Black Tuesday, Nov 23, 2010 Vol 2614 - Antagonist
Baby Crib Giveaway ![]() ![]() We're giving away this solid cherry
baby crib, Baby Crib Details by erikorganic.com Erik has been advertising with bartcop.com for nine years Quotes
"I will not fly public aircraft anymore. I feel as a former governor, a former mayor, a honorably discharged United States Navy veteran, a Viet Nam veteran, that I can't live with myself and subject myself that every time I go to an airport, I have to prove I am not a murder, I have to prove that I am not guilty of anything, I have to prove I will not hi-jack a plane. I find it ridiculous." -- Jesse Ventura, Link Jesse, all you have to prove is that you don't have a bomb. Under normal circumstances, the only people getting groped are those who refuse to be scanned. So why not let them do the scan? Send e-mail to Bart Christmas Shopping online? Use this
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Vapir No2 Portable Digital Vaporizer w/ Rechargeable Battery ![]() $168.99 w/ Free Shipping Click to Order Amazon.com sent me $7.20 and that's what I'm talkng about! Woo Hoo! That helps keep the Bart Kitties in Kibble Hey, got kids or grandkids or parents to buy for? Get them the Amazon Gift Card - Perfect! ![]() That way, your shopping is done and they get exactly what they wanted! (Buy your gift card - for any amount - thru this portal and Amazon.com will donate to the Tequila Treehouse!) ![]() I'm such a liar Quotes "Senator DeMint is courageously standing on conviction with his much-needed proposal to ban earmarks, which will curb wasteful spending and restore accountability to the way Congress spends taxpayer dollars. -- Mitt Romney (R-Magic Underpants) in 2010, Link "I'd be embarrassed if I didn't always ask for federal money whenever I get a chance." -- Mitt Romney (R-Magic Underpants) in 2006, Link Send e-mail to Bart Marty
new stuff every
on her fine, fine Entertainment Page Marty's TV Listings are the best and we're in Sweeps Weeks! Marty always has good stuff. ![]() ![]() Bartcop's Worldwide Computer Repair
![]() We fix broken computers. Can we fix yours? ![]() Sign up now! We come to you! ![]() Quotes "It's going to be harder to beat Obama than Republicans think. A divided government is good for the executive branch. When the executive and the legislative branches fight, the executive always wins." -- Mike Huckabee, one of the best and brightest on the caveman's side, (chortle) Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Five TSA Horror Stories Me? I'm OK with the TSA Link Send e-mail to Bart Quotes
"I have tried so hard to be a defender of President Obama but I think I have finally come down to my last straw! I am so saddened by the news that Obama is planning to cave in to the Republicans on tax cuts for the rich. I know Obama is hoping for a Reagan/Clinton-esque type come back to get re-elected in two years but one thing stands out from those administrations and the current one...those administrations actually stood up to the opposition party, while this one seems determined to remain in a permanent fetal position." -- Dee Evans on Buzzflash, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Obama and balance Bart, about your Obama bashing. I say Keep It Up!!!!! For the record, nobody has seen me "bash" Obama. I've sent emails to the white hous advising him to, figuratively, punch the rethugs in the nose to get their attention and then tell them to GFY. I'm stunned that after two years of them telling him straight out they're not going to co-operate on anything the president pre-caves on critical issues and says he's looking for middle ground. Middle ground doesn't exist with these extremist douches and they're dead set on re-creating a feudal society here in the USA. It is llike trying to negotiate with gangsters over turf. First it is a dumb idea and even dumber if you tell them in advance you'll be unarmed. He needs to wake up and start informing the populace of what BS the rethugs are spewing. Keep telling the truth! Steve: Subject: Obama and balance Mr. Bart, fuck balance. The concept of balance is one of the reasons we're so hamstrung by the mainstream, corporate-owned media. In the second place—and you do not need me to tell you this—you're Bart, aka bartcop.com. You should not back off the criticism of Obama a single inch. The man has forgotten one of the first rules of (Texas) politics: You gots to dance with them what brung you. Please, keep telling Obama to wake up, to come to work. He can't reach out to the GOP more often than he already has. Charles E Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Made-in-China.com - Connecting Global Buyers with China suppliers. Quotes "I was born in Kabul, Afghanistan and now I'm an online activist so it turns out I'm on more lists than milk and bread." -- my good buddy Chicago Jim Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Saint Reagan taxed the super-rich at 50% but Obama is 'a Muslin' if he taxes them at 39%? Help Bartcop.com survive! to bartcop@bartcop.com OR send a 'love' check to bartcop.com
![]() 2010 Holiday Gift
For the last-minute gift-giver in a hurry - Use these links to order ![]() Click to Order Led Zeppelin The Complete Led Zeppelin Studio Recordings [Box set, Original recordings remastered] Led Zeppelin | Format: Audio CD $112.68 w/Free Shipping Bono & The Edge: making 'Spider-Man' Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Losing your health insurance Link This will tear your heart out. Send e-mail to Bart What is the most pro-Obama site on the Internet? Send e-mail to Bart I didn't even get one reply about this. Perhaps bartcop.com is the most-favorable-to-Obama website? ![]() There Will Be Blood by Paul Krugman Link Subject: Better ways to balance the budget The Deficit Commission has suggested that the way to cut the deficit is to drastically cut Medicare and Social Security and raise taxes in gasoline. I say WRONG! A better idea is to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, eliminate the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and raise the cap on Social Security payroll deductions from $100,000 to $250,000. Before we start cutting services and increasing taxes for the poor and middle class we should eliminate unnecessary wars and raise taxes on the rich. I don't see why rich people should pay a lower percentage of their income to FICA taxes than the middle class. Marc Perkel Send e-mail to Bart t-shirts for sale!
![]() Your shirt will look better - this is Bart's photoshopping skills :) Just $23 Paypal to bartcop@bartcop.com Or send a check to bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155 Black only, add $2 for larger than XX size So, the shirts aren't selling. Is it a bad shirt or is it just a fact that everyone is broke? Send e-mail to Bart Quotes
"Americans have always been all for cuts in "wasteful" spending -- just as long as those cuts do not affect any spending that benefits them. Nothing will ever get resolved with that kind of ass-backwards, delusional thinking, but you can count on politicians refusing to explain and force voters to recognize their flawed logic, fearing an angry backlash. Thus, we remain in this increasingly worsening state, seemingly paralyzed and sinking." -- Grey Matter from the Angry Liberal, Link Send e-mail to Bart Subject: Obama/Carville Bart: The Obama quote was from the primaries. Carville was being his typical feckless dickish self, and Obama called a spade a spade. So, "dickish" equals fighter? Obama's main goal is to be nice - how's that working out? Obama needs to be a lot more dickish. You should check the context of the things you post. Jason the Jackass Jason, go fuck yourself. Obama repeated the remark lately, that's why it's in the news. Yesterday's page had about 70 items you could bitch about. You think I have time to research seventy projects a day, you dumb fuck? If you want total accuracy, subscribe to the Congression Record, and then go fuck yourself again. Send e-mail to Bart ![]() http://thedailypalin.com/ A new website delivering 24/7 humor and perspective on real America's favorite Washington-bound whistlestop trainwreck. ![]() Where is Obama's Offense? He's playing nothing but Defense by Mr. Buzzflash Link Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Subject: Oballma The response to Carville by the Prez shows that the statement is true. Eduardo Someone suggested that may be Obama's biggest problem: He has no Carville on his staff, just a bunch of surrender monkeys. Have you ever seen Carville surrender on anything? Send e-mail to Bart ![]() Check out the news and toons at ![]() Wildlife Picture of the Day Link Subject: Why did you call yesterday's wildlife animal French? The picture I ran was labeled "Pandaroux" or "red Panda." 50 second dangerous video Sounded French to me... ![]() Click to Order “Mike Palecek reminds me of Socrates the gadfly who asked unwelcome questions, Diogenes with his lantern looking in vain for an honest man, Chekhov the man with the hammer challenging the complacent family to share their meal, Kerouac the ever on the move, somewhat hysterical searcher, and he reminds me of many Americans who as children were so blasted with propaganda that they’re devoting the rest of their lives to challenging the lies and all who tell them. In this land where babies are brought by storks and buildings collapse due to unpatriotic bricks, we need the gadfly because no leader, preacher, guru, or saint will wake us up, though the Doomsday clock is ticking close to twelve.”— David Ray, American poet, author of “The Endless Search” and “The Death of Sardanapalus and Other Poems of the Iraq Wars” ![]() Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator
![]() Check out our new Bush Recession Prices Banner ads by
the day, ![]() BTW, is Inhofe still blocking Haiti from getting the money we donated to help them? Subject: TSA Idiocy Link Send e-mail to Bart Guess the City Link Subject: last issue's mystery city Bart, last issue's mystery city is Brussels. That's the Atomium, which was built for the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. It's pretty cool! The tubes between the metallic spheres are actually escalators where you go from exhibit to exhibit. Nick in Seattle Send e-mail to Bart You can select a monthly plan to provide
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![]() Today's History Mystery Link Subject: last issue's history mystery Bart, last issue's History Mystery is chemist Percy Julian. His work included discoveries in the synthesis of cortisone, an anti-inflammatory used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions. In 1999 the American Chemical Society recognized his synthesis of physostigmine, a glaucoma drug, as one of the top 25 achievements in the history of American chemistry. He was the first black chemist ever elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Raredance Send e-mail to Bart
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