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Tuesday Feb 20, 2007 Vol
1929 - Devil mocks
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"What I don't get is the nonbinding resolution.
I don't get that. In the business world,
two weeks spent on a nonbinding resolution
would be considered nonproductive."
-- Rudy Giuliani,
Hey Prissy bitch, in the business world, is it productive to have 3150
and 2 trillion dollars lost on a four-year, failed, hostile oil field
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Shame on
the Washington Post, Again
by Robert Parry
Just days before the Libby trial goes to the
jury, the Washington Post published a bizarre front-page article
by right-wing legal expert Victoria Toensing
suggesting that Fitzgerald and Joe Wilson should be put on trial.
Beyond the absurdity - and dishonesty - of Toensing's
arguments, the Post illustrated the article with
fabricated "mug shots" of Fitzgerald and
Toensing, a deputy assistant attorney general
in the Reagan administration, cites Fitzgerald, Wilson and several
other targets in proposed "indictments," each
of which begins: "This Grand Jury Charges "
In the seventies, the Washington Post fought corruption.
Today they coddle it.
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"You may support or say we support the troops,
but, so you're not supporting what they do,
what they're here sweating for, what
we bleed for, what we die for. It just don't make sense to me."
-- Specialist Tyler Johnson, 21, first tour in Iraq,
Tyler, why fight the people who are trying to bring you home?
We assume you don't want to sweat, bleed and die for Halliburton.
Are we wrong?
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Is Not an Option
by retired general William E Odom
The new NIE on Iraq starkly delineates the gulf
that separates Bush's illusions from the realities of the war.
Victory, as the president sees it, requires a
stable liberal democracy in Iraq that is pro-American. The NIE
describes a war that has no chance of producing
that result. In this critical respect, the NIE, the consensus
judgment of all the U.S. intelligence agencies,
is a declaration of defeat.
Its gloomy implications put the intelligence community
and the American public on the same page. The public
awakened to the reality of failure in Iraq last
year and turned the GOP out of Congress to wake it up.
But a majority of its members are still asleep,
or only half-awake to their new writ to end the war soon.
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Please visit dissentisterror.com
"How do you explain to the thousands of American
troops now being poured into Baghdad
that they will have to wait until the
summer for the protective armor that could easily mean
the difference between life and death?"
-- NY Whore Times Editorial, "Not Supporting Our Troops",
"You tell them that this is what you get when
you vote Republican. You then tell them
to call Tommy Franks and Colin Powell
and ask them why they told you to vote for Bush."
-- John Aravosis, Link
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No apology
Far be it from me to get in the middle of a liberal
purge, but would anybody mind if I pointed out that
the calls for Hillary Clinton to apologize for
her support of the Iraq war are almost entirely bogus?
I mean, have the people calling for her apology
actually read the speeches she delivered before the war?
Have they read her remarks during the war resolution
debate, when she specifically rejected a pre-emptive,
unilateral attack on Saddam? Did they read the
passages in which she called for a longer U.N. inspections
regime and declared, "I believe international
support and legitimacy are crucial"?
If they went back and read what Senator Clinton
was saying before the war, they'd be surprised, as I was,
by her approach. And they'd learn something,
as I did, about what kind of president she would make.
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Subject: Hitler and Bush - tertiary
Actually there was a bio of Hitler's doctor during
the thirties and early forties and Adolph's symptoms
and the treatment that was given fitted what
the standards of the day called for to treat tertiary syphilis
- the book mentioned that blood tests of
the day wouldn't have detected this advanced level of syphilis
but that Hitler had all the symptoms - feelings
of Godhood and rushes of power and a presumption that
he was inalienably right an anything he did.
Sound familiar?
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Why I Hate
by Richard Cohen of the WaHoPo
Yet another man has betrayed Hillary Clinton.
What kind of fuctard writer is Richard Cohen?
This time it's George W. Bush, who not only deceived
her about WMDs but, when granted congressional
authorization to go to war in Iraq, actually
did so. This, apparently, came as a surprise to her, although in
every city, everyone knew that Bush was going
to war. Among other things, troops were already being dispatched.
So I do not condemn Hillary, Dodd, Biden and Edwards
-- for voting for the war. I would have done the same.
I fault them, though, for passing the blame to
Bush as the guy who misled them.
What is he saying?
Is he saying Bush didn't mislead them?
Is he saying every senator had the same intel
that Bush had? (That's not possible.)
He would have done the same, but it wasn't Bush's
Is Richard Cohen too old to make sense?
They all had sufficient knowledge to question
the administration's arguments, and they did not do so.
Oh, he must be talking about Hillary's private
Not a single one of them could possibly have believed
the entirety of Bush's case or not have suspected
that the reasons for war were being hyped. If
they felt otherwise, they have no business running for president.
Yep, this crazy man is too
old to make snese.
He says he would've voted the same way,
but how dare they vote the way they did!
It's easy to say, in 2007, that Bush's pre-war lies were too wild to
Where is his pre-war column saying he knew it was all fake at the
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From: Ann in Philly
Subject: Hillary
John Edwards was right to say his vote was a
mistake. He was lied to, just as everyone was being lied to,
including Hillary. That, however, is only a rationalization.
Saying that Hillary voted they way she did because
New York was attacked is also a rationalization.
Most of Hillary's responses to questions from voters have been
rationalizations, because she has not only not
been willing to admit her vote was a mistake, but apparently does
not want to address the fact that something was
deeply and fundamentally wrong about that vote.
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"Both of us have had a rethinking. Clinton
wasn't such a bad president.
In fact, he was a pretty good president
in a lot of ways, and Dick feels that way today."
- Christopher Ruddy, talking about his partner,
Richard Mellon Scaife nywhoretimes.com
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"Some of her former antagonists say that terrorism
and war have made Bill's political
battles - gays in the military, Travel-Gate,
Monica - seem remote, if not trivial."
- David Kirkpatrick for the NY Whore Times,
The Whore Times didn't think it was trivial when they led the charge
against Bill.
Remember, long after Whitewater was settled, the NY Whore Times said
it should be
looked at again and they started that entire chain of crappola while
Osama had his people
taking flying lessons and doing practice runs for 9-11.
But now that Bush lied us into the Third World War, they're on his
side, printing Judith Miller's
fake stories that were actually written by Cheney, who then says, "Even
the liberal NY Times
agrees with me," to justifiy the
lies that have killed so many thousands of innocent people.
Yeah, a blow job is kinda trivial, isn't it?
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$36, 3
for $100
for details
shot glass photo by mariomorgado
We have a few shot glasses left.
a pair - cheap for a collectors item.
'Ongoing Crime Enterprise'
by Robert Parry
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his business/political/media/religious
organization have avoided prosecution for
a shark poaching scam despite evidence of Moon's
direct involvement. Moon, who has poured billions of
mysterious dollars into pro-Republican media
and into financial support for prominent right-wingers, got the
benefit of the doubt again from Bush administration
prosecutors. They seem incapable of recognizing an
"ongoing criminal enterprise" when they see one,
at least when it's done lots of favors for Bush and his family.
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Subject: cut funding for the
I think this would be the stupidist thing the
Dems could do before the End of this summer.
The Dems have to let George Bush's "last chance
run out" and if they stop it before Sept. 1st
THEY will collect ALL the blame for the failure
of the Iraqi occupation.
This is Bush's War so it HAS to be His to lose.
He and the right wing say they will know if it
is working by the end of the summer.
They have set their own end date.
I can not see the Democrats cutting their own
throats for the difference of a couple of months.
If they tamper with it, they own it.
It will become the Democrat's quagmire if they assume control.
Bush (and America's whore media) will say,
"We were winning until the Democrats stopped
supporting the troops."
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to trade links?
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Bush Using
UNICEF for War Propaganda?
The feature at unicef.org today is "Restoring
schools in Iraq." The image is lovely, but it does not depict
the suffering that Mr. Bush and former Bush cabinet
members like Ms. Veneman, current Executive
Director of UNICEF, have inflicted on Iraq.
Mr. Bush selected Ann Veneman to head UNICEF.
Is Veneman now using the Children's Fund to
sanitize Bush's war? Is Bush using UNICEF as
a medium for war propaganda?
See why Ann Veneman was Perhaps Bush's Most
Dangerous Cabinet Pick.
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Wouldn't it be nice?
Open threads - anybody got anything they want to say?
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to today's page
Have the
Beatniks found Sputnik?
My good friend Jerry to hold press conference in San Fran
The official story is Sputnik I burned up upon
re-entry on January 4th, 1958.
We here at The Beat Museum have recently discovered
the official story may or may not be the full story.
Have The Beatniks Found Sputnik?
Friday 2/23/07
11 AM
The Beat Museum
540 Broadway (at Columbus)
San Francisco, CA 94133
Exhibit Opens to the Public at 1 PM
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"They sound tired but they don't sound Haggard.
They've got money but they don't have
They got Junior but they don't have
-- Dixie Chicks, "Long
Time Gone"
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Subject: hating Hillary
It is bizarre that you think anyone against Hillary
HATES her.
Reminds me of my kids when they were in 2nd grade.
You either LOVE someone or HATE them.
Adults can usually see grays ... as in, "No,
I don't care for Hillary
and do not want her as president, but I don't
hate her."
Oh no!
If you don't want her as president, you HATE
I am rolling my eyes.
If someone makes an intelligent case for voting
for a different Democrat,
I won't say, "You hate Hillary."
An "adult" attack on Hillary will list facts, not feelings.
That's the problem I have with Arianna and MoDo and others.
"She's so calculating she makes my skin crawl.
She thinks she's so smart. I can't stand her
She wants everything both ways and always
...then I call them Hillary haters.
Do you have any anti-Hillary facts you'd like to list?
Ann had an intelligent, she's-not-my-fave letter today - did you see
One legitimate beef would be her vote for that horrid bankruptcy bill,
but Obama voted for that, too, so people don't mention it much.
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Only in
would they use books to stop bullets
See why I'm the smartest guy in this whole state?
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Subject: Hillary - cop - gun
No, when a city issues a gun and a badge to a
cop - even though they authorize him to use deadly force,
they expect and demand that he use sound, professional
judgment in the execution of that authority.
If a rookie cop foolishly kills innocent people,
it would be ludicrous to suggest that by his having been
commissioned he had been granted permission to
act foolishly.
I agree - it's ludicrous to suggest she authorized
Bush's quagmire.
How do we differ on this point?
Clinton, like others in congress was manipulated
into the untenable position of either granting Bush
the leverage the US needed to pressure Iraq -
or of later being falsely portrayed as being weak on terror.
I believe that was a factor, but she didn't cast
the deciding vote.
Bush's father had the good sense to delay a similar
resolution vote until after the mid-term elections.
Dubya, though, politicized the resolution, and
cynically put the congress behind the 8-ball on this one.
Should have Clinton voted "No"? I'm
not sure. The congress as a whole should have demanded more debate.
They were steam-rolled by a cheerleading press
and by the cunning Rove-Cheney White House.
You're forgetting the CIA's briefing.
the CIA said, "Saddam has WMDs and
the means to deliver them,"
then the senators were right to vote to defend
the East Coast, right?
This is all on the dirty Bush crooks.
Subject: Hillary - cop - gun
First of all, I am not a Hillary-hater, I am just
one of many who have a real problem with her October 2002 vote.
the CIA said, "Saddam has WMDs and
the means to deliver them,"
I'd say she did the right thing. How can
you have a problem with that?
To answer your question: It seems to me
that when a city issues a gun to a rookie cop, they are trusting him
to use his best judgement, and certainly not
to shoot anyone who he thinks the world would be better off without.
But isn't that, in essence, what Bush did?
And shouldn't Hillary, as other senators did, have realized that
Bush was not capable of handling the responsibility
of handling said gun?
Penny M.
I think that's obvious ...in 2007.
But after all, he was the President.
When the President and the CIA says a real threat is "ready to
how was she supposed to say, "Maybe Bush is
not the right president for this?"
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
We lost 13
in the last two days
while the Little Dictator plays with himself.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
(And that's just ONE oil company)
13 more
but Exxon makes $75,000
profit per minute
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters.
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
The Departed
- movie review
Don't Click
unless you've already seen the movie
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Subject: Did Bush really visit
He flies in, not telling anyone until the last
He spends a few hours at the Baghdad airport
He flies home
It's like saying you've "been to" Chicago during
a long holdover between flights.
Of course I wouldn't put it past him to fake the
whole thing anyway,
but even so, it's not like he put himself in
harm's way.
-Joe V
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Revealed - A "Violation of Trust"?
An Insider's Account
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Link to this
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...no one could stop the momentum of a program
which President Reagan himself had declared "operational."
NASA knew almost instantly that it was the O-ring
joints that destroyed Challenger on January 28, 1986,
and they instituted a cover-up to prevent that
knowledge from coming out. A few days later, a Presidential
Commission was convened to manage the news and
steer attention away from White House involvement
in the launch decision.
My book documents these circumstances.
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"Rumsfeld will go down as one of the worst
secretaries of defense in history," ."
- John McCain, who must hate the troops,
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Subject: Ralph Nader
I think your anti-Nader stance is fortifying my
consideration of him.
I don't like Cuervo Gold, either.
You gonna go buy some?
I dislike the prick, but I am always refreshed
to hear SOMEONE speak out against the Bush corporatocracy.
He is ONE candidate against electronic vote rigging.
Man, we could have used that voice over whatever
has been exposed of Lieberman's policies - huh?
Y'know; I suck at poker and as proof I offer:
I would have bet any amount that Kerry would win
against a thieving war mongering profiteer who
stole his previous trip to the carnival.
Course I would have bet I'd hear him speak out
against rigging the vote too, after his loss.
Nader's stated goal is to stop Hillary if she gets the nomination.
Since Nader can't win, that means he's working for the GOP.
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arguments begin in Treason trial
Will Scooter get a new nickname in prison?
Prosecutors began their closing arguments in
the Libby treason trial Tuesday by scoffing at
the idea that the guilty defendant was the victim
of a White House conspiracy.
Libby maintains that he learned about Plame from
Cheney, forgot about it, then learned it again a month later
from that whore Russert. Anything he told other
reporters about Plame, Libby says, was just chatter and rumors,
not official government information. Russert
says he never discussed Plame with Libby.
Prosecutor Peter Zeidenberg told jurors
that, for Libby's story to be believed he had to forget
nine conversations about Plame and invent two
"That's not a matter of misremembering or forgetting,"
Zeidenberg said. "It's lying."
When he's founf guilty, Bush will pardon him to keep his mouth shut
and the Democrats will be shocked and outraged by Bush's cover-up.
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Moynahan Expecting Ex's (Tom Brady) Baby
more of Bridget at BC
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