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Friday April 27, 2007 Vol
1969 - Spending Wisely
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"Is there any question you can be asked
about Hillary Clinton without attacking her?"
--James Carville, to
Arianna Huffington, heard on LKL
It's obvious to me that Arianna thinks Hillary will be our next president
and she's building the rest of her career around that hope.
She's using the Rush Limbaugh model - she's going to marry her career
to a Clinton.
If Hillary is not our next president, nobody will be
more disappointed than Arianna.
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Dying for
by Robert Parry
Bush admits he has no evidence that a withdrawal
timetable from Iraq would be harmful.
Instead, Bush told Charlie Rose that this core
assumption behind his veto threat of a
Democratic war appropriation bill is backed by
"just logic."
"I mean, you say we start moving troops out,"
Bush said in the interview on April 24.
"Don't you think an enemy is going to wait and
adjust based upon an announced timetable for withdrawal?"
It is an argument that Bush has made again and
again over the past few years, that with a withdrawal timetable,
the "enemy" would just "wait us out." But the
answer to Bush's rhetorical question could be, "well, so what if they do?"
If Bush is right and a withdrawal timetable quiets
Iraq down for the next year or so - a kind of de facto cease-fire
- that could buy time for the Iraqis to begin
the difficult process of reconciliation and start removing the irritants
that have enflamed the violence.
Note: Robert Parry is the only thinker
I've read who thinks we can just up and leave.
CNN's Michael Ware was in the states yesterday and when asked what
would happen
if we pulled out, he rolled his eyes and said it would be "an unimaginable
"We broke Iraq. We own it. We can't walk away
now that the fuse has been lit."
Meanwhile, our child-monkey president is having a great time dancing
on TV.
I wonder if the 3337 families who lost a loved one in Iraq
due to Bush's greedy lies are doing a lot of dancing?
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When Reporting
by David Sirota, a Democrat who hates Hillary and
I went to journalism school because I thought
journalism was about sifting through the B.S. in order to
challenge power and hold the Establishment accountable.
With Bill Moyers, that long tradition still exists.
But the fact that they are such rare exceptions
to the rule also show that the incentive system in journalism
today is to reward not the people who challenge
power, but the people who worship it. And though Tim
Russert and Bill Kristol can kick back in Washington
with their six figure salaries and tell themselves that
they are really Important People, what we have
seen is that they are part of a new journalistic culture that
is threatening to destroy what once was a truly
noble profession and undermine our democracy.
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Subject: your old friend
Your old radio friend is in Nashville, TN.
As of last Monday G. Gordon Liddy was replaced
by Michael DelGiorno.
Thanks for sending him to us.
Can we ship him back to Tulsa?
All he talks about is his "Christianity".
Doug S
Doug, you gotta call him and after you tell him
"Bartcop says hey,"
ask him if he likes to play Blackjack.
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Hillary strike at Rudy
not right - beating up on a girl that way..."
Obama and Hillary put a 1-2 punch on Rudy the
cross-dresser for his outrageous fear-mongering about
Democrats surrendering to Al Qaeda. Obama
said he should not be making the very real terrorist threats
into "the punchline of another political attack."
Rudy Giuliani today has taken the politics of
fear to a new low and I believe Americans are ready
to reject those kind of politics," Obama said.
Hillary shot back with, "The plain truth is that
this administration has done too little to protect our ports,
make our mass transit safer, and protect our
cities. They have isolated us and have let al Qaeda regroup."
Hmmm, those two work pretty well together - almost like a team.
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Bill Moyers: Critics point to September eight,
2002 and to your show in particular, as the classic case
of how the press and the government became inseparable. Someone in the
plants a dramatic story in the NY Times And then the Vice President comes
on your show
and points to the NY Times. It's a circular, self-confirming leak.
Tim Russert: I don't know how Judith Miller
and Michael Gordon reported that story, who their sources were.
It was a front-page story of the NY Times. When Rice and Cheney and others
came up that
Sunday morning on all the Sunday shows, they did exactly that. What my
concern was, is that
there were concerns expressed by other government officials. And to this
day, I wish my phone
had rung, or I had access to them.
on Tim the Whore
Bill Moyers: Bob Simon didn't wait for the
phone to ring...When you said a moment ago when we started
talking to people who knew about aluminum tubes. What people-who were you
talking to?
Bob Simon: We were talking to people
- to scientists - to scientists and to researchers and to people
who had been investigating Iraq from the start.
Bill Moyers: Would these people have been available
to any reporter who called or were they exclusive
sources for 60 minutes?
Bob Simon: No, I think that many of them
would have been available to any reporter who called.
--Jane Hamsher's favorite moment from the Bill Moyers documentary last
night, "Tim
the Tool," /
In the Scooter Libby trial, they said it under
we want to put a spin on a story, we call a friend like Russert
because we trade him access for the kid glove treatment."
How can Russert keep his job at whore NBC?
I answer is in the question.
Subject: she rocked!
Did you see the South Carolina Democratic Debate?
It was awesome! Hillary did very, very
Even many of the blogs think she did well and
that's enemt territory.
She looked, sounded and acted presidential.
I doubt anything can stop the Clinton machine,
so my best bet is to hope for a Clinton/Obama
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"I support the withdrawal of United States
Armed Forces as soon as possible. That does not mean
as soon as order is restored. It does not
mean as soon as democracy is flourishing. It does not mean
as soon as we have established a viable nation.
As soon as possible means as soon we can get out
without losing any more American lives."
-- John McCain (R-Liar, Whore, Hypocrite) screaming at
Clinton about Haiti, Oct 6, 1994, Link
I had to add the word "more" American lives because Clinton lost zero
soldiers in combat in Haiti.
When a Democrat is president, he's a bad Commander-in-Chief even when
no lives are lost.
When a Fascist bastard is president, 3337 lives is no big deal
for John McCain
because the Fascist bastard knows what he's doing - according to John
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Subject: Illinois flags fly at
half staff
Governor Blagojevich has ordered the flags to
be flown at half-staff at
government buildings throughout the state when
an Illinois soldier is killed.
And you are right, it seems like the flag has
been lowered forever.
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Rahm Emanuel
Sacs up
What we have seen from this administration is
far more extensive than [Watergate.]
Partisan politics has infiltrated every level
of our federal government - from scientific reports
on global warming to emergency management services
to the prosecutorial power of the federal
government itself. Even the Iraq War - from our
entry to the reconstruction - has been thoroughly
politicized and manipulated.
Recently, even those who had become somewhat inured
to the intense partisanship of this
Administration were shocked by the political
manipulation of our U.S. Attorneys. And we have
just begun to feel the impact of this scandal.
Just as Katrina exposed the issue of incompetence,
the U.S. Attorney scandal has placed a spotlight
on the Administration's pattern of always
placing the Republican Party's interests before
the public interest.
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for System Overview
Visit jointhesolution.com/cavegal
Subject: shots
Hey Bart my friend,
I received the shot glasses and have suitably
christened them.
Jim in Topeka
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If you have a product people might pay for,
they need to know you have it.
"Mr. President, can anyone seriously argue
that another six months of United States forces
in harm's way means the difference
between peace and prosperity and war there?
Is that very dim prospect worth one
more American life? No, it is not."
-- John McCain (R-Liar,
Whore, Hypocrite) screaming at Clinton about Somalia, Oct 14, 1993,
Hey John, why weren't you concerned with the troops when Poppy Bush
sent them to Somalia without the armor they needed to be safe?
When a Democrat is president, he's a bad Commander-in-Chief even when
lives are lost.
When a Fascist bastard is president, 3337 lives is no big deal
for John McCain
because the Fascist bastard knows what he's doing - according to John
When asked why he was such a flip-flopper, McCain said,
"Things were different then."
Yeah, 3337 lives different.
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Subject: ghosts-of-9-11
Yeah. Right. Thanks. Good one.
It's such a shame that the FDNY has failed to
speak up more...
How come FDNY did not know about the impending
'collapse' but NYPD did?!?
(ask Rudy about this?)
Some FDNY folks spoke out about the big show,
just not since:
And, speaking of airplanes, if the airplane-shaped
hole in the North Tower must have been
made by a Boeing 767 and could not have been
made by anything else, then explain this video,
which aired on 9/11 but never since:
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you think it demoralizes the troops when
shows the world that he's got nothing on his mind
dancing like the ignorant fool that he is?
*I* got 3337 soldiers killed for no damn reason,
wouldn't dance in public for the TV cameras.
Subject: all bunched up
It seems that Mr. Dale Plueger has gotten his
panties all in an un-substantial bunch while making
remarkably generic accusations of literary substance
abuse against Mr. Howard Zinn.
Well, in order to be fair to Mr. Plueger's own
apparently unsubstantiated allegations, I went online
and referenced the Weekly's "Past Issues" link,
where I then read Mr. Zinn's "Blogtopic" cyber-print
article regarding the popular impeachment of
a currently sitting, criminal government junta
(most popularly known on the Web as the BFEE,
or the Bush Family Evil Empire).
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Visit westsidesafari.com
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Subject: 9-11
Seems public figures are beginning to question
the "Official Conspiracy Theory"
of 19 Saudis circumventing the best defense system
on the planet...from a cave.
Too bad it's from limp noodle, tutu wearin John
Kerry...but it's a start.
Questioned on WTC 7 by members of 9/11 Truth Now,
Kerry responded,
"I do know that that wall, I remember, was
in danger and I think they made the decision
based on the danger that it had in
destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."
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Buying Bush's
Fake War
Four years ago on May 1, President Bush pretended
he piloted the jet that landed on the
aircraft carrier
USS Lincoln wearing a flight suit and delivered
a speech in front of a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner.
He was hailed by media stars as a "breathtaking"
example of presidential leadership in toppling Saddam Hussein.
Despite profound questions over the failure to
locate weapons of mass destruction and the increasing violence
in Baghdad, many in the press confirmed the White
House's claim that the war was won.
Chris Matthews gushed, "We're all neo-cons
a whore."
NPR's Bob Edwards said, "The war in Iraq is
essentially over;" and Fortune magazine's Jeff Birnbaum said,
'It is amazing how thorough the victory in
Iraq really was in the broadest context.'"
I'm so old, I remember the Clinton years when it wasn't the press's
to gush over the greatness of the president.
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Subject: Step-n-fetch Obama
Obama is the DNC version of JC Watts.
He's a good, "one of those" that gives soft bigots
a warm fuzzy to support.
I don't see the connection.
Watts was a football star - that why uber-racist Oklahoma elected him.
And the GOP accepted him because they needed a token negro.
Football trumps racism in Oklahoma.
A black running back could have doggie-style sex with Frank Keating's
daughter on
the front lawn of the Governor's Mansion at high noon and the reddest-neck
wouldn't mind as long as we beat Texas that year.
Al Sharpton was the real deal, and represented
not only black America,
but white people who figured out we're all slaves
on the Bush Plantation.
I like Al Sharpton - lots about him in BCR
115, up today
If you listen to the context of the song, and
your past rhetoric about "Uncle OJ" Watts,
I think you'll find a similar, and well founded
Andy in NC
I would never insult Obama by comparing him to Uncle OJ, who famously
"There's nothing illegal, unethical or immoral
about taking money from those you regulate.''
I think that's the motto of the BFEE.
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Dems give
Goodling immunity
They don't
remember Ollie North?
A House committee voted 32-6 on Wednesday to
grant immunity to Monica Goodling, a key Gonzales
aide during the firings of eight U.S. attorneys.
She had refused to testify, citing the Fifth Amendment.
A separate vote to authorize a subpoena for Goodling
passed by voice vote.
The House panel's action was one of several scheduled
committee votes pertaining to subpoenas for Bush
crooks, among them Kinda Sleazy Rice, whom lawmakers
want to question about the administration's
big-ass lies that Iraq was seeking uranium from
Africa - used in part to justify the war against Iraq.
I hope Waxman knows what he's doing.
Goodling could confess to everything, like North did, and get her own
show on FOX.
Wait, let me guess - Lee Hamilton spoke to her and brokered this deal?
When you give someone immunity, you damn better know what they're going
to say,
but these are Democrats, at least they're House Democrats, not
senators, so I'm less worried.
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signs with Westwood One
Beginning June 1, WW1 will oversee all network ad sales
for AAR in addition to affiliate ad sales, in conjunction with
the network's in-house affiliate relations department.
"That Cho shooter at Virginia Tech was
a liberal."
-- the lying (and vulgar) Pigboy
really, Rush?
This ad brought to you by our friends at
Sheryl Crow
vs Wacko Catholic
Bishop goes nuts, declares war on cancer survivor, Lib Pop
Archbishop Raymond Burke denounced a Catholic
charity Wednesday for scheduling
a benefit-concert appearance by Sheryl Crow,
who supports abortion rights.
Burke (R-Moron) submitted his resignation as chairman
of the board for a children's
foundation, saying the decision to let Crow sing
on Saturday left him no other choice.
"It's very painful for me," Burke said during
a news conference Wednesday.
"But I have to answer to God for the responsibility
I have as archbishop.
"A Catholic institution featuring a performer
who promotes moral evil gives the impression
that the church is somehow inconsistent in its
teaching," Burke said.
Crow is set to appear at the 19th annual benefit
for the Bob Costas Cancer Center at
Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center. Costas
will host the event.
Crow's publicist didn't return a message seeking
comment Wednesday.
Don't you just love these "cafeteria bishops?" They chose to feign
outrage at being sorta,
semi-associated with someone who might be pro-choice, but this same
ass would love to
have dinner with Bush, a crazy bastard who has hilled 100,00 people
just to steal some oil.
If these handjob Catholics want a war, I'm just the guy who's ready
to give it to them.
These child molesters have the consistency of warm baby shit and they
abuse their power
I think all bullies need to have their asses kicked and that goes for
bullies in cassocks, too.
Remember 2004?
They declared war on Kerry while fellating the war-mongering Bush's
unethical ass.
They want to pick and chose which commandments outrage them.
They want to play politics and screw what their almighty God stands
This Burke character doesn't give a flying fug about those kids, either.
He wants to play politics and if the dying kids and his precious God
lose out,
well that's just tough titty for them.
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"I'll screw
any fascist I can get my arm around."
Kos runs
to Hillary's rescue
I'm so old, I remember when he led the charge against Her
The WaHoPo's Mary Ann Akers, wrote a piece claiming
that Clinton's posting at FDL
"is raising a few eyebrows in Democratic political
circles." This is so, she asserts, because
"in Democratic political circles [Jane] Hamsher
is better known as the author of a racially
offensive attack against Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.)."
Akers then "reports" this:
A day after Clinton's post, Democratic activists
in various corners privately questioned
the wisdom of the Clinton campaign in choosing
to write for a blog associated with Hamsher.
So who are the concern trolls? Someone who didn't
have the balls to say his or her name.
Granting anonymity to people to spout little more
than garden-variety political gossip is
the sign of a reporter desperate to manufacture
controversy in order to have something to write.
When I first questioned Kos's funny-numbers poll,
people wrote and said,
"The poll numbers are real - they all hate
her over at Kos because Kos hates her."
So, the 99 percent of Kos readers who hated
Hillary last summer are OK with this flip-flop?
Kos must be a genius.
If Ol' Bart accepted months of $9000 a week payola from
the enemy, then flip-flopped
and started saying nice things about her, my readers would tear me
a new one.
Boy, that Hillary sure knows how to spend money wisely.
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for more info
gives Keith Olbermann some competition next week.
Miller, Monday through Wednesday, Imus's old slot.
I don't know Stephanie - is she good?
I guess I could get up at 5AM and find out.
to trade links?
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Bloody Make-Believe
by Carla Binion
It's astonishing that members of Congress are
either unaware George W. Bush and Dick Cheney lied the nation
to war with Iraq, or they are aware of the fact
and don't care. A Congress grounded in reality would have
unequivocally acknowledged the administration's
lies long ago and taken appropriate action - almost certainly impeachment.
If we say the pre-war lies don't matter and the
country should sweep them under the rug and only focus on
the best way out of Iraq, what we're really saying
is that the truth itself doesn't matter.
If we say we should look away from the fact that
thousands of U.S. soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis
died for a lie, we're saying the lost lives don't
matter, the war-injured and maimed don't matter, America's honor
and integrity don't matter.
If Bush & Cheney aren't impeached for their
the next Republican president will do the same
thing they did.
If you rape a woman and the police don't care,
you rape another woman.
It's human nature.
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April 27: Saginaw, MI, 303 Collective Bookstore
April 28: The Planet Bookstore, Ann Arbor,
April 28: Drinking Liberally, Detroit [Oakland
April 29: Drinking Liberally, Cleveland
April 30: Boxcar Books, Bloomington, IN
Five Questions
for Bartcop
Recently, I had the chance to down a few tequila shots with legendary
blogger Bart, of Bartcop.com.
Bart runs one of the country's leading humor
and commentary sites.
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Entertainment Page
has good stuff.
Click on the E!
Subject: Paris Hilton and Shitty
You complain but then further Media's/TV's dumbing
down of America with a story on Paris Hilton.
She is part of the reason we have this Dumbed
Down MTV culture in America.
You don't mean that.
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Subject: she offended the Swiss
Dear Bart, I was in Basel when she said that....
actually, the Swiss were not really offended,
since they are for the most part aware that Paris
is not so much bad girl as a silly girl.
I usually lack time to concern myself with this
shit, but this time I was curious about what the
Basel newspaper had to say, and they took it
lightly, as in "Did you expect her to have brains?"
And that bit of non-news flashed all around the
How could such a no-talent girl have that kind
of worldwide impact?
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Iraq pumped 3.5M
barrels daily before
Bush invaded
and then they got their 2003 Halliburton
Bush is stealing $220,000,000
No wonder they were so eager to start a war,
stealing $220,000,000
It's the biggest theft in Earth's history.
Exxon made
$10B profit in 90 days
$100M a day - all profit - because Bush started a fake war
Bush's "Bring 'em on"
death taunt is up to...
American victims
families destroyed by Bush greed.
...and how much did BIG OIL make yesterday?
makes $108M - every day
Bush can live with that,
because Iraq's oil wells have
no meters
and his front company is moving
to Dubai.
so fucking rich..."
Bloomberg News says Iraq is currently pumping 2M barrels a day. (Lies)
But even 2M barrels is $120M
a day - where's that money going?
Bush has killed more Americans than Osama.
TV Stuff
Last night's episode of C.S.I. was a classic.
It was a four-twister, and it was an example of great TV.
The writing - superb.
The acting - top notch.
The dialog - Tarantinish.
And C.S.I. is in Season 6 or Season 7.
That's damn hard to do.
And then, look at the hidden character actor, James Whitmore!
Are you kidding?
When I was a kid, I was stuck in bed for 6 months with two broken femurs.
(Look for the full story in the Bartcop Biography)
The TV was my mental escape hatch and I used it every day :)
The Big Valley came on right after Rawhide, starring Clint
And back in the day, the idiot studios would use the same actor twice
a year
in a dramatic show, which is fine, but each time he played a different
One week, James Whitmore was the guy who held Tom Barkley's head while
he died.
The next week, he'd shoot Heath in the ass with some buckshot and start
a fuss.
The next week, he'd be Nick's commanding officer from the Civil War.
The weird part - he usually played the old guy back then - when
I was 16.
Thirty seven years later he's still playing the part of "the old guy."
James Whitemore is an actor.
He reminds me of Hal Holbrook - another great actor.
It was nice to see James again on C.S.I.
I'd like to share a shot of Chinaco with him.
Anybody know how to reach James Whitmore?
I might find myself in California this summer.
If the California warrant is still active, let's
hope I don't have an exciting story to tell.
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Subject: Chicago Jim
Bart, Chicago Jim stopped in to my reading last
night at Barbara's book store and really made my day.
Could you tell him thanks, please?
He gave me a care package with all kinds of cool
stuff in it.
He's done the same for me.
When good people get BCR CDs in the mail?
Those monkey stickers on the Priority Envelope
came from Chicago Jim.
I can't emphasize enough how much it meant to
to have Jim stop in to hear me and give me support.
-- Mike Palecek
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Mars Fans Hijack Poll
Some Veronica Mars fans will go to almost
any lengths to rescue their beloved show. How desperate are they?
saveveronicamars.tv created
a webpage to teach Mars fans how to rig the vote by manipulating
the Kristen Bell Flood
at BC Hotties
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