"It's a sad thing what they've done to Cindy
Shehan. They've ruined her life, the left has."
-- Rush Limbaugh, pretending the Left killed her son, Oink
Excerpt: Bush's strategy of countering Venezuela's Chávez
by strengthening ties to Colombia's rightist
government has been undercut by fresh evidence
of high-level drug corruption and human rights
violations implicating President Alvaro Uribe's
inner circle.
These new allegations about Colombia's narco-politics
have tarnished Uribe's reputation just as Bush
has been showcasing Uribe as a paragon of democratic
values and an alternative to the firebrand Chávez,
who has used Venezuela's oil wealth to finance
social programs for the poor across the region.
Despite the cocaine corruption, Bush continues
to shower Uribe's government with trade incentives
and billions of dollars in military and development
If there's oil to steal or money to be made, Bush will deal with terrorists.
Excerpt: Karl Rove, the brains behind the Worst President
Ever, plans to leave the White House at the end of August,
joining a lengthening line of unpunished felons
heading for the exits in the final 1 1/2 years of the administration.
A longtime member of Bush's inner circle, Rove
was nicknamed "the architect" by the president for designing
the strategy that twice won him the White House.
His very name makes Democrats wet their pants in fear.
A criminal investigation put Rove under scrutiny
for months during the investigation into the leak of a CIA
operative's name but he was never charged with
any crime. Even if he had been, he would've been pardoned
because that's how the Bush criminals protect
themselves when they get caught.
Excerpt: What I'm looking for is to start a movement and
call it "Operation Political Starvation"
(unless someone has a better name) where people
of all parties refuse to make any
political contribution while our rights are suspended.
In particular Democrats need to feel it.
I had someone call me yesterday from the DSCC
wanting me to give them money to elect
Democrats to the Senate. I told her "No fucking
way!" and made it clear why.
She admitted that she was hearing that a lot
so there is support out there for this kind of idea.
"He's like a windup doll, isn't he? No matter
what's going on in the outside world, no matter what problems we're facing,
no matter what the political situation is, you pull the cord and he says 'Tax
-- Kevin Drum, of Bush putting tax cuts above bridge safety, Link
Dear Bart, I've had it - I love my country
but I hate my government.
I've been reading your web site for many years
now. I love it - I also read Buzzflash and Talking
Points Memo.
Anyway, I am going to be leaving this country
soon. I can no longer live in such a Fascist country.
I am not sure where I am going, but London
and Paris are the front runners. I am no longer confortable living here (especially
in the state of Florida) and cannot bear being surrounded by people who
know more about those reality shows than what is happening in Congress.
Some of my friends have no idea who Pat Tillman
was or how many men and women have lost their lives in this
illegal war.
So Bart, I'm hoping my check will somehow help
keep your site going.
Thank you for all you do - and please keep
doing it. Maria in Fort Myers
Excerpt: The DFL, passed two bills to address the huge
hole in infrastructure maintenance. First they passed
a bill with a $.10 tax on gasoline with $8 billion
for repairs. The Republican Governor vetoed it.
So the DFL went back and passed a $4 billion
package and a $.05 tax.
This time the governor not only vetoed it, but
asked of the DFL at the press conference "Are you stupid?" Apparently, we are "stupid" because we cannot
grasp just how wedded this poor fool is to his neo-con ideals,
that he is willing to stand in the way of road
repairs to keep his "no new taxes" pledge.
If I ran the Minnesota Democrats, I'd make "Are you stupid" that
governor's middle name.
Bart, I listened to little BCR, and I can't believe
this ahole and moron w/ Helen Thomas!.
Helen friggin' Thomas you jerk! She's beyond
You add in ALL her experience and the age she
is today AND STILL she has a pair
of STEEL ONES you ahole. Don't talk to
my lady like that.
It sounds like that maroon Sanchez (the guy the
Daily Show LOVES to show getting zapped
like the idiot he is with the stun gun). Hate
that guy for his stupidity.
On the rare occasion I've tuned in and he was
on, he is always doing fluff work at best.
Helen Thomas!
The unmitigated nerve to ask one of our last
REAL reporters such stupid questions.
How does she stand it?
Doesn't it just kick you in the behind when you
think on our worst day we could
have a mic thrown in our face and do a better
job than this idiot?
Just makes me crazy.
Imagine if we had 10, even 5 Helen Thomases in
that press room
and Bush couldn't ban them all to the back of
the room.
So sick of the lies, criminality and stupidity.
Excerpt: In the 100+ degree Tulsa ovens, Eldrick the Golfer
closed with a two-shot victory
over Woody Austin, a gritty journeyman whom nobody
had heard of until yesterday.
Excerpt: ...the world doesn't appreciate him tarnishing
every victory he earns
by saying "fuck" and "God Damn" every bad shot.
Have some respect,
no matter how great or special you think you
are, Mr. Woods.
Because this was a slur-Hillary piece (poorly written, nothing new)
it went
around the net like a Montana wildfire. Hours after I got it, it was
run by:
...and no doubt dozens of other web sites and newspapers.
If you want to become a star in today's journalism (sorta) field
just complie a poorly-written rehash of every sloppy allegation
ever made against either Clinton and it'll be printed in 1,000 places.
"I know Bush doesn't want to be one of the
people where 30 years from now people say, 'Why
didn't you do something?'"
-- Rush,
Rush, you have it wrong, as always. People are
asking "Why didn't Bush do something when he got the PDM that said, 'Osama determined
to strike inside the US?' "
"More Jim Beam
in mine, honey."
That's when action was needed.
Butchering Baghdad didn't save lives - it cost
Bart, Bob Allen (R-Pervert) listed "water sports"
as part
of his leisure activities on his Official State
of Florida web page.
Plus, does this guy have any idea how sex favors
are supposed to work?
You're supposed to pay someone to give YOU oral
You don't just say "Hey I'll pay if I can
give you a blowjob."
Maybe it works different in Florida :)
Hammer down,
Minneapolis Matt
p.s. From Eldrick's sweat, I'm guessing
that it's effing hot in Tulsa.
Put some
ice and lime in your Chinaco.
Matt, It's unbearable, especially for us old people.
At the PGA in Tulsa yesterday it was 110.
At the Cardinals game in St Louis, it was 118.
CNN said it was 119 in Carolina over the weekend.
Excerpt: Where once the war in Iraq was defined in conversations
with these men by untenable ideas - bringing
democracy or defeating al-Qaeda - these days
the war in Iraq is defined by different ways of expressing
the idea of being weary. It is a theme that is
endlessly reiterated as you travel around Iraq. 'The army is
worn out. We are just keeping people in theatre
who are exhausted,' says a soldier working for the US
army public affairs office who is supposed to
be telling me how well things have been going since the
'surge' in Baghdad began.
They are not supposed to talk like this. We are
driving and another of the public affairs team adds bitterly:
We should just be allowed to tell the media what
is happening here. Let them know that people are worn out.
So that their families know back home. But it's
like we've become no more than numbers now.'"
If the nomination goes to Romney, Rudy or McCain,
who represents the religious right?
Huckabee came in second, Brokeback got third
- together they beat Romney.
They may break away and run on the "Pro-Life
Party, home of the REAL conservatives."
You remember how happy they were when their soccer
team won some Cup?
Do you know the soccer team's secret for victory?
They sent the soccer team to Jordan to train,
so they wouldn't have to worry
about the kidnappings and the murders and the
car bombs and the road mines
and the beheadings and the rapes and the other
aspects of life in Bush's paradise.
So why don't the Iraqi soldiers train in Kuwaiit,
so they wouldn't have to worry
about the kidnappings and the murders and the
car bombs and the road mines
and the beheadings and the rapes and the other
aspects of life in Bush's paradise?
"Back when I was dating women, I got to third
base once and I didn't get the smell off my hands for like
a month. I think I can still smell it."
-- Limp Rimjob, Link
Excerpt: Giuliani is backing off comments he made that
struck a nerve with some of ground zero's first responders.
Giuliani says he misspoke when he claimed he
spent as much time, if not more, at the site and was exposed
to the same health risks as workers. Now, Rudy
says he "was there working with" police and firefighters.
The backlash was swift, with one firefighter saying
Giuliani was grasping to "portray himself as the hero of 9/11."
Giuliani told radio host Mike Gallagher he was
trying to empathize with them and tell them "I'm there with you."
A deputy fire chief, who spent months digging
for his son at the site called Giuliani a liar and said
"the only time he was down there was for photo
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