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Wouldn't a nice cabin in the woods feel good?
"Today was Bring Your Daughter to Work
President Bush took his daughters
to work and let them dismantle 12 environmental regulations."
-- Dave, recently, I guess...
From: kadonaga@uvic.ca
Subject: Re: Heather's Canada posting
Hi BC,
I'd just like to reassure Heather, and all the
other Americans out there, that Canadians don't really object
to Americans calling themselves "Americans" --
though calling us Americans is a different matter entirely!
(Nothing personal -- we like being ourselves,
and my American friends respect that ...)
Just about everyone I've talked to up here is
unhappy with the way the U.S. election turned out.
Imagine you've got a best friend, a big bodacious
babe you've known since elementary school.
And this friend of yours is now shacked up with
a guy who's totally unsuitable for her.
He's mean and arrogant, is rude to all of the
people she used to hang with, and is always putting her down
in public and treating her as if she's stupid.
You just know he's slapping her around when things aren't going his way.
Plus, she's managed to set aside some money,
for retirement and medical emergencies -- and he's giving
her cash away to his friends (most of whom are
stinking rich anyway and don't need handouts).
You know that domestic disputes are bad news --
you're scared to get involved because he's going to
take it out on you (and worse, on her).
But what you REALLY want to do is kick open the door of that
big white house, march up to him, and say:
"You leave her alone -- don't bother to pack, just GO
-- and take your cabinet, Karl Rove, and the
Supreme Court Five with you!"
And that's how a lot of Canadians feel.
I know the U.S. government is not the same thing as the
American People -- and especially in this case,
I realize that the man who claims to be representing you
sure isn't as thoughtful, kind-hearted, and inspiring
as those Americans whom it's been my privilege to know.
Lisa, good note.
The only thing I could add to that is we never wanted this stupid marriage.
It was arranged for us by our not-well-meaning Uncle Tony, against
our will.
We don't like the guy, much less love him. He's a smirking uncurious
who thinks the presidency is the least he deserves, cause his
daddy is so rich.
Our skin crawls when he tries to touch us.
But, if we have any hope if having a constitution when his term is up,
we have to let him screw us for the next 3.5 years.
Pray for us.
"A man in Utah was arrested for having
five wives.
Ironically, now he's in prison
with five husbands."
-- Conan
From: theirish@pacbell.net
Subject: How do I spur the Gelding Dems into action?
Dear Beloved BartCop,
It's not enough that the Prez Select is screwing
my home state, California.
Now he is going to assist the commie North Koreans,
while still thumbing his nose at us!
We lived in South Korea in the mid-80s and I
can tell you that the DMZ is one adrenalized place.
There is no paranoia like a South Korean's paranoia
about N. Korea.
The Shrub has no business whatsoever offering
them ANYthing, let along POWER that he
won't turn loose for the SIXTH LARGEST ECONOMY
Sorry for getting so carried away...I'm really
passionate about this.
First hand knowledge and all that.
While I'm getting all het up, how can we get the
Geldings to REJECT Elliot Abrams and his ilk?
What the (expletive deleted) is going on up there?
Where are my ELECTED representatives?
Are they on Sominex? Do they fear Bill
Do they care about the rest of us with half a
brain? Oy vey!
I am so ready to act against this sad state of
affairs and know not how to begin.
Anything you can suggest is greatly appreciated.
And if you really do read this, no matter when,
thanks for playing big and swinging out...
thanks for being a voice for those of us whose
voices have been ignored for too long.
Raging Liberal
Deborah, I wish I had a clue.
If I was scared to death to do my job, I could probably explain why.
But I don't know why the Democrats are such scared little bunnies.
They KNOW the majority of Americans didn't want Ashcroft, Norton and
but they were too afraid Karl Rove might yell at them, so they folded
like a cheap map.
I don't know why they stabbed Clinton in the back with "illegal" pardons,
the White House or "stripping" every towel and bar of soap from Air
Force One.
The spineless, pink-tutu weenies lost the House and Senate in 1994 when
they refused
to hang with their president, and now they're hanging separately as
a result.
What can turn them around?
If I was weak, maybe I'd have a clue.
"There's no question that the minute
I got elected,
the storm clouds on the
horizon were getting nearly directly overhead."
-- Weak & Stupid, May
11, 2001
Pigboy is going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
about how the Condit presumed murdered intern case is
"exactly the same,"
as a consensual semi-affair between two adults.
Hey, Pigboy, what part of "presumed murdered" is "exactly like" the Monica story?
Last Friday's Larry King that everyone keeps talking about?
Barbie Olson (R-Fries) and Laura Ingrham (R-Grizzly) never once,
during the entire program, failed to mention what a shame it
was that
"these young, idealistic teenagers" come to Washington only to
be hunted
by the Democratic perverts - and all the time the Democrats sat
there and took it.
Slur after slur after slur after slur after slur after slur after
slur without mentioning
Newt cheating on his wife, Livingston cheating
on his wife, Burton cheating on his wife,
Hyde cheating on his wife, and the most obvious fact of
all - the fact that Denny Hastert
was promoted from "absolute nobody"
to Speaker of the House because he was the
only republican left in the House who hadn't cheated on his wife
and therefore couldn't be exposed.
No, as always, the Democrats sat there, slur after slur after
slur after slur and
let Barbie the Clown-sucker and the Grizzly attack the democrats
without rebuttal.
Is there some Democratic gene that prevents self-defense?
If so, how did I miss getting it? - thank Koresh
This Just In...
Rush said there WAS a missing woman in Monicagate - Elizabeth Ward Gracen!
ha ha
Hey Rush, don't tell those impressionable sheep the truth:
She went to Japan to escape Hardon Kenny's goons, and the
vulgar Pigboy
says that's "exactly the
same," as Chandra levy being presumed murdered
by everyone on Earth except the Keystone DC cops.
Y'know, Pigboy, another difference is this:
Nobody is chasing Condit with a hardon and $100,000,000
for political purposes.
Condit wasn't targeted because he kicked the asses of two Republican
war heroes.
Condit is mixed up in a presumed murdered woman's disappearance.
Again, for the hard-headed Pigboy, that's different than a blow
Pigboy, you're such an immoral whore.
by RB Ham
"If a person doesn't have the capacity
that we all want that person to have,
I suspect hope is in the far
distant future, if at all."
-- Weak & Stupid to the Hispanic Scholarship
Fund Institute, May 22, 2001
Y'know, between Smirk's inability to string words together (or
and Pigboy's non-stop Litany of Lies,
how does anyone know what today's GOP stands for?
From: guyvf@usa.net
Subject: don't shoot!
Now that we see that most of the democrats in
congress are spineless,
do you understand why michael moore and company
voted for nader?
[ducks] DONT SHOOT! :-)
I'm not saying they were right doing it. but i do see their point.
Guy, no, I don't understand.
What we have is a well-equipt army who has forgotten how to fight.
Maybe all the democrats need is for a George Patton-type to stand up
and say,
"I'm not asking you to die for
your country.
I'm asking you to make
the other dumb son of a bitch die for his."
The idea of me, you, Mikey and Ralphie getting our four guns together
and trying to fight the other army of sons of bitches is crazy.
One of the first people to break the story of the AP whoring for
by printing tomorrow's news stories before they happened was
Alex Mnatsakanov.
I noticed his e-mail was russian33@hotmail.com
I asked him if he was Russian and how he came to America.
This is his story.
I Became an American
by Alex Mnatsakanov
My grandfather was beaten, and miraculously
escaped alive.
My grandmother was taken hostage,
and kept on bread and water for 3 days
until the police found her. My aunt
and her kids escaped by hiding in a trunk of a car.
All of our houses were robbed, and taken
over. There were ethnic cleansing going on.
For 7 days riots rocked Baku.
Alex, thanks for sending that excellent story.
I'm going to print that so the spoiled Americans will remember
that we
have such a nice life here, and all we do is complain and attack
each other.
Plus, it was good to hear something nice about the Catholics :)
From: marybeth@compuserve.com
Subject: Poetry by W
BC -
A friend just sent me this.
It's made up entirely of quotations from George
W Bush.
The quotes have been arranged, for aesthetic
reasons only, by Washington Post writer Richard Thompson.
by George W.
I think we all agree,
the past is over.
This is still a dangerous
It's a world of madmen
and uncertainty
and potential mental
Rarely is the question
Is our children learning?
Will the highways
of the internet
become more few?
How many hands have
I shaked?
They misunderestimate
I am a pitbull on
the pantleg of opportunity.
I know that the human
being and the fish can coexist.
Families is where
our nation finds hope,
where our wings take
Put food on your family!
Knock down the tollbooth!
Vulcanize Society!
Make the pie higher!
Make the pie higher!
From: joeb@buckeyeinet.com
Subject: You're making them nervous
Morning Bart
Been reading a lot on your site how you are being
blocked at various places.
They act like they don`t know you but they block
your site!!!!!!
Hope you got my card and check.
Be Reading You.
Joe, thanks.
I can't imagine why I'd make anybody nervous,
unless they were guilty and didn't want the truth to get out.
You're a pillar of bartcop.com
"I duuno, I come down to the idea that
I don't see where Puerto Rico should get any
favored treatment over the rest
of these people. Now what have they done to get it?
They sit down there on welfare and
very few of them paying taxes.
Got a sweetheart deal, I don't really
see the equity in it."
-- Utah Rep. James Hansen, (R-Compassionate)
explaining the Vieques issue
Terry Page of Oklahoma Killed
...and you wondered why I used a fake name...
Who's Really President?
Rove or Cheney?
Karl Rove is "the center of all
power in the White House."
But Dick Cheney is the White House's "supreme
power broker."
Remembering an old friend
Steve Kangas would have been a happy man right now
by Bryan Zepp Jamieson
From: cdragel@austin.rr.com
Subject: Sally Q. on Condit
Sally shakes her finger at the way Condit has
"played" the Chandra Levy situation.
Did you know Sally was a "reporter" (see bottom
of story)? Me, either.
I thought she was just Ben Bradlee's fluid receptacle.
Anyway, here's the link.
Keep up the great work, BC!
ha ha
...fluid receptacle
Perry Blasts
Bush Plan For Bomb Site In Texas
Texas Governor thinks Bush is an idiot
"Perry said he was "deeply troubled by
the likely environmental impact -- from
the marring or possible destruction of
portions of the South Padre Island Seashore,
which is the longest undeveloped barrier
island in the world -- to the possible
devastation of plant, animal and bird
species in the area."
Wait, this can't be.
Senator Pissquik (OK-BigEmbarrassment) says people enjoy
being bombed by our navy.
cowardly leader
by Max Brantley (He means Huckabee, not Weak
& Stupid)
A lot of words -including cowardly and dishonest- come to mind as Gov.
Mike Huckabee tries to distance himself
from the rapist he helped free to allegedly prey on women again.
Since the news that Wayne DuMond was under
suspicion in two Missouri murders, Huckabee has been spinning wildly
that he had nothing to do with DuMond's parole.
"...I'm very glad that I
didn't have anything
to do with his release,"
the governor told Donrey Media.
bullshit," says the victim's father Stevie Stevens.
"I don't know any other way to say
More disinterested parties, not to mention
the public record, back Stevens.
Why can't this super-Christian tell the truth?
Is that what Jesus Would Do?
Tell a bald-faced lie to everyone who knows better?
From: (withheld)
Subject: Bush twins not with W on his birthday
Dear BartCop,
The New York Times had an article yesterday about
Georgie spending his birthday
in Kennebunkport. It said that just about
everybody in the Bush family was or would be there.
It explained the twins' absence simply by saying
that they were in Texas with friends.
(So much for family values.) I wonder,
though, if the terms of Jenna's probation
prohibit her from leaving the state. Is
this the case?
Greg, the Royal Family's Texas Tramps are above the law.
They can do whatever they want.
Abrams' Appointment Shows Who Controls the GOP
Pardonboy gets a very public reward for keeping
by Mary McGrory of the Washington Post
The appointment signifies a step beyond
Bush's in-your-face selections for Latin America.
This one is in your eye, a signal to the
right wing that there is nothing he will not do for it.
Choosing Abrams makes laughable Bush's
promise of increased civility and bipartisanship.
Ditto his claims of being "a uniter, not
a divider."
Members of Congress remember Abrams's snarling
appearances at committee hearings,
defending death squads and dictators, denying
massacres, lying about illegal U.S. activities
in support of the Nicaraguan contras. Abrams
sneered at his critics for their blindness
and naivete, or called them "vipers."
Bush is clearly not up to the job
by Bill Maxwell
Here is my question: How many of the white
men who so enthusiastically voted for Bush
are willing to fess up that their man is
not up to the job, that their irrational choice did the
nation a grave disservice? And, I want
to know, what does their vote say about them?
From: hholli1@excite.com
Subject: Huckabee embarasses himself, and our Nation for Canada
Dear bartcop:
While reading your July 6th issue, I noticed you
printed something about the moron from Arkansas,
Mike Huckabee. Some time ago, a Canadian
television show did a spoof on how stupid "Americans" can be.
(Our neighbors to the North take personal offense
to us calling ourselves "Americans" since they
share this continent with us too.)
Topping the list of stupid Americans was none
other than Mike Huckabee, the chief monkey from Arkansas.
They actually got this idiot to go national TV
and humiliate our country!! I thought this would be a nearly
impossible feat, given the intellectual stature
of our smirking pResident*, but Huckleberry was NOT to be outdone.
They have the WHOLE thing on tape.
While the host of the show is asking him to congratulate Canada for
preserving its IGLOO which houses the Parliament!!!
Huckleberry was a bit hestitant at first..
.he wanted to know if this was a *controversial*
Here is a link to the article:
"Once, he convinced Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee
to congratulate Canada on
tape for "preserving its national igloo,
housing the parliament of Canada."
-After The Rapture
from the twisted mind of RB Ham
Ken Starr and Juanita Broaddrick Must Face
Less-Than-Favorable Lie Detector Results
Investigator Jack Harwood of Palm Beach
says Juanita Broaddrick's assertion
that Bill Clinton raped her in an Arkansas
hotel room 21 years ago is a lie.
Using a Verimetrics Instrument, a cutting
edge computerized psychological stress evaluator and
lie detector that measures stress levels
in a person's voice, Harwood has concluded that Broaddrick
did have a sexual encounter with Clinton
on the day she claims he sexually assaulted her, but it wasn't forced.
Read the Previous Issue
It had everything.
Copyright © 2001,
Thanks for the fumble, Dude.