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WELCOME TO BARTCOP.COM A modem, a smart mouth and the truthNews and Commentary NOT Approved by Karl Rove, bcause vicious extremists can NOT be appeased.

Tuesday, Jan 28, 2014    Vol 3189 - Butterfeet

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow Teabaggers Unleash on McCain
Arrow Barbara Boxer vs The Cavemen
No Sex, We’re Republicans
Arrow Pot on the Ballot in Florida
Midwest's Propane Emergency
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow The Hot Years, Lindsay Lohan

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"The State of the Union speech is coming up and they say Obama won't
  mention the war on drugs because he's not sure which side he's on."
--  Jay Leno, explaining why he can't be on TV anymore

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Teabaggers Unleash on McCain
"He's too much like the Black guy!"

If there were any doubts that Republicans are in the throes of ideological fratricide that could
threaten their prospects for success this fall, they were dispelled over the weekend in Arizona.

In a move both bizarre and ill-timed, Arizona Republican Party members voted to censure
Sen. John McCain – a highly-decorated Vietnam War hero, maverick conservative and 2008
Republican presidential nominee – for being too liberal for their taste.

"Only in times of great crisis or betrayal is it necessary to publicly censure our leaders,” stated the
resolution which was approved by acclamation. “Today we are faced with both. For too long we have
waited, hoping Senator McCain would return to our Party’s values on his own. That has not happened.”

McCain’s offenses cited in the resolution included working on comprehensive immigration reform,
or “amnesty,” and not going along with last year’s conservative strategy to “defund” Obamacare,
according to a report in The Handjob Republic.

So, in just five years their party standard-bearer has become "Obamas twin" in their Teabagging opinion.

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Subject: Snowden and the Brew

Curious why you've included the picture of this guy, rather than a response to his argument.
Could it be, perhaps, that you know damn well that because this fellow has a huge number of
piercings that readers will discount his points and not notice your complete lack of a response?

No offense intended to the brew, but I'm thinking most people would say he looks bizarre in that photo.
That however is irrelevant to the point he is making.

Joe, the problem is Brew makes such good, solid, logical arguments,
I can't think of a way to counter them so I run away like a schoolgirl. 

Truthfully, that's not The Brew, that's some fella's photo I found online.
The Brew and I aren't going to agree on the Traitor's guilt, and we can't argue forever.
Haven't we each made our points a half-dozen times?

Plus, neither of us knows what Snowden stole or why or who he gave our secrets to.
We're two blind men arguing in the dark.

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Barbara Boxer vs The Cavemen
'What century are you living in?"


With all of the incredible challenges facing our nation -- the need to rebuild our infrastructure, create jobs,
improve education and address the threat of climate change -- one would expect that these pressing issues
would be at the top of your agenda.

 But last week I watched in disbelief as Republicans instead chose to ratchet up the War on Women.

 First, there was Republican Congressman Steve Pearce's memoir that argued that wives should
"voluntarily submit" to their husbands. Then Mike Huckabee joined in, suggesting that American women
could "control their libido" rather than receive contraceptive coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

 And now one of your very first votes of the year in the House is a disingenuous and dangerous
attack on women's health.   My question to you is this: What century are you living in?

Go Barbara!

Is she up again this time?
Democrats are known to speak up every six years.

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Subject: Why Snowden shouldn't even attempt to have his day in court


You seem to truly-believe that Snowden is a traitor. For that matter, you've declared that if he
were a real man, he'd show back up in "The Land of the Free" and have his day in court
... so yeah, but only if he wants to be treated as preordained guilty, and without even a
remote opportunity to prove himself as whistle-blower innocent.  You see, that's how
America's Napoleonic Espionage Act treats its victims.

Anyway BC, what proof have you seen that Snowden's intent towards the people of America
was malicious?  The evidence suggests otherwise. Beyond a doubt, he has in fact provided
incontrovertible evidence that BarryHO is no less a war crook than (STILL is) Dubya.
As with the last pResident, the current one is also in charge of the world's most massive
war-crimes institution, the United States Military.

Read about some of the facts:

How whistleblowers are barred from defending themselves in court


Dan, I didn't write the law, I never heard of that law, this isn't on me.
I think he's guilty as hell, you like the guy - we disagree, but neither of us
has any facts so let's not get too caught up in how "right" we are.

On the other hand, it's not like Snowden was walking down the street and
some men grabbed him and now he finds himself stuck in Russia.

HE INTENTED to steal 1.5M national security secrets and run to China.

How you study that situation and see Snowden's innocence just floors me.

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A shot of Chinaco to the person who wrote that.

Some people think very clearly,
then there are our Democrats.

No Sex, Please, We’re Republicans
Why is it so hard to keeo their mouths shut?

 Moonie Times

Some Republicans missed the birds-and-bees lecture at daddy’s knee. Their leader was puzzling
Monday over a libido — what it is, who has one and what to do with it — on the eve of Obama’s
State of the Union address

Sex, as it always does, gets in the way of everything. Mike Huckabee started the libido talk.
Mike got started on the Democratic canard that Republicans are fighting a “war on women.”

“If the Democrats want to insult women of America by making them believe that they are helpless
without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control,
because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive systems without the help of the government, so be it.”

It’s not clear, however, why “libido” is an indelicate word. Feminists and their liege throw other words
of far less delicacy about with gay abandon. Not so long ago, the desperate pursuit of the multiple orgasm
was a topic of polite discussion in family newspapers. The “Vagina Monologues” are holy writ in certain precincts.

Right on cue, the Republicans bowed to feminist outrage. Reince Priebus lectured Mike sternly to watch his language.
Mike apparently had not heard that in modern America vulgarity, bad taste and indelicacy is much frowned on.

When the Republicans screw up and insult women, the largest voting block there is,
you can depend on them to double down and insult women even further when they fake "apologize."

You Monkeys go right ahead and scream insults at the people who hold your future in their hands.
That works great for Democrats.

Might as well call women "stupid c-words" and then openly laugh at them.
You crazy bastards are dying and you don't even know it.
That works great for Democrats, too.

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Sirius XM

Subject: Here's the link to the Snowden Q&A session

Bart, he did show up and I watched it live, even as slow moving as it was.
His answers seem to reflect honorable intentions and thoughtfulness.
But the "leaks" just keep on coming, and that's definitely bad.


Self-Serving Quotes

"The fact that it’s also a direct threat to my life is something I am aware of,
  but I’m not going to be intimidated. Doing the right thing means having no regrets."
--  Edward Snowden, ready to die for us, just like Jesus

  Have you ever seen such a load of self-serving horseshit in your life?.

  That was in Answer #2 - I wonder how many more times he selfishly offers up
  his life for you and me, all the while regretting that he only has one life to give?

  BTW, look who had the first question   @mperkel 

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Or need a different/better job?
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Pot on the Ballot in Florida
You know Oklahoma will be dead last...

Florida voters will decide in November whether to legalize medical marijuana after the
state Supreme Court approved an initiative Monday to put the measure on the ballot.

The 4-3 decision is a victory for personal-injury lawyer John Morgan, who spent $4 million
on a medical marijuana petition drive, and a defeat for Attorney General Pam Bondi (R),
who fought to keep the question off the ballot.

Cheers to Floriduh's AG for not letting voters vote on their future.
Can you imagine the horros of the voters deciding for themselves?

Florida’s Republican assholes, including Gov. Rick Scott, had opposed the wording
of the ballot measure, saying that it was too vague and misleading and that it would allow
almost anyone to obtain marijuana for the slightest medical complaint.

Yes, because we'd rather every cancer sufferer in Floriduh die in tremendous pain,
than risk letting one person get hold of some pot who wasn't actually technically dying yet.

If 60 percent of voters approve the petition in November, Floriduh would become the
first openly racist. state to approve marijuana for medical use, joining 20 other states.

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Hey Jim, what about the "climate change hoax?"

Midwest's Propane Emergency
Oil companies had "no idea" it would be cold this winter


Millions of residents in the Midwest and Northeast who rely on propane to heat their homes
are facing a severe shortage and spiking prices as another wave of freezing weather heads east.
Now, states across the region are deploying emergency resources as a result.

Blame for the propane shortage lies with the wetter-than-usual fall, which meant that farmers
used more propane than usual to dry corn crops; an unusually cold winter; and a temporary
shutdown of a major pipeline for maintenance this year.

Yes, you should blame a host of factors but OIL COMPANY GREED isn't one of them.

As a result, propane prices are setting new records.

How were they supposed to know it gets cold in the winter?
That's like saying oil companies should know families take vacations in the summer.

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If only the you-know-whos would learn to you-know-what.

Subject: Jersey Corruption, whats new?


Not everyone in Jersey's corrupt, but everyone loves to talk and its not a big place.
Whenever anything happens you're not far from it and there's a good chance you know what
they're talking about, at least the what and where. When you know the who you're getting close.
Shit in NYC is close also. We're not corrupt, (most of us), but we all love a good story, juicier the better.

It seems like it's always the same places -
New Orleans, Chicago and New Jersey.
Ex-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin in on trial for corruption.
Gov Blago's in jail in Chicago and crooked Chris Christie proves it in Jersey.

Why do they put up with it?

We have corruption in Oklahoma, too, but not again and again, one after another, all in a row.

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  Subject: This is the end - I'm broke with no Emergency Unemployment

Bart, my long time friend on the net.

I've written you before telling of how tough things are for me (not that I'm unlike many others out there),
you even took the grand step of publishing a link to my company's LinkedIn page ) but unfortunately
nothing came of it and now I am truly and the very end of my rope.

I was just able to keep my head above water with the Emergency Unemployment bennies I was getting
but now with zero money coming in, I've been forced to cash out my retirement funds for which I took
a 56% beating on (not only did I get taxed at the highest rate, and penalized for early withdrawl, I also
got hit with a penalty from my investment service company.

I've burrowed all I can from my retired and on a fixed income parents and my 22 yr old son.
That took me to the end of this month. That's it, I'm toast thanks to the jackasses in Congress
for NOT extending EU bennies.

I can't even get a job as a janitor at Lowe's, they tell me I'm "overqualified". They are not the only place
that's told me such. I'm 50 yrs old next month and no employer in my field will give me the time of day
due to my age and my advanced skills in my field, they simply assume I'm too costly to hire. I'm applying
for jobs in my field that are offering a minimum of $20,000 less per year, willing to take them even and
they still shut the door on me as being "overqualified".

I'm ready to simply pack it all up and move (somehow) to Montana and work at a bait shop for the rest of my life....
Lord knows I will never be able to retire now, I had to CASH IT OUT TO EAT!

And these assholes in D.C. have the fucking nerve to ask for my vote?!
 Jim in Pasco (for now......soon to be under the nearest bridge in a cardboard box)

Jim, I wish I knew what to tell you.

I assume there are others in your same boat - what are they doing?
Can you talk to Red Cross or Goodwill and get some help there?
Tune in  tomorrow - maybe somebody has an idea.

Anyone have some advice for Jim, who might be in Washingtton State?

Subject: Ideas for Jim in WA

Bart, I don't know if any of these ideas will help Jim, but FWIW:

Most communities have food banks to help people in need
Additionally, a lot of churches have food programs--you don't need to be their denomination; just in need

The priest and assistant rector at my church have discretionary funds--it's not a lot of money and seldom
for continuing help (more like one time gifts), but it's something he could look into--you don't need to be
Episcopalian to ask the priest or assistant rector for help

I don't know what Jim's skills are, but I've been in the "overqualified boat"--with some office skills,
he might find some short term help getting assignments with a temp agency.  Or substitute teaching.
I saw a sign on one of our VA highways last week saying that they need to hire school bus drivers.

Keep an eye out for recruiting fairs that some communities sponsor. 
I got out of my overqualified trap by taking a teaching job in Liberia that was offered to me at a recruiting fair. 
Trust me, I would never have thought of going to Liberia, but I was desperate for a job and some income. 
Taking that job changed my life in many ways--all good.

You can usually put up notices at grocery stores and rec centers for free with permission. 
Offer to drive people places; write resumes for people, babysit, tutor kids or college students, move things for people, etc.

What about car dealerships or car rental paces--many of them need people to deliver cars
or U-Haul type trailers from one place to another
  Linda  >^..^<
 We're all only temporarily able bodied.

Subject: Wits End Jim

Bart, I get a food box once every month from St. Mary's Food Bank.
There must be some similar available in Washington. It's not my usual fair but I get a lot of food for free.
I'm only entitled to one per month and I use the food to supplement what I can afford to buy.
Actually it's more than one box, it's several large boxes, frozen meats, fruits and vegetables,
no dairy though. St. Mary's distributes food from donations only.

Subject: Employment for Jim

Bartcop--the individual who wrote to you needing a job might want to consider employment within
the field of developmental disabilities.  There's always a shortage of workers in this discipline. 

The pay isn't great but the rewards are generally wonderful.  He should be able to get a listing of
social service agencies in his area by doing an online search and/or he can contact his statewide
ARC (association for retarded citizens) for a list of agencies in his geographic area and go from there. 
There are frequent opportunities for overtime work as well.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your work.  I never miss Bartcop. 
It has kept me sane during these past few years of political insanity.

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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Today's Mystery Celebrity Photo


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Celebrity    Link

Bart!  I know her!  That's Nina Blackwood, the former MTV veejay. 
Used to be hot, now not so much.  Keep hammerin', good buddy!
  Steve in Maple Grove, MN

Remember that live MTV Hallowwen concert when they had Nina interview Frank Zappa?

It wasn't exactly an equal meeting of great minds and Frank didn't suffer fools well.

Which reminds me, there's a GREAT story on Youtube about Steve Vai (great guitar player)
and his very first audition trying to get into Frank's band back in the eighties.

Frank was notorius for grueling auditions and Steve knew it.
When it was finally his turn, Frank handed Steve some sheet music.

If you couldn't play it PERFECTLY, Frank might scold you for wasting his time
so the pressure was on and remember, Steve is a GREAT guitar player.

So, Frank says, "Play that" and Steve did - perfectly.

Then Frank said, "Play it in 7/8ths" (I'm making this up) and Steve did.

Then Frank said, 
"Play it in 7/8ths in raggae" and Steve did.

Then Frank said,  "Play it in 7/8ths in raggae with a suspended seventh" and Steve
thought to hilself, "That's not possible - no guitar play alive can do that" so he said,
"I can't," and Frank said, "I understand Linda Ronstad is looking for a guitar player."

Ohhhhhhhh, Snap!

Steve said he just melted with shame for a second then Frank said,
"Just kidding, you're a great guitar player, welcome to the band."
Wait, I found it - let's see how close I was.  2 minutes, SFW

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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart, that's Old Town Bern, Switzerland.
Never seen it without snow, but it's truly a beautiful city,
 Gerry F

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Name the Mystery Car


 If this was your car, you're probably older than me.

 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that's a 2014 McLaren P 1
Paul in Utah

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How to avoid Teabaggers

Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's Adolf Eichmann on trial in Israel in 1961.

Bart,  That's Otto 'Adolf Eichmann' on trial in Israel for crimes against humanity.  
He was found guilty, hanged, and his remains cremated.  
He was one of the principal architects' of the final solution.
Bill Shea in Rhode Island

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Subject: donations

Bart, can't agree with you on Snowden - it's my Canadian point of view.
Thanks for what you do and best wishes for the new year.
 Peter in Whistler

Peter, that was nice - thanks.
I'll bet it's colder here than it is there :)

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The Hot Years, Lindsay Lohan

  Check out  over 200 sexy and tasteful photos of Hot Years Lindsay Lohan

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Thanks to Blue in Seattle for helping me corral the hotties...

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