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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Tuesday, Jan 21, 2014    Vol 3185 - Early eyes

This means YOU, Wal-Mart.
This means YOU, McDonalds.

Who will organize the boycott?

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Christie Put Panic in GOP
Arrow Snowden - Aided by Russians?
Pope Fires Crooked Cardinals
Arrow Fantasy of Killing Snowdem
Ambien, Zombies and Murder
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Former Slider, Kari Wuhrer

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I think we know the answer...

The military is defending the super-rich and
their right to live in luxury with super-low taxes.


"Dear, sweet Republicans and Fox "news," truly, really, speaking for the vast majority
  of the nation that doesn't watch Bill O'Reilly after dinner or listen to Rush Limbaugh
  while driving or have Glenn Beck on in the background while boning a blow-up doll,
  we don't give a happy monkey fuck about Benghazi. Beyond "Man, that was a bad thing
  that happened. Let's try to stop it from happening again," there is nothing there."
    --  The Rude Pundit,     Link

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Christie Put Panic in GOP
He polled best, and now he's politically dead


After a brutal year of setbacks, scandals, and political floundering capped this month by
a controversy that threatens to sink crooked Chris Christie’s political career, the Republican
establishment is warily scanning its bruised and bloodied field of potential 2016 standard-bearers
— and many of the party poobahs are on the brink of panic.

In interviews with GOP fat cats over the past 10 days, Republicans described a palpable sense
of anxiety gripping the GOP in the wake of crooked Chris Christie’s meltdown, and an emerging
consensus that the once promising cast of candidates they were counting on to save the GOP from
the tea party — and the nation from Hillary Clinton — is looking less formidable by the week.

In fact, it’s gotten so bad, the operative said, that some donors have started looking back fondly
on the good old days of 2012: “A lot of them say to me, 'I think we need Mitt back.'

ha ha

Yeah, I do, too.
We'd love to see the gay-friendly, gun-grabbing, health care-loving Massachusetts liberal try again.

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Subject: Snowden

Hey Bart, I totally respect your opinion. I think you're wrong (by which I mean, of course,
that you disagree with *me*), but you're right on everything else, so there's that.  And actually,
you're not entirely wrong. But as a "Snowden fan" let me take a stab at your numbered points.

1. Everything has to be revealed.

You won't find me agreeing with that one. There are cases where secrecy is important.
If that secrecy concerned actual police/investigation work, for example, it would be crazy
to telegraph it to the media for some political points and thereby spoil the investigation and
piss off the Europeans. For example.

But doesn't that make Snowden guilty beyond a doubt?
I say it's impossible for him to have stolen 1.5M important-for-our-freedom secrets.
In fact, he "backed the moving van up" and stole 1.5M THINGS, making him one of
the most prolific thieves in all of history.   Is that possible to deny?   
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Manning did release a bunch of military information. Snowden took a lot of documents,
and as far as I know - and as far as *you* know - none of that was operational stuff like
"we are pursuing Bad Guy X". It was all evidence supporting illegal shit the NSA was
pulling that *doesn't actually fight terrorists*.  (And by "all" I mean "as far as I know".)

You and I have no idea what Snowden stole, which is another reason I'm boggled that
good and decent Democrats would say, "Right on" and tho he was doing something noble.

2. Theft of secrets and China and Russia.

Well. I don't believe these are 1.5 million separate secrets, and that's pretty dumb to put it that way.

You're saying I made that number up?
If you're going to call me a liar, maybe we should place a wager on the subject.

They're a bunch of documents that support roughly one big secret, when you get down to it.
And he went to Hong Kong specifically because their court system could tie up extradition for roughly eternity.

Once again, you have no idea why Snowden went to Hong Kong.
Even if he stated a reason, who can take the word of a blackmailing thief?

If Obama had treated this as a whistleblowing case - as he pledged to do - then Russia wouldn't
have entered into the matter in the first place. And Snowden *didn't take* any information to
Russia anyway. He gave it to Greenwald.

Dude, you have no idea what secrets Snowden gave to Greenwald, China or Russia.
You also have no idea how and why Russia got involved.

Maybe he's lying, but you don't know that. And in the meantime,
Greenwald's work against this NSA bullshit has been immeasurably supported.

If you like Snowden it figures you'd like Greenwald.

3. I'm not sure what this point means.  Again, 1.5 million *documents* doesn't mean 1.5 million secrets.
It almost certainly means something like 1.5 million database records or something.
Do you know what they all are? No, you don't.

EXACTLY - we don't know what Snowden stole, only that he stole something and the president we
worked hard to elect says Snowden's massive thefts have damaged America's
ability to protect itself
and YOU, Michael from Budapest, are saying Obama is wrong?

What gives you better insight than Obama? Obama has the brightest minds in America giving him
their best advice and I trust him - mostly.  Why should we trust you and your instincts, instead?

Do you think Powerpoint slides about acronym soup endanger America?
Because that's crazy talk.

I don't think I wrote that.

4. "Stealing because I can" is not what happened. This point's semantically meaningless, too.

So that's my stab
 Michael from Budapest,

It's possible I've been unclear but it's also possible you don't want to face some facts.

Even if Snowden "only" stole 100,000 national security secrets, you can't tell me he read
and understood 100,000 documents and felt each and every one of those 100,000 documents
was VERY IMPORTANT to America's freedom so he stole them to "start the debate."

The truth is he stole every f-ing thing he could get his hot little hands on.
How can anybody deny that fact?   
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It's not possible that he stole 100,000 or 1.5M "important freedom documents

You, apparently, are saying that he did and that's where we have an impasse.

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Snowden - Aided by Russians?


U.S. House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., says Snowden may have had help from Russia.

"I believe there's a reason he ended up in the hands, the loving arms, of [a Russian Federal Security Service]
agent in Moscow," Rogers said Sunday. "I don't think that's a coincidence, number one. ... I don't think it was
a gee-whiz luck event that he ended up in Moscow under the handling of the FSB."

Snowden, who fled the United States, was granted asylum by Russia.

“I can guarantee you, he's in the loving arms of an FSB agent right today, and that's not good for the United States,”
Rogers said. “It's not good for the information to be shared with nation states.”

"The nature of the information that was stolen [had] nothing to do with Americans' privacy and a lot to do
with our operations overseas."  Rogers implied Snowden was not skilled enough to pull off the leak alone.
"Some of the things he did were beyond his technical capabilities," Rogers said. "[That] raises more questions.
How he arranged travel before he left.  How he was ready to go — he had a go bag, if you will."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, was asked if she felt Snowden had help from the Russians.

"He may well have," she said. "We don't know at this stage."

On CBS, Mike Morell, a former deputy CIA director, agreed with Rogers' assessment.

“I don't have any particular evidence," Morell said, "but one of the things that I point to when I talk
about this is that the disclosures that have been coming recently are very sophisticated in their content
and sophisticated in their timing, almost too sophisticated for Mr. Snowden to be deciding on his own.
And seems to me, he might be getting some help."

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Subject: Honor Dr. King's Legacy

Today, Americans celebrate the life and honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

When Dr. King spoke of his dream more than fifty years ago, the dream that defines and
unites us as Americans, he spoke of the commitment needed to make it happen:

“If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl; but by all means keep moving.”

We’ve got to keep moving until this dream is in reach of every American… until everyone
has a fair shot… and until jobs are plentiful and communities are thriving.

Bart, let’s commit to making this dream a reality for every American… today and always.

I need to run, I'm hosting a Suppress the Blacks Vote rally in South Carolina.
Reince Preibus
RNC Chairmang

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Subject: Snowden

I think that a vast majority of your readers are "Snowden fans" Bart.

I guess that possible, but there's no way to tell. The last poll I saw
was many months ago and it was 56-40 for Snowden, something like that.

They like you and they know you are wrong, but they don't want to engage.

People can "know" I'm wrong all day - doesn't make it true, tho.

You are in league with some awful people. (many are on Fox "news").

You mean that awful black man in the White House?

These "folks" call for the "extra judicial" murder of Snowden.
 Ray in Kamloops

As far as I know, the only people calling for Snowden's death are the
experts who know 100 times more about the situation than you and me.

Try to remember - this isn't a football game or American Idol.

Obama says Snowden did "serious harm" to America's national security.
That should make every American worry about what Snowden stole
but I know how some liberals want to be "fair" above all else.

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Fantasies of Killing Snowdem
Federal agents call Snowden "worst traitor ever"


Benny Johnson, over at Buzzfeed, has been able to get a bunch of intelligence community and
military officials to comment anonymously, but on the record, about how much they want to
kill Snowden, often including full descriptions of how they'd do it -- and the fact that they don't
see any reason to support things like basic due process. The quotes are chilling.

“In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an American, I personally would go
and kill him myself,” a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed. “A lot of people share this sentiment.”

“I would love to put a bullet in his head,” one Pentagon official, (former special forces) said bluntly.
“I do not take pleasure in taking another human beings life, having to do it in uniform, but he is
single-handedly the greatest traitor in American history.”

“His name is cursed every day over here,” a defense contractor told BuzzFeed.
“Most everyone I talk to says he needs to be tried and hung, forget the trial and just hang him.”

“I think if we had the chance, we would end it very quickly,” he said. “Just casually walking on
the streets of Moscow, coming back from buying his groceries. Going back to his flat and he is
casually poked by a passerby. He thinks nothing of it at the time starts to feel a little woozy and
thinks it’s a parasite from the local water. He goes home very innocently and next thing you know
he dies in the shower.”

Maybe, as time goes by, it might sink in to Snowden's brain what he has done.

In one of The Brew's angry rants, he claimed Snowden was (my words) "Out of secrets"
because he had given everything to Greenwald and other journalists, the story goes.

According to CBS News, Snowden taunted America as recently as last week,
saying he "has more secrets to tell."   Again, that's my memory, not a real quote.

I'm going to throw you a 
What if.
What if Snowden started releasing secrets along the lines of, "The SAM missles
we have
in Turkey don't work very well in the rain or at night."

if Snowden started releasing secrets along those lines, wouldn't we expect Seal Team Six
to pay him a visit, probably after he leaves the protective bosom of the KGB?

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Pope Fires Crooked Cardinals
Have you ever seen Godfather III?


The new Pope has been a breath of fresh air in some areas and now he is starting to
clean up the corruption in the Vatican Bank.

Francis’ move essentially undid a decree issued last year by his predecessor, Benny the Rat,
who confirmed the Vatican Bank’s supervisory body for another five years, just days before
announcing his retirement. The most high-profile figure sacked on Wednesday was Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone, Benny's secretary of state and the face of administrative woes of Benny's papacy.
This is a big deal. Firings are not the norm at the bank, they have gone their own way for ages
with the occasional individual ousted rather than only one individual kept.

Firing a bunch of crooked cardinals from the Vatican Bank IS big news.

Looks like Benny the Rat was a lot more corrupt than we thought.

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Subject: Psst

Did you hear that Russia paid Snowden to subvert the Constitution,
and that’s why he ended Russia? I have this from a very reliable source.
 Richard M

That reliable source would be the Pentagon?
There are a LOT of people working there who think just that.

*I* am not an expert on national security, but the actual experts are saying the
level of sophisication of what Snowden has done/is doing/is saying is well beyond
what an uneducated person would know so they strongly suspect Russian involvement.

"The nature of the information that was stolen [had] nothing to do with Americans' privacy
and a lot to do with our operations overseas."  Rogers implied Snowden was not skilled enough
to pull off the leak alone.  "Some of the things he did were beyond his technical capabilities,"
Rogers said. "That raises more questions.     

For the record, I don't think our national security is a joke.

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It's yesterday's story with a point I failed to catch


Obama said that it was significant for legalization to go forward, "because it's important
for society not to have a situation in which a large portion of people have at one time or
another broken the law and only a select few get punished."

Those are still weasel words, but I'll take them.
We're with you on that, Mr President, one hundred percent.

Maybe you could use your clout and make something happen?

Obama: ‘I’ll act on my own’ to make ‘breakthrough year’ happen
So start with the pot and we'll know you're serious


Again promising to act on his own wherever and whenever he can, Obama said the U.S. is
on the cusp of an economic breakthrough but accused Republicans of standing in the way.

“We are primed to bring back more of the good jobs claimed by the recession and lost to overseas
competition in recent decades. But that requires a year of action,” Mr. Obama said. “And I want to
work with Congress this year on proven ways to create jobs, like building infrastructure and fixing our
broken immigration system. When Congress isn’t acting, I’ll act on my own to put opportunity within
reach for anyone who’s willing to work for it.”

The so-called “year of action” has become Obama’s central theme in recent weeks
as he has pledged to use his executive authority as often as possible to affect change

So, after five years of begging The Bitch and The Boner to like him
Obama is now promising to come to work and act like a president?

I'll believe it when I see it.

I suspect Obama will continue to avoid rocking the boat and wanting people
to like him even tho he'll never have to ask anyone for another vote.

If only he had come to work in 2009.

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Why does America hate women who've given birth?

Subject: Response to Barfing at Bart Monkey Mail

Barfing wrote "NSA has not thwarted a single terrorist attack by mass surveillance."

And he would know that how?
Like the NSA is going to publish their successes so the evil-doers know what to avoid?

What a dick.
 Rick in Austria

Plus, that line of reasoning makes no sense.  It's like saying,
"No Heisman Trophy winner has ever tried to cut his wife's head off,"
and when that does happen, what do they say?

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Sirius XM

Subject: NSA

Bart, two questions

1. Point out one way the NSA data collection has kept you or the USA safe.

2. Point out one way Edward Snowdon's revelations have hurt you, or the USA.

I don't have that information.
Obama does, that's why I'm siding with him.

People who think they know better than Obama are the
ones who need to stand up and show their proof, not me.

If your dentist says, "You need a root canal," do you argue with him?

If your mechanic says, "You need a new oil pump," do you argue with him?

If your doctor says, "You need a heart bypass operation," do you argue with him?

But when your president says, "This program is vital to America's security,"
everyone becomes an expert and calls him a liar - I find that kinda amazing.

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Or need a different/better job?
Maybe you need a resume written by a professional.

Contact Dick Blust Jr at

Subject: The Professor's death

Russell Johnson was my neighbor and a kind old man. 
When I was growing up we'd see him take walks on the beach and stop to pet
the neighborhood dogs and always had a kind word.  I bagged his groceries at
Town & Country Market almost every day when I was a high schooler (he liked
to come into town everyday and socialize at the store) and he always had a smile
and warm greeting for everyone he met. 

Mr. Johnson also spent a good deal of his later years raising money for AIDS research
after his son sadly died from the disease.  He was such a sweet man and a wonderful
addition to our community here on Bainbridge Island and will be missed greatly.
Raise your glass to a fine man!

I'll do a shot for anybody who raises money to fight AIDS.


To Russell Johnson!

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Ambien, Zombies and Murder
You have to be careful what you eat


Ambien, a member of the class of medications known as hypnotics, was approved by the FDA in 1992.
It was designed for short term use to combat insomnia and was a welcome change from the prevailing
sleep aid at the time, Halcion, which had been  implicated in psychosis, suicide, and addiction and had
been banned in half a dozen countries. Ambien works by activating the neurotransmitter  GABA and
binding it to the GABA receptors in the same  location as the benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Valium.
The extra GABA activity triggered by the drug inhibits the neuron activity that is associated with insomnia.
In other words, it slows down the brain. Ambien is extremely effective at initiating sleep, usually working
within 20 minutes. It does not, however, have an effect on sustaining sleep unless it is taken in the controlled
release form.

Although the Ambien prescribing information warned, in small print, that medications in the hypnotic class
had occasional side effects including sleep walking, “abnormal thinking,” and “strange behavior,” these
behaviors were listed as extremely rare, and any anecdotal evidence of “sleep driving,” “sleep eating,”
or “sleep shopping”—all behaviors now associated with Ambien blackouts—were characterized as unusual
quirks, or attributed to mixing the medication with alcohol. It wasn’t until Patrick Kennedy’s 2006
middle-of-the-night car accident and subsequent explanation to arriving officers that he was running late
for a vote that the bizarre side effects of Ambien began to receive national attention. Kennedy claimed
that he had taken the sleep aid and had no recollection of the events that night.

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 Subject:  legalize it

Hi Bart,

There was a very in depth analysis of new pot laws in the New Yorker (Nov. 11, 2013) by Patrick
Radden Keefe called “Buzz Kill.” It’s ten pages but well worth the read, as so many NYer articles are.
The upshot, I think, is how important it is that Washington State and Colorado “get it right.”

There are many opportunities for “legalization” to fail. Their success or failure will determine
whether or not other states (or provinces, up her in Canada) move to adopt similar legislation.

In my opinion, it would have been far simpler to move to de-criminalization for possession of
minor amounts a long time ago. I think the move to legalized sales was less motivated by giving
people legal access and more about by taxing “god’s flowers” to reap big revenues.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out.

I think we're past the point of no return.
The first guy in America top buy legal, retail pot was an Iraqi war veteran who said he needed
pot for whatever his ailment was.  You also have old people who are finding out how well pot
works on arthritis and other health problems. Whoever tries to turn the clock back is in trouble.

Polls say only the 65-and-older crowd wants restrictions on pot and they're dying off daily.

Soon, we may already be there, juries will simply vote "Not guilty" on pot charges.

Maybe now we should think about letting pot inmates out of jail.
It costs what, $60K a year to keep a man in a cage for illegal possession of flowers?

Another point - the best pot growers in the world might currently be in prison.

Maybe Colorado and Washington could use some expert help.

Last point: It's the Legal Marijuana Superbowl - Washington vs Colorado.

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Marty's Entertainment Page
has new stuff every day

Marty's TV Listings are the best!

Marty always has good stuff.

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Today's OMG!  Don't Look Down Picture


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  Subject: Snowden

I really don't have any strong feelings about him one way or the other. 

Snowden appears to be more of a media distraction than anything else. I've read he's an
anti-government rightwingnut and since learning that I reference anything he does or says
in that context, always consider the source. If he dies in some cold dark foreign prison, so be it.
He made his own bed. He took a calculated risk, and calculated risks with issues concerning
national security matters have consequences.

I agree.
Snowden didn't pull a "prank."
He stole thousands of our national security secrets and ran to China with them.

I have no desire to see Snowden die in prison as I harbor ill will or feelings of animosity against
him personally, but I also don't understand why everyone is trying to make him into a some kind
of big super hero either. I don't believe he merits that kind of attention.

I'm certainly not going on to jump on the bandwagon with everyone else in glorifying or condemning
Snowden as I haven't made up my mind yet.  As far a I'm concerned the jury is still out as I watch
this story unfold and progress. Time will tell if Snowden goes down in history as a traitor or a hero. 
Any conclusions I could offer at this point would only be speculative and premature.

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  Subject: Snowden

Bart, concerning your I say if Obama dismantled ALL of the Bush-era spying abuses,
and we got hit with another 9-11, voters wouldn't trust Democrats with the White House
for the next 20 years


First, if an attack like 9/11 happens and Obama is President, he gets blamed
and all Democrats will suffer by their association with the President.
It does not matter if he stopped the spying abuses (at least you admit they ARE abuses) or not.
So long as it happens on his watch, Democrats will pay.

Unlike with Bush, who did allow the attack to happen, through deliberately ignoring all the warning signs,
and Condi, the NSA head. Both came out looking 'good' after their abject failure to protect us.
Obama on the other hand, would not be so lucky.
 MP in FLA

We are talking about two different things.
Of course, whoever is in charge will get the blame from the other party - that's a given,
(except that Democrats gave Bush a pass on 9-11 because we have to, above all else, be "fair.")

What I'm talking about in that example is this:  
If Obama "turns off the burglar alarm" and we get "robbed,"
he'll not only get that blame BUT it will be seen as "proof"
that Democrats just don't understand national security and
that's how we'd lose the White House for the next 20 years.

I don't think you can disagree with that.   
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It's one thing to be surprised, like we were at Pearl Harbor or 9-11.
It's another thing entirely to "turn off the burglar alarm" while the burglars are hitting homes
in our newborhood,
which is what it seems the anti-NSA Democrats are asking for.

Does anyone else see my point?

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Today's Wildlife Photo


Can you identify today's critter?

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  Subject: If Gore had been president on 9-11

1. There's a good chance 9/11 would never have happened. I think he would have taken it
as seriously as Clinton did the LAX attempt on new year's eve Y2K, where he met daily with
every head of intelligence until they got to the bottom of it. Compare to the "ignore it and enjoy
vacation on the ranch" strategy.

I agree.

2. If it HAD happened, it's almost certain we would NOT have gone to war with Iraq.
It's impossible to know what world politics would be like now. Among other things,
we lost our moral authority in the world the day we invaded.

I agree.

3. We might or might not have declared war on Afghanistan (probably, but Gore might have
focused specifically on destroying Al Qaida instead.) If we did, I'd imagine we'd have been out
by now. No telling, since it's the graveyard of empires, but I suspect our tactics would have
been less about "boots on the ground" occupation right from the start.

Gore might've just punished the Taliban government by destroying their military.

4. Most of the things on which we all disagree would have been considered absurd topics
of discussion before then. And I don't think there are words to explain to anyone under 20
how different EVERYTHING was before that. I won't even get into what our country
might be like economically by now.
- Pablo

PS: Snowden is still full of shit. :)

I agree.
Gore would've likely continured the Clinton economic miracle.

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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Bart, that’s still-fetching Cheryl Ladd, from Charlie’s Angels.
~ Tony in Philly

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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

That's the Four Corners Monument where CO/UT/AZ/NM all come together.
The mailing address is Teec Nos Pos AZ, but it's a stretch to call that a town.
The nearest of any size at all is probably Shiprock NM.

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Name the Mystery Car


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that's a 1940 BMW 328 Mille Miglia Coupe.
  Paul in VA
Bart, that kind of looks like a 1936 BMW 328.

It was a 1939 BMS 328.
Saw one on Chasing Classic Cars - you guys ever watch that?
This old rich guy Wayne finds "barn cars" and restores them.

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's war criminal Major General Nguyen Ngoc Loan summarily
excecuting Viet Cong POW Nguyen Van Lem on the streets of Saigon in 1968.

Hi Bart,
I believe Loan, the war criminal, wound up running a pizza joint in southern
California as a prize for helping the US win the war.
 Peter in New Zealand

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Subject: donations

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ComputerTyme Hosting is owned by Marc Perkel, who first put Bartcop on the
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Marc hosts several other political sites including American Politics Journal, Political Strikes, Faux News Channel, Seeds of Doubt and interesting sites like the
Church of Reality - a religion based on believing in everything that is real.

Our motto for this year is - "No Anti-Bush Site Left Behind". So - if you have an anti-bush site and you are  choking on hosting fees or dealing with threats - let us know and we'll help keep you online.

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