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Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014    Vol 3194 - Rings of Neptune

And as we wind on down the road...

Arrow CBO: 2 Million Fewer Workers
Arrow Crooked Chris Christie in Deeper
CVS to Stop Selling Cancer 
Arrow Bieber's Trifecta of Fuck-ups
Too Crooked for the Law
Arrow Amazon Helps Tequila Treehouse
Arrow Boomer Hottie, Priscilla Presley

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"Republicans don't seem to understand what killing jobs means.
  It's what happens when you elect a Bush president."
--  LOLGOP in a Tweet

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CBO: 2 Million Fewer Workers
And Obamacare is catching the blame


The Affordable Care Act will reduce the number of full-time workers by more than 2 million
in coming years, congressional budget analysts said Tuesday, a finding that sent the White House
scrambling to defend a law that has bedeviled President Obama for years.

After obtaining coverage through the health law, some workers may forgo employment, while others
may reduce hours, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office. Low-wage workers are
the most likely to drop out of the workforce as a result of the law, it said. The CBO said the law’s
impact on jobs mostly would be felt after 2016.

Republicans quickly pointed to the report’s findings as more evidence of the health-care law’s flaws,
one of their major themes ahead of this year’s midterm elections. Republicans see Obamacare as a
political boon this year, after the disastrous launch of the law’s Web site last fall.

Our poor brain-dead Democrats can't figure out a way to spin this?
Why can't Democrats think?

The truth? They're freeing 2M people who wanted to retire BUT COULDN'T because
their health care previously was tied to their shitty job with the ugly boss with the grabby hands.

This is great news and the White House can't find it?

Think of a single mother working three jobs to provide health care for her kids.

This is the best damn news this single mother ever heard,
but our brain-dead Dems can't figure that out.

Besides, doesn't that mean 2M people who were looking for work can now find a job?
It's a win-win all around but (big sigh) we're Democrats who can't think.

The Okie with the IQ of 64 can see it, but the Democrats remain blind.

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Crooked Chris Christie in Deeper

He sealed his fate at that major press conference when he denied everything.
He started out saying he "knew absolutely nothing" about the bridge closing.

Then his crooked appointee said he has evidence that crooked Chris Christie knew,
so Christie is now back-pedaling, saying, "Maybe someone mentioned it to me,
but they didn't actually tell me."

Really, crooked Chris Christie?
There's a difference between "telling" and "mentioning?"

Then there is the "time stamp" parsing of words.

“Did I know anything about the plan to close these lanes, did I authorize it, did I
about it, did I approve it? Unequivocally no,” Christie told some radio station.

Notice how he keeps himself in the future tense.

The crooked appointee's attorney says "evidence exists" proving that crooked
Chris Christie
knew about the lane closures as they were happening.

Crooked Chris Christie is preparing to be put under oath, where he possibly can truthfully
that he didn't know about the lane closings IN ADVANCE but he knew AS IT WAS
which is light years beyond what he claimed he knew at the press conference.

Have you even seen an elected official have such a bad swearing-in first week?

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Subject: Amanda Knox

Bart, American Citizens are protected under the constitution against Double Jeopardy. 
Un-like in Italy, once you have been cleared of a crime you can no longer be tried again
and again for the same crime.  That is why Amanda Knox will never be extradited. 

That and if you send her back to Italy you have to send Bush and Cheney to the Hague
to stand trial for war crimes.

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Subject: Snowden

Keep it up you are losing readers every day,
 Gerard C

You're right, Snowden's a hero!

Feel better?

If you want to read Snowden worship check the New York Whore Times.

They love everything about Edward Snowden.

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CVS to Stop Selling Cancer
They should sell green cigarettes, instead


One of the biggest retail chains in the country, CVS Phramacy, announced today that it will stop selling
tobacco products at its 7,600 stores by October 1, trading in roughly $2 billion in revenue for the opportunity
to develop closer relations with hospitals and doctors and make people healthier in general.

CEO Larry Merlo was pretty straightforward in a statement on the decision, saying: "We've come to the
conclusion that cigarettes have no place in a setting where health care is being delivered."

CVS explains the decision as "simply the right thing to do for the good of our customers and our company,"

Is Chuck Todd the biggest douche on MSNBC?

He interviewed someone at CVS and that ssshole asked if CVS would continue to sell products
that contain sugar "because sugar causes so many deaths. Isn't this a slippery slope?"

Could Chuck Todd be a bigger douche?

Chuck Todd should send Douche Blitzer a gift basket because wihtout Blitzer,
Chuck Todd might well be the biggest douche in TV news.

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Subject: How did free America "compete" with commie jailer dictators?

Except for the USSR, and a few of their allies and client states,
I think the rest of the world was pretty much on our side back then.
We were actually popular...before the BFEE and the neo-cons turned that on it’s head.
 Dan L

Before the Bush bastards turned America into Torture Nation.

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Bieber's Trifecta of Fuck-ups
‘Extremely abusive’ to staff aboard flight


Bieber’s reign of terror continues: Details about his behavior and alleged drug use on
an airplane have emerged in a report filed by officials after his Teterboro Airport interview.

Justin Bieber was free to go after his private jet was thoroughly searched by DEA and U.S.
Customs on suspicion of pot last week, but he apparently masked any trace of drug use.

Bieber admitted to smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol, but stated that he did not have
any additional marijuana - according to a report filed by officials, obtained by NBC News.
With no pot found "none of the items could be linked to Bieber, his father, or their guests.".

Pilots on the expensive Gulfstream IV plane told officials that the plane was "so full of smoke"
that they had to wear oxygen masks so that they wouldn't risk inhaling the marijuana
and failing any drug tests, according to NBC News.

"The captain said he warned the passengers, including Bieber, on several occasions to stop
smoking marijuana," the report reads. pu"The captain also stated he needed to request that
they stop harassing the flight attendant and after several warnings asked the flight attendant
to stay with him near the cockpit to avoid any further abuse."

Bieber was also "argumentative and abusive" when with his security team and entourage,
according to the report, so he was questioned alone upon his arrival in New Jersey.

Seems like Biber's tired of being a coddled little pop star.

Will parents continue to bring their kids to his concerts after this?

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Subject: JFK and the commies

Bart : Every time we brought this up (Berlin Wall), they would say
….”Well what about your Negroes.”

And that truth hurt so much that we shut the F up.

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Subject: Obama and the republicans

Bart: You wrote:

“I think Obama wasted five years - pity he didn't catch on quicker.”

I agree, with one caveat: Had he fought the GOP hard and fast, he would have made victims of them.
This way they kept yelling victim, and he let them hang themselves. Which is exactly what they did.
I don’t know if he did it on purpose. But it worked.

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Sirius XM

Pot Car Crashes Triple, Study Says
I smell a rat because the math's not there


The legalization of marijuana is an idea that is gaining momentum in the United States,
but there may be a dark side to pot becoming more commonplace, a new study suggests.

Fatal crashes involving marijuana use tripled during the previous decade, fueling some of the overall
increase in drugged-driving traffic deaths, researchers from Columbia University's Mailman School report.

"Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana," said co-author
Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia. "If this trend
continues, in five or six years non-alcohol drugs will overtake alcohol to become the most common substance
involved in deaths related to impaired driving."

The research team drew its conclusions from crash statistics from six states that routinely perform toxicology tests
on drivers involved in fatal car wrecks -- California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and West Virginia.
The statistics included more than 23,500 drivers who died within one hour of a crash between 1999 and 2010.

Alcohol contributed to about the same percentage of traffic fatalities throughout the decade, about 40 percent.

I'm saying "Horseshit" on these "scientific findings."

First, if "one in nine" drivers tests positive for pot, that would mean there are a LOT more pot smokers
than the data suggests.  Since most people don't drive high, that suggests maybe one on three people are
smoking pot, that would be close to one hundred million pot smokers and I'm really doubting that.

Second, THC can still be in your blood DAYS after you're no longer high, so if somebody snoked something
at a party last Saturday and they were in a wreck the following Friday, THC would still be in their system
even tho they were sober as a judge at the time of the crash.

Third, if they wanted to be scientific about this, they would take stats from a marijuana state like Cailfornia
and a non-smoking state like Utah and compare the two - they didn't do that.  I wonder why.

The real test is coming very soon. If Colorado has a jump in stoner wrecks compared to previous months
when pot wasn't legal, we'd have to consider the validity of that study but they're not doing that.

Any day now Colorado is going to say how much money they made from their pot taxes.
Any day now, they COULD release car crash stats, but I have a feeling they won't because I'm
guessing the driving while drunk stats are DOWN with legal pot and they'll want to bury that news.

Any time the facts favor the pot crowd, expect those stats to be buried so as not to encourage other states.

Remember what Bush said: "Too much freedom is a bad thing."

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Subject: Amanda Knox


Steamer is correct in that Knox was tried under Italian law and the 5th Amendment (double jeopardy)
doesn't apply.  But, there is a little thing called an extradition treaty between the US and Italy and in that
treaty there are clauses that explain when an extradition request won't be honored. Article VI of that treaty states:

Non Bis in Idem:
Extradition shall not be granted when the person sought has been convicted, acquitted or pardoned, or has
served the sentence imposed, by the Requested Party for the same acts for which extradition is requested.

From what I've been reading, it's use is to apply the double jeopardy standards to extradition. 
As Knox was acquitted on appeal and then retried, it's very possible that Italy's request would
be denied for that double jeopardy reason.

Here is a link I found to the entire treaty
 RJ, nomadic pillar

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Subject: Logical extension


Your view that the aggressive killing of suspected terrorists as a defensive measure has obvious merit. 
But even Rumsfeld wondered if we were, via killing, creating more terrorists than we are killing,
and if that is so, then the net effect of preemptive killing is regressive and endless.

Identifying the fact that one is stuck in quicksand helps,
but you're still stuck in the quicksand.

If we could erase the past and erase the poverty maybe they would stop making bombs.
But we can't do that so we do all we can to defend ourselves.

If some foreigner comes to your home and murders your family, you'll likely develop a rather
unforgiving attitude about said foreigner, as will your friends, relatives, community, state, and nation,
even if the foreigner said he had to do it for self defense and 'excuse the collateral damage'.

In the limit case, your logic would ultimately justify the murder of endless numbers
of people with each murder being a seed for revenge and hatred.

I would only be interested in killing the murderer, not his family.

At some point will we finally decide that just remotely killing suspected terrorists and many innocent as well
is not in keeping with our purported national values?  If we don't then we've become 'them'.
 David G

I get that "become them" thing, but would we rather
be alive "them" or dead "but we have our principles?"

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Too Crooked for the Law
That would be Stephen Glass
by Gene Lyons


Everybody hates the other guy’s lawyer, so the news that serial fabricator Stephen Glass
was denied a license to practice law by the California Supreme Court has unsettled certain of his
former colleagues in Washington journalism.

Slate editor David Plotz characterized the court’s 35-page decision as “smug, self-righteous,”
“snobbish,” “bizarre and backward.” A former colleague and friend at The New Republic,
where Glass published many of his fabricated hit pieces disguised as journalism, Plotz writes
that Glass lied to him almost every time they spoke.

In his dreadful novel The Fabulist, Plotz writes, Glass portrayed a character clearly based on
his wife Hanna Rosin as “conniving, sleazy, and disloyal, and the Hanna-like character’s husband
as even worse.” Somebody who did that to my wife would be well-advised to avoid me.

Even so, Plotz now finds it incomprehensible that his one-time deceiver would be shunned by
a bunch of damned lawyers. Lawyers! Who do they think they are? He credits the character
witnesses and psychotherapists who testified that the man has reformed since his disgraceful
exit from journalism.

And after all, he concludes, “law isn’t holy orders. It’s a job.”


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Today's Wildlife Photo


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Today's Mystery City


 Subject: last issue's Mystery City     Link

Bart:  finally an easy one.  That is 20,000 cubic feet of water falling over the falls per second. 
The closest cities are Niagara Falls, NY and Niagara Falls, Ontario.
 Tom C

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Name the Mystery Car


 Subject: last issue's Mystery Car    Link

Bart, that’s a 1946 Lincoln Continental Cabriolet V12

Michael  C in Cannon Beach, OR

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Today's History Mystery

 Subject: last issue's History Mystery    Link

Bart, that's Bob Kane, who created Batman in Detective Comics #27  back in 1939.
  Carter in St Louis

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Would never happen - wouldn't be "fair" to the racist cave-people.

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