"It's like undressing women in public, exposing their most personal issues on the Internet."
-- Lora Davis on OK's
tattletale abortion lawLink
They should pass another law:
Every time a man buys a condom, they post his
name and personal info on the Internet. When he
gets home, he has to explain to his wife (who's on
birth control) why he bought the condoms.
Today's Tequila Treehouse...
Is Obama
a street-brawler?
War with
FOX? Bad idea
Why are
we in Afghanistan?
Using Music to Torture
Hate Crimes
Bill Protects Gays
Burns Bush in effigy
Poppy Decries
Lack of Civility
Bynes on marriage
Help Bartcop.com
to bartcop@bartcop.com
send a 'love' check to
bartcop.com PO Box 54466 Tulsa, OK 74155
"Medical bankruptcies are an epidemic in the
United States. Nearly 62 percent of all U.S. bankruptcies in 2007 were due to health care costs
- and 78 percent of medical bankrupt people had insurance." -- --Zaid Jilani , Link
"Who gives a fuck?" -- The Republican party
If you have $100K worth of insurance and you have a $250K heart
attack, you better have
$150K in savings or you're filing bankruptcy and losing your
car and your almost paid-for home.
Excerpt: Since the Democratic presidential primaries,
Barack Obama has been accused by friends and enemies alike of
being too weak, too passive, too effete. His
Democratic supporters wanted him to attack Hillary and, later,
to bash McCain. More recently, Washington pundits
have started opining about whether he’s tough enough
for the job and whether he incites enough fear
in his opponents.
Clearly, he does not incite enough fear in his
With all that chatter about Obama’s alleged weakness,
it was a little weird to hear of a Republican taking to the
floor of the Senate to accuse the president of
the opposite: “streetbrawling” with his foes and keeping an enemies list...
The confusion over Obama’s essential personality
suggests that he doesn’t play the game like most Washington politicians,
so Washington insiders are having troubling fitting
him into their usual stereotypes.
But if Obama has a Republican Senator up denouncing
him for “streetbrawling,” he should keep right on brawling.
Republicans have no intention on working with
the White House on anything. So if the GOP is upset, the president’s tactics
are working."
Hmmm, that's like reading a back issue of
"There are 52 solid Democrats for the public
option. Only about five Democrats oppose it. Should the 52 give in to the five?
Or should the five go along with the vast majority of the Democratic caucus?"
-- Tom Harkin, making more sense than usual, Link
Thanks for your review, which was (as always)
spot on.
My wife and I are huge fans, and
we have seen several shows so far.
Thanks, ...but I've never... Oh, you mean
I'm amazed at how small your stadium is.
That "spaceship" (aka The Claw) is actually turned
sideways compared to how it's been at the other
venues. Seeing as how my biggest complaint
with stadiums is how far away you have to sit,
your show must have been especially good.
We had seats for a few shows, but had standing
tickets for a the rest.
It's too bad you had to leave early. You
missed what is IMO the best part of the show.
If you can believe it's possible, the visual
effects kick up yet another notch for Ultraviolet.
I guess you'll see what you missed on Sunday,
but it won't be the same.
Take care, and keep swinging that hammer.
Excerpt: For years I was a liberal commentator on Fox
News. I enjoyed working with the hookers and producers. But the place
often felt like a foreign territory. On air,
I was always the visiting team. The routine usually went something like
A right-wing host would turn to the conservative
guest and ask, "You think the war in Iraq is a stunning success.
Please tell us why it's going so well." Then
she would introduce me and say, "Now, I understand you're against
fighting for freedom. Can you explain to our
audience why that is?"
Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes have the right
to make Fox as right-wingish as they desire.
But polite society doesn't have to accept any
or all of this.
I like David Corn but I think he's wrong on this
He writes "polite
society doesn't have to accept this,"
but the stupid ones do
and they're the majority in ths country and they
sometimes vote..
Most people don't follow the news the way you
and I do.
Most people are getting the kids to school and
working two jobs - they don't have time to watch
Meet the Whore or read a newspaper
so they just catch sound bites and that can be dangerous.
Excerpt One of the enduring oddities of the American
foreign policy debate is that asking the most obvious questions
is all but forbidden. For example, how does Afghanistan
pose a threat to the United States?
Certainly not in any military sense. The impoverished,
largely illiterate Afghans have no army, no air force,
no navy, no offensive military capacity whatsoever.
From the U.S. perspective, Afghanistan is the
absolute end of the earth. Indeed, it's not a nation at all.
The idea that well-intentioned Westerners can
create an efficient central government on, say, the Swiss model,
where none has ever existed, much less one acceptable
to Afghanistan's many warring tribes, sects and ethnic
factions, is almost certainly a delusion.
"He's going to run out of gays, blacks and
females and will have to target a straight, white male
at some point, right?
-- Digby, on Glenn Beck attacking minorities in the Obama admin,
Term Limits Good, when Dem's control congress.
Term Limits Bad, when Repub's control congress.
Filibuster is a necessary tool of democracy,
when Repub's do it.
Filibuster is being "obstructionist", when Dem's
do it.
Special Prosecutor Statute Good, when Dem is
in the White House.
Special Prosecutor Statute Bad, when Repub is
in the White House.
Polls mean something, when Repub numbers are
Polls are "fixed", when Repub numbers are down.
Violating UN resolutions is justification for
action, when they are our enemy.
Violating UN resolutions is only ignoring a bad
resolution, when they are our ally.
Exit Strategy Good, when Dem is Commander in
Exit Strategy Bad, when Repub is Commander in
Polls mean something, when Dem numbers are down.
Polls are "fixed", when Dem numbers are up.
"The courts have ruled", when they agree with
the ruling.
The courts are "legislating from the bench",
when they disagree with the ruling.
Over-site Good, when Dem is in the White House.
Over-site Bad, when Repub is in the White House.
Deficit spending good, when Repubs do it.
Deficit spending bad, when Dems do it.
Dismissing drug use Good, when a Repub does it.
Dismissing drug use Bad, when a Dem does it.
Dismissing sex acts Good, when it's a Repub.
Dismissing sex acts Bad, when it's a Dem.
Hypocrisy Good, when engaged in by a Repub.
Hypocrisy Bad, when enguaged in by a Dem.
Excerpt: A group of top US acts including REM and Pearl
Jam on Thursday expressed outrage that loud music was being blasted
at helpless Gitmo detainees as part of "terror"
interrogations. They said they were filing a lawsuit in a bid to
documents on the use of the music, and joining
the "National Campaign to Close Guantanamo."
"Guantanamo is known around the world as one of
the places where human beings have been tortured -- from waterboarding
to stripping, hooding and forcing detainees into
humiliating sexual acts -- playing music for 72 hours in a row at volumes
below that to shatter the eardrums," said Morello.
"Guantanamo may be Dick Cheney's idea of America,
but it's not mine. The fact that music I helped create
was used in crimes against humanity sickens me,"
sais Morello.
Instead of stopping the music torture, let's stop all the torture.
It's good to see Obama deciding to not go after
medical marijuana the way Bush did. it gives me "high hopes" that
some day the ridiculous prohibition on marijuana
will go away. This is a drug that, if fully legal, would be a benefit to
I believe that it would replace alcohol, which
is a much more dangerous drug, as a choice for those who want a little
but don't want to wreck their car or become violent
and drug dependent. This is a step in the right direction and America
is better off for it. Thank you President Obama.
If you haven't yet been made aware of this, here's
a link to Charlie Sheen's "Twenty Minutes With The President" contest.
You'll find his open lettter to the President
there and you can download his script...
I'm also sending links to Charlie's video message
to President Obama and a very clever film produced from his script...
This is Christo Garcia’s adaptation of Charlie
Sheen’s script “20 Minutes with the President.”
Opening with the prophetic statements of Presidents
Eisenhower and Kennedy about the New World Order’s
“Ruthless Conspiracy”, the tight script will
illuminate how truly absurd the “Official Story” of 9/11 is.
Hopefully, this film will help re-invigorate
the 9/11 Truth movement, and inspire other filmmakers
to create their own films about 9/11 Truth.
Excerpt: "Physical attacks on people based on their sexual
orientation will join the list of federal hate crimes
in a major expansion of the civil rights-era
law Congress approved Thursday and sent to Obama.
A priority of the late Ted Kennedy, that had been
on the congressional agenda for a decade, the measure
expands current law to include crimes based on
gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
The measure is named for Matthew Shepard, the
gay Wyoming college student murdered 11 years ago.
To assure its passage after years of frustrated
efforts, Democratic supporters attached the measure
to a must-pass $680 billion defense policy bill
the Senate approved 68-29.
Right-wing haters like Pissquik Inhofe gotta be steaming over this.
It means you can no longer beat up gay people for sport.
Excerpt: As Der Monkey Fuhrer joked with rich, right-wing
Canadians inside a historic hotel ballroom Thursday,
hundreds of people outside the room cheered while
he was being burned in effigy.
Police in riot gear and others on horseback held
back a crowd of hundreds, including several people
who tossed shoes at the Queen Elizabeth
hotel in a demonstration of disdain for the man speaking inside.
Two protesters tried forcing their way through
the line of shield-and baton-carrying police,
were wrestled to the ground, and arrested.
The anti-war protest took place at the hotel where
John Lennon recorded Give Peace a Chance in 1969.
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Excerpt: There is a lot of unnecessary ugliness being
thrown at President Obama, "people ought to be civil," as he said, and
it's true
that we should "worry about yelling at people
and this yelling mentality" that has taken over our politics. He's also
not wrong
that cable news has a lot to do with the problem
- our television discourse has, for the most part, devolved into a screaming
match between operatives and journalists in the
New York/DC corridor whose whole job it is to yell at each other (and sadly,
that increasingly goes not just for Fox, CNN
and the networks, but also for some of the left-leaning shows on MSNBC).
And I'll even go out on a limb and say that he's
not even wrong in suggesting that a portion of the progressive media seems
obsessed with continuing to blame every problem
on W. Bush - even the problems continued by the Obama administration.
However, the origins of incivility in politics
can be traced right back to Bush, the man now complaining about it.
This is the guy who used what is history's single
most powerful symbol of incivility - The Willie Horton ad...
"If you
vote for Dukakis,
Imma rape yo wife and kids!"
Excerpt: Willie Williams, U2 show designer, says “Video
is the most powerful tool you can have on stage. But now that video
is so ubiquitous in rock stage setting, we needed
a very extreme change of canvas to be heard. The transformable LED
gave us the chance to create a transparent 360°
moving video element, unprecedented in this industry.
Chuck Hoberman adds. “The screen is like a living
thing, it continuously changes shapes and forms
and the video acts like live skin on it. It is
one of the most fascinating objects in the world now.”
“We wanted to create something that was bigger
than a conventional stage,” says Mark Fisher, U2 stage designer.
I wanted to create a transparent stage and really
needed a video screen that would fit in that environment,
a round screen that would not block the view
for the audience."
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