Weekend-Monday, Jan 25-27, 2014 Vol 3188 - Uncle Sugar
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"What is shameful is that Walmart CEO Mike Duke makes more money in one hour than his employees earn in an entire year. Yet, Walmart continues to abuse its employees and refuses to pay them a livable wage." Link -- Paddy Ryan over at KOS Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Obama calls out Pigboy, Fox News Stop! That's how we keep the White House Link Obama is blaming his rocky relationship with Republicans on Pigboy Limbaugh and the constant stream of bad press he receives from the lying bastards at Fox News. In a New Yorker follow-up interview, Obama is described as being “particularly touchy” when discussing the notion that his inability to compromise with Republicans prevents him from passing more legislation. “The issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the Republican base so that they feel persuaded that I’m not the caricature that you see on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh,” Obama said. “But I’m somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical, and that, actually, a lot of the things that we’ve put in place worked better than people might think.” If the voters don’t trust him, Obama explained, then Republicans can’t compromise with him, because their handjob base will consider it “a betrayal.” Barack, why are you pressing this point? The GOP can no longer win national elections - they're dying. Their approval rating is 32 percent and falling. Why are you asking them to change into something that might live? Fuck them - let them die. You can always make a deal with the practical youngsters who are NOT racist, who are NOT gay-bashing homophobes and who love the idea of legal pot. When things are going your way, why complain? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Meet the mother of ten that Christie smeared Link end e-mail to Bart "Women and their Libidos" 'Legitimate rape" talk from Mike Huckabee Link Presidential aspirant Mike Huckabee said in a speech Thursday that Republicans should fight harder to win women's votes. In particular, Huckabee said his party should stress that it doesn’t believe women are “helpless and hopeless creatures” whose only desire is for government-provided birth control. The insane handjob added that many of the women he knows are intelligent and educated and capable of doing anything a man can do. Then he said something that lit up social media like fireworks on July 4th. Here’s the full quote: “And if the Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it, let’s take that discussion all across America, because women are far more than Democrats have made them out to be.” Do they say super-stupid things on purpose? Do they want to lose the vote of every woman? I'm so old I remember when Republicans talked about taxes and the military. Now all they can talk about is vaginas, "legitimate rape" and a woman's out-of-control libido. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: what else? Two government panels, a federal judge and multiple members of Congress, all of whom have studied the program closely (unlike bartcop) have all concluded the program should be shut down. This makes it plain that the onus is on the administration, along with the program’s defenders in Congress, to explain why such intrusive mass surveillance is necessary at all. If Obama has a good reason to continue spying on all of us, he should tell the American people now. Otherwise, he is in essence asking for our blind faith, which is precisely what he warned against during his speech last week on the future of government surveillance. “Given the unique power of the state,” Mr. Obama said, “it is not enough for leaders to say: trust us, we won’t abuse the data we collect. For history has too many examples when that trust has been breached.” Link So in Obama's own words, we shouldn't trust him with our data. Why won't you listen to Obama? Why do you insist on giving him your "blind faith" when he has told you specifically not to do so? brew ps. If you are reading the newspapers, you have to have figured out that your position is crumbling before your eyes. It is only a matter of time. Brew old buddy, I'm worried about you and your Snowden obsession. At some point, you're going to have to let this go. I'd hate to see you so worked up that you go back to smoking cigars. ![]() The Brew at Bartfest 2006 Send e-mail to Bar ![]() ![]() Dozens will see it! Advertise with Bartcop.com, Two days just $35 One week just $70 America is coming back Get back in business! Advertise on bartcop.com ![]() Gay Conservative: "No Hope for GOP" It's like he's been reading bartcop.com Link Gay political activist Jimmy LaSalvia is having a loud and public breakup with the GOP. Before announcing last week that he is leaving the Republican Party to become an independent – pointing to “tolerance of bigotry” within the GOP – LaSalvia was a veteran GOP operative and activist, known for co-founding the conservative gay rights group GOProud. LaSalvia says he has “no hope for the Republican Party.” “No matter how good your autopsy … the changes the Republican Party is implementing really amount to nothing more than lipstick on a pig,” he said. “It was the Romney campaign that really got me to understand just how severe the problem is. … It's a culture of intolerance that I don't think any amount of messaging or policy changes can fix.” Though LaSalvia still identifies as a conservative, he said he believes that the GOP is “out of touch with life in America today” and has consequently been rendered useless as a political party. “The object of political parties is to win elections, and I've determined that the Republicans can never win a national election again, and so at that point, what's the point?” he said. This guy sees what everybody (but the GOP) sees. They can't win until they change and they won't change, so they can't win. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() The Problem Colorado Must Fix Marijuana Freedom is Elusive for Tourists Link Delilah Reed and Douglas are planning to take their next vacation in Denver so that they can look for work and smoke marijuana recreationally. "We'd relocate from Virginia immediately if either one of us secured a job in Colorado, because we're tired of hiding our recreational activity," Reed told MainStreet. Both have lined up job interviews, but legalization is not all that it seems. The couple is having a hard time booking a hotel room where they can enjoy their new freedom. "Most of the hotel rooms we've called don't allow you to indulge on the premises," said Khalil. "It's putting a damper on our dreams." Although pot is now legal in Colorado, finding a place to smoke it is a challenge especially for business travelers and tourists. In fact, the demand is so great for pot lodging, Colorado Green Tours travel agency founder Peter Johnson is seeking capital to lease private condos where people can lodge and smoke when they visit, because 75% of all hotels offer non-smoking rooms. "We cater to the cannabis-friendly crowd," Johnson said. "It's easy for us to find a place to smoke in peace but for someone from out of town it's a difficult task. People call us to ask where to stay." Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Are Republicans against Heterosexuals? Last week Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said, "Democrats want to insult the women of America by making them believe that they are helpless without 'Uncle Sugar' coming in and for providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government," WOW!! For those of us who learned about the "birds and the bees" it takes both a male and a female with a libido issue to cause pregnancy to occur. This means that both men and women, including married couples, have a stake getting birth control. Homosexuals however don't have a birth control issue and since Republicans think being homosexual is a choice it makes me wonder how many people Republicans might be driving towards same sex relationships as a result of being against birth control? Maybe "Uncle Sugar's" contraception funding isn't such a bad idea after all? Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bar ![]()
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If Jeb gets in the race we can sell these t-shirts. Thanks to Bob in Berkely Mystery Quotes “I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist-raised, communist-educated, communist-nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America,” Which racist Republican said that? Subject: mystery quote Bart, that Republican racist was Ted Nugent. For good measure, Dude stated Hillary Clinton "had spare scrotums." HA HA! BSmasher ![]() Ted, playing for change at a KKK rally in Indiana.. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Ice Gone, Polar Bears Hunt on Land Yet the GOP says global warming is a myth Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() SUV Does a Number on Christie
Show Boss Dick Wolf a Big Democrat As SVU fights for justice for an underage rape victim who was working illegally in a strip club, they find themselves stonewalled by corruption in the New Jersey legal system. They really gave it to crooked Chris Christie. It started with a 16-year old getting raped at a Manhattan strip club. The owner of the strip club was protecting the Jersey rapist, so when the SUV detetctives showed up to investigate the rape, a bunch of Jersey cops show up and grab the rape victim, saying they had priority. Once they had the 16-year old rape victim in the crooked New Jersey prison system, the real corruption started and they implied the New Jersey governor was in on it. They portrayed EVERYONE in the New Jersey prison/legal/court system as corrupt. They ignored court orders, they ran for-profit prisons with the kickbacks going to the judges. The really laid it on thick, if I was a Republican I'd be pissed about it. But since it's crooked Chris Christie, maybe they're just finally exposing the truth. One thing, this show had to be filmed weeks before Bridge-gate came out - coincidence? Question: Is New Jersey generally considered a corrupt cesspool and nobody does anything about it? I figured it was like the mob in Vegas - it USED to be that way, 30 years ago, but not now. Is Jersey openly corrupt and crooked and everyone knew but me? Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Cheney and Bush lied about 9-11 Bart, Dick Cheney and President Bush lied to the American people about the 9-11 attack – an attack that left three thousand New Yorkers, women and children, and another 6,000 brave military personnel, dead. A report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee shows that the attack could have been prevented — that the breakdowns within the Bush bureaucracy contributed to the failure to act. Bush's State Department was briefed on the security threats – but they ignored the warnings. After the attack, the talking points were altered to promote a different story, but we didn't get to hear it because those Bush bastards only testified in secret and never, ever under oath. This is a gross and unprecedented cover up by government bureaucrats and GOP leaders to protect their political future. The American people deserve better: they deserve the truth. Sign our petition if you knew all along that Dick Cheney and President Bush lied about 9-11 Thanks, Kirsten Kukowski RNC Press Secretary OK, I might've switched a few names., Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: NSA issue could lead to victory for RNC The Republican National Committee has formally renounced the “dragnet” surveillance program at the NSA at their winter meeting. It's ironic that the Republicans who started the mass NSA spying under former President Bush is now turning against the issue now that Obama is president. And quite frankly it's likely to work. The NSA mass spying is fundamentally wrong and it's going to cost the Democrats big time in the 2014 elections. I'm not convinced that the Republicans are still going to be against the NSA should they come to power. But in the short run it's a brilliant move and the Democrats are going to pay a big price at the polls this year for being on the wrong side of history. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart Unemployed?
Or need a different/better job? Maybe you need a resume written by a professional. ![]() Contact Dick Blust Jr at rcblust@live.com Want to talk to a Traitor? Edward Snowden is taking questions LIVE this afternoon. Link I tuned in but he never showed up.... I gave up after about 15 minutes. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Shoutout to you in DailyKos FP story Bart, Nice mention in a front page post of you as one of the "pioneers in the pushback to the conservative propaganda of a "So-Called Liberal Media."". You should check it out, Thomas Link ![]() Tom, thanks - I would've missed that. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Duck Dynasty Down ANOTHER 20% Has gay-bashing killed the golden goose? Link Last week’s depressed ratings for the season premiere of “Duck Dynasty” might not have been a fluke. The second episode of the season dropped steeply from the season premiere, shedding nearly 2 million viewers. Wednesday’s show drew 6.7 million viewers — off considerably from last week’s premiere of 8.5 million. Wednesday’s numbers do indicate a troubling trend for the show. Ratings for last week’s season premiere dropped 28 percent from the Season 4 premiere in August, which amassed a record-setting 11.8 million total viewers during a period when networks were heavy into repeat mode. So, they've gone from almost 12M viewers down to 6.7M viewers. My good Catholic math says they have a Paula Deen-style disaster on their hands. We now live in a world where your business goes to hell if you say you hate gays. I like that. Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Chicago Catholic Rapists Bart I just read the heartbreaking piece about newly opened files that show decades of child rape in the Chicago Diocese of the Catholic Church….. Two questions: 1. Did anybody really expect the files to say anything differently?!? 2. Would all the Catholic priests who haven’t raped or molested a child, please raise your hand? Unreal Jim in Arkansashe They KNEW those priests were raping little kids and they just looked the other way. The prosecutors should be jailed for being accessories before and after the crimes. Send e-mail to Bart .
![]() Marty's
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has new stuff every day Marty's TV Listings are the best! ![]() Marty always has good stuff. Click on the E!
Today's OMG! Don't
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Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() "It changed my life."
Maybe now that it's legal, the University of Colorado could run trials and tests and throw it back in the naysayers' faces ![]() You must Hate Paris Hilton Reviewing the Grammy dresses last night, whore Yahoo said Beyonce "kept it classy." Meanwhile Paris Hilton was the tackiest slut the nation had ever seen. Really, Yahoo? ![]() ![]() I thought Beyonce's opening number was tacky and trampy. ![]() She literally showed the world her ass - but Beyonce is "perfect and tasteful" at all times. But Paris Hilton, no matter how nice she's dressed, is always called a slut. Remember, it's important and necessary to hate Paris Hilton. You're not much of an American if you don't. And what was up with Taylor Swift? ![]() Send e-mail to Bart Subject: This is the end - I'm broke with no Emergency Unemployment Bart, my long time friend on the net. I've written you before telling of how tough things are for me (not that I'm unlike many others out there), you even took the grand step of publishing a link to my company's LinkedIn page ) but unfortunately nothing came of it and now I am truly and the very end of my rope. I was just able to keep my head above water with the Emergency Unemployment bennies I was getting but now with zero money coming in, I've been forced to cash out my retirement funds for which I took a 56% beating on (not only did I get taxed at the highest rate, and penalized for early withdrawl, I also got hit with a penalty from my investment service company. I've burrowed all I can from my retired and on a fixed income parents and my 22 yr old son. That took me to the end of this month. That's it, I'm toast thanks to the jackasses in Congress for NOT extending EU bennies. I can't even get a job as a janitor at Lowe's, they tell me I'm "overqualified". They are not the only place that's told me such. I'm 50 yrs old next month and no employer in my field will give me the time of day due to my age and my advanced skills in my field, they simply assume I'm too costly to hire. I'm applying for jobs in my field that are offering a minimum of $20,000 less per year, willing to take them even and they still shut the door on me as being "overqualified". I'm ready to simply pack it all up and move (somehow) to Montana and work at a bait shop for the rest of my life.... Lord knows I will never be able to retire now, I had to CASH IT OUT TO EAT! And these assholes in D.C. have the fucking nerve to ask for my vote?! Jim in Pasco (for now......soon to be under the nearest bridge in a cardboard box) Jim, I wish I knew what to tell you. I assume there are others in your same boat - what are they doing? Can you talk to Red Cross or Goodwill and get some help there? Tune in tomorrow - maybe somebody will have an idea. Anyone have some advice for Jim, who might be in Washington State? Send e-mail to Bart Today's Wildlife Photo
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bartcop.comPO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Also, shopping ![]() ![]() Nobody will go to jail. Holder will ask them what fine they can afford and then he'll ask them to please not spill again.
Today's Mystery
Link Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity Link You are NOT going to believe this one. Bart, after all these years you finally post one I know - Ryan Seacrest. -Al in Indy Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Today's Mystery City Link Subject: last issue's Mystery City Link Bart, that looks like Moscow on a really cold day, David S Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Name the Mystery Car Link If this was your car, you'd buy your condoms by the gross. Subject: last issue's Mystery Car Link Bart, that's a 1937 Delahaye 135MS Roadster. michaelgy That is a very bad-ass car. Send e-mail to Bart Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's History Mystery Link Bart, that's Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell. He tried to warn us about our future in '1984', but it seems the government thought it was a training manual. Ed K Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: donations Bart, A shot (sipped of course though)
of tequila to you. Gregor, that was nice - thanks As my buddy
Coleman always used to say, "Never quit!!"
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