Weekend-Monday, September 12-14, 2009 Vol 2395 - Pattycake
Erik has been advertising on Bartcop.com since 2002. Erik Organic designs and
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Quotes "It doesn't take a majority to prevail, but
an irate and tireless minority keen on setting
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'You Lie' Foe Gets Windfall Excerpt:
Handjob supporters flocked to Facebook on Thursday
to cheer Wilson on.
The campaign of Rob Miller, the Democrat running
against Wilson in 2010,
If the Democrats had any brains (Should I bother
to finish this sentence?) they focus on racist Jow Wilson.
But no, the Democrats can't figure out how to
fight back.
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Glenn Beck
strikes again
Yosi Sergant, who recently popped up on Beck's
radar for his involvement in a conference call on national service,
Beck attacked Sergant and the NEA on his Fascist
talk show, accusing the agency of propaganda efforts similar to
Perhaps not coincidentally, both Sergant and Van
Jones - Beck's first takedown - have roots in on-the-ground
But if Glenn Beck doesn't like a guy - he has to resign? Why is our middle name always "Surrender?" We should make a rule that, say every tenth time Glenn Beck makes a demand, we fight back. OR, we could decide that, say every fifth time he demands something, we fight back. OR, we could decide that, say every other time he demands something, we fight back. OR,
we could pretend we're men and tell Glenn Beck to go fuck himself.
If you surrender your lunch money on Monday,
Why can't Democrats f-ing think?
...and who's next, Mr. Beck?
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Marty's Entertainment Page Marty always has good stuff.
Mao Tse Beck
Rethug shoots, kills fiance Excerpt:
Hours later, the man she feared, former state
representative and one-time gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn,
Nunn had slit his wrists after placing mementos on his parents' graves, officers said. Nunn was charged with six counts of wanton endangerment
of a police officer after police say he fired a handgun
Don't worry, they'lll find a way to get him off. Maybe they could hire Rush's Oxy lawyer - I hear
he's good.
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Affordable, personalized
website design and hosting.
Quotes "Patrick Henry said, 'Give me liberty or give
me death.'
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Subject: The N word Bart, how 'bout you stop using the N word so much?
You should be outraged at the sons of bitches who call our president
Surely, you're not so naive to think that behind closed doors
Why should I clean their language up for them?
I think that kind of ugliness should be exposed, not swept under the
Let them stand up, like Mark Fuhrman, and swear they don't call
Obama that.
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Fox TeaBagger Express Memorial Statue
Subject: "Family Values" Republicans Just for the sheer novelty of it, I'd like the
Repigs to point out JUST ONE
Zomar, good luck with that. I think Lincoln was the last one.
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Like to write about beer?
Contact theprofessor@ltsaloon.org
14 Things about racist Joe Wilson Excerpt:
3. Aide to Strom Thurmond, who hates Blacks so much he raped in into pregnancy 8. A military veteran with life-ling health-care,
he voted 11 times against health care for veterans
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Quotes "Insurance executives don't
do this because they're bad people; they do it because it's
"When he said tonight that insurance
executives are bad people, it was so harsh..."
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Subject: another death panel victim Bart, Gertrude Baines, 115-year-old Obama supporter
died today.
Another victim of government-run medical care.
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Quotes "Is Tina Fey an Emmy winner? You betcha. Fey
received an Emmy Award on Saturday for her Palin impersonation
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Subject: Can we save America? I think there are really only three things that
will save America from coming to a pathetic end.
They are: 1. The complete restoration of the Fairness Doctrine. 2. Publicly financed political campaigns. 3. A return of investigative reporting
and the ethical removal
The first would demand civility in public discourse.
While it would have the effect of removing Limbaugh
The second removes all special interest money
from politics. In addition to strict laws against government officials
Restoration of the "Fourth Estate" is a no-brainer. That's basically my position now days.
Jimmy, first thing - great to hear from you - it's been a while. Great news, I have just the cure for your Number One - from the Back issues... Excerpt:
So, after Rush spews his lies for 3 hours, *I* might get a free hour
to correct his lies to his crowd.
Same for Mike Malloy - after his show, a Flying Monkey Handjob could
come on and explain
But the answer is so simple - and it's free.
For Number Three, let's pass a law that says they can't do commercials
during the news.
Yeah, I'm talking to YOU, David Gregory and the Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Wikipedia screen grab before they changed it. Thanks to Tina the Pillar!
Two Girls,
One Idiot
I'd like to thank the VMA and everyone else
on earth for
Now that he's offended everyone on earth,
I like Kanye, but you don't do what he did.
Of course, WE didn't see that because whore MTV had their cameras pointed
Remember a few years ago, when Britney and Aquilera both French-kissed
Doesn't anyone in Hollywood know how to produce live TV?
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Crazy person: “Officers
that Obama picked
Four minute video
Subject: Joe Wilson is NOT a racist Send e-mail to Bart | Discuss it on The BartCop Forum | Comment on it at the BartBlog
Are you on it? All we ask is you put ours on yours.
from The Wizard of Whimsy
Glenn Beck
Rape & Murder Case
We can't help but wonder, since he has failed
to deny these horrible allegations.
Conspiracy-monger Glenn Beck and his lawyers have
sent two letters to the domain registrar
ha ha But hey - how come *I* never get sued or threatened
with a suit?
Am I too fair to these perverted sex fiends like Limbaugh, Schlesinger and Beck? What
else can I say or do to draw a subpoena?
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Subject: Obama comeback Bart, Obama's approval on health care
is up 21% since the speech.
Obama's Speech Buoyed Public Support It's almost as if he knows what the fuck he's
doing or something.
If that's true, it's great news, but we're still
in the first inning.
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Because I'm such a genius, this link has been dead
Is the GOP
a cult?
A more significant mystery is why Democrats nationally
don't make better use of the GOP's periodic episodes of paranoia.
It's much the same with the far right's political
But you can't beat something with nothing. Which
is why the Democrats' collective failure to develop a strong counter-narrative
That's never going to happen. To cable TV, in
particular, politics is a carnival sideshow; they're peddling tickets.
Describing the machinations of the right-wing
noise machine shouldn't simply be left to Internet media critics.
Sure, they'll call it "class warfare."
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Longtime pillar, friend and Fest-attendee Zomar,
Not me.
Shopping online? Use this Amazon
The Real
Joe Wilson
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Subject: medical care hi, saw an item on the net re the people waiting in
line for free dental care...
my wife needed to get all 4 of her wisdom teeth
pulled. the dentist recommended one tooth pulled
i had a tooth with an old filling that was breaking
down... old fillings do this and usually have to be
BTW, i live in china.
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Is Nancy
Pelosi for sale?
Hours later, Steve Elmendorf, a registered UnitedHealth lobbyist, sent out invitations: From: Steve Elmendorf [mailto:steve@elmendorfstrategies.com] You are cordially invited to a reception with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Thursday, September 24, 2009 6:30pm ~ 8:00pm At the home of Steve Elmendorf 2301 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. $5,000 PAC
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Y o u r
A d
H e r e
Trust me - dozens of people read that.
If YOUR ad was here, people would
Still the best advertising bargain on the Net Banner ads by the day,
Spider kill We're watching TV and suddenly Rusty the cat was mega-interested in
A CGI spider is a spider so big you figure it can't be real,
but there it was.
And yes, if I'd had more time I might've looked at other options but
the kill option won out
The spider was preggers and after I smacked her, 40-60 baby spiders
This was now officially the most fun the cats ever had.
...f-ing CGI spiders...
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We're on Twitter Look for bartcop Note: If you sign up,
Crazy Gambling I'm watching NBC's Poker After Dark, where they play some low, high stakes poker. I'd guess the average pot is between $4K
and $12K,
so they spiced it up.
There's a lot I don't know about poker, but I know poker is part skill,
part chance
Phil Ivey, the luckiest man alive, won $200K on four consecutive flops. Is that God's way of telling them they need a cocaine habit?
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Subject: the same corporate media now adores Obama I have yet to see prominent liberals notice that the multinational corporate interests seem quite content to have Obama as president. For example, the biggest recipient of TARP money
is GE, whose NBC and MSNBC affiliates function as Obama cheerleaders.
I can't find any other big time libs who have.
Liberal naivete is stunning.
Your sentence in bold was pointed out by me endless times last summer.
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Be on Bartcop
It's easy
- just call the BartPhone
Keep your
language decent
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Quotes "I don't think it's straight racism, but they're
talking to a racist audience, which is dangerous.
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A Dangerous Kind of Hate Excerpt:
Look back to Obama's speech Wednesday night and
racist Joe Wilson's crude "you lie" shout.
It's not just those calling on God to harm the president who cause worry; consider what comes with the territory. The day after Anderson's "I Hate Barack Obama"
sermon, Chris Broughton, a member of Anderson's congregation,
Smears? Paranoia? It's all sweet music to the ears of Lee Harvey Oswald wannabes. If the president of the United States ever needed
heartfelt prayers, it's now.
Prayers aren't the answer because most of the handjobs are religiously
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Quotes "When Bush was president, Democrats in Congress
would occasionally go 'Boooo!'
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Quotes "When Joe Wilson heckled the president during
a speech last week, I thought
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Boy, Oh,
I’ve been loath to admit that the shrieking lunacy
of the summer - the frantic efforts to paint our first
I tended to agree with some Obama advisers that
Democratic presidents typically have provoked a frothing
But Wilson’s shocking disrespect for the office
of the president - no Democrat ever shouted "liar" at W. when
Damn, Maureen Dowd finally figured it out.
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Subject: Donation Bart, I hope the guy matching your donations dollar
for dollar is still doing it.
David, yes, that is still in effect - thanks.
or send a "love" check to
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