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Show 93 is Up
Memorial Day Weekend May 27-29,
2006 Volume 1773
- Is this proof?
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"Despite setbacks and missteps, I strongly
believe we did and are doing the right thing."
-- Dubya, who has no
problem with sacrificing 2500 lives for a lost cause, Link
Expert: Why the WTC Fell
Destruction of the towers by explosions is clear.
In the picture below, a range of cutting charges
have just exploded in the down left sector and
a typical white cloud is formed outwards from the wall.
Why are there explosions below the burning floors?
More explosions below the burning floors.
I've been asking for proof you could put in one's hand - is this it?
That last picture - what could that be but pre-set explosives?
He says brown is the color of a small nuke going off.
He also says the official story is that the melted steel turned
into dust.
I think I would bet that that can't happen - would I lose my money?
Maybe you amateur sleuths could verify that these photos are undoctored.
If these pictures aren't faked, I may have to get fitted for a tinfoil
hat because
this looks like clear-cut proof that the planes didn't bring down the
"Most of the criticism...has centered not so
much on Bush's blustery language as the underlying message.
Bush was talking tough when other people's
lives were at stake, not his. Many members of the military
saw it as a taunt that invited more attacks
on U.S. soldiers. And most significantly, Bush was completely
underestimating what was still ahead: Well
over 2,000 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq since then,
with no end in sight. There was no regret
for his fundamental misunderstanding of the costs to come."
-- Dan Froomkin, Link
Pot, lung
cancer not linked
They hate it when science trumps God's will
The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly
concluded that smoking marijuana,
even regularly and heavily, does not lead to
lung cancer.
The new findings "were against our expectations,"
said Donald Tashkin,
a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for
30 years.
"We hypothesized that there would be a positive
association between marijuana use and lung cancer,
and that the association would be more positive
with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead
was no association at all, and even a suggestion
of some protective effect."
Marijuana contains THC, which may kill aging cells
and keep them from becoming cancerous.
Oh God, hide the children - we can't let them hear the truth about drugs!
Kids Executed
by Marines
Investigator cites 'a total breakdown in morality'
Photographs taken by a Marine intelligence team
have convinced investigators that a Marine unit killed
as many as 24 unarmed Iraqis, some of them "execution-style,"
in the insurgent stronghold of Haditha
after a roadside bomb killed an American in November,
officials close to the investigation said Friday.
The pictures are said to show wounds to the upper
bodies of the victims, who included several women
and six children. Some were shot in the
head and some in the back, congressional and defense officials said.
Time magazine quoted witnesses, including a 9-year-old
girl, who said that she saw Marines kill her
grandparents and that other adults in the house
died shielding her and her 8-year-old brother,.
Hello Bart,
This photo shows me wearing my
new shirt at the Chicago production of
the Stephen Sondheim's ASSASSINS.
I will wear my shirt proudly
on my way to the detention camps.
Keep swinging the hammer,
Rick Aurora
Subject: she whose name we dare
not speak
Hey, Bart!
Maybe you can explain this to me, because I can't
make heads or tails out of it.
She whose name we dare not speak is consistently
being bashed and claims are made that
the Democrats overwhelmingly don't want her to
run. However, she is leading the polls as
the Democratic front-runner. That's like claiming
that Madonna was the hottest female
pop-star in the late 80s and absolutely no-one
liked her.
They can't have it both ways. Either she's the
front-runner or she isn't.
Period. End of discussion.
For the people who don't like her: instead
of bashing her, promote someone else!
Actively, positively, and aggressively!
M, without a doubt, she is incredibly popular with most Democrats and
but the people who'd rather lose to Bush than watch her win, scream
the Head On Radio Network, we know how important it is to stay current.
other networks go to re-runs on Memorial Day, we'll be live with every
us for The Guy James Show from 3 to 5 p.m.,
Things With Bruce Burch from 5 to 7,
On With Bob Kincaid from 7 to 10,
Fox from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
times are Eastern Daylight.
and check out America's fastest growing Progressive Conversation!
Subject: front runner
Hey Bart,
Polls I've seen have Feingold as the front runner.
Pete, the anti-frontrunner sites all show somebody
else in the lead,
but the scientific polls show her with a very strong lead.
on BartCop Radio
Poison Chile to Steal Gold
The project is called PASCUA LAMA. The company
is called Barrick Gold. The operation is planned by a
multi-national company, one of whose members
is George Bush Senior (what a surprise eh?). The Chilean
Government has approved the project to start
this year, 2006. The only reason it hasn't started yet is because
the farmers have got a temporary stay of execution.
If they destroy the glaciers, they will not just destroy the
source of specially pure water, but they will
permanently contaminate the 2 rivers so they will never again be fit
for human or animal consumption because of the
use of cyanide and sulfuric acid in the extraction process.
Every last gram of gold will go abroad to the
multinational company and not one will be left with the people
whose land it is. They will only be left with
the poisoned water and the resulting illnesses.
Ask Greg Palast about the
BFEE and Barrick.
They sued him for telling the truth.
Threatens to Quit
He wants unlimted powers or he's going home
Tortureboy Gonzales, FBI director Mueller and
other crybaby senior officials and career whores at the Justice
Department told associates this week that they
were prepared to quit if Der Monkey directed them to relinquish
evidence seized in a bitterly disputed search
of a House member's office, government officials said Friday.
Gonzales was joined in raising the possibility
of resignation by deputy handjob Paul McNulty, the officials said.
Gonzales and McNutty told associates that they
had an obligation to protect evidence in a criminal case and
would be unwilling to carry out any White House
order to return the material to Congress.
The potential showdown was averted Thursday when
Bush ordered the evidence to be sealed for 45 days.
From Freedom to Fascism
Al Gore's
Indeed, Mr. Gore became a safe, easy target for
every Republican politician and every right-wing commentator,
who brandished Earth in the Balance as
if it were The Communist Manifesto...Now that nearly everyone else
acknowledges Mr. Gore's point, [including
the Murder Monkey] however grudgingly,
those who attacked him
so viciously owe him copious apologies. He would
be wiser, unfortunately, to anticipate further assaults instead.
The inevitable intrusion of reality has restored
his stature, but the character of his enemies remains the same.
White House
invokes privilege in spy cases
"It's legal because I say it's legal!"
Bush has asked federal judges in New York and
Michigan to dismiss a pair of lawsuits
filed over his illegal spying, saying litigating
them would jeopardize state secrets.
Bush's Justice Department lawyers said it would
be impossible to defend the legality of the
spying program without disclosing classified
information that could be of value to suspected terrorists.
Bush lackey John Negroponte invoked "state secrets"
on Bush's behalf, writing that disclosure of
the truth would cause "exceptionally grave damage"
to national security to
Bush's approval ratings.
The Democrats have confirmed every right-wing fascist judge Bush has
so I'd imagine Bush will get whatever he wants from his crooked judges.
to Order
Subject: she whose name we dare
not speak
Liberals in Vegas?
Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, Tom Tomorrow, Wes Clark, Joe Wilson,
Dave Sirota, Joe Trippi, Sam Seder, Atrios, Gov Mark Warner,
Can you imagine such a thing?
Kerry Fights
Swift Boat Lies
When it no longer matters, he defends himself
Three decades after Vietnam and nearly two years
after Kerry's horribly inept presidential bid,
most Americans have forgotten why it ever mattered
whether he went to Cambodia or that the
Swift Boat Bastards accused him of making it
all up, saying he was dishonest and lacked patriotism.
Swift boat message boards and anti-Kerry Web sites
still boil with accusations that Kerry fabricated
the military reports that led to his military
Kerry, who failed to respond to the charges during
the campaign, is now fighting back hard.
"They lied and lied and lied about everything,"
Mr. Kerry says.
That's great, John.
Sounds like you're getting ready to promise "to
fight real hard" for us in 2008.
We believed you last time, John.
Iraq supports
on nukes
Bush's puppets working against him?
Iraq assured Iran on Friday that it supports
Iran's right to develop nuclear energy and will not allow Iraqi territory
to be used to threaten Iran, adopting a position
at odds with Bush's view that Iran should abandon its nuclear program.
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Iraq's
new government "is a friendly government to Iran."
"Iraq definitely will not be a place to threaten
Iran from," Zebari said at a news conference in Baghdad,
with the Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr
Mottaki, standing at his side.
Subject: She whose name we dare
not speak
Bart, you wrote,
> I, unlike many (most?) detractors,
am committed to supporting the Demo ticket in 2008.
> Can you list 5 Democratic bloggers
who will make that same pledge?
So if Kerry is nominated, you won't put him in
a tutu or a tank suit anymore?
This is not a bartcop produced picture.
This is John Kerry's
idea of attracting voters.
They actually called the media and said, "Would
you like to take a picture of our loser
looking like a retard wrapped up in a giant
condom?" and the media took 'em up on
I refuse to be criticized for Kerry's too-stupid-to-be-believed
Kerry showed how ignorant a candidate can be
when he put on that giant condom.
How could he possibly be that stupid?
I doubt your pledge very seriously.
You have chosen to insult me when I have not insulted
so I will point out that you have the option
to go fuck yourself.
I think anyone could make such an empty promise,
but no concerned Democrat would.
ha ha
No concerned Democrat would pledge to support
his party's nominee?
Christ that's stupid - and that option is still
open to you..
Support for the ticket should be witheld at least
until the ticket is chosen.
No, there are only two choices and
one of them is Bush.
Otherwise, you have no influence on the content
of the ticket
and a quisling like her gets to ruin our chances
to actually change things.
Leafy Scott
No, by refusing to support the Democrat, you're encouraging every third-party
who will siphon off votes from the only candidate, whoever that is,
than can defeat the bastards.
By the way, it's possible to disagree without being an asshole.
Bart, I don't share your view of my state's junior
Senator, but I'm open to being convinced.
All the best,
Potty mouth president
Bush's marriage falls apart:
They barely talk to each other
and she's afraid he'll hit the bottle.
Full story
Subject: Medicare
"Being Republican is more than a difference of
opinion - it's a character flaw."
Medicare D was enacted as welfare for insurance
and pharmaceutical companies. Consider a few provisions:
1) Any cap on prices of drugs is forbidden
2) Consumers are forbidden to shop in Canada
where prices are less.
3) Government cannot buy in bulk at a negotiated
4) Insurance companies can stop paying for any
drug not profitable by giving 60 days notice,
but you cannot change plans
until the end of the year
5) If you are on Medicaid and are satisfied with
benefits, you get transferred to D without your consent
6) After D spends $2,250 for your medicine, you
reach the hole in the donut.
Benefits stop but you must
continue to pay premiums.
Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
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Iraq pumps 2,000,000 barrels a day,
(and that was before the 2002 Halliburton Upgrade)
times today's oil price which is $71.37
a barrel
makes $142,740,000
Bush stole justyesterday
...add to that, Iran pumps FOUR
M barrels a day.
Once the sick bastard invades, that's 6 M barrels
a day
times today's oil price which is
$71.32 a barrel
makes $428,220,000
dollars Bush will steal daily
No wonder they were so eager to start a war
...and what did it cost us?
Not much, just the lives of...
"When FBI agents reach into a congressman's
home freezer and pull out $90,000 in foil-wrapped bills,
it is time for him to resign. When
the Justice Department announces that the same congressman is
on videotape taking a $100,000 bribe
in a Virginia hotel garage, his resignation is overdue.
-- Joe Conason, taking about Rep Jefferson's bribe
problems Link
Subject: Angie Paccione
"I'm wearing red today, but come November I'm
turning Colorado blue!"
-- Angie Paccione, at the
Colorado Democratic Assembly.
Bart, I'm helping Angie Paccione angie2006.com
defeat Marilyn "Klan Endorsement" Musgrave.
You'd like her, she's a fighter.
Eric, you're right - I like her confidence.
BTW, I Googled Marilyn Musgrave and found this.
That's Karl Rove, Musgrave in red and Katherine Harris.
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A shot of Chinaco Anejo for Hugh
Subject: We must all hate her
Subject: Bart, about your tin
foil hat...
Rachel Stevens
joins Cancer Drive
Welsh sports stars have followed in the footsteps
of Robbie Williams and Rachel Stevens
by fronting a testicular cancer awareness campaign.
Cheekily entitled 'Check Your Balls',
the campaign is being run by Cancer Research
UK and Gillette.
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