different/better job? Maybe you need a resume written by a professional. Contact Dick Blust Jr at rcblust@live.com Christie in Deep Federal Shit Hoboken mayor: 'Christie withheld Sandy funds' Link In another controversy surrounding crooked Chris Christie, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer said Sunday that Christie directly ordered the withholding of Superstorm Sandy recovery funds unless she backed a redevelopment plan he favored. Appearing on CNN, Zimmer said she was told by a member of Christie's administration that Sandy relief funds hinged on her support for a real estate development project and that the directive was coming directly from Christie. "She said that to me -- is that this is a direct message from the Governor," Zimmer said, referring to Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, who Zimmer said approached her in May to deliver the message. It's "stunning" and "outrageous," but true, the Hoboken mayor said. "I stand by my word." Later in the day, she released a statement saying that she had met with the U.S. Attorney's Office for several hours at its request and provided the office with her journal and other documents. Send e-mail to Bart A shot of Chinaco to the person who came up with that. Subject: voter supression in red states Bart, Just talked to my friend in Alabama who explained a nice little trick they are doing to make sure they “don’t” get out to vote there. She received a form for another change in her voter location (since she is a registered democrat). It entailed filling out and signing a very, very tiny pierce of paper approximately 1 x 3 inches that she has to tear off the form, sign and carry with her to vote to “prove” who she is (her driver’s license already does that but she needs this teeny tiny piece of paper). Anyway, then there is the rest of the form that has to be sent back to the Birmingham registration office. On the form it says to please mail this back to: and it gives the address but very specifically gave the address backwards it listed the address as: Birmingham, Alabama with the zip code on the FIRST Line, then the street address on the second line, then the name of the organization on the line where the city, state and zip should be. Since her husband is a mail carrier she asked him how this would be handled. He said if this goes to the automated mail in Birmingham, it would be returned to the person and they would not all know what they did wrong since they “followed the directions”. She said, well I was smart enough to realize that the mail addy was incorrect and did it the correct way, but this IS Alabama!!!! Boy, howdy, they are really working hard in these red states to stop the vote. I just could not live in a red state!! Enjoying my life here in Seahawk land!! (Hoping we win Sunday! Hating me some 40-whinners) Thanks, Bart, Sue Sue, can me & Mrs Bart and the kitties come to live with you? I gotta get out of this reddest of all states. Send e-mail to Bart Let's Talk President Hillary by Ted Rall, he hates everybody Link What would President Clinton II do? I posed this question to “Ready for Hillary,” the main pro-Hillary Super PAC. “Ready for Hillary focuses on grassroots organizing, not policy,” replied Seth Bringman. “Policy decisions would be up to the campaign if Hillary runs, which we are certainly encouraging her to do. We amplify the causes Hillary is advocating for and spread the word to our more than one-and-a-half million supporters. We have done so when Hillary spoke out on immigration reform, health care, voting rights, unemployment insurance, and the government shutdown.” Given that the pre-primary season doesn’t begin for another 18 months, it’s a little early to expect a fully fleshed-out policy platform from a probable candidate. But HRC isn’t a fresh young thing. She’s been kicking around politics for decades — so it’s more than a little strange that neither her fans nor her enemies has a clue what she’d do about a host of issues. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Another unanswered question I agree with Dave in Portland - Obama would get the blame no matter what. I always think back to 9/11. Can you imagine if Gore was in office that day? You'd never hear the end of it from the Rethugs (the world's biggest hypocrites). Steve Steve, they do that because tee Democrats won't fight back. When Reagan got caught giving hi-tech weaponry to terrorists, the Dems let it go. Clinton got a girlfriend and the GOP went ape-shit crazy investigating him. When Reagan got 240 Marines killed in Lebanon, the Dems let it go. When Bush the Smarter sent troops to Somalia, 18 died on Clinton's watch and not only did they never stop talking about it, they made a movie so everyone would know. Same for Bush the Dumber - 3,000 died on 9-11 and the Dems let it go. Then four die on Obama's watch and they will never stop investgating that. Think how unbeatable Democrats could be if they learned to fight. Send e-mail to Bar Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com Quotes " I don't think marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol." -- President Obama, showing some common sense, Link Send e-mail to Bart Tom Coburn Quits Early He's OK's second-worse embarrassment "Who's Number One?" Link Tom Coburn, a Republican Senator from Oklahoma, is leaving Congress at the end of this year. His departure will leave two years left in his term. "This decision isn't about my health, my prognosis or even my hopes and desires," Coburn said. "As a citizen, I am now convinced that I can best serve my own children and grandchildren by shifting my focus elsewhere," he lied. "In the meantime, I look forward to finishing this year strong." Send e-mail to Bart The GOP's Rape Advisory Chart by brainwrap Link Send e-mail to Bart Another unanswered question I say if Obama dismantled ALL of the Bush-era spying abuses, and we got hit with another 9-11, voters wouldn't trust Democrats with the White House for the next 20 years and then we'd definitely be living in Ted Cruz's America. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Subject: I agree Why can't I get a Snowden fan to answer this simple question? Is it because I'm right? How can one have very strong opinions on Snowden but not be able to answer simple questions? Open to all Snowden fans - Send e-mail to Bart
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Quotes "Every time Snowden opens his mouth, he always says something fucking nuts. When he says, ‘They know every friend you’ve ever discussed something with,’ we’ll just have to agree to disagree on what’s fucking nuts.” -- Bill Maher, saying he likes Snowden, but that Snowden says crazy shit, Link Send e-mail to Bart Got Pot at the Denver Airport? It's so hard to believe - can it be true? Link If you're flying out of a Colorado airport and you're carrying marijuana, get ready to dump it in the trash. And to facilitate said dumping, one airport is providing "amnesty" boxes for travelers to ditch their pot before boarding. Passengers found with marijuana during screening by the TSA will have the opportunity to give up the pot without penalty. What! You get a freebie with no penalty? I've thrown away tons of perfectly good (and damn expensive) pot because I don't need a drug smuggling arrest on my record but if the Denver TSA is gining away one freebie, who's NOT going to try to smuggle some to take back home? But "once the doors on an aircraft are closed, the passengers are subject to federal law." What does that mean? They're going to search you AFTER you've been cleared to fly and are buckled in? I don't think so. Looks like we (wink wink) better not try to (wink wink) take any home. Send e-mail to Bart Too bad the Democrats never learned to list the damn facts. When Clinton was president, our two biggest problems were Monica and what to do with the budget surplus. Then Bush stole power and promised to change the direction America was headed. He kept that promise. Quotes "I'm so fucking thrilled..." -- 82 year old Rita Moreno, getting a Lifetime Achievement Actor at the SAG awards, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Be very afraid
Be afraid, be very afraid, for NSA has not thwarted a single terrorist attack by mass surveillance. I would slap you if I could to make you regain your senses, but, alas, I can't, so you shall remain a victim of your delusions of freedom. You are a sick man, Bart, you have the sickness of fear, and there is no cure for that. Barfing at Bart I have the sickness of fear? What am I afraid of? Send e-mail to Bart We Lost The Professor He was on that island with Thurston Link Russell Johnson, "The Professor" on "Gilligan's Island" has died. He was 89. He played science teacher Roy Hinkley, known as The Professor. There was seemingly nothing he couldn't do when it came to building generators, short-wave radios and other contraptions from scraps of flotsam and jetsam he found on the island. But, as Russell would joke years later, the one thing The Professor never accomplished was figuring out how to patch the hole in the bottom of the S.S. Minnow so the group could get back home. Send e-mail to Bart Thank you,
Payton Manning.
Without you, we would've had to suffer thru another Patriots Super Bowl. The best part? Rush and FOX News won't let them move forward. They make too much money from hate so it will continue. We're going to win in 2016 and 2020 and maybe 2024. Subject: Florida and pot? Seriously? That is freaking hilarious! Florida is already weird. Imagine there were *more* stoned people there.... I think legalization is an idea whose time has come. It's fascinating watching this happen despite the fact that everybody apparently still thinks Americans are conservative, Michael R. I think the internet is making people smarter. Duck Dynasty Ratings Crash Down 30 percent since Papa went Postal Link They thought the ratings would go up from curiosity. They went down. Looks like people’s feathers are still a little ruffled following the Phil Robertson controversy. The Duck Dynasty star launched a firestorm with his homophobic and racially charged comments in a GQ interview, and now the series might be paying the ultimate price. The season 5 premiere of Duck Dynasty aired Wednesday night and A&E execs expected a heavy turnout of viewers. I guess they were pretty surprised to see a nearly 30 percent drop in viewers as compared to the previous season opener. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Benghazi preventable? Sure, if the Federal government had overridden the judgment of the local expert. Is that really what Republicans want today? Greetings from not-so-sunny Budapest, Bart! Mr. Roberts Our Democrats are so brain dead. I watched some FOX News this weekend and all they could do was bitch that "nobody was held accountable for Benghazi." If only a Democrat could think to say, "And who was held accountable for 9-11?" Why can't Democrats think? Send e-mail to Bart Half of New Jersey Buys Christie's Story Are people from New Jersey Easily Fooled? Link Fifty percent of New Jersey voters believed Christie's story that a top aide called for the closure of the bridge without his knowledge. Forty one percent weren't buying Christie's assertions that he did not know his staff had been involved. Fiffty four percent say Christie is more of a leader than a bully, with 40 percent saying "Bully!" Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Thank you, Bart Bart, Thank you for taking the 2016 Presidential Republican Straw Poll and sharing your opinions with our Republican team. We’ve begun planning for the 2016 presidential election, and your input is critical to our efforts. Reince Prettyboy He asked who I liked for the GOP in 2016. I voted for Allen West, Rick Perry and Ted Cruz. Hey, comedy is my business. Send e-mail to Bart If Democrats could get the poor to vote, there'd be no more Republican party. But that would require working for it and the Dems just aren't into work. If victory knocks on their door, they might answer it, but they damn sure aren't going to work for victory. Pigboy Admits He's Full of Shit dailykos.com Send e-mail to Bart Marty's
Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E!
Today's OMG! Don't
Look Down Picture
Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Snowden <mega-snippage> Is the CIA sending you cash? <mega-snippage> The Brew Can I say one thing to my very energetic readers? If you're going to send me something snippy and insist I print it, could you keep it to 300 words or less? Some people go on and on like they were getting paid by the damn word - especially you hot-headed trial lawyers out there. That way, when I edit it for length, I don't have to put up with, "You cut out the good part where I proved what a liar you are." ...and the CIA doesn't pay worth a damn. Send e-mail to Bart Note: there was a lot of Snowden e-mail I didn't get to. Look for that next issue. Today's Wildlife Photo
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Subject: Snowden fan - NOT! Hi Bart; Where is anybody standing up for the opportunity that Snowden was given and the trust that was placed in him? This is a guy that didn’t even bother to complete his Associates degree, yet he had a job earning $200K a year? In return for the blessings, he steals our country’s secrets, methods, and technology, and gives them to our adversaries. Now people want to make a hero out of him? This is not whistle blowing. He is a thief and a traitor pure and simple. David Williams Send e-mail to Bart Here's another chance to donate. You could PayPal something to bartcop@bartcop.com Click to Subscribe or make a one-time Donatation
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bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping really helps, too.
Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link Bart, that’s Mädchen Amick, who was on Twin Peaks. Joe D That’s Madchen Amick. Had a huge crush on her back in the Twin Peaks days. Joe O That’s Mädchen Amick who played Shelly at the diner in TWIN PEAKS, serving Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) his “damn fine pie.” Who doesn’t love pie? Kimberly in Roswell I'd bet money that's Mädchen Amick, mostly of Twin Peaks fame. JMC Send e-mail to Bart Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Nobody got Bergen, Norway. Send e-mail to Bart Name the Mystery Car Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1962 El Tiburon Shark Roadster. michaelgy Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Several people wrote to guess which city the Beatles were playing when that photo was taken but nobody guessed Chiacgo's Cominskey Park. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: donations Thanks
to (Your Name Here) for
donation. As my buddy
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