The week
...or the month
...or the half-year after the Democrats leave office,
the market will dive like Lloyd Bridges.
When Clinton leaves, if Gore loses, the party ends.
The stock market will drop like a safe on quaaludes,
abortions will increase,
murders will rise,
inflation will go fucking crazy,
interest rates will go to 14,
housing starts will plummet,
unemployment will go to 16 percent,
minority unemployment will skyrocket,
Iran and North Korea will co-rattle.
Antarctica splits in half...
yes, ... all right after the Simians take office.
Do me a favor - print this section.
America will take a BIG hit right after Clinton-Gore leave.
Granted, "right after" isn't micro-surgery, but if it happens
a year later, I won't say that's "right after."
This is a chance for you ditto-monkeys to catch me,
ha ha
I know Clinton isn't Johnny Boy-Scout, but Clinton's brains,
his never-stop work ethic and his mental toughness in the
face of the ditto-monkey impeachment, (plus some luck)
gave us 8 monster years, and we might be in for four more,
Thank you, President Clinton
This was from Volume 144 - from the last
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