Session Start #bartcop): Fri Oct 08 21:05:22 2004
*** Now talking in #bartcop.
*** Topic of #bartcop: Tonight is the night of
another severe asswhooping.
<Atsix> Any online feed with a split screen?
<axess68> SLAM!
<nextstop> no millionaire left behind
<Tweez> underfunded
<Cayobo> underfunding
<Jae> the truth will set ya free
<Anniesmomjill> Mr does it
feel to be chosen by God Almighty, Sir?
<Tweez> 100,000,000 bux shy
<jtatknox> i hope that's true
<Daedalus> 1.6 mil
<Daedalus> Hoover
<Tweez> but are you WISHY-WASHY?
"I'm about to kick your Monkey ass again, Junior"
<factor> wooohoo kerry tell em.
<axess68> And chimpy chews his lip again
<retroper> jaw clenching is not better than
<retroper> lol
<lipreader> Clay!
<bart> we should have a buzzer for each lie
Smirky tells
<Hogan> "mr. president, do you prefer just
oral, or shall i rim you first?"
<Tweez> loopholes
* Claypatch runs in....out of breath....
<Anniesmomjill> Blink blink
<Claypatch> Whew
<Tweez> 1%
<Cayobo> jobs don't actuate growth
<lipreader> you late bitch
<Sagitta12> go Kerry
<Socks> deer in the headlights
<RealDCC-away> Where is my split screen?
<Claypatch> LIP! What I miss??
<russian33> bart, he should be given an electric
shock for every lie
<neoconstipated> chimp has a distant stare
<Tweez> You
<Throgg> he got three different themes into
that answer.
<lipreader> Bush hasn't lied yet
<factor> good reply.
<Sagitta12> any network with a split screen?
<monkeyfister> strong!
<Daedalus> "I'm fighting for you"
<lipreader> now he has
<OldHag> wow kerry has mentioned a bunch of
issues already
<jtatknox> let's see your back, monkey!
<Claypatch> Only a matter of time
<OldHag> bush is not taking notes
<Tweez> Bushy-Wooshy
<sodbuster> all networks with the same cameras,
i see
<Cayobo> here comes the Chimp
<Hogan> and you don't monkey?
<Claypatch> What he do? Open his mouth?
<Volt> No split screen on NBC, CBS, ABC or
<bobbo> monkey fucking lying asshole
<kc8uca> *BUZZ*
<JohnTomato> lie 2 3 4
<factor> bush making funny faces he is an
<Tweez> Bushy-Washy
<Hogan> ho-hum, not this again
<Anniesmomjill> he is wishy washy..doncha
<Throgg> same old shot
<lipreader> petulant already!
<axess68> And IRAQ gets mentioned
<axess68> AGAIN
<Throgg> shit, too
<RealDCC-away> against before he voted for
<Daedalus> saddam
<neoconstipated> lie
<bart> buzz
<Cayobo> same rhetoric
<russian33> he never said that!
<bobbo> the LOGIC
<retroper> cherry picking info again ass hat!
<OldHag> same old
<Hogan> this has been debunked time and time
<bart> buzz
<Claypatch> My gawd, he's a spaz
<bobbo> unbelievable
<monkeyfister> WRONG rebuttal George
<azul> & 9/11?
<_chazman^> i'm waiting to hear him say mixed
<Schmendrick> Hammer this *& billion with
Bush threatening to veto it. NOW!!!!!!
<solarize> I'm playing a drinking game with
Bush lies in the debate. I have a feeling I'll be too drunk to stand
in just a few minutes.
<pood> he's still fucked up, that Bush
<JoeBacon> Here we go
<Jae> jeezuz what a liar
<sodbuster> he saw the wisdumb
<Claypatch> We have a monkey/spaz for a president
<bobbo> still lying about Kerry's position
<axess68> WHAT DOES SADDAM HUSSEIN have to
do with the TOPIC< CHIMPY?!?!?!
<Sagitta12> that's mexed missages
<bart> SusanNY!!
<Weezil> well, susanny is too old to go to
a midnight movie and then go to work the next day, however
<SusanNY> Hi, everyone
<Hogan> monkey is still repeating the same
lies everyone's heard over and over again
<JoeBacon> President AWOL IS DEANING JK
<bobbo> too easy to check the data
<factor> lo SusanNY it has started.
<RealDCC> he changed positions - mantra for
<russian33> that's his respons? shock him,
electrecute the bastard!
<Cayobo> blah blah blah bla blah
<YellowDogJen> It's DEAN's fault.
<Throgg> any drinking game based on Bush lies
is a liver killer
<Zomar> They got a new earpiece from the CIA.
Mil-spec quality, not the cheap shit anymore...
<Atsix> Don't worry folks.. Bush has to stand
up and sit down on that bar stool several times yet tonight. He'll
fall at least once.
<Tweez> Oooh the Dean thing Cheney said last
<Claypatch> Lies Lies Lies
<Hogan> a pause of >5 seconds, take a drink
<Jae> like Kerry 's not going to straighten
his crooked ass iout
<jtatknox> strong start for kerrrry
<Anniesmomjill> I'm GOD!!
<factor> hehehe look at these faces.
<retroper> swelled the debt
<JohnTomato> time o' waar
<Azrhey> Only the STUPID and the DEAD never
change their minds -my grandMa
<Hogan> lol!!!
<axess68> LMAO
<Claypatch> Monkey: Ook ook ook
<RealDCC> You got to be consistent?
<Cayobo> like GWB knows about my Children
<JoeBacon> I'd like to know where MY TAX CUT
<bart> "I'm a Monkey, not a man!!
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war preznent
<retroper> funneled the treasury to halliburton
<RealDCC> Oh, great.
<sodbuster> gave every millionaire an 88k
<axess68> And HE knows about consistency????
<_chazman^> it's hard work!!!!
<pood> it's hard work!
<Sagitta12> will Kerry to answer a question
critical of bush?
<Throgg> duh
<Tweez> consistantly DUMB!
<monkeyfister> strutting fool
<russian33> whether it kill 1,000 americans,
you gotta be consistent!
<Hogan> you have to be consistent when you
are a monkey
<bobbo> lower income = middle class. What
an idiot
<factor> bouncing head BUSH boble head.
<pood> jinx!
<Jae> WTF?
<Socks> why hasen't anyone tried to assissanate
gw? i mean..they even took shots at ford..
<Tweez> DUH
<Volt> He looks like one of the Team America
<jtatknox> how about a quesssssssssssstion
"is bush to fucking dumb". it's so loaded
<Anniesmomjill> How does it feel to be chosen
by God?
<bart> Bush should've worn his pilot costume
<Daedalus> why didn't they work out the mics
before the show went on the air?
<Cayobo> D'oh!!!
<retroper> quote his ass!
<factor> heh
<Tweez> Justify my love
<bart> it's almost Hollyweem
<Atsix> THE question!!
<Hogan> lower income = <$10,000,000/year
<retroper> yess!
<Claypatch> Uh oh....a Hard question for the
<Weezil> the question is, like, never, "what
did W know?", but "What did W's Administration know?"
<OldHag> here it comes
<Hogan> poor bastids
<lipreader> good one!
<Weezil> i guess good one is a wonderful thing
<Volt> He needs 2 socks tonight.
<bart> ha ha
<RealDCC> Now he doesn't have the knowledge?
<bart> ha ha
<lipreader> bust Bush's ass!
<Hogan> ooh, petulant looks already!
<Sagitta12> great question!
<axess68> NICE question!
<bart> ha ha
<w3ski> Kill shrub you got Chevis , like Agnew
<Cayobo> No !!!!
<lipreader> yeee ha!
<Zomar> I think he should wear the Cowboy
<Tweez> I believe you should shut up
<neoconstipated> worth 1060+ lives?
<Schmendrick> Boo yah!
<RealDCC> Saddam was going to build a bomb
<JoeBacon> ouch, what happenned to the guy's
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war peznent
<JohnTomato> intent
<russian33> oh suck it!
<Hogan> omfg!!!
<Throgg> I intend to get laid tonight, but
it ain't gonns happen.
<RealDCC> Diplomacy first?
<Claypatch> He remembered his NAME
<RealDCC> ha ha
<retroper> bouncing fuck stick
<sal002> anyone see the debate notes?
<sodbuster> saddam had an erector set
<neoconstipated> same bullshit, different
<Socks> they heard saddam had a copy of the
anarcists cookbook
<solarize> who on earth is undecided right
now? it just does not make sense...
<bobbo> That isn't the question you goddam
<Jae> 9-11
<JoeBacon> I want to see the fucking Chimp's
<w3ski> Smirking BASTARD
<Jae> here we go
<kc8uca> k'nex
<Sagitta12> I see a threat, his name is BUSH
<JoeBacon> I want to see that mike!
<Anniesmomjill> 9/11
<Hogan> who actually listends to this and
says, "ah-yup, he's right!"
<Anniesmomjill> 9/11
<Anniesmomjill> 9/11
<OldHag> take a drink
<bobbo> 9/11 blah blah blah
<corydalus> Hi again
<OldHag> and another
<JohnTomato> old days
<Volt> No camera behind them and no split
<RealDCC> What about North Korea?
<bobbo> ssssssssssssssssssuck
<Daedalus> FREEDOM(tm)
<retroper> saudi
<axess68> Kerry is completely amused by the
<Claypatch> Monkey's entire justification
for existing: 9/11
<factor> 9/11 changed it all you do not need
evidece anymore to kill people.
<russian33> where does he get that number?
<Zomar> Yeah, in the last week they trained
him well. I wonder how many batteries the cattle prod used up?
<Sagitta12> what about POLAND?
<Hogan> so let's carpet bomb afghanistan
<w3ski> Who's got more WMD's than bush ?
<OldHag> another drink
<lipreader> 75% of an infinite number is what?
<Tweez> 75% is a fake number!
<Throgg> there goes another beer
<monkeyfister> but there are NO prosecutions
<retroper> SA is next
<TreeHugger> I leave more brain cells in the porcelain bowl every morning than Bush has working for him right now
<axess68> That guy doesn't like the answer
<calgal> JK looks like he wants to choke that
<jtatknox> niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee coooooooolaarrrrr,
<monkeyfister> 700 to go free
<OldHag> terrorist
<Volt> DubYa doesn't want to talk about Iran
or North Korea.
<bobbo> Kerry should BLAST the lies
<Jae> liar,liar, liaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
<retroper> they harbor terror
<Tweez> 75% of what number, asshole?
<Hogan> there he said it, maybe not 9/11 but
a reference
<OldHag> my opponent
<Cayobo> Lie!
<factor> 9/11 = sadam again wrong....
<Tweez> drink!
<bobbo> He STILL hasnt answered the question
<Anniesmomjill> Here it comes
<Tweez> oil-for food
<Jae> gaming?
<Claypatch> LIE: "I tried diplomacy"
<Throgg> learned?
<calgal> WMD WMD WMD bleh
<OldHag> WMD to al queda
<JohnTomato> bbc today had a great article
on the taliban.
<Hogan> oh sure
<RealDCC> Ho ho ho - what companies were involved,
and why weren't they outed?
<sal002> (Link:
<monkeyfister> Oh, bad tack, george
<Claypatch> WAT A FUCKING LIAR!!
<onehandle> 75% of halliburton contacts in
<Zomar> Bullfuckingshit.
<Cayobo> blood for Oil program
<Tweez> he wanted to
<azul> we?
<Weezil> hmmm... we is not heres alls the
time to snotice
<neoconstipated> bart said: who wrote up this
al queada roster?
<editorial> we are going after Sadaam - er,
Oasama, azul
<axess68> Oil for food/sanctions/weapons..
blah blah blah blah
<Volt> Cheney was trying to get rid of sanctions.
<retroper> cherry picker
<Tweez> he wanted to
<Hogan> we thought there were because you
perpetuated the lie, monkey!!!
<YellowDogJen> Lies.
<lipreader> Imagine a leader wanting to eliminate
<JoeBacon> I wasn't happy
<retroper> nose picker
<sodbuster> 45 minutes till launch
<Tweez> he wanted to
<monkeyfister> Open the Halliburton can, you
chimp fuck
<RealDCC> h o memoryyyfart gai.
<Anniesmomjill> He was baaaaad man
<Daedalus> intelligence... uhhh
<nextstop> three dirnks
<Jae> but he didn't didn't kill thousands
of innocent ppl
<axess68> intelligence.... uh... umm.. group
<YellowDogJen> Better off, yeah.
<jtatknox> werrrrrrrrre
<azul> group like at the olive garden?
<Cayobo> GWB has no intelligence
<bobbo> unique threat = no freakin
<JohnTomato> ahhh......
<Hogan> it will be even better off without
you in power
<bobbo> threat at all
<Tweez> lead me to conclude
<Zomar> This is excuse number, uh, 15 or so
for invading Iraq?
<Socks> kerry just smriked bush
<Throgg> seems like he SHOULD have been happy
that there "wasn't" weapons.
<whoowhoo> quit the smirk Kerry
<calgal> he's "uh"-ing already - 3 min in -
<azul> lump on back!!!
<Sagitta12> "it was justified so we could
loot the country"
<factor> Bush was not happy when they found
no weapons of Mass destuction in iraq. WHY? becasue Bush is now a phoney./
<Atsix> THere is a bulge in the middle of
Shrub's back.
<Claypatch> Jeez, the monkey was practically
shrieking at the end there
<Fecklar> that liar keeps repeating the same
old thing...
<whoowhoo> it didn't work for bush (smirk)
and it won't work for you....
<Hogan> yay!
<azul> did you see?
<Weezil> i guess did you see is resume?
<Atsix> YES
<Hogan> kick him!
<w3ski> He taliks I throw up , Shrub is soooo
fuullll o shit !
<lipreader> I misswed!
<Volt> Kerry is on message.
<Hogan> kick him in the hads!
<Claypatch> Go KERRY!!
<Azrhey> so now not only he knows what god
thinks, he also knows what Saddam thinks ?
<retroper> spank that monkey
<Volt> JOBS!
<YellowDogJen> Go!!!
<factor> kick Kerry!
<factor> it&
<Anniesmomjill> castrate him, John
<neoconstipated> yes yes yes yes
<retroper> go john go
<RealDCC> Shazaaammmm
<Tweez> He's left children behind
<azul> he writes: oh shit
<Hogan> very nice work, johnny
<Jae> kick that skinny ass!!
<calgal> Go John!!!!!
<Volt> Sounds like Usenet.
<retroper> straight up !~
<Claypatch> Spank the Monkey!
<Claypatch> Shock the Monkey tonight
<Hogan> he's writing, "i hate my job"
<Throgg> no retreat. no surrender!
<Sagitta12> nice suit Kerry
<retroper> straight up his ass
<Anniesmomjill> IF NEXESSARY!!
<Zomar> Chimpy jumps up and yells, "Right
now, Mister! Mano-a-mano!"
<Jae> I got brains
<RealDCC> Not rush war.
<neoconstipated> HAMMER!
<factor> REalDcc:yip
<Volt> He's writing "This is hard."
<calgal> Clinton on board - oh yeah
<Anniesmomjill> lol, Zomar
<Claypatch> LOL: Zomar
<RealDCC> Stand up and cheer!
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> take it bitch
<Tweez> straight-up now tell me do you really
wanna debate me forever?
<Hogan> eye off the ball!!!
<RealDCC> Took his eye off the ball.
<solarize> bush is the flip-flopper, not kerry...
<Jae> osama?
<axess68> SLAMMMMMMMM!
<calgal> Now talk about his Daddy
<Weezil> rumour has it osama is a spy or buggers
bush on a daily basis in the oval office and on the ranch
<EricT> kerry talks good while he talks
<Hogan> gotta love it
<RealDCC> Yeah ...
<bobbo> PERIOD
<Jambo> hittem hard kerry !! whoohoo
<EricT> walks*
<Tweez> OBL, bitch
<Throgg> chimp leaps up
<russian33> oh, boo hoo
<Hogan> oh, shut up monkey
<azul> rebutthole
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> he's already getting nervous
<Jae> fool
<tio> Hurrah for usenet!
<JoeBacon> here we go
<Tweez> 'member?
<RealDCC> Oh oh
<Sagitta12> what rot
<w3ski> Blink Blink , what is he on /
<lipreader> asshole
<axess68> Global test
<Daedalus> haha, global SAT time
<Anniesmomjill> here it comes
<RealDCC> He took the bait!
<Tweez> Global test?
<azul> canned answer
<Jae> yep I remeber...
<Hogan> they were, monkey
<lipreader> asshole
<YellowDogJen> Nervous, boo hoo.
<Claypatch> OMG: The "global test" shit
<Volt> Kerry will be ready for that one.
<Tweez> Global test?
<retroper> they were you fuckstick
<lipreader> asshole
<russian33> sanctions WERE working!!!
<calgal> he's talking too fast
<Throgg> duh
<Claypatch> Wat a fookin tool
<factor> sanctions were working he did not
have WMD.
<Hogan> what wmd?
<Weezil> wmd is in the ladies room when karen
huge takes a dump.
<Anniesmomjill> Karl told me to say this
<Volt> The sanctions were working.
<Hogan> he never had any
<factor> sanctions were working he did not
have WMD.
<axess68> He HAD NO WMD!!
<neoconstipated> WHAT WMD? you monkey!
<retroper> he's coked up
<RealDCC> Sanctions WERE working.
<TreeHugger> sanctions were working dumbass
* lipreader faints
<sodbuster> bush is crumbling psychologically
<solarize> unfortunately, I'm recording Odyssey
5 right now, so I'm listening on the radio. Does bush look like a scared
<OldHag> the global test thing!
<Jae> hahaha
<Claypatch> Sanctions were effective assbite!
<Tweez> he didn't have waepons you fuck!
<YellowDogJen> John, move yer leg
<azul> hypno-arguments
<RealDCC> Yes get him!
<Anniesmomjill> YES!!!
<axess68> How the HELL could he give what
he didn't have?!?!?
<factor> go Kerry!!! whooohooo!
<Throgg> spank him, johnny
<RealDCC> Yes yes yes.
<Volt> Ha!
<OldHag> wmd to terrorist
<Zomar> Why would he give them away???
<axess68> SLAM!!!
<lipreader> spank him
<monkeyfister> strutting fucking apeman
<RealDCC> They WORKED!
<Claypatch> Go KERRY!!
<azul> bring up daddy
<Hogan> in your face, monkey!
<calgal> JK reads, too!!
<Cayobo> GWB appeals to the lowest common denominater
<factor> Bush is stupid
<OldHag> sanctions WERE working
<russian33> hehehe, he's talking to him like
a teacher to a 1st graer
<pood> laugh, silly asshole
<Zomar> YES!!!
<Claypatch> SLAM DUNK!! Game OVER!!
<Anniesmomjill> He diddn't have JACKSHIT
<Atsix> GOOD move, turning directly to Bush
and telling him!
<Tweez> He didn't have them bitch!
<lipreader> Bush raises a finger
<TreeHugger> whoops
<Jae> smirk,smirk
<Sagitta12> TOUCHE Kerry!
<Tweez> that's the war
<azul> GOOD
<Anniesmomjill> Bitchslap him
<Hogan> is that a wet spot growing in junior's
<neoconstipated> why doesn't he resign?
<calgal> Bush is stupider
<axess68> AWESOME!
<Volt> Did they not prep Bush?
<Jambo> yeah Save that Money Kerry !! thats
where its at !
<OldHag> good answer kerry!
<Tweez> yeah buddy!
<axess68> That was completely cool!
<Throgg> shit, even the washington times reported
<Zomar> Dropped the O-sama Bomb
<pood> Mister Baldy is up
<Hogan> did you actually write that, gomer?
<Tweez> nice beard
<Anniesmomjill> hell no
<_chazman^> Kerry is doing very well so far
<Claypatch> Ugly beard
<Cayobo> Hell No !!!!\
<Claypatch> good question
<bobbo> Monkey was pissing his pants to talk
and got cut off. Hilarious
<bermudat> Just dropped in, what I miss?
<Keglined> I'm more nervous than he is
<YellerDawg> A Connecticut Monkey in King
Cheney's Court!
<Tweez> what's he writing?
<Throgg> welll, Smirk has pretty much shot
his wad.
<calgal> Prep Bush? Trim Bush!
<Volt> Bombs going off in the Green Zone.
<Atsix> "The US is preparing a new Iraq government?"
Um, wasn't something mentioned about elections?
<RealDCC> Same plans? The President's
plan is not working! Kaos!
<demadashell> bush is done
<sodbuster> bush drawing stick people
<axess68> Chimpy is writing over and over:
"I must have a drink. I must have a drink."
<Hogan> lol - he looks surprised - "you can't?"
<lipreader> this is as good as the first one!
<Anniesmomjill> He looks at the Chimp when
he answers
<Jae> I didn't know THAT! ha
<Anniesmomjill> heehee
<tio> Bush wad has a short half-life.
<Hogan> lol, this is rich!
<Jambo> Kerry musta drunk a cup of DEAN--hess
on !!
<RealDCC> Spank him with GOP leaders!
<Jae> what an idiot
<Weezil> i think an idiot is a bigger threat
<Claypatch> Chimpy writing: waaaaaaa! He cant
say that to ME
<Volt> Kerry continues the whupping.
<Hogan> quote a repig
<Throgg> KAOS? Get Smart~
<Cayobo> Kerry by a Landslide!
<calgal> they don't have "water" for Chimperor??
<TreeHugger> ouch
<bobbo> Connecticut monkey LOL
<retroper> yeah!
<Keglined> Kerry warms up...because he is
a liberal. And liberals evolve.
<Anniesmomjill> I know Osama bi Laden is a
bad man...I know that!!
<factor> Keg:hehe
<Tweez> yesyesyes
<solarize> I can't stand to hear shrub,
it is so hard to take.
<OldHag> kerry giving spanking
<Cayobo> No
<Jae> he forgot Poland
<Cayobo> yes
<Volt> Explain to Bush what NATO is.
<Cayobo> no
<Sagitta12> look at Bush laugh
<Keglined> Smirk
<Anniesmomjill> snicker, asswi[pe
<Hogan> do you suck donkey? yes!
<Tweez> always wanted it
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> uh oh, kerry's doing the
question answer thing
<sodbuster> asking just like rummy
<Zomar> Chimpy - "Yep - KAOS is there, along
with Al Kaida and Satan Worsippers! We're gonna git all the terra-ists
at once!"
<Claypatch> OMG
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> rumsfeld's eating his soul
<Throgg> A connecticut Money in King Kerry's
<calgal> Kerry - Bush FUCKED UP EVERYTHING
<whoowhoo> Bush smirk OK, Kerry smirk BAD
<Keglined> Bush is coerving his balls. That's
body language if I ever saw it.
<Tweez> nno it isn't
<RealDCC> A series of rhetorical questions
- Edwards has been training him as a closer.
<_chazman^> Bush is toast
<Cayobo> alienating is not correct
<Tweez> get it done
<RealDCC> Can you smell the burn?
<Tweez> !
<axess68> NICE
<Sagitta12> Kerry is tough!
<factor> yeah, Kerry actually cares about
our troops .
<Jae> he better cover em
<bermudat> I can't stand to hear or see bush.
that's why i'm hear to hear what everyone else interpret.
<azul> yeah
<Hogan> why did they pack the audience with
people who would rather be home watching wrasslin?
<russian33> begging for money?
<azul> Me meme me
<onehandle> the oval office????
<neoconstipated> that puppet?
<RealDCC> Finance Minister was lying to you.
<Keglined> No way! You and a finance minister?
Who'd thunk it?
<Anniesmomjill> Allwi says he thinks I'm swell
<Atsix> Oh here he goes again.. namedropping.
<bobbo> optimistic
<Zomar> Uh, oh. Name-drop time.
<Sagitta12> berm, I can listen to him when
he's getting his fanny whipped
<TreeHugger> Bush is gonna lose it
<Volt> If you worked with Karen Hughes and
Mary Matlin you'd cover your balls too.
<Claypatch> The questioner IS NOT AMUSED
<bobbo> what a freakin fool
<Throgg> wanted a bribe...I said yes...resolute
<Daedalus> Iraqis love to be free
<onehandle> do you rmember what it looks like?
<azul> came to see him? sure...
<Jae> I was in da Oval office
<Anniesmomjill> ythe tee vee
<Tweez> They had elections before, but they
were crooked
<Jae> oohhhhhhhhhhhh
<Cayobo> the Chimp licked who's ass?
<Tweez> and they're crooked now
<calgal> Bush will now lead the undecideds
in a prayer for murika...
<Fecklar> i guess you are free if your dead
<OldHag> iraqis love to be free
<Jae> hehe
<Throgg> lie
<Volt> The USSR had regular elections too.
<axess68> The BUSH PLAN.. LMAO
<factor> next bush needs to free the USA from
our tryanny.
<Tweez> the Bush plan?
<Keglined> Pronunciation: "fuh-MEE-yur" =
<TreeHugger> Bush doesn't want to be confused
by the facts
<neoconstipated> Bush plan?
<Claypatch> Uh oh, monkey shrieks
<RealDCC> He was in Washington with electricity
24/7, not in Baghdad, where electricity is on for 2 hours and off for 4
<Cayobo> liberation by decapitation
<Tweez> DUH?
<Anniesmomjill> here we go
<Daedalus> talking about the last debate again
<azul> watch out for the bombs everybody
<YellowDogJen> We're gonna have a summit?
<Atsix> That's it.. a shave?
<sandyclaws> America is going from elections
to tyranny.
<Jambo> tape loop again---chimp gone fopr
ma sandwich
<axess68> Bush is BE BOPPIN! LOL
<lipreader> huh?
<Anniesmomjill> I know
<pood> lol
<TreeHugger> hes losing it
<Zomar> Trined troops. If we can get
the insurgents to not blow them up at the recruiting stations.
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> he's reapeating himself
<russian33> boy, his voice is getting higher
and higher
<w3ski> Imagine FBI comes out hancuffs the
chimp and drags him off !
<calgal> triple negatives?
<RealDCC> I know how these people think.
<azul> face it dumbshit
<Anniesmomjill> it's hard
<Fecklar> Bush is a mistake
<Keglined> "I know how these people think"
<Jae> these ppl?
<RealDCC> Stumble.
<lipreader> I know how these people think!
<Sagitta12> Mr. Popularity
<ntropyman> talks to the cows ssall the time
<YellowDogJen> He's gonna say we wuz WRONG!
<Schmendrick> They won't help us if we tell
them the truth!
<lipreader> what a dick
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> kerry should bring up his
"forget poland" thing
<RealDCC> Tony did.
<Tweez> DUHHHHH? I know how these people think?
<Jae> berloska?
<Weezil> a dick is going to have his hand
up his ass and move his lips ya know
<bobbo> Bush is just a star fucker
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> don't forget poland? well
you can now.
<calgal> panic room
<factor> nobody will follow someone who lied
and was wrong .
<sodbuster> blair said that?
<Throgg> silvio belous?
<Anniesmomjill> Go John
<russian33> make elections?
<OldHag> meet with them all the time
<Atsix> We're gonna make elections
<Cayobo> Iraqi girls don't shave
<Keglined> YES
<Anniesmomjill> YES!!
<pood> someone fed the monkey a new line
<JoeBacon> Ahhhh Mr Asshole Brings up the
<Keglined> YOU GOT IT
<YellerDawg> Our plan is working!
<Zomar> Yeah. So far, it's working to
the tune of 1067 dead kids.
<Anniesmomjill> YES GODDAMMIT
<lipreader> The right war was osama
<azul> how can you ask a man to be the first
president to be a mistake?
<solarize> Ugh....Blair is Bush's bitch...what's
up with that?
<Tweez> what was that little off mic muttering?
*** fmecoy (
has joined channel #bartcop
<lipreader> yeh baby
*** Mode change "+v fmecoy" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<Daedalus> excuse
<Cayobo> no WMDs
<w3ski> Touche Johno
<sandyclaws> My buddy - Tony!
<OldHag> right on kerry
<lipreader> slap yo' bitch John
<Cayobo> D'og
<Jambo> john dancin like Ali before he delivers
them blows ! hahaha
<YellowDogJen> W is soooooo desperate
<Weezil> Daedalus: The server at
(port 666) appears to be down.
<Claypatch> Monkey strategy: If I say enough
times forcefully, they have to believe it!! They have to, cuz I say So!
<russian33> hahahahahaha!
<Volt> Poke him in the chest.
<Jae> liar
<_chazman^> Bush is getting pissed
<Keglined> Kerry is facing Bush when he talks.
That's deliberate and probably effective
<azul> this is good so intense
<axess68> LMFAO
<calgal> oooohhhh
<bart> Smack!
<Atsix> Yeah
<axess68> CHimpy is drowning
<factor> UN told them sdam did not have weapons.
<Daedalus> didn't find out he didn't have
weapons until after we got there
<onehandle> this is starting to feel intense
<lipreader> "weapons"?
<ntropyman> get het up!
<sodbuster> bush is yelling
<Daedalus> except for our rock-solid intel
<w3ski> Bush is losing his temper , hear it
<bobbo> geeeeeeeee what was it that Blix said?
I forget
<Claypatch> My gawd, look at him, he's just
a little boy
<calgal> yeah, bart
<onehandle> more like the vp debate
<russian33> we didn't find the weapons until
we got there?
<azul> it's saddham!
<RealDCC> Yes, but he would have let the inspectors
find the weapons!
<_chazman^> Kerry needs to bring up Bush's
Daddy again
<lipreader> sticks and stones?
<Zomar> Are Chimpy's lips moving? Or
is the Back Bulge an MP3 player?
<Jae> hahaha
<azul> & pajistan?
<bobbo> How about that Ritter guy?
<Socks> this debate is going as well for bush
as his oil ventures
<Cayobo> it's a "misunderstanding"?
<Anniesmomjill> so..let's go get N Korea,
ya pussy
<Tweez> 75% bullshit
<bart> the Monkey is word-for-word the same
as last time
<russian33> wow, did they tell him to talk
loud and angry?
<Claypatch> "firm resolve"
<axess68> Firm resolve
<monkeyfister> Was Chimp Coached by Falwell
for tonight?
<bobbo> didn't HE say something about it?
<factor> terrorist is not Sadam
<onehandle> firm resolve hahahaha h
<OldHag> terrorists and wmd
<RealDCC> On the hunt? How do you know?
You don't think about him anymore!
<Throgg> geez...smirk is out of control
<Claypatch> Must drink
<Atsix> He said "of course" He's
losin it
<FauxPasIII> Man... he's so mad he's about
to throw his wire.
<TreeHugger> hes losing it
<Tweez> nicr poncho
<Daedalus> world hatred
<solarize> Iraq=Al-qaeda...idiot.
<calgal> they've got 75% of his people? Where?
<factor> Sadam was again the terrorist as
<RealDCC> oh oh
<OldHag> kerry will have to sever that link
<retroper> excellent
<Tweez> nice poncho
<Anniesmomjill> yeahbaby
<bart> the world hates us!!
<factor> against^
<Jambo> Bush : " who let nigggras in here
? "
<_chazman^> great question
<Tweez> is that a sears poncho?
<azul> nobody is a screened bush panderer
it seems
<_chazman^> hehe
<Socks> jambo: you beat me to it
<RealDCC> The whole world's watching.
<neoconstipated> chimp has no plan for that
<RealDCC> Values?
<sodbuster> bush: fuck those countries. are
they dark like you?
<Keglined> My reponse is... Brinbg 'em on...
oh, wrong answer
<Anniesmomjill> who let this colored girl
<Zomar> monkeyfister - Jimmy Swaggart.
In a second he's gonna break down and say "Ah have sinned"...
<Jae> yuck!!
<whoowhoo> we got a great country ???????????????????????????????
<HoustonGirl> EUROPE HATES US!!! YEAHHH!!!
<RealDCC> Understand?
<axess68> LMAO
<monkeyfister> evade... there AIN'T no plan
<Schmendrick> We got a great country.
I love our values. ??????
<Volt> Look at him stall.
<Tweez> I do too
<Cayobo> our bombs are smarter then our pResident
<bart> history is turning right before your
<azul> like yes
<axess68> Understand the great values... LMAO
<bobbo> We got a great COUNTRY???????????????
What a fucking idiot
<_chazman^> bringing up Reagan
<fmecoy> he sounds so whiny....
<Daedalus> I made some decisions that cause
people to not understand the values of our country? WTF???
<YellerDawg> The world hates Bush...they're
smarter than half the U.S.
<Jae> desperation time
<Claypatch> "I appreciate that. Listen I...I...aaaaahhh
shaddup you nappy headed nigra"
<Volt> Reagan????
<_chazman^> what an asshole
<w3ski> Values like plutarchy
<Weezil> i guess Reagan is going to meet his
maker who is known as Lucifer or Satan and going to be in hell for all
of eternity
<Weezil> well, an asshole is going to get
fucked...i take it personally when people go after Fud's buddies
<JoeBacon> 'HERE's REAGAN
<RealDCC> Now he is Raygun.
<Socks> Bush: Silly negro, you can't vote.
<axess68> What he did HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH
<Sagitta12> it's turning the corner
<Keglined> LOL Socks
<Volt> Reagan will save us.
<bart> the world hated Reagan, too!!
<monkeyfister> ladies and Gentlemen: the corpse
of Ronald Reagan
<calgal> oh crap Reagan's principles are a
bunch of shit
<Claypatch> "right interest in our security"
<Tweez> well you thought whong
<Jae> I KNEW RR...
<Claypatch> Must drink
<JoeBacon> and now Here's ISrael
<Anniesmomjill> Israel is hard!!
<ladylarkin1> so whiney
<pood> reagan = 2 sips
<monkeyfister> Ya fucked up, chimp
<w3ski> Regan buttfucked us
<onehandle> well, you were wrong fucker
<russian33> wow, the people that sit behind
him are not buying it
<Tweez> wrong
<Throgg> taking saddam out was UNPOPULAR??????????
<bart> I'm proud that everybody hates me
<Zomar> He's melllllting....
<sodbuster> audience: why are you yelling
at us, W?
<whoowhoo> WORK HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Volt> Neo-con punk!
<lipreader> chin?
<factor> Who will deal with a liar now Bush.
<solarize> Hahaha....he is such a dolt...
<monkeyfister> flip-flopped on the Palestinian
<Cayobo> thinking people abhore the Bush family
<Volt> He is lecturing them. Bad idea.
<whoowhoo> when are you going to answer the
<ntropyman> wow, thhis is so bad for bush
<monkeyfister> Flip-flopping is right?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> bush looks begging
<axess68> He's not a straight shooter ya see?
He's a sidewinder, he is. Yup.. (spit)
<Sagitta12> bush is so commmitted to democracy
<JoeBacon> Kerry is running for President
<Zomar> He's losing it!
<lipreader> lol
<Throgg> pathetic
<Jae> huh? did I miss something?
<Claypatch> Indeed, Sod, why is Chimpy yelling
at the audience??
<Tweez> unpopular,unpopular unpopular, unpopular
<ladylarkin1> hes fucking up the preapproved
<Azrhey> there was a conflict witht he soviet
union ? did I miss something ?
<Daedalus> unaccounted judge
<calgal> He's channeling Jimmy Swaggart!
<sodbuster> 'cuz they might bring me in
<_chazman^> he was going to say brought to
<onehandle> yelling is what rove told him
to do tonight
<YellowDogJen> I made that decision 'cause
I realized that using 9-11 as a reason for an oil grab was the right thing
to do!
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> i'm taping this
<Keglined> bUT Palestians hate freedom. Which
is why they kill us. So we gotta force them to be free.
<RealDCC> It was unpopular ... and it was
hard work. "We keep our word."
<OldHag> he's not saying how he'll fix it
<Keglined> Great logic
<Tweez> Un
<lipreader> the hague isn't a good topic W
<Atsix> He would'nt join the ICC because he
was afraid HE'D be brought before it.
<Zomar> Rant time...
<retroper> some serious hate in some of those
people's eyes...look at them
<JoeBacon> Bush is running for Prime Minister
of Israel
<Tweez> popular
<Volt> An unaccounted judge???
<Anniesmomjill> this is haaaarrrd
<onehandle> that's all he has
<Cayobo> GWB is a War Criminal
<JohnTomato> in-co-her-ent
<YellerDawg> I can't wait for my copy of Bush
Family Fortunes to arrive from Greg Palast.
<bart> popular=evil
<JoeBacon> Here Comes POLAND
<axess68> LOL!!
orderer 9-11, so we had to invade!"
<bobbo> He hasn't even TOUCHED the question
<BinkyBoy> he thinks he was right
<Jae> Poland!
<Claypatch> He forgot POLAND
<azul> The Hague is on his mind I tell ya
<BinkyBoy> THINKS
<whoowhoo> 30 nations? There are a lot more
nations IN THE WORLD....
<RealDCC> No, they don't love YOU.
<Socks> they're unaccounted judges only when
your ass can be hauled into court
<axess68> People LOVE America!!
<Keglined> They love America. But they hate
its leader
<OldHag> i WANT your troops on trial for abu
<bart> "people love America?"
<TreeHugger> pissing off the world is OK
<calgal> ROFLMAO
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> kerry should blast him on
<retroper> look at those people...they know
they are being shit on by shrub
<bobbo> Bush is unpopular AND wrong
<Tweez> What is this, an Un-popularity contest?
<russian33> what is he smoking?
<Zomar> Didn't I see this? In the "Caine
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> say "reagan worked with
the world"
<Throgg> Micronesia is resolute and forthright,
<whoowhoo> did she say she was going to Europe?
<solarize> No...the world hates america right
<bart> that yellow liquid on your leg is RAIN
<factor> I think Bush needs to goto the Huage
to defend his lie.
<Atsix> "People love America?" Does
this man even have a passport????
<Daedalus> ooh... coming out smooth...
<Socks> lets jsut move on to stem cells
<azul> so much nicer and smoother
<Sagitta12> world hates bushie
<whoowhoo> she said she traveled 'abroad"
<RealDCC> More of the same.
<lipreader> Darling Nikki...
<calgal> smack
<azul> more shit
<sodbuster> jk in a calm voice, keep it up
<OldHag> you don't want a president who does
the wrong thing
<Claypatch> No ASSBITE, You join the Int'l
<neoconstipated> more war
<YellerDawg> More of the SAME!
<Anniesmomjill> More shit
<_chazman^> go get em John
<RealDCC> Smack smack smack.
<Keglined> Chinny chin chin
<Tweez> more of the same
<axess68> Chimpy face again!
<calgal> smack smack
<retroper> yep's pouring in there
<Throgg> the strawberries, dammit
<Zomar> Preach it, brother!!
<Daedalus> hahahaha BOOM
<OldHag> bam
<bart> Powell Doctrine
<Azrhey> 30 nations out of 227..thats how
much ?
<lipreader> broken promise
<Volt> He is grinding his chimp molars.
<Anniesmomjill> bitchslap the chimp\\
<FauxPasIII> woot
<factor> Bush at least needs to goto the same
jail as Martha Stewart.
<Tweez> the strawberries!!! ha
<Anniesmomjill> (takes a drink)
<calgal> go go go go
<neoconstipated> yes, he broke that promise
<lipreader> retired general
<ntropyman> shiinseki!!!1
<BinkyBoy> is there a split screen?
<fmecoy> one in 79
<BinkyBoy> which channel?
<Tweez> Queeg W Bush
<Weezil> which channel is best to watch?
<RealDCC> No split!
<ladylarkin1> kerry is merciless tonight
<sandyclaws> Chimpy will lose his voice before
<Daedalus> no split on CSPAN
<bart> kerry smacks Smirky with a carp
<FauxPasIII> He's daring him to pronounce
<Atsix> "This presiden hasn't listened."
Classic line.
<Claypatch> No split screen on cspan
<Tweez> blix
<Volt> No split screen. No back camera
<Sagitta12> huge smirk!
<_chazman^> Kerry is well prepared
<RealDCC> Mercy call?
<Cayobo> HJans Blicks
<Anniesmomjill> blink blink
<Jae> c-span
<Claypatch> Damn, daedalus beat me
<Atsix> He's BLINKING
<solarize> wow...could Kerry actually smack
him down even harder tonight?
<bart> is ther a split anywhere?
<calgal> What?? pRes doesn't LISTEN? I'm shocked
<sodbuster> all channels are the same
<Tweez> blix-o-rama
<ntropyman> no plit on cspan2
<bobbo> I like strawberries
<w3ski> Kerry is needling shrub , he's goin
to lose it if kerry keeps sticking him
<Keglined> I can't get no split screen dammit
<Jambo> Boom !
<retroper> brought the hammer down
<bart> "fuck Saddam"
<Tweez> the blixinator
<bart> I'm taking him out
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> kerry always looks presidential
<Volt> They use a pool.
<RealDCC> Broke his word!
<Cayobo> he didn't<Anniesmomjill> No split
screen today]
<Tweez> broke his word
<RealDCC> Lied to us!
<neoconstipated> lie
<sandyclaws> ....hasn't listened ! OOOOOOOOO,
Georgey !
<Daedalus> hold on, when was Bush in the White
*** Mode change "+v nmp2000" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<Claypatch> Gee, Monkey remembers something
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war preznent
<sodbuster> shrub can't wait to yell \
<factor> Bush rushed to war and Sadam was
not anywhere near to making WMDs.
<russian33> what about poland?
<bart> the generals did it!
<axess68> The BASEMENT
<_chazman^> basement of Whitehouse?
<FauxPasIII> It's the GENERALS fault
<Jae> WH..Oval offic...I'm important
<RealDCC> They said yes so they wouldn't get
<lipreader> last resort!
<retroper> fuck sadam
<calgal> kerry looks pretty tired tonight
<Volt> He meant Cheney's office.
<w3ski> Basement to f'in HIDE
<Cayobo> Last resort???
<lipreader> last resort!
<nmp2000> I just got home I thought this was
supposed to about the ECONOMY
<bart> Bush tried to tell them, but they wouldn't
<TreeHugger> i member
<Sagitta12> yeah cal
<Tweez> the basement? is there a pool
table down there?
<axess68> LMFAO!!!!
<FauxPasIII> The buck stops over there ---->
<sal002> Any gaffes yet?
<whoowhoo> Still NO ANSWER TO tHE QUESTION.....
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war preznint
<factor> bart:hehe
<Atsix> "Of course I listened to our generals."
<axess68> Thats what a president does
<lipreader> last resort!
<axess68> LOL
<_chazman^> now he's lying about listening
to his generals
<ladylarkin1> he's getting pissed
<Cayobo> LOL
<Claypatch> "Ah'm a War Presdunt"
<sodbuster> astreps the strategy
<RealDCC> Wow!
<retroper> nice
<Schmendrick> F*c% Sddam. We're taking
him out.
<Zomar> Down in the rec room, with the shag
carpet and cheap paneling.
<Anniesmomjill> YES!!
<Throgg> I'm almost feeling sorry for the
<azul> wires on back? or maybe flack jacket?
<Jae> chimpy likes BIG guns
<w3ski> Yea what about the lack of an economy
<Anniesmomjill> YES GODDAMMIT
<Sagitta12> W's voice was cracking there for
a minute
<YellowDogJen> Yessss, it was all the 'generals's
<RealDCC> BAM!
<sandyclaws> It's HARD WORK, Huh?
<ladylarkin1> BINGO!!!
<retroper> well said kerry
<FauxPasIII> Woot, that's our sound bite
<lipreader> damn, I keep missing his back
*** Mode change "+v mrbisco" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<Sagitta12> lol sandy
<_chazman^> this is great
<Schmendrick> Ammos?
<Keglined> ammos... oops
<neoconstipated> the age of accountability
is over now,...Vote for Kerry to bring it back
<Anniesmomjill> forgot Poland, John
<Jambo> good shift--frm win war to win peace
<axess68> SMACKKKKKK
<TreeHugger> uh oh big words
<bart> It's like Michael Jordan vs Stephen
hawking, in reverse
<RealDCC> Blood on the floor.
<nmp2000> I'm a PIECE of WAR pretzeldunce
<factor> Bush is just trying to hid that he
wanted to fight his daddy's war.
<Tweez> Kerry is relaxed tonight
<Anniesmomjill> YESSSSSSSS
<FauxPasIII> Bush is getting drilled like
an alaska wildlife refuge
<Keglined> That might be the "best" gaffe
the repugs get from tonight
<retroper> winning the peace is the president's
<Volt> Iran.
<Anniesmomjill> who let the bitch in?
<solarize> How can anyone think bush is doing
a good job?
<Tweez> what's on her shoulder?
<Daedalus> I want to see Kerry pimp-slap the
monkey when he's walking back to his chair after a response
<factor> Faux:heh
<bart> That's mary matalin!!!
<Daedalus> back of the hand-style
<YellerDawg> die foul murdermonkey
<Throgg> yes, Tweez, and Smirk is all wound
<calgal> I still think JK looks tired...
<Keglined> I can see Neil Cavuto saying
<Volt> Kerry uses their name.
<Sagitta12> serious bart?
<neoconstipated> haha'
<bart> no
<Tweez> Smirk
<Anniesmomjill> smirk
<nmp2000> smug look
<Claypatch> Smirk
<Sagitta12> rofl
<RealDCC> It is Bush's problem!
<Sagitta12> got me
<RealDCC> From now on!
<Throgg> lol, faux
<Tweez> ROFL
<Cayobo> Bush is Phucked!
<Claypatch> wat a fookin tool
<Jae> he's looking fer a place to hide
<nmp2000> Bin Who?
<w3ski> Eyes and jaw , he IS stoned !
<onehandle> smirking, blinking, smirking,
blinking, smirking, blinking,
<Jae> haha
<Tweez> WE'RE LIVE
<RealDCC> 37 tons of yellowcake, North Korea.
<Daedalus> North Korea...
<Weezil> north korea is starving its population
to death
<JoeBacon> here comes the Yellow Cake and
we ain't talking about Duncan Hines, folks!
<lipreader> 37 tons of cake! yummy!
<Cayobo> maybe???
<Volt> They told him no split screen and he
thinks he is free to smirk.
<Tweez> SMIRK
<bart> where's that split screen? I wanna
see Smrik smirk!
<Anniesmomjill> Iknow N Korea is hard...i
know that
<russian33> he has to say what he will do
with iran
<calgal> KERRY in a LANDSLIDE
<YellowDogJen> Where the heck is the split
<Weezil> rumour has it the split screen is
<factor> Kerry showing our prez is a weeenie.
<lipreader> smirkin apeboy
<Cayobo> Bush was on Vacation
<azul> he"s ;istening to his earp[iece there
<Keglined> Kerry is dead right.
<Socks> Bush: I am against cake. I'm a patriotic
pie man. Just like Momma used to make.
<Daedalus> French
<factor> no split screen at all
<Volt> No split screen. Let me see who is doing
the feed.
<Cayobo> The Vacation pResident
<bart> Does Bush's pinky bend?
<Claypatch> excellent answer
<Tweez> Of course Kerry's right
<Keglined> Bush "yella cake is made in France"
<Daedalus> JK's not afraid
<Volt> President SLOW!
<Anniesmomjill> clench jaw
<JoeBacon> Here goes the Russian nooklur waste
<Atsix> He's trying SO hard not to smirk
<Sagitta12> didya see him wink at somebody?
<lipreader> HIs chin is about to pop
<Tweez> But who's WINNING?
<sodbuster> france is yella
<nmp2000> ssethat little jaw buck
<azul> Eyes left is visual recall eyes right
is visual contruct
<Zomar> I just saw Chimpy. Smile FROZEN
on his face.... "Must not show fear"
<calgal> lookee at chimpy
<SusanNY> I wonder if Barbara Bush ever baked
a pie
<whoowhoo> Bush just WINKED at someone....
<lipreader> Kerry is kicking ass
<bart> Bush is getting f-ing hammered
<nmp2000> they call that eatin crow in texas
<Atsix> Saw that, Who
<YellerDawg> I have such a crush on Randi
<Anniesmomjill> ooo
<retroper> nice kerry
<neoconstipated> "Do the fact checking at"
<Socks> Bush: Mannn this is harddd.
<factor> lip yes kerry is getting in some
good ones.
<Anniesmomjill> he's getting pissed
<YellowDogJen> Bush continues to hold his balls
<Daedalus> HA HA
<RealDCC> Great answer!
<Daedalus> SCOWL
<bart> ha ha
<ntropyman> ?
<axess68> LMAO
<retroper> duche bag
<Claypatch> WHAT???
<FauxPasIII> lolol
<_chazman^> haha
<Anniesmomjill> oh that's funny
<Keglined> Oh... how funny
<Daedalus> OMG ROFL
<RealDCC> Scowl.
<russian33> what?
<calgal> ha ha
<factor> Bush wants to make more nukes.
<Cayobo> Dems are always cleaning up the Repig's
<Zomar> Asshole
<azul> so cute!
<Jae> thud!!!!!
<bart> Smirk';s gonna hurl!
<Throgg> haha...duh
<Socks> god damn
<lipreader> oh
<Schmendrick> chicken neck??
*** widerquist ( has
joined channel #bartcop
<w3ski> Johno isn't as vibrant as he needs
to be
<lipreader> my god
<_chazman^> what a dick
<YellowDogJen> Almost wanted to scowl
<Weezil> i guess a dick is going to have his
hand up his ass and move his lips ya know
<TreeHugger> this should be good
<factor> hehehe
<lipreader> my god
<axess68> Answer made him wanna SCOWL?!?!?!
<bart> smirk's gonna blow chunks
*** Mode change "+v widerquist" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<RealDCC> No, he was not!
<Anniesmomjill> he's a bad man
<Claypatch> "That answer almost made me wanna
poop my diapers"
<nmp2000> of course
<Sagitta12> haha
<YellowDogJen> Heh heh fuck you
<retroper> I know my job
<lipreader> It is OVER!
<onehandle> ASHOLE
<Tweez> I can't stand it, I'm DYIN'
<Anniesmomjill> doncha know?
<calgal> smirk always scowls
<Sagitta12> LOL Clay
<editorial> ... but he is the main terrorist
or wearing a wire, if certain photos are to be believed, RealDCC ...
<lipreader> It is OVER!
<nmp2000> of course
<lipreader> It is OVER!
<JoeBacon> THE BRITS??????
<Weezil> the brits is disrespectful?
I've never heard it that way
<Throgg> he need to use that joke before he
started yelling
<factor> Bush said he was decieving the inspeactors....
how when he did not have anything.
<whoowhoo> Bush doesn't FULLY UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!1
<Zomar> Speaking of assholes, he's gonna need
some preparation H after that ass-reaming.
<nmp2000> of course
<bart> "I'm not a Monkey, why would people
say that?"
<sodbuster> we've (cheney) been involved with
iran of course
<Jae> lo...I'm following Kerry
<Daedalus> new-kew-lar
<Anniesmomjill> see...being preznent is haaarrrd
<retroper> like my five year old says I KNOW
<solarize> He removed the inspectors...asshole...
<Tweez> hahahahahahahaha right
<Keglined> nuculer
<bart> nuke-you-ler
<axess68> Nook Ya Lerr
<tio> yet again the Brits
<lipreader> bnukular
<JohnTomato> a s-s-h-o-l-e!
<Cayobo> GWB played right into Osama's hand
<w3ski> Iranians , what the fuck
<Daedalus> bilateralations?
<Claypatch> "niave and dangerous"
<Keglined> Bilateralations
<Zomar> e-nun-ci-a-shun!!
<Claypatch> must drink
<Jae> he's calling Kerry naive?
<Keglined> LOLOL
<lipreader> "bilateralions
<FauxPasIII> nagacting ?
<Volt> Why is Bush yelling?
<Atsix> Did he just say to get the Brits,
the Germans, and the French to deal with Iran?????
<bart> handjobs like this make me want to scowl
<nmp2000> Dnagerous?
<OldHag> nukular
<JoeBacon> THE BRITTS?
<w3ski> Bilateral relations with him self
<Tweez> Have bilater relations with?!
oh my
<azul> I think that while Kerry talks smirk
listens to his earpiece
<Sagitta12> bush makes me wanna scowl
<lipreader> Youknigthed States
<fmecoy> naive and dangerous sounds like half
the american electorate
<solarize> N. Korea was calming down until
he decided they were a part of the axis of evil...
<nmp2000> and we never got attacked asshole
<Claypatch> What a fookin dumbass: bilateral
talks are sucessful
<YellowDogJen> Sooooo...they have split screen
when Smirky is talking...
<Anniesmomjill> IT'S CLINTON'S FAULT!!
<Keglined> Who the hell is calling me at this
<Throgg> demonstrating his total lack of understanding
of the Korean talks again...
<Claypatch> and have been plenty of times
<Daedalus> smirk
<Volt> So Smirky wants them to veto our policy.
<Anniesmomjill> the CLENIS
<sodbuster> cspan now with split screens,
cnn not
<JoeBacon> It ain't the Axis of evil
<Sagitta12> assess of evil
<bart> me GOOD, oppnent BAD
<factor> we gave klorea the money to make
Nuclear energy..
<_chazman^> making progress??
<Andymon> is bush toast yet?
<retroper> move on you fuck
<Keglined> Bush is defense at 24 minutes
<nmp2000> Can't wait for the lie checker
on this shit
<Cayobo> GWB recruited more terrorists then
Osama could
<JohnTomato> 6 party. at least this
time he knows how many countries are in it.
<factor> Koraea even
<Tweez> We broke the agreement, not the north
Koreans ,dumbass
<Zomar> No. N. Korea went back to bomb-making
after you cut off their OIL, asshole!
<whoowhoo> MAIKIN' PROGRESS.....oh, brother.....
<Claypatch> lol: bart
<factor> D'ho
<OldHag> the question was about IRAN
<retroper> yes
<Daedalus> uh-oh, the draft
<JoeBacon> Here is the draft
<Tweez> take a shave
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> axis of weasels=france germany
<w3ski> Sheub is gonna cry
<RealDCC> Wife was out - now returning - reported
that Kerry was bitchslapping Bush.
<bart> That's Horatio Sands
<Keglined> INternets
<whoowhoo> THE DRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
<retroper> internets
<Keglined> LOL
<RealDCC> Internets?
<_chazman^> internets??
<Volt> A draft question.
<Socks> the "internets"
<russian33> hahahahahahahaha
<ladylarkin1> bilateralations= sexual dirty
<retroper> dick
<lipreader> another joke
<Claypatch> "Internets"
<FauxPasIII> All of them ?
<mrbisco> the internets!
<Jae> internets?
<Schmendrick> internets???
<Throgg> internats?
<calgal> internets???
<nmp2000> LIAR
<Atsix> Rumors on the "internets
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> there
<Azrhey> bilaterations ? the fuck is a bilateration
<sodbuster> internetz
<YellowDogJen> hahahahahahah!
<onehandle> internetS???
<Volt> Read my lips.
<bart> I smell a draft
<JoeBacon> YOu are lying Bush
<russian33> which internet am i right now?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> there's more than one internet?
<Throgg> god...
<lipreader> internuts
<w3ski> no draft till jan 05
<ntropyman> oh joy
<Daedalus> I've only been to one internet...
is the porn better on the others?
<Tweez> OH DEAR!
<axess68> LMFAO!
<onehandle> IDIOT
<Socks> bush is a hackxx0r
<YellerDawg> Bush's next Secretary of State:
Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel
*** Mode change "+v Avedon" for channel #bartcop
by Muddro
<Keglined> The all volunteer army aint very
<Cayobo> tell your children to enlist in GWB's
<whoowhoo> they pay the military shit
<bart> the troops are overpaid?
<nmp2000> except I have cut all of theses
<JoeBacon> The Draft Boards ARE in place!
<FauxPasIII> bush is a l33t internetz hax0r
<JohnTomato> internet(s)?
<Sagitta12> just outsource it W
<widerquist> internets?
<nmp2000> these
<axess68> Bushism #1 of the night.. INTERNETS
<Claypatch> "Internets"
<Volt> Those reservists must be choking.
* lipreader reads Zomar
<OldHag> not going to have a draft
<calgal> new wars? ahah
<Keglined> No, they're not
<RealDCC> (Link:
<OldHag> pay them well ha
<whoowhoo> and they've tried to cut benefits
to the military
<solarize> a silent draft is already in effect...
<sodbuster> it's just that everyone will be
forced to volunteer
<Tweez> W is specialized
<Jae> where 's that other internet?
<retroper> slap his ass
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> kerry talk abou tthe backdoor
<w3ski> Lie # 2000765
<tio> he forgot the usenets
<pood> yee gawd what a clueless leader
<calgal> warS
<Daedalus> move troops out of Korea
<whoowhoo> backdoor draft
<Weezil> rumour has it backdoor draft is what
ails most plumbers
<JohnTomato> have i been missing additional
llama porn? dang.
<nmp2000> STAR WARS
<Tweez> such as
<Daedalus> to avoid the fallout
<tio> and the hairnets
<RealDCC> We will not have a draft - we'll
hire the Hessians.
<ntropyman> web 2.0
<whoowhoo> stopgap
<Atsix> We're replacing troops with weapon
<lipreader> peninshula
<sodbuster> peninshula
<axess68> The Intranets
<retroper> kerry here is your hammer
<Cayobo> tell your grand children to join
the War
<Zomar> BULL-fucking-shit!
<TreeHugger> yell dubya...joe dumbass will
buy it..just keep repeating it
<monkeyfister> Seems like we could use some
man-power in Iraq
<axess68> The New Jersey Nets
<fmecoy> make the military into transformers
seems to be what he is proposing
<azul> eggs all in one Iraq basket
<w3ski> nuke bush
<bart> Smirk gets wood saying "peninsula"
<RealDCC> No, we didn't. We had a token
force there.
<Tweez> equipment
<Jae> not very convincing, bozo
<Keglined> Some has told him to not say "in
other words"
<Daedalus> what equipment is "more effective"
than troops?
<YellerDawg> sic him, JFK!
<Claypatch> Look how he talks to the audience,
like a parent to children
<nmp2000> MOve Bush Into EERAQ
<monkeyfister> Maybe some to handle the next
war he starts
<Throgg> YOUR days are over with you fucking
<RealDCC> They would have been overrun in
weeks if we didn't go nuke.
<Zomar> WHAT wonder-weapons are replacing
troops in Korea???
<Cayobo> we don't need no stinkin' draft
<Mark> hasnt answered the question
<Bill> Internets???
<Daedalus> Cheney's Robo-warriors?
<Tweez> What EFFECTIVE equipment does he mean?
<lipreader> We'll bring the war home with
the warriors
<axess68> "George. Do you like movies about
<Socks> i don't like how he cut the guy off
at the end of his question
<OldHag> out of europe, into iraq
<sodbuster> drawing manpower, like simon?
<w3ski> smirk gets wood at any word he can
<Mark> fucking jackass
<widerquist> Bush does a lot better when he
can walk around. Hope he trips.
<Keglined> inshtreshting
<Andymon> so what's the concensus here so
far, is this it for bushy boy?
<nmp2000> stationed in Ameruca? where is that?
<Bill> How many Internets are there???
<JoeBacon> The secret weapon
<Daedalus> did they let him watch "Terminator"
this afternoon?
<RealDCC> Bunker busting nukes.
<Tweez> star wars is NOT effective
<bart> Volunteer to die for halleyburton?
<azul> diversion
<Zomar> Vee-Hickles!
<RealDCC> Yeah.
<lipreader> He is toast
<Claypatch> "unmanned vehukles"
<Jae> WTF is he ramblin' abt?
<OldHag> less rotation,they'll just be in
iraq till they're dead
<Sagitta12> how does it avoid a draft?
<FauxPasIII> Why not just send it over the
internets !
<calgal> Bush is Toast, now the networks will
All Hail Caesar
<whoowhoo> technologies.....does he even know
what he's talking about?
<TreeHugger> bush likes 'S's
<nmp2000> STAR WARS
<Weezil> STAR WARS is probably NOT effective
<Tweez> Oooooh facile
<Anniesmomjill> fasel?
<JoeBacon> Remember we got the Ark of the
Covenent hidden in the Pentagon
<RealDCC> More fascile?
<nmp2000> FASSIL?
<Schmendrick> favile!!!!
<Atsix> oooh.. facile.
<FauxPasIII> facile !
<Tweez> Facile?
<Throgg> fastile?
<whoowhoo> LIE
<Cayobo> Clinton funded unmand vichels
<solarize> transformation...cyborgs???
<monkeyfister> fassL?
<Bill> fascile?
<Zomar> Meltdown again! hehehe
<whoowhoo> LIE
<neoconstipated> I thought he's bringing troops
out of other parts of the world
<axess68> YAM SOLO
<Mark> how the fuck is he answering this question
<whoowhoo> LIE
<OldHag> wow technology
<Jae> he said fascile..woohoo
<Claypatch> He did a read my lips
<monkeyfister> fassel?
<Keglined> Most military people don't agree
with that "lighter" thing
<OldHag> clinton used it to find osama
<Anniesmomjill> I/m fasel than John Krry
<Sagitta12> he only gonna be pres for a couple
<Daedalus> "Not going to have a draft so long
as I'm president"
* lipreader agrees with Clay
<retroper> who the fuck is fassel?
<azul> cuzkerry ll clean up after me
<Daedalus> someone get him to sign that
<Schmendrick> facile. You use that word
a lot. i don not think it means what you think it means.
<Claypatch> thanks lip
<Daedalus> not that it would matter
<Tweez> you go boy
<Jambo> Read My Lips---no draft !
<RealDCC> Mention the military support!
<OldHag> not going to have a draft
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<Keglined> USAF
<bart> must be the liquor but I'm getting
<nmp2000> drink the vodka DUMYAH
<Mark> look at my face I dont understand
<solarize> facile means easy...
<Cayobo> Kerry is the better man
<Keglined> Tony McPeak
<RealDCC> List them ...
<Jae> daddy
<Andymon> did you see that tic?
<RealDCC> spank spank spank
<Tweez> Bush41 YES
<Azrhey> V-hicles ? sounds like a bad 80s
<YellowDogJen> faces at 9:30ish
<Anniesmomjill> he's fassel than me
<sodbuster> clark, oh yeah
<bushwacked> internetsss,what a MONKEY!!!
<RealDCC> I am dancing on the ceiling!
<Daedalus> guard = active duty
<Tweez> Facile
<bart> Wes Clark! my man!
<Jae> smack smack smack
<Throgg> 3-1 yanks in 5th
<calgal> Bush is blinky again! Dear dear dear,
off his meds and no "water" to drink this time
<psunumber1> star wars willnever work
but dont tell curt weldon
<Bill> Bush is blinking a message to Cheney
in Morse code.
<RealDCC> Backdoor draft!
<Weezil> backdoor draft is what ails most
<solarize> Unfortunately, most of the people
I know will vote for Bush regardless...
<ntropyman> slap
<Zomar> No kidding. That's true, John
<axess68> LMAO BILL
<bart> Smirk likes the backdoor
<nmp2000> I'm a Yankee fan but I am watching
this I wonder how amny others are
<Anniesmomjill> lol Bill
<RealDCC> Yes yes yes.
<widerquist> scolding him
<neoconstipated> the monkey hates when Daddy
is brought up
<Claypatch> Nice: Kerry turns and addresses
Chimpy directly....excellent
<calgal> Good one, Bill!
<sodbuster> bart, operation sodbuster reporting
for duty
<w3ski> touche johnno
<Bill> ty
<RealDCC> Maybe not, solarize.
<solarize> Exactly...stop is a
<Jae> He KNOWS that
*wipes away a tear*
<Mark> samck him Johnnie
<Sagitta12> ohhh the eyebrow squint
<Throgg> KERRY wins 1st 30 minutes by a LANDSLIDE.
<Bill> It's true though.
<axess68> Blinky The Dry Drunk Chimp
<Anniesmomjill> YESSS
<Volt> Rove is hitting the mike saying...HELLO...Is
this thing on?
<Bill> Sad, but true.
<Schmendrick> My Bushspeak translator says
he garbled fast and agile together.
<Cayobo> have you recomended your offspring
to join GWB's War?
<RealDCC> Build alliances.
<Sagitta12> Drinky McDumbass
<Claypatch> "Build Alliances" gee what a concept
<Mark> internets is classic
<Keglined> Mr. DEFENSIVE
<factor> Yeah! kerry just say no to "ulilateraly"
<Atsix> OOOH he's pissed
<Keglined> LOL
<Bill> Oh no bush goes nuts!
<blockbush> watch him FUCK UP
<Tweez> Spank him
<Jambo> chimp out of, line !!!!
<Anniesmomjill> Lemme answer
<axess68> HAHAHA
<Daedalus> interrupting the moderator... nice
<bart> cheater!!!
<w3ski> Imprtinent chimp
<_chazman^> Bush is getting pissed offf
<blockbush> uranus pluto
<Sagitta12> Chimpy, arguing with the moderator!
<Keglined> You tell that Polak
<Zomar> Snap! Snap! Snarl!
<_chazman^> he's nuts
<onehandle> cehating
<Jambo> ejsct him !!!
<nmp2000> he broke the rules
<Socks> bush is going ape shit
<lipreader> pissy
<axess68> He's off his rocker
<Mark> getting defensive
<bart> cheater!!!
<Claypatch> Oh my
<onehandle> cheating
<Bill> He just lost it.
<factor> poland
<neoconstipated> he's losing it!
<bart> cheater!!!
<bart> cheater!!!
<bart> cheater!!!
<factor> hehehe
<TreeHugger> losing it
<lipreader> sniippy
<onehandle> cheating
<Andymon> name dropping again
<Mark> losing it
<BinkyBoy> YES
<Daedalus> POLAND
<Keglined> That's two
<Bill> oh my
<factor> he said it.
<RealDCC> Tell Tony Blair we're going alone?
<Jambo> eject that chimp !!!!
<mrbisco> LOL...i'm talking now no matter
what you say!
<Anniesmomjill> POLLAND
<Jae> rules
<Keglined> Name the other 28
<blockbush> UURANUS PLUTO
<azul> & if cheater
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> HE SAID IT
<bart> cheater!!!
<nmp2000> we GOT POLAND
<gratuitous> Waaah! I wanna talk!
<russian33> this is fun to watch
<_chazman^> he's done!!!!!!
<Bill> losing voice now
<axess68> LMAO
<TreeHugger> losing it
<lipreader> He's over the line
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<blockbush> =GIVE HIM THE HEX
<axess68> He's PISSED!!
<whoowhoo> 29...28....27....26....
<widerquist> this is great!
<Atsix> This is GREAT
<Zomar> Tell Micky Mouse we're going alone!
<bart> tell my ass we're going alone!!!
<Jambo> shows he a fuckin monkey !!!
<RealDCC> How many fucking drinks is THAT?
<_chazman^> too unstable to be President]
<calgal> Yay! Yell at the moderator! how pResidential
<whoowhoo> 25....24...23
<ntropyman> shout it out monkey
<onehandle> YOU WENT ALONE!!!!
<Bill> Kerry just laughs.
<monkeyfister> well, he didn't forget Poland!
<Cayobo> Tony Blair is a hand job
<Tweez> Did he memorize those names all by
<w3ski> smab
<Volt> Tony is too busy trying to separate
himself from you, Smirky.
<nmp2000> check his time
<onehandle> ASSHOLE
<Throgg> shout...imterupt...silvio..powosnakic...I'M
<TreeHugger> you forgot australia
<Claypatch> hahahahahahahaha
<Sagitta12> monkey implosion alert
<Anniesmomjill> You're an idiot
<Daedalus> leaving the coalition
<Tweez> Oh BOY!
<Jae> slam!!
<sodbuster> tonga
<retroper> I googled fassel and I don't know
who the fuck he is?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
<fmecoy> he keeps sticking his arm out like
he could erase Kerry off the stage
<Atsix> YES.. countries are leaving, not joining
<bart> four more months!
<whoowhoo> 22.....21.....20....
<w3ski> smack him johnno
<Zomar> Yeah???? How many have they sacrificed?
<BinkyBoy> WHAM
<bart> BOOM!
<widerquist> silvio bulisconi?
<Keglined> Good point
<bart> BOOM!
<neoconstipated> haha, oh yeah, Poland? Where
is Poland now?
<blockbush> HEXXXXXXXXX
<gratuitous> Countries are leaving the coalition
. . . you jackass.
<Anniesmomjill> TONGA TROOPS
<YellowDogJen> They're LEAVING
<bushwacked> tHE MONKEYS loosing it
<bart> BOOM!
<factor> The countries he is tralking about
are a given. we need other countries.
<Claypatch> He's gonna go BOOM
<Daedalus> Missouri... 3rd largest country
<Volt> Damn...Reality is a bitch.
<lipreader> smack!
<Bill> smack his pee pee
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> HE SAID POLAND
<FauxPasIII> John kerry is on the top rope,
and is calling for the people's elbow !
<nmp2000> he's going to lose it
<retroper> yep
<calgal> smack em
<onehandle> KILL HIM
<Volt> Backhand.
<blockbush> SWAHA
<lipreader> Kerry is THE MAN!
<Claypatch> Smack him John
<blockbush> SWAHA
<Sagitta12> lol Bill
<onehandle> ha ha
<Tweez> Bush keeps setting 'em up, Kerry keeps
smackin' 'em down
<bart> Bush is looking for the halftime buzzer
<TreeHugger> whoops facts
<Cayobo> I can do a better job!
<w3ski> shrub has a glass jaw1
<Jambo> hothead PRICK !!! cant be president
<Keglined> neocon
<Tweez> nice corsage
<calgal> Damn, this ROCKS
<neoconstipated> the monkey is ready to stomp
off the stage
<Volt> Do not let up on him.
<neoconstipated> anthrax
<onehandle> ROVE PLANT
<Keglined> She's a neocon robot
<Bill> duh?
<Sagitta12> Don't forget yer banana chimpy
<Atsix> She's a plant
<axess68> She pulled that off a tree outside
<BinkyBoy> damn scripted bulshit
<OldHag> they forget the netherlands all the
<retroper> put your head on a stick
<Bill> moran
<nmp2000> stands in front of the questioner
<Mark> you need to punk him on the colalition
<lipreader> Ann fucking thrax
<Zomar> Why is Chimpy covering his pee-pee?
I think the socks are slipping down his leg.
<Claypatch> Happy empty robot
<Avedon> Does he look as bad as he sounds?
It's like he's just shouting
<nmp2000> not like chimpy
<azul> most questions skeptical of Busch co
<RealDCC> Its secret.
<blockbush> ATTACK
<ntropyman> a plant - ficus
<Andymon> worse
<Cayobo> be afraid!
<lipreader> Damn, Kerry is letting that one
<retroper> biehatch
<bart> the REF should stop this fight - Bush
is going to be seriously hurt
<Volt> Its the FEAR!
<w3ski> whoops
<whoowhoo> oooppps
<Daedalus> I think the reason is the color-coded
<Azrhey> portugalis there too ! we have 17 soldiers in basra !!!!
<onehandle> 9/11 HAPPENED ON BUSHS WATCH.
<Bill> We didn't have a terrorist attack on
our country from a foreign country before 1993.
<Daedalus> scares the terra-ists
<lipreader> Anthrax was a terror attack on
US soil, John
<Tweez> Kerry's rambling a bit
<Keglined> Wow... three years, three weeks,
four days
<calgal> azul - good catch (but what else
would they ask?)
<retroper> PDB
<Keglined> What a long period of PEACE
<retroper> I'll read the PDB
<Cayobo> they prey on fear
<Bill> So we lasted3 years so far. Big fucking
<nmp2000> what is chimpy writing? mom
hep me
<Claypatch> Chimpy writing: Must have drink
<Mark> shrub is doodling
<Tweez> back on track now
<retroper> I wont' vacation
<RealDCC> You have to have intelligence to
use intelligence!
<Anniesmomjill> we got shitty intelligence
<Zomar> Damn. Kerry almost sounded Chimpish.
<Jae> I'm afraid
<Volt> Intelligence and Bush....hmmmm.
<Daedalus> uggh
<retroper> I'll read the PDB
<Tweez> Nicky
<Atsix> Not writing.. drawing
<axess68> Chimpy is writing his DRINK LIST
for after the debate
<Daedalus> come on Kerry
<onehandle> right....ANTHRAX! SAY IT!
<Anniesmomjill> Rove plant
<Sagitta12> W is drawing on his Big Chief
<calgal> you need intelligence to understand
the fucking intelligence
<solarize> you can't kill all the
have to find the cause, not battle the symptom.
<retroper> back on track
<gratuitous> Wham, wham, wham. Allies
deserting us.
<RealDCC> Hit the containers.
<YellerDawg> Intelligence and Bush is the
biggest oxymoron in history
<Atsix> LOL Sag
<Bill> CIA agent revealed by bush.
<Tweez> containers
<azul> thisis good
<Tweez> no
<Sagitta12> hehe
<retroper> hit him
<nmp2000> they tolfd him to write something
while Kerry was talking to make him "look intelligent"
<retroper> hit him
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<Tweez> tax gap
<blockbush> THIS PRESIDENT
<FauxPasIII> hehe
<blockbush> ....
<Mark> yeah smack that bitch
<BinkyBoy> what will happen when we have white
<Bill> tax gap? Hello?
<RealDCC> His tax plan
<retroper> bing
<Claypatch> EXCELLENT!
<Daedalus> his fault
<Tweez> YEAH!
<calgal> go John
<Sagitta12> ^ Kerry, tax cuts
<BinkyBoy> oh, we already have them
<retroper> bingo!
<Volt> SAmack!
<dubyaD40> kill 'em
<Daedalus> blink blink
<Claypatch> Bring in the tax cut
<Keglined> psychotic blinking
<neoconstipated> that was an awesome statement
<Mark> whoopppp
<azul> he's listening
<Throgg> anthrax is too long ago...too
point bringing that up.
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> bush looks like "oh shit
what's happening"
<Jambo> HAHA chimp DAZED !!!
<Anniesmomjill> he wants to scowl
<ntropyman> blink
<axess68> Blink BLINK BLINK F-ING BLINK!
<cirrocco> i think her broach is a terrorist
<factor> Sadam was not supporting the terroist.
he was even stonewalling them.
<lipreader> deer in headlights
<Bill> Budget deficit, hello?
<RealDCC> Infrastructure - he didn't say infrastructure.
<Jae> his eyelids are gonna fall off
<gratuitous> Yess! Bush's tax cuts,
which went to his rich buddies, have left the Treasury empty.
<nmp2000> is the earpice in the left ear tongiht
or overhead
<w3ski> gore is my president more than ever
<Volt> Montana get more Homeland Security
funds per capita than New York.
<whoowhoo> WRONG
<kidshaleen> why does Bush keep tapping his
<blockbush> he's going to fuck up
<Sagitta12> W, he looks mad
<whoowhoo> WRONG
<Mark> biting his tongue off
<OldHag> bam bam
<lipreader> John Kerry vs. George W. Deer
<Zomar> Chimp - "Oh shit - the gin's starting
to kick in"
<retroper> doesn't mean you are doing all you
can dick smak
<Bill> He fought Homeland Security.
<neoconstipated> pissed money away
<Atsix> We're doing everything we can to protect
our homeland
<Jae> but you HAVEN'T
<w3ski> 30 bill for what
<Mark> the "homeland" or the fatherland
<Socks> bush's damn problem in this debate
<axess68> LOL
<whoowhoo> NO HE DIDN't
<PG> Hey everyone i missed the debate so far
how is it going?????????????
<calgal> liar, liar, liar
<Throgg> lie
<Bill> He's lying now.
<blockbush> his tripled the budget.....but
sunk the conomy
<whoowhoo> LIAR!
<Socks> is that he thinks he's still debating
<nmp2000> Here somes the smnackdown
<Daedalus> Oh JK is pissed...
<Volt> Is Bush going to tap dance?
<Claypatch> "We need good intelligence" Which
YOU dont have!!
<Jae> Kerry's loving that one
<axess68> LIE La LIE
<Keglined> He voted against it ninety seven
trillion times... and that's no overexaggeration
<gratuitous> Going back to 1993 cuts.
What a maroon.
<Daedalus> he's itching to get back up
<bart> Clarence Slappy Thomas: "I ain't cleanin'
this up"
<Sagitta12> best way to defend US it to get
rid of chimpy
<Tweez> Talking points from both sides tonight
<dubyaD40> kill 'em
<RealDCC> Bet Kerry answers. Best way
to beat Bush is to stay on the offense.
<azul> he's getting ready for a drink
<Bill> Bush is wrong 99% of the time.
<kidshaleen> and he is offensive
<Atsix> "to stay on the offense."
<TreeHugger> losing it
<whoowhoo> working hard...
<Anniesmomjill> we're working hard\
<factor> Sagitta12:yip
<Phelix> it's hard
<lipreader> working hard
<blockbush> we're foing our best...
<Throgg> kerry needs to hit back on this one
<Jae> it;s hard work, ya know
<juliehoch17> GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!!
<neoconstipated> your best isn't good enough,
<lipreader> drink
<Phelix> it's real hard
<Cayobo> like the Chimp knows about Reality
<Keglined> TOOL - good word to describe the
Patriot Act
<Zomar> FUCKING Patriot act!
<calgal> Patriot Act blows
<Bill> Patriot act is a tool to burn the billof
<blockbush> forweepening it
<OldHag> working hard
<Sagitta12> Wimp Chimp
<BinkyBoy> vital constitutional screw job
<Claypatch> Did he say working hard again
<w3ski> cry or scream shrub show us your butthole
<gratuitous> Kerry just keeps looking like
he's anticipating every word out of Stupidhead's mouth.
<PG> hey everyone how is the debate going???
<lipreader> yep
<Volt> Smiling at the chimp.
<Sagitta12> lol Binky
<Sano> hola peeps
<RealDCC> Like it isn't now?
<OldHag> patriot vital tool
<retroper> patriot chimp is a tool
<TreeHugger> TOOL is the operative word
<Anniesmomjill> it IS a haven for terraists
<russian33> like afghanistan is now?
<azul> already is
<FauxPasIII> "and there'd be money" ?
<nmp2000> NOW
<PG> who is winning??
<Keglined> Mixed messages
<Cayobo> it's a real Herd
<whoowhoo> KERRY 1, Bush -1
<Keglined> Here it comes
<Atsix> IRAQ is a haven for terrorists NOW
because of him
<RealDCC> Hola Sandstar
<Zomar> Haven for tarrists
<Volt> There would be money????
<Sagitta12> he doesn't see much does he?
<RealDCC> Sano
<_chazman^> haven for terrorists?
<Mark> like Bush has evedr been outside the
US other screwing mexican hookers
<Daedalus> oh, back to the last debate
<blockbush> how can you win if your don't
think we should be there
<Jae> he's walking right into them
<Keglined> "mixed messages"
<Bill> Mexican messages.
<gratuitous> If Iraq falls, it will become
a haven for terrorists? IF?
<YellerDawg> mexxed missages
<blockbush> that's funny
<Sano> I was cooking taquitos and did I really
hear Bunnypants say "it's not important to get Bin Laden?"
<Sagitta12> lol Bill
<solarize> yeah...95% of the Patriot Act actions
are for non-terrorist offenses...
<_chazman^> Kerry has got him now
<OldHag> lol
<kidshaleen> he just does not see
<Sano> Hola RealDC
<Daedalus> long, long war
<Throgg> you don't see a hell of a lot you
<Atsix> "Long long war"
<nmp2000> oh oh long long
<Anniesmomjill> this is hard work
<retroper> mission accomplished
<Claypatch> long long war
<neoconstipated> now he said Kerry will make
us unsafe
<Keglined> "THE Long Long War" - pop-up book
by George Bush
<Mark> tell me when we had control of Iraq
<Volt> Mexxed food!
<RealDCC> What WAS the question?
<Bill> Requires retarded response.
<editorial> the question is about IRAN, RealDCC
<Sano> Bunnypants likes interrupting, too
<Claypatch> absolutely what a fookin tool
Monkey lied us into a war and now he denies it?"
<TreeHugger> simple minded bullshit...dubyas
base will eat it up
<Cayobo> Kerry knows
<calgal> who cares if the Iraqis has confidence
in our president?
<bart> The MONKEY has another 53 minutes to
fall further down
<Schmendrick> I don't see how someone who
thinks it was a mistake to drive the car into a ditch can get it out.
<w3ski> kerry is letting shrub pontificate
too much
<kidshaleen> what a bunch of crap
<JohnTomato> war is a long long war?
* lipreader thinks Kerry looks slightly embalmed
<YellerDawg> it's WORD HARK!
<Zomar> Yeah, but Ashkroft tracked down those
Hookers Of Terra in New Orleans with the Patriot Act.
<nmp2000> bang zoom
<Daedalus> they're both standing
<axess68> SIT
<whoowhoo> they're having IF/WHEN problems
<Sano> If I ws Kerry, I'd have told MONKEY
to shut his piehole until it's his turn
<Mark> shrub sit DOWN
<Daedalus> Jerry Springer moment soon?
<Tweez> SIT down Monkey!
<kidshaleen> it is hard work if you work hard
<Cayobo> I think about my grand kids
<Volt> If Bush looks at his watch the crowd
will howl.
<w3ski> keep him angry and on the defensieve
<blockbush> erry looks like he's wound up
over last time
<Sagitta12> he fighting the good fight lippy
<nmp2000> I OWN'T go to TEXASS on VACATION
<Mark> lol
<retroper> there it is
<lipreader> try not to scowl
<Tweez> badda-bing!
<gratuitous> The test isn't money -- it's
what you do with it.
<lipreader> try not to scowl
<Anniesmomjill> he winked
<Volt> Go to Vegas on vacation.
<Sagitta12> lippy ha
<Anniesmomjill> I'm worried
<axess68> He's worried
<Atsix> Oh that arrogant ...
<Sano> Bush looks like the MAJOR LEAGUE ASSHOLE
he is
<RealDCC> I'm worried.
<bart> Smirk is making all the same mistakes
as last week
<lipreader> Kerry picks nose
<Tweez> We're all worried
<FauxPasIII> He. I'm worried too
<RealDCC> Be afraid.
<russian33> take a few years off
<nmp2000> looks like a chicken strut to me
<kidshaleen> he should be
<blockbush> chose a tax cut for wealthy americans.
no one evertold anyone that
<Throgg> Hookers of Horrer. Brothels of Betrayal.
and so on...
<Cayobo> How deo youb know, douche bag?
<Claypatch> WHAT?? A tax cut for the middle
<RealDCC> Hard work?
<Daedalus> "Tax cut for the middle class"...
maybe mid-6 figure
<Sagitta12> yup Sano
<Weezil> Hard work is definitely it!
<editorial> Rumor has it Hard work is definitely
it, RealDCC
<Schmendrick> Overtime.
<Anniesmomjill> they're doing hard work
<Phelix> today your birthday juliehoch18?
<FauxPasIII> Heh, not getting paid for overtime
<sodbuster> i'm worried with you as prez too
<onehandle> it's hard. im worried
<nmp2000> but not getting pasid for overtime
<Sagitta12> W is the ideology of hate
<Tweez> You got that right at least
<whoowhoo> WORKING OVERTIME? NOT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
<Volt> Bush is worried. He knows his administration.
<bart> "It's hard work!
<monkeyfister> WHAT Overtime???
<axess68> LMFAO
<_chazman^> Bush is a bully who just got punched
in the mouth
<retroper> he is coked up
<gratuitous> I'm worried. I'm worried.
I'm worried about our country. You and me both, Chimpy
<Weezil> i guess HARD WORK is definitely it!
<lipreader> Not scolwing is hard workd
<Keglined> "I'm worried because the polls
show that.... I MEAN..."
<Sagitta12> he just doesn't SEE himself
<RealDCC> Spread freedom? Like in Haiti?
<Anniesmomjill> LET THE EAGLE SOAR!!
<ntropyman> worries about is butt
<axess68> SPREAD FREEDOM!! haahahahahaha
<Atsix> "vicious enemy that has an ideology
of hate." Yep. Him
<TreeHugger> dubya dumped overtime
<Mark> I am worried
<Tweez> I'm REAL worried
<Jae> spread that freedom
<bobbo> what an asswipe
<Volt> Tax cuts equal freedom???
<Mark> uh oh
<bart> "It's hard work!
<retroper> listen to his jammering ass he is
tooted up
<Cayobo> spread Freedom
<ntropyman> just about halfway
<onehandle> freedom terror tax cuts terror
<BinkyBoy> Spread it like Mayo!
<kidshaleen> yep they looked at the constitution
and started to hate us
<lipreader> Spreeding hardons is free work
<blockbush> ideology of hate
<Mark> dometic time
<Keglined> YES
<Throgg> he took 10 of the 30 seconds.
<onehandle> tax cuts terror
<bart> ha ha
<Anniesmomjill> ooooo
<JohnTomato> working overtime AND NOT GETTING
<monkeyfister> spread santorum
<BinkyBoy> horseman?
<bart> drugs!
<gratuitous> Let freedom spread like mayonnaise,
<Cayobo> carpet bombing
<w3ski> The habbit in afganistan is HEROIN
<FauxPasIII> Booo yah
<Tweez> Yeah, why?
<Sano> Bush is on VACATION 60% of the time.
I wish working Americans could get a 60% vacation time from their jobs....IF
<RealDCC> Reimportation of drugs?
<nmp2000> sock
<Sagitta12> he hasn't YET
<Volt> Drug question.
<axess68> LOL
<bart> LIAR!
<sodbuster> now bushy is fukked
<Jambo> Spread WalMArtIzation !!!
<Sagitta12> hehehehe
<Atsix> YES! Prescription drugs
<blockbush> yes,
<BinkyBoy> what the hell.....
<nmp2000> VIOXX
<RealDCC> Make sure they are safe?
<Socks> yes
<Zomar> FUCK!!!!
<_chazman^> lies
<Mark> LO(L
<Weezil> fuck is something Ashcroft hates
<Daedalus> nice... canadian drugs aren't safe
<Mark> OMG
<Keglined> "I won't do that (until November
the 3rd)"
<onehandle> terror tax cuts terror
<Anniesmomjill> kers ya?
<axess68> Make sure theyre safe!
<retroper> vioxx his ass
<blockbush> someone snuck in that question
<Daedalus> too bad for the canadaians
<Jae> kill ya!!
<Socks> like drugs from canada are like mexican
spanish fly
<lipreader> I want to test the canadian drugs
<Mark> what a fuck stick
<Volt> Did the Canadians die?
<mrbisco> cuz IIII wanna kill ya
<BinkyBoy> same drug companies
<bobbo> Those diiiiiiiiiiiiirty canadiand
drugs can kill you
<w3ski> Safe us rx's from canada?
<_chazman^> he wants to protect the drug companies
<Claypatch> "Cures ya not kills ya hahahahaha"
<Tweez> how you gonna do that, Dick?
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a drug preznent
<bart> I, ...I, ...I, ...I, ...
<whoowhoo> Has anyone died from canadian drugs?
<Sano> SMIRK is LYING....Canada gets their
drugs from US! THEN they sell them BACK to us
<bobbo> nasty canadians
<Atsix> "I wanna make sure the drug companies
get their money"
<Sagitta12> Protect us W, resign
<Keglined> A third world
<Sano> What a lying sack of shit
<Cayobo> blah blah blah blah blah
<Keglined> LOL
<Mark> same ass drug companies
<bart> ha ha
<RealDCC> A third world?
<Sano> Hiya Bart *smooch*
<Mark> IDIOT
<russian33> whats a third world?
<Keglined> Mars?
<Weezil> hmmm... Mars is on fire
<Schmendrick> Unless it would cost money to
one of my contributors
<gratuitous> Gee, we let all kinds of drugs
in from South America. Are they safe?
<lipreader> It looks like it's from Canada...
<bobbo> what a fucking idiot\
<Volt> Like Alabama?
<RealDCC> Like Mars?
<Zomar> WE don't want VIAGRA coming in from
Terra-ist Countries!
<Azrhey> Daedalus: our drugs arent safe !
they are made by pot smoking married gay people !!!!!!
<Keglined> No, EARTH is the THIRD WORLD
<blockbush> might be from a thrid world
<sodbuster> except for the ports, etc
<RealDCC> Or Venus?
<Tweez> DUH
<Weezil> it has been said that Venus is orange,
<bart> Canada is selling bigus drugs?
<lipreader> might be from Poland
<blockbush> that's why it's more expensive
<whoowhoo> Pharm companies BOUGHT Bush
<retroper> third world pharmacueticals
<calgal> a third world? MARS, bitches
<kidshaleen> trust halliburton
<BinkyBoy> unconstitutional
<Mark> our drugs are from the 3rd world
<FauxPasIII> In december ?
<FauxPasIII> Hehheeh
<Sagitta12> lippy ha
<axess68> A Third World LMAO
<YellerDawg> Canadian drugs don't line the
pockets of his pharmaceutical company butt buddies!
<w3ski> we ship rx's to canada then we buy
them back
<bart> cheaper speed
<Jae> in December?
<retroper> cal gal lol
<Atsix> What's in DEcember?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> oh he did not
<FauxPasIII> The goats in crawford don't care
<Keglined> Everything we consume is from the
third world
<Volt> Check your drug company contributions.
<Cayobo> cheaper Ganja !!!
<calgal> generics from Mars
<Daedalus> there are only two answers to this
question: The drug companies rip off americans, or foreign drugs
are sub-standard... neither are good
<Sano> How can Canada be selling DANGEROUS
drugs they BUY FROM OUR PHARMACEUTICAL companies in the FIRST place?
<Tweez> It may very well be, you won't be
president anymore
<sodbuster> hire halliburton to truck them
over the border, only cost 100 bil
<Jambo> Chimp will NEVER DO that !
<TreeHugger> legalize weeed
<Keglined> Except moon pies
<Sano> He is so full of shit
<BinkyBoy> bran drugs?
<w3ski> amen cheap gaqnga
<Sagitta12> we got W thru a loophole, the
electoral college, he LUVS loopholes
<Anniesmomjill> it's hard work
<lipreader> workin
<whoowhoo> discount cards.....shit
<kidshaleen> yep shop at walmart
<JoeBacon> Hey there are them Drug Discount
<solarize> I could deal with some cheaper
<gratuitous> Kerry making notes: "I
am SO kicking this guy's ass."
<axess68> Blackmoore
<_chazman^> if Bush get reelected, there will
be no drugs from Canada
<bobbo> generics are CHEAPER????????? who
would have guessed?
<RealDCC> An another is letting seniors open
their veins.
<Tweez> it may very well be!
<Avedon> canadian terrists
<Cayobo> I want cheaper Ganja
<lipreader> bought drugs!
<retroper> miesurah and fassel
<sandyclaws> Those are his friends - boy,
will he hear about this!!
<BinkyBoy> missora
<Zomar> Drug Discount cards are a fucking
<Claypatch> "Missurah"
<Tweez> DRUGS
<Mark> drugs card make money for the drug
<kidshaleen> it is MISSOUREEEE
<whoowhoo> aspiring for $1.14
<Sano> I bet Rush wants cheaper OXY
<RealDCC> And then paid $50 to see the doctor.
<OldHag> generics don't work as well as brand
<Tweez> 2006?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> clinton said missurah too
<neoconstipated> Oxtcontin
<Mark> make make make sense
<lipreader> a dollar for 10 bucks worth of
<BinkyBoy> oooh, stuttering
<Volt> Did she buy them from Limbaugh?
<Throgg> bran drugs make my colin pow!
<kidshaleen> I was born there
<Daedalus> "Speed up the approval process"...
that way drugs more dangerous than Phen-fen can make it through
<Mark> duh
<Tweez> HUH?
<bobbo> Caybo grow your own. It's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
<w3ski> smokin good ganja is hard work
<Sano> Neo LOL ^5
<Sagitta12> fix problems? he is the problem
<whoowhoo> fix problems....
<Tweez> HUH?
<blockbush> mediscare
<Claypatch> Not I bart
<Tweez> Wha?
* lipreader is gonna get won of those cards
<Azrhey> gack..caps..sorry
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a problem fixin preznent
<Jae> BS!
<Tweez> 2006
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> i'll be cold and in the
ground before i recognize missurah
<OldHag> ten dollar drug bill?
<JohnTomato> make a make a make sense.
<bobbo> modern medical man
<Sano> "I want to get something done?"
He's had 4 goddamned YEARS
<Daedalus> I might be, bart
<OldHag> ha
<Sagitta12> I am bart
<gratuitous> In 2006?
<Tweez> HAHA
<axess68> A modern medical system where my
BASE can rape it for all it's worth
<sodbuster> and a premium increase 17%
<Tweez> oh dear
<Zomar> Chimpy, you are a lying sack of shit.
<Jae> if their not dead
<OldHag> i pay that for amoxycilling
<kidshaleen> me to carville
<Keglined> RUsh Limbaugh is wondering if he
hallucinated that reference "mediscare"
<Cayobo> LOL
<solarize> I have the entire conversation
in the buffer...
<RealDCC> oh oh
<RealDCC> here it comes
<Throgg> yes folks, he really IS that stupid.
<Sano> Keg LOL
<TreeHugger> IF you support Bush you are a
fucking dumbass
<Mark> lol
<Tweez> idear
<bushwacked> BAG
<retroper> he said idear
<Atsix> Go John
<widerquist> These cards make... make... make
us... make us make sense.
<Daedalus> ok
<retroper> mocked his
<lipreader> you fast tweez
<Mark> GO GO GO
<bobbo> was dat a flip or a flop?
<_chazman^> woo hoo
<RealDCC> He didn't level with you.
<Sano> Kerry you dumbass... SAY HE'S A LIAR
<blockbush> presdient didn't level with you
<Daedalus> I'll send after the debate
<Volt> many contributions from Merc ago.
<Tweez> good idea-r
<calgal> Kerry: Why am I here? How can anyone
re(s)elect that asswipe?
<Anniesmomjill> but...he wouldn't lie, John
<gratuitous> four years ago. Flip.
flop. dope.
<Jae> Massachuseets
<Mark> BAMMM
<RealDCC> Naw, mercy rules.
<Claypatch> Da Presdunt, he flip flop
<Cayobo> passes the Spliff
<solarize> if'n you need it, I have the transcript
from 8:00pm on....
<bart> President Liar Monkey
<ntropyman> yessss
<axess68> Chimpy is changing colors again!
<w3ski> how can a crooked sob be level
<Sano> Mark: Kaboom!
<runedude> hi guys
<Tweez> right!
<Atsix> Look on Bush's face "Senate?
Whut Senate?"
<whoowhoo> TELL HIM JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!
<calgal> smack
* lipreader grabs spliff from Cayo
<Anniesmomjill> blink
<_chazman^> Bush can't be trusted
<Volt> SAmack!
<Tweez> he did
<Sagitta12> W has shifty eyes
<whoowhoo> BIG SMACK!
<bart> President Liar Monkey
<retroper> ownership
<Mark> eyes are twitching
<w3ski> touche johnno
<kidshaleen> btw BARTCOP Rules big shot
of fine tequila for the author
<gratuitous> Blink, blink, blink.
<Tweez> illegal
<Anniesmomjill> shifty eyes
<bart> split screen on C-Span
<Claypatch> Yo LIP: pass that shit over here!!
<Cayobo> they looted the Treasury
<nmp2000> Its the gradeschool look
<neoconstipated> say if John, he was fellating
his corporate base
<TreeHugger> ouch...facts
<YellerDawg> pResident Evil
<blockbush> i m going to have a drink to this
<Rambro> Kerry: 'damn! this is easy!'
<Fud-> Liaaaaarr
<Tweez> why?
<Keglined> Man, not on my CSPAn
* lipreader passes on to Clay
<RealDCC> Answer THAT Bush - no bulk purchases?
<ntropyman> kaching!
<Keglined> I don't get 3
<Volt> No one told DubYa he did that!
<Claypatch> Excellent!
<ntropyman> WOHHO!
<Claypatch> Thanks Lip
<nmp2000> I am under attack WAHT DO I DO
<Cayobo> they stole from us
<bushwacked> HOLYSHIT BATMAN
<retroper> nice
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> for kerry it's like playing
with the cheat codes
<Jambo> YEAH BOOM !!!
<Atsix> I'm lovin this
<Sano> you GO KERRY
<Tweez> because of the DRUG companies
<Zomar> Whty are chimpy's eyes wandering??
<whoowhoo> Drug Co's like Bush, Bush likes
<Throgg> if smirk cries his wire might fry
<BinkyBoy> this is awesome
<factor> Bush likes the big companies.
<retroper> fight em kerry
<RealDCC> I am fighting for the middle class.
<neoconstipated> you and you and you and you
<lipreader> I'm fightin!
* Claypatch takes a huge toke....passes it to
<Sano> SMIRK can't stop interrupting!
<OldHag> bam bam bam
<ntropyman> slapslapslap
<Keglined> Bush is adjusting his mic
<kidshaleen> WTG Kerry
<Tweez> they're comin
<solarize> does bush have a transceiver this
<w3ski> heres to tears
<Volt> Clinton did it!
<nmp2000> I thought he was going to pull out
a gun
<Atsix> My momma told me not to interrupt,
<RealDCC> I want to remind you ...
<whoowhoo> Four years.......
<_chazman^> looks like it's going to be Kerry
2 Bush 0
<Mark> SMIRK needs to wait his turn
<Tweez> CLINTON!!!!!hooray
<Cayobo> Clinton?
<axess68> I'm you're Friennnnnnnnnd
<Zomar> Blame Clinton!
<Sagitta12> Protect us W - RESIGN
<editorial> It has been said that Clinton
is the greatest president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg, Cayobo
<Weezil> somebody said Clinton was the greatest
president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg or the president that brought
us eight years of peace and prosperity
<kidshaleen> yep blame clinton
<gratuitous> It wasn't just my administration.
Uh, you've been in office for the last four.
<solarize> I'm listening on radio...
<sodbuster> cuz i'm just like clinton
<PG> help me! the *INTERNETS* are after
<calgal> On top of everything else, bush is
<Jae> Clinton?
<TreeHugger> Clinton's fault
<JohnTomato> blame clinton
<Weezil> Clinton is probably the greatest
president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg or the president that brought
us eight years of peace and prosperity
<editorial> hmm... Clinton is the greatest
president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg, Jae
<factor> Bush does not like the citizens.
<Keglined> Kerry is reayd
<OldHag> lol clinton
<lipreader> too long W
<Anniesmomjill> metter?
<axess68> MEDERN
<w3ski> big dawg did everything
<Keglined> ready
<RealDCC> Ha ha.
<ntropyman> interruptions = "strategery"
<bushwacked> IT'S NEVER HIS FAULT
<Rambro> do i drink on 'blame clinton'? (hic)
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> kerry's lovin this
<Throgg> Clinton's Cock on Pharmacutical Rampage!
<JohnTomato> the magic clenis is everywhere....
<Sagitta12> winky winky
<Sano> PG YEAH.... how many Internets ARE
<sodbuster> yeah, we all read the senate record
<Keglined> THANKS
<nmp2000> winked to whom?
<Daedalus> OH SMACK
<CupOJoe> hiyo
<kc8uca> HEAR IT COMES!
<gratuitous> Kerry licking his chops.
<Keglined> YES
<Sagitta12> lol Throgg
<Atsix> WHO does he keep winking at???
<blockbush> what does clinton have to do with
<Claypatch> Who did Chimpy wink at????
<Mark> WHACK
<Daedalus> actually, shut your mouth
<RealDCC> oh oh
<lipreader> 1997 !
<whoowhoo> and you threatened the medicare
guy if he told about the COST
<FauxPasIII> Smack-boioioioioioooiong
<drfresh> This is great.
<retroper> yes!
<Tweez> YEAH!
<ntropyman> haha
<Volt> 2 drinks on clintons cock.
<Socks> smack
<axess68> HAHAHAHAHA
<neoconstipated> yes yes
<Zomar> WOW!!!
<mrbisco> bitch slap!
<Tweez> OH BUDDY!
<lipreader> don't know how to do!
<Cayobo> I farted... it was Clinton's gas
<russian33> hahahahaha
<axess68> SLAMMMMMMMM!!!!!
<sodbuster> budget boom
<Sano> hahahahaha
<kidshaleen> wahoooooo
<gratuitous> Oooh, snap! Balanced the
<Volt> Whooooooo
<Anniesmomjill> cuz you're an ignorant slut
<azul> your budget
<Claypatch> Go KERRY
<dubyaD40> yeah
<dubyaD40> yeah
<BinkyBoy> damn
<dubyaD40> yeah
<dubyaD40> yeah
<dubyaD40> yeah
<dubyaD40> yeah
<Tweez> FUCKIN' A
<lipreader> sssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!
<Sagitta12> ^5 Kerry
<axess68> Balanced the budget!! AWESOME!
<calgal> GO JOHN!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!
<TreeHugger> leadership is all about being
a dumbass apparently
<Jae> yer too stupid
<bushwacked> ALRIGHT
<w3ski> right on brother johnno
<retroper> drive his dick in the dirt
<YellerDawg> CHIMPSLAPPED!!!!
<Volt> Go John.
<Claypatch> SLAM DUNK GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<TreeHugger> facts...ouch
<nmp2000> winking to his "radio mentor"?
<YellowDogJen> Get him!!!!
<OldHag> boom
<Cayobo> go figure
<JohnTomato> game.set.match.
<whoowhoo> BAM
<YellowDogJen> ARRRRR!
<Atsix> Go figure. YES
<w3ski> splat
<Jambo> GO FIGURE !!! beautiful !!
<ntropyman> 2nd half-hour turning out worse
than first for w
<Fud-> heheh what you don't know how to do
<neoconstipated> excellent
<blockbush> GO FIGURE
*** Signoff: minddump (Quit ChatZilla 0.9.52B
[Mozilla rv:1.6/20040113])
<sandyclaws> o yeah
<YellowDogJen> GOOOOOO
<sodbuster> bushy: but we had 9/11. that saddam
had to go
<OldHag> boom
<Jae> Go figure...LMAO
<ntropyman> go figure
<gratuitous> Bush's cut man has to work overtime.
Won't get paid for it.
<OldHag> boom
<Anniesmomjill> Rove plant
<kidshaleen> nice hair
<solarize> worst economy since the depression...
<Tweez> I'm sooo much more happy
<BinkyBoy> that was perfect
<Sano> This woman must not have a job... look
at her hair
<nmp2000> well I am a repulsican
<Mark> rove plant
<drfresh> Next question for Kerry: edwards
is a trial lawyer
<Zomar> Republi-bitch.
<onehandle> rove plant
<Keglined> Nothing like a good old straw man
<Sano> Can't she afford a haircut?
<JoeBacon> Here's a Gallup GOPer
<Mark> libel lawyer buyllshit
<lipreader> very easily
<Sagitta12> lol Sano
<Anniesmomjill> yeah..ya dumb bitch
<onehandle> jinx
<calgal> smack again
<Jambo> Literally !! US should GO FIGURE a
bit !
<gratuitous> Tort reform? Edwards wrote
the patients' bill of rights.
<bushwacked> SLAP THAT BITCH
<lipreader> Very very easily, thanks for the
<Sagitta12> she has ta pay for her health
<Sano> Grat that's right
<Daedalus> "get a fix"
<factor> Bush works under time 44% vacation
<Tweez> Tort reform is a bad phrase
<sodbuster> kerry should repeat the name of
the questioner every time
<Daedalus> not the republican way
<w3ski> do torts come in raz berry
<Throgg> get a fix?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> personally i'm opposing
any type of tort reform
<Claypatch> You got it Lip
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> *ANY*
<Keglined> Yes, John Edwards single-handedly
ruined the system. DAMN JOHN EDWARDS
<Volt> DubYa drinks with Lawyers.
<CupOJoe> did I miss anything big?
<CarvilleIsMyGuy> *AT ALL*
<Daedalus> site plug
<Atsix> Oh no. He' just admitted he's
a lawyer.
<Schmendrick> He should have pointed out the
lie in the question.
<axess68> The InterNETS Mr Kerry! :D
<gratuitous> And lawsuits DON'T increase the
cost of malpractice insurance.
<Mark> not the INTERNETZ
<RealDCC> It is in my proposal. You
will find a tort reform tactic.
<Sano> "internets" LOLOLOLOL
<Anniesmomjill> she's scowling
<lipreader> Go to
<neoconstipated> also go to BARTCOP.COM for
fact checking
<russian33> i thought it was internetS?
<Sano> I still can't et over that one
<azul> good that it came up for Joe Q Public
<Sano> lip LOL
<Tweez> He admitted it!!!!
<Zomar> (Hate rays coming out of Chimpy's eyes)
<Keglined> ogbyn
<gratuitous> That's due to poor investments
by the insurance companies.
<Keglined> oops
<Daedalus> OGBYN?
<drfresh> I wonder what the
net traffic is right now
<Keglined> Second gaffe
<BinkyBoy> ouch
<RealDCC> It is less than 1%!
<Tweez> <1%
<drfresh> yeah right
<RealDCC> He stays local!
<RealDCC> Great!!
<Sagitta12> ^5 Kerry, the truth
<Throgg> he;s right about that
<Sano> Hey, I wonder if Bush will bring up
El Salvador like Crashcart Cheney did?
<kidshaleen> there is not a problem with tort
lawyers, go back to the early 1900's
<whoowhoo> if medical boards would de-license
incompetent doctors.....
<Volt> That was a GOP plant.
<Keglined> Kerry is more nervous right now
than he was fifteen minutes ago, for some reason
<gratuitous> Yes! Your premiums are
going up -- less than 1% due to malpractice lawsuits.
<Volt> Undecided my ass.
<RealDCC> You got that right, whoowhoo
<lipreader> a bad one Volt
<YellerDawg> It's the fucking greedy insurance
<whoowhoo> I'm in Texas. Prop 12 SUX
<_chazman^> Go Kerry!!!!
<bobbo> monkey swallowed his tongue whole
<sodbuster> he should say 'i understand the
premiums have gone up in missouri, right?'
<PG> kiss my *internets*
<Tweez> I have a plan saith John Kerry
<w3ski> johnno isn't forcefull enough
<Mark> more doodling
<kidshaleen> yep greedy insurance just ask
your DR.
<Fud-> *smack*
<Jambo> You'll die with the FLU under bush
!! like a tramp in the streets !!!
<Sano> pg lol
<Claypatch> It's good if the question was
a GOP plant: KErry is KILLING IT
<drfresh> w3ski, he is
<dubyaD40> EARPIECE ALERT!!!!!!! LEFT
<Claypatch> He RULES
<azul> kerry needs to cool down
<Cayobo> Dems are for People
<dubyaD40> EARPIECE ALERT!!!!!!! LEFT
<Daedalus> roll back the tax cuts
<drfresh> he looks more mellow than Bush
<Tweez> He's trying to be presidential
<TreeHugger> you have to die to get a medical
malpractice settlement now
<Mark> bush is listening to ROVE right now
<Volt> Send the monkey packing.
<lipreader> roll em if you got em
<gratuitous> Roll back the tax cut for the
wealthiest. Preach it!
<Sano> You know what? Kerry ought to
call Bush "George" and not "MrPresident"
<Tweez> roll 'em roll 'em
<Cayobo> across the board
<RealDCC> Where to start? Be very afraid.
<Schmendrick> Edwards sued corporations whose
negligence killed and maimed people like the little girl whose intestines
got sucked out.
<Tweez> Oh my
<Keglined> NO, he's a flip-flopper.
<russian33> senator kennedy?
<_chazman^> liberal? so what?
<w3ski> b ussshhhit
<Zomar> WTF???
<kidshaleen> what a chimp
<sodbuster> kennedy
<Weezil> a chimp is a gonner in November,
and if people are so sure God is in control..tell them "It is God's will"
that Bush is back to the pig farm...
<Sagitta12> not funny
<Mark> wait a minute i need to hear what ROVE
is telling me
<Volt> Senator Kennedy?
<monkeyfister> Hard work
<Jae> mean bastard
<onehandle> asshole
<Keglined> Wait, he's consistently liberal
<blockbush> saying somthing in that bunch
<Weezil> i heard Hard work was definitely
<Atsix> He's pulled out the most liberal senator
<sandyclaws> help me, unca dick
<FauxPasIII> hard work !
<Tweez> 2.2
<Sagitta12> he said Kennedy!
<Throgg> he won't have 30 seconds on this
<tio> Health care is a liberal issue!
<Keglined> No, he's a flip-flopper
<RealDCC> Hard work?
<Weezil> i think Hard work is definitely it!
<editorial> I guess Hard work is definitely
it, RealDCC
<gratuitous> Where do I start? Uhm .
. . Liberal!!!!
<drfresh> HARD WORK
<Fud-> hard work lol
<monkeyfister> Y
<Weezil> i heard HARD WORK was definitely it!
<Anniesmomjill> he shoulda asked...listen bitch,,if your kid has her gust sucked out, should the company resopinsible pay for that?
<Socks> is bush wearing a bra?
<Weezil> HARD WORK is probably definitely
<russian33> what does Kennedy have to do with
<Tweez> Wha?
<w3ski> fu
<Mark> LIAR
<TreeHugger> most liberal = bad
<Sano> LIAR
<OldHag> name calling
<Weezil> name calling is a nice touch
<Volt> He siad Kennedy.
<Sagitta12> socks, hahaha
<_chazman^> scare tactics!
<Daedalus> Kerry is swigging his water hard...
is it spiked with whoop-ass?
<onehandle> LIAR
<Sano> LIAR
<Sano> LIAR
<Cayobo> tax and spend rhetoric
<Tweez> HUH?
<onehandle> LIAR
<YellowDogJen> Kennedy?
<Weezil> Kennedy is privately hoping some iraqi
teenager does him in.
<OldHag> hard work
<Weezil> hard work is definitely it!
<Bill> Did he just say Kennedy?
<Sano> LIAR
<onehandle> LIAR
<solarize> yeah, right...he voted for a lot
of defense appropriations...
<sodbuster> scare, it's tax terra!
<YellerDawg> LOVE
<Claypatch> What earpiece?
<Keglined> Wait, he's BOTH a flip-flopper,
AND the most consistently liberal Senator in history
<Mark> be afraid
<Sano> HE'S A LIAR
<Anniesmomjill> share the love babby
<w3ski> barrrrf
<Sagitta12> hahaha
<Keglined> How's that for "mixed messages"?
<Andymon> left ear
<sodbuster> practice my love with all you
<neoconstipated> that's not an earpeice,'s
part of a banana peel
<_chazman^> What's with Bush and OBGYNs?
<Volt> He said working hard!
<Throgg> bullshit
<RealDCC> Maybe he didn't like the bill, asshole?
<Jambo> Your Bills are No good bush !!
<Claypatch> Not there. No earpiece
<Mark> what a fucking liar
<kidshaleen> but pushed by the GOP
<azul> Love
<TreeHugger> losing it
<Cayobo> ytax and spend is a lame excuse
<Sano> Andy" he's got an earpiece in?
<drfresh> this chat is too fast.
<blockbush> "lack of understanding"
<Mark> Kerry is smiling
<Zomar> So?? You're taxing me, my kid
and future gradkids with your Excellent Iraqi Adventure.
<Throgg> lie
<Bill> Lawsuits are not the problem.
<calgal> liar liar liar
<lipreader> I don't see it
<factor> bush is putting me to sleep.
<Tweez> I'm a doctor and that's not true
<Volt> Corporate lawsuits are 4 times more
<whoowhoo> Medical boards DON't DO THEIR JOB....
<Andymon> little white oval
<gratuitous> A successful lawsuit is, by definition,
not frivolous Chimpy
<Claypatch> Niether do I lip
<solarize> so, bush would rather pay for death
and destruction than health care...
<_chazman^> Does Bush fantasize about being
<Throgg> lie!
<kidshaleen> yep good point Zomar
<Daedalus> libruls
<Sagitta12> liberal bashing
<axess68> Kerry is smiling
<OldHag> law suits aren't frivolous
<w3ski> f u shrub
<OldHag> else they'd never win
<whoowhoo> BAD DOCTORS FOR BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!11
<Sagitta12> hahah whoo
<bobbo> "FRIVOLOUS" actually has a legal meaning
and no judge will allow one in his court
<Jambo> MORE REGULATION will Cure medicine
<Cayobo> it makesa sense
<RealDCC> Rationing? Why?
<Sano> quality of healthcare?
<Throgg> pitiful.
<Weezil> i guess pitiful is that bitch that
runs starchat
<JoeBacon> Kerry has his poker face on
<gratuitous> Kerry smiling. Another
can of whoop ass getting ready.
<blockbush> it would ruin the quality of heath
<Sano> More Americans are uninsured now than
<blockbush> hahahahaha
<Bill> The gubmint has grown by leaps and
bounds under bush,
<sodbuster> where's joseph mengele? can he
do an ad for bush?
<factor> how in the heck did this guy get
to be prez?
<Tweez> TORT
<Sano> over 40 MILLION AMERICANS have no healthcare
<Keglined> How can a flip-flopper be the most
liberal senator of all time?
<w3ski> stinky asssholes for bush
<YellerDawg> Bush has created the biggest
fucking government in HISTORY, the hypocrite
<Bill> and shrank a lot under Clinton.
<lipreader> LET ME FINISH!
<axess68> They seem MORE interested in listening
<Tweez> tort
<Claypatch> So why does the Monkey feel like
he needs to shriek to get his point across?
<YellowDogJen> Gasoline rationing, fer sure.
<OldHag> liberals will ruin it
<Tweez> Yeah
<lipreader> booo!
<axess68> SMACK!!!!!!<Weezil> i heard smack
was really good last time I tried it
<azul> scare
<Mark> YEAH
<Claypatch> Ohhhhhh Chimpslap
<Bill> scare monkey
<kidshaleen> Didn't bush create one of the
largest government agencies? Homeland security
<Tweez> ???????????
<Cayobo> scare every body here
<Anniesmomjill> woopo
<gratuitous> The President's just trying to
scare everybody here.
<Sano> <--the ACLU is too conservative
for me. Liberal is hardly a bad word to me
<Keglined> ROFLMAO
<gratuitous> Right on!
<Throgg> *spank*
<Daedalus> "compassionate conservative, what
does that mean?"
<calgal> bitch slap smackdown
<Mark> WHACK
<Daedalus> oh damn
<kidshaleen> wtg Kerry
<Zomar> My Canadian Grandfather was taken
care of until his dying day by Gummint Health Care. Very well, I
might add.
<Anniesmomjill> 0 fer 2
<Tweez> 0 for 2
<Claypatch> "The Monkey just likes to scare
<Atsix> 0 for 2
<Volt> Scare is the GOP/Christian way!
<RealDCC> 0 for 2!
<Mark> WHACK<w3ski> nail him johnno
<Sagitta12> hahaha
<_chazman^> yes go after the compassiontate
<Sano> "batting 0 for 2" LOL
<drfresh> SLAM
<OldHag> yes
<solarize> the government is larger than ever
under bush...not really a republican ideal....
<Daedalus> I think bush just got the hershey
squirts in his pampers
<sandyclaws> 0 4 2
<Mark> Sit down
<whoowhoo> STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Weezil> stop is near here
<Mark> Shut him up
<onehandle> Bush is repeating a lot!
<nmp2000> lie
<Sagitta12> it's 1% of the problem
<nmp2000> lie
<blockbush> they keep on talkinga bout someone
showing up
<Cayobo> the walkin' monkey
<Sano> Bush wouldn't know a Senate bill if
it sat on his face and wiggled.
<Keglined> Good poise
<whoowhoo> Charley Gibson is such a weasel,
tell him to SIT DOWN
<bobbo> so just because there is a bill, that
means he should vote for it?
<Keglined> He's got that most of the timje
<Jae> punch his ass out
<Volt> Corporate lawsuits are a bigger problem.
<Tweez> he hadn't addressed it
<Sagitta12> Sano, rofl
<Claypatch> Hunchback monkey
<Azrhey> Zomar: we are a bunch of commies
Canadadistan . your grandpa was taken care of by commies !
<Anniesmomjill> so there
<lipreader> Good lies count according to Tweety
<Mark> talk about his vacationrecord
<kidshaleen> medical liabilities WTF
<Tweez> the nerve!
<Bill> ANd you haven't showed up for the white
house 43% of your admin.
<Weezil> hmmm... so there is some other form
of mass/energy we havent seen yet beyond blackholes
<Atsix> Bush is pissed off
<Daedalus> "It's stuck in the Senate, where
there is a republican majority"
<blockbush> tral lawyer...bugga bugga
<nmp2000> rep
<gratuitous> Wah, wah, wah. Trial lawyers!
<Sagitta12> right Voltie
<w3ski> all shrimp haS BEEN IS A BAD GOVNER
<RealDCC> oh oh
<Anniesmomjill> oooooooooooooooo
<bushwacked> WHAT A MORON MONKEY
<RealDCC> listen
<Keglined> YES
<lipreader> Good q!
<sodbuster> bush is doing his sam kinnison
<HoustonGirl> LIAR LIAR
<axess68> NICE Q
<Tweez> Oh yeah!
<Throgg> now I know what a drowning chimp
looks like.
<whoowhoo> Cool question
<BinkyBoy> good order on the qustion
<CupOJoe> he's been in the Senate fr 20 years
but I bet he's spent less time on vacation than Bush
<lipreader> smack!
<lipreader> Iran!
<onehandle> good good good
<Zomar> Yeah! Them trial lawyers!
They plugged up the hallways of the Senate and wouldn't let it out!
<Keglined> YES YES YES YES YES YES!Q!!!!!!
<kidshaleen> LOL
<Cayobo> spending bill
<HoustonGirl> the fucking doctrs don't police
their own
<Bill> Another repig.
<Claypatch> Uh oh
<gratuitous> So why haven't you done anything
about it, with YOUR Republican majority, Stupidhead?
<Schmendrick> boo yah!!!!
<Mark> oh this should be good
<lipreader> by texans?
<calgal> Tweety can go suck (whatever)
<Tweez> YES!!!!!
<Fud-> what about all your trial lawyers like
james baker fuckface
<_chazman^> Bush is getting blown away tonight
<Atsix> Thank you for that
<Claypatch> Monkey's gonna sink on this one
<blockbush> appraoved but not payed for
<Tweez> We do?
<nmp2000> big time\
<factor> Trial lawyers prolly know the law
unlike Bush who likes to brake them.
<Cayobo> no shit
<CupOJoe> 911
<Mark> no shit
<Weezil> well, no shit is bartender being
stupid again
<HoustonGirl> Baker the EVIL ONE
<Sano> Bush is changing colors... he looks
like a baby who's shit his pants
<Throgg> yes chaz
<Anniesmomjill> it's Clinton's fault
<Sagitta12> wow, people are asking great questions
<RealDCC> Clinton.
<russian33> LIAR!
<Mark> stupid fuck
<Weezil> it has been said that clinton is
the greatest president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg or the president
that brought us eight years of peace and prosperity
<CupOJoe> that's not true
<kidshaleen> that you caused
<Mark> LIAR
<Daedalus> oh, the recession is Clinton's
<lipreader> I know That!
<Zomar> You noticed, chimpy???
<axess68> BUBBLE
<Bill> Gee I wonder why we went into a recession?
<Keglined> LOL
<CupOJoe> here it comes 911
<BinkyBoy> LIAR
<gratuitous> No, the stock market was still
going up when you took office.
<Socks> its a recession now?
<nmp2000> lie
<CupOJoe> war war war
<RealDCC> And you talked it down, asshole.
<Cayobo> it'sw Clinton's fault
<Tweez> Clenis
<axess68> LIE
<Das00> wow i went out to vote and the gloves
came off!
<axess68> LIE
<YellowDogJen> clinton
<Bill> It wasn't the stock market.
<gratuitous> And we're not at war.
<Tweez> WAR
<Sagitta12> BushCo looted our treasury
<_chazman^> 911
<YellowDogJen> war
<Claypatch> "cost us revenoo"
<Mark> recession stqarted after your admin
<Sano> "we're at war"
<solarize> He hit the trifecta...that's why....
<kidshaleen> yep
<factor> cost us revenue, you gave our revene
<_chazman^> stay the course
<Tweez> Clinton
<Keglined> "And we haven't been at war since
Woodrow Wilson was president"
<Weezil> Clinton is probably the greatest
president in our lifetime or the Big Dawg or the president that brought
us eight years of peace and prosperity
<sodbuster> cost who revenue?
<Anniesmomjill> I'm a war preznrnt
<sandyclaws> no tax cuts
<kidshaleen> 911
<gratuitous> We gotta pay our troops more.
<Tweez> terror
<Atsix> Did Congress declare war?
<Volt> It popped when people heard you got
<RealDCC> I'm going to spend what it takes?
I'm going to spend all your money.
<Tweez> war
<lipreader> More than 120Billion, he just
<azul> how much? tell us
<Tweez> clinton
<w3ski> stock mkt went south when bush's polls
went up
<Sano> "this lady"
<BinkyBoy> oooh, nice lie again
<Tweez> war
<Throgg> money for ammunition?
<Zomar> Your goddamn tax cut bled the treasury
dry. That's what caused the deficit!
<JoeBacon> DUUUUHHhhhhhhhhhhhh
<Claypatch> "protect the homeland"
<Bill> The stock market declined after Greenspan
raised interest rates in 2000.
<Throgg> jeses
<Claypatch> drink
<CupOJoe> ha not they didn't
<lipreader> obligation to spend money
<OldHag> were at war
<CupOJoe> not me
<Volt> Halliburton!
<Cayobo> GWB is protectin' us
<Tweez> uh
<Weezil> hmmm... halliburton is so versatile..
or another name for Evil Inc.
<RealDCC> I got $10!
<Bill> I got a lot of tax relief.
<Sano> Kerry referred to his questioner as
"Christy" He REMEMBERED her name, unlike Smirk
<OldHag> right
<lipreader> I'm at peace
<kidshaleen> WTF
<factor> Bush is stupid... we cut taxes did
not fix anything not one bit.
<YellerDawg> SAVE ME JEEBUS!
<Anniesmomjill> you got yer 200 dollars, didn't
<gratuitous> Plus, I cut taxes in a recession
while we were at war.
<blockbush> he sounds like such a loon
<monkeyfister> FLOP!
<Mark> what a fuckstick
Click Here
for part 2 of 2